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Open Source MANO (OSM) is the open source community that aims to deliver a production-quality MANO stack for NFV, capable of consuming openly published information models, available to everyone, suitable for all VNFs, operationally significant and VIM-independent. OSM is aligned to NFV ISG information models while providing first-hand feedback based on its implementation experience.

Assumptions about interaction with VIMs and VNFs

The following figure illustrates OSM interaction with VIM and VNFs:

  • OSM talks to the VIM for the deployment of VNFs and VLs connecting them
  • OSM talks to the VNFs deployed in a VIM to run day-0, day-1 and day-2 configuration primitives.

OSM Release 1 connectivity 1

In order for OSM to work, it is assumed that:

  • Each VIM has an API endpoint reachable from OSM
  • Each VIM has a so called management network which provides IP address to VNFs
  • That management network is reachable from OSM

Install OSM

Install from binaries (Recommended)

All you need to run OSM Release THREE is a single server or VM with the following requirements:

  • MINIMUM: 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • RECOMMENDED: 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 80GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • Ubuntu16.04 (64-bit variant required) as base image (http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/), configured to run LXD containers. If you don't have LXD configured, you can follow the instructions here (LXD configuration).

Note: If you wish to install OSM Release THREE from inside a LXD container, you will need to enable nested containers following instructions here (Nested containers).

Once you have prepared the host with the previous requirements, all you need to do is:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh

Install from source

To install OSM Release THREE from source, requirements are the following:

  • 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 100GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • Ubuntu16.04 (64-bit variant required) as base image (http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/), configured to run LXD containers. If you don't have LXD configured, you can follow the instructions here (LXD configuration).

Note: If you wish to install OSM Release THREE from inside a LXD container, you will need to enable nested containers following instructions here (Nested containers).

Once you have prepared the host with the previous requirements, all you need to do is:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
./install_osm.sh --source

If you need to install from latest master (recommended for advanced users only), please use:

./install_osm.sh -b master --source

Install from LXD images (NEW)

All you need to run OSM Release THREE is a single server or VM with the following requirements:

  • MINIMUM: 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • RECOMMENDED: 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 80GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • Ubuntu16.04 (64-bit variant required) as base image (http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/), configured to run LXD containers. If you don't have LXD configured, you can follow the instructions here (LXD configuration).

Once you have prepared the host with the previous requirements, all you need to do is:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
./install_osm.sh --lxdimages

Install behind a non-transparent proxy

The recommended procedure is to install OSM from LXD images, after doing some proxy configuration:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
./install_osm.sh --lxdimages

Checking your installation

Please note that in OSM 3, authentication is performed using OpenIDConnect and OAuth2.0.
An identity provider has been added to the platform and provided as a service in the SO container running on port 8009.
This means both the browser and the UI server components (that run on the SO container) need to be able to access the SO container using identical URIs.
In short, the tuple of scheme://location:port needs to be reachable via both the browser accessing the system and the UI server running on the SO container (e.g. for a sample deployment).
This means that if your SO container is behind a NAT that cannot reach the public address of the host, authentication and authorization will not be possible and you will not be able to proceed using the UI.

After some time, you will get a fresh OSM Release THREE installation. You can access to the UI in the following URL (user:admin, password: admin):

You can connect to the service via a web browser (Google Chrome version 50 or later is recommended). Open a browser and connect to , replacing with the IP address of your host. Note that it uses https, not http. Google Chrome is recommended. If you are using Firefox and plan to use the self-signed certificate provided in the installation, please follow instructions at Using untrusted, self-signed certificates Alternatively, you can run Launchpad with trusted CA signed SSL certs as per Using a certificate signed by a trusted CA or, run Launchpad with SSL disabled as per Run Launchpad with SSL Disabled

OSM login window

Make sure that port 8443 is accessible, as well as the following required ports: 8000, 4567, 8008, 80, 9090.

As a result of the installation, three LXD containers are created in the host: RO, VCA, and SO-ub (running the SO and the UI), as shown in the figure below.

OSM Release THREE installation result

Install OSM client

Note: From v3.0.2, the OSM installer installs OSM client by default in your system, so you don't need to install it. Just type "osm" to see if it is installed in your system.

OSM client is a python-based API and CLI for OSM.

To install it:

curl http://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian/ReleaseTHREE/OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] http://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian/ReleaseTHREE stable osmclient"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-osmclient

Once installed, type “osm” to see a list of commands. At minimum, you will need to specify the OSM host, either via an environment variable or via the osm command line (see “osm --help” for info):

export OSM_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="SO-ub"){print $6}'`
export OSM_RO_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="RO"){print $6}'`

Note: The OSM client can run on a different computer than the one actually running OSM. All you need to configure is the variables OSM_HOSTNAME and OSM_RO_HOSTNAME.

Via the OSM client, you can do the following:


Adding VIM accounts

Before proceeding, make sure that you have a site with a VIM configured to run with OSM. Different kinds of VIMs are currently supported by OSM:

OSM can manage external SDN controllers to perform the dataplane underlay network connectivity on behalve of the VIM. See EPA and SDN assist

OpenVIM site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "openvim-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "osm")
osm vim-create --name openvim-site --auth_url --account_type openvim --description "Openvim site" --tenant osm --user dummy --password dummy

Openstack site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "openstack-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "admin", user: "admin", password: "userpwd")
osm vim-create --name openstack-site --user admin --password userpwd --auth_url --tenant admin --account_type openstack

VMware vCloud Director site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "vmware-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "vmware-tenant", user: "osm", password: "osm4u", admin user: "admin", admin password: "adminpwd", organization: "orgVDC")
openmano tenant-create Org1-VDC
openmano datacenter-create --type vmware --config '{"admin_password": "Hive@VMware1!","admin_username":"etsi", "orgname": "Org1", "nsx_user": "etsi", "nsx_password": "Hive@VMware1!", "nsx_manager":"", "vcenter_ip":"", "vcenter_port":"443","vcenter_user":"etsi@vsphere.local", "vcenter_password":"Hive@VMware1!"}' Org1
openmano datacenter-attach Org1 --vim-tenant-name=Org1:Org1-VDC --user=org1administrator --password='Hive@VMware1!'

VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "openstack-site-vio4", IP address:, VIM tenant: "admin", user: "admin", password: "passwd")
openmano tenant-create admin
export OPENMANO_TENANT=admin
openmano datacenter-create VIO --type openstack --description "OpenStack site v3" --config='{insecure: true, vim_type: VIO}'
openmano datacenter-attach VIO --user=etsi --password='Hive@VMware1!' --vim-tenant-name=admin --config='{APIversion: v3.3,"dataplane_physical_net":dvs-341,"use_internal_endpoint":true,"dataplane_net_vlan_range":["1-5","7-10"]}'

With respect to Openstack, the additional configuration for VIO is the following:

  • vim_type: Set to "VIO" to use VMware Integrated openstack as VIM
  • use_internal_endpoint: When true it allows use of private API endpoints
  • dataplane_physical_net: The configured network_vlan_ranges at neutron for the SRIOV (binding direct) and passthrough (binding direct-physical) networks, e.g. 'physnet_sriov' in the above configuration. In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide moref ID of distributed virtual switch, e.g 'dvs-46' in above configuration.
  • dataplane_net_vlan_range: In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide vlan ranges for the SRIOV (binding direct) networks in format ['start_ID - end_ID']

Amazon Web Services (AWS) site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "aws-site", VIM tenant: "admin", user: "XXX", password: "YYY")
osm vim-create --name aws-site --user XXX --password YYY --auth_url https://aws.amazon.com --tenant admin --account_type aws --config '{region_name: eu-central-1, flavor_info: {t2.nano: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 512}, t2.micro: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 1024}, t2.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 2048}, m1.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 160, ram: 1741}}}'

Deploying your first Network Service

In this example we will deploy the following Network Service, consisting of two simple VNFs based on CirrOS connected by a simple VLD.

NS with 2 CirrOS VNF

Before going on, download the required VNF and NS packages from this URL: https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/examples/cirros_2vnf_ns/

Uploading VNF image to the VIM

Get the cirros 0.3.4 image from the following link: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img

Then, onboard the image into the VIM. The instruction differs from one VIM to another:

  • In Openstack:
openstack image create --file="./cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img" --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 cirros034
  • In openvim:
#copy your image to the NFS shared folder (e.g. /mnt/openvim-nfs)
cp ./cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img /mnt/openvim-nfs/
openvim image-create --name cirros034 --path /mnt/openvim-nfs/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img

Onboarding a VNF

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Catalog
    • Click on the import button, then VNFD
    • Drag and drop the VNF package file cirros_vnf.tar.gz in the importing area.

Onboarding a VNF

  • From OSM client:
osm upload-package cirros_vnf.tar.gz
osm vnfd-list

Onboarding a NS

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Catalog
    • Click on the import button, then NSD
    • Drag and drop the NS package file cirros_2vnf_ns.tar.gz in the importing area.
  • From OSM client:
osm upload-package cirros_2vnf_ns.tar.gz
osm nsd-list

Instantiating the NS

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Launchpad > Instantiate
    • Select the NS descriptor to be instantiated, and click on Next
    • Add a name to the NS instance, and click on Launch.

Instantiating a NS (step 1) Instantiating a NS (step 2)

  • From OSM client:
osm ns-create --nsd_name cirros_2vnf_ns --ns_name <ns-instance-name> --vim_account <data-center-name>
osm ns-list

Using OSM to view instantiated NS details

OSM client can be used to manage the NSD and VNF catalog, as well as deploying and undeploying NS instances:

osm vnfd-list             # show the vnfd catalog
osm nsd-list              # show the nsd catalog
osm ns-list               # show ns instances
osm ns-show <id|name>     # show the details of a running ns instance
osm vnf-list              # show vnf instances
osm vnf-show <id|name>    # show the details of a running vnf instance

Using old descriptors from Release TWO

Beware that old Release TWO descriptors cannot be directly used by OSM Release THREE.

You should use this conversion tool to convert them to Release THREE format and create the corresponding package.

Additional information

Your feedback is most welcome!
You can send us your comments and questions to OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org
Or join the OpenSourceMANO Slack Workplace
See hereafter some best practices to report issues on OSM