OSM Ecosystem

From OSM Public Wiki
Revision as of 06:28, 7 August 2018 by Almagia (talk | contribs)
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Distros.png VNFs.png VIMs.png Consulting.png Research.png Training.png

The OSM Ecosytem pages will help you to find the right help and expertise:

Distros.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of well-known OSM Distributions.

VNFs.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of organisations providing OSM compatible Virtual Network Functions (VNFs).

VIMs.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of organisations providing OSM compatible Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIMs).

Consulting.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of organisations providing Consulting & Integration services on OSM.

Research.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of Research activities that are using or contributing to OSM

Training.png Space.png Click on this icon to see the list of well-known OSM Training providers.