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Distros.png VNFs.png VIMs.png Consulting.png Research.png Training.png

This page provides a list of Research activities that are using or contributing to OSM. Click on the logos for additional details.

5GCity.png Space.png 5GCity is a 5GPPP Phase2 project, which is defining and building a platform that allows a city’s ICT infrastructure to be used for neutral hosting in a distributed and multi-tenant Cloud-to-Edge environment. This platform uses orchestration and service programming to integrate 5G services administered by a neutral host. These 5G services will be used by municipalities to host Smart City services, by Virtual Network Operators (VNO) to extend their networks, and by additional third party providers such as media or automotive verticals to offer innovative services to their customers.

5GCity plans to contribute and extend ETSI OSM in several directions:

  • Slice Manager functionality in line with 5GCity slice Information Models.
  • An Infrastructure Abstraction component able to connect OSM to Edge and Extended Edge VIMs.
  • Define the usage of the OSM NBI to connect "neutral hosting"-oriented Dashboard and SDK to the orchestration platform.
  • Integration of OSM with ETSI MEC by using a thin layer on top of the two orchestrators (NFVO and MEC-O), pre-processing and dispatching the Services to one of the two according to appropriate descriptor extensions.

Project Partners: Ajuntament de Barcelona, University of Bristol, Citta di Lucca, Accelleran, ADLINK, Beteve, Comunicare Digitale, i2CAT, Incites Consulting, Italtel, MOG, NEC, Nextworks, Rai, Retevision, Ubiwhere, Virtual Open Systems, Wind Tre

5Gessence.png Space.png 5G ESSENCE is a 5G PPP Phase2 research and innovation project that addresses the paradigms of Edge Cloud Computing and Small Cell as a Service.

The proposed architecture enables high-performance virtualisation techniques for data isolation, latency reduction and resource efficiency, by orchestrating lightweight virtual resources, enabling efficient Virtualized Network Function placement and live migration.

5G ESSENCE project has selected ETSI OSM as orchestrator for the platform. It uses OpenStack as VIM and OpenDaylight as SDN controller. 5G ESSENCE is working on OSM adoption for guest optimization techniques, i.e., Unikernels as VMs.

Project Partners: Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A., NEC Laboratories Europe, Intel Research and Development Ireland Limited, Zodiac Inflight Innovations, ATOS Spain S.A., IS-Wireless, Wind TRE S.p.A., Athonet SRL, Fundació i2CAT, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), CREATE-NET (Center for Research and Telecommunication Experimentation for Networked Communities), Smart Mobile Labs GmbH, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, CapriTech Limited, British Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Thales Communications & Security SAS, ITALTEL S.P.A., ORION Innovations, Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), EIGHT BELLS LTD, Municipality of Egaleo, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH, Casa Communications Technology

5GINFIRE-logo3.png Space.png 5GinFIRE is a three-year project under the EU programme Horizon 2020, which started on January 2017. The project aspires to establish a NFV-enabled experimental testbed for 5G technologies, capable of instantiating and supporting vertical industries based on industry-leading and open source technologies. The core testbed is distributed across different locations, including Spain, Portugal, UK and Greece, and other facilities across Europe will be integrated. In 5GinFIRE, ETSI OSM plays a significant role, being chosen as the open source solution to provide the management and orchestration functionalities for the NV experimentation platform. Being framed under the EU FIRE initiative, half of the project budget is dedicated to third parties (experimenters and 5G experimental facilities owners/operators), which will be selected through the planned 5GINFIRE Open Calls.

5GinFIRE is currently contributing to OpenSourceMANO in several directions:

  • Widening the configuration options for VNFs (e.g., through Ansible).
  • Exploring the means for integrating SFC technologies into the OSM orchestration services.
  • Security enhancements through the application of Keystone.
  • Exploring the application of OSM in new 5G vertical markets, such as ITS and eHealth.
  • Analyzing and testing novel disruptive use cases of network service orchestration and, in particular, extending the 5G programable network infrastructure over delimited areas using networks of micro-drones.

Project Partners: Eurescom, B-COM, Easy Global Market, Telefonica I+D, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University of Bristol, University of Patras, Universidad Federal de Uberlandia, University of Sao Paolo

5G-MEDIA.png Space.png 5G-MEDIA is a 5G-PPP Phase 2 project that is working to integrate media-industry applications with the underlying 5G programmable service platform based on SDN/NFV technologies. The 5G-MEDIA Service Virtualization Platform (SVP) includes components of the ETSI MANO architecture and specifically we have selected ETSI OSM for the functions related to Service and Resource orchestration on top of three types of VIMs (OpenStack, OpenNebula and Apache OpenWhisk).

In particular, the 5G-MEDIA team is working on orchestration and lifecycle management of NS(s) and VNF(s) for media services, from which potential contributions to OSM can originate:

  • VIM plugin for OpenNebula
  • VIM plugin for the serverless cloud platform OpenWhisk
  • A generic App & Service catalogue to interface to multiple NFVOs, capable of managing standard formats for descriptors (ETSI NFV SOL004, ETSI NFV SOL001draft) via standard aligned APIs (ETSI NFV SOL005) and collect catalogue elements from multiple service providers, each with its own specialised offer of VNF(s) and NS(s)
  • Integration of OpenID Connect as a standard authentication protocol to support a single Identity Provider and multiple resource providers scenario with authentication based on the user profile information
  • Extensions for Function as a Service emulation in vim-emu

Project Partners: Engineering, IBM, Singular Logic, OTE, rTVE, University College London (UCL), Telefonica I+D, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), IRT, Nextworks, CERTH/ITI, NETAS, Interinnov, BitTubes, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"

5Gtango.png Space.png 5Gtango is a 5GPPP Phase2 Innovation Action that enables the flexible programmability of 5G networks with:

a) an NFV-enabled Service Development Kit (SDK);

b) a Store platform with advanced validation and verification mechanisms for VNFs/Network Services qualification (including 3rd party contributions); and,

c) a modular Service Platform with an innovative orchestrator in order to bridge the gap between business needs and network operational management systems.

5Gtango is contributing to ETSI OSM Rel FIVE with:

  • the support of novel packaging formats that are aligned with ETSI NFV SOL004.
  • the development of an Slice Manager that will allow the deployment of 5G Network Slices with OSM.

Project Partners: Atos, NEC, Altice Labs, Telefonica, Huawei, Nokia, University of Paderborn, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", CTTC, imec, Weidmueller, Nurogames, Synelixis, University of Piraeus Research Center, Quobis, Easy Global Market, Ubitech

5G-Vinni.png Space.png 5G-VINNI is a 5GPPP Phase 3 project, started in July 2018. The project is committed to leverage the latest 5G technologies, including results from previous 5GPPP phases, employing advanced network virtualization, slicing, radio and core technologies. In addition a rigorous automated testing campaign will be employed to validate 5G under various combinations of technologies and network loads.

5G-VINNI will be run at four main sites located in Norway, UK, Spain and Greece. In addition, experimental sites will be established in Germany and Portugal. Open APIs will be provided in order to ensure easy access to the 5G-VINNI facility ans ETSI OSM is one of the NFV orchestration engines of choice.

5G-VINNI plans to contribute to OSM in several ways:

  • With direct applicability experience in the deployment of 5G end-to-end services
  • With the feedback from vertical users in realistic 5G and slicing scenarios
  • With results of the integration of automated testing into the OSM stack


Metro-haul.png Space.png The overall Metro-Haul objective is to architect and design cost-effective, energy-efficient, agile and programmable metro networks that are scalable for 5G access and future requirements, encompassing the design of all-optical metro nodes (including full compute and storage capabilities), which interface effectively with both 5G access and multi-Tbit/s elastic core networks.

Metro-Haul project is contributing to ETSI OSM Rel FIVE a WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM) plugin model that will enable the integration of different WAN control API technologies in the dynamic establishment of multi-site network services across WAN networks.

Project Partners: British Telecommunications, Telecom Italia, Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Telefonica I+D, University of Bristol, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Per Le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Naudit High Performance Computing and Networking, Openlightcomm, Lexden Technologies, Zeetta Networks, Fraunhofer HHI, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), Coriant Portugal Unipessoal, Ericsson Telecomunicazioni, Adva Optical Networking, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, Old Dog Consulting, SeeTech, Alcatel-Lucent Italia, Politecnico di Milano

SaT5G.png Space.png SaT5G is a 5GPPP Phase2 project. SaT5G aims to foster the development of attractive “plug and play” SatCom solution for 5G, for telcos and network vendors to accelerate 5G deployment and at the same time creating new and growing market opportunities for SatCom vendors. This requires addressing three major challenges:
  1. Exploit or mitigate SatCom capabilities (e.g. broadcast) or constraints (e.g. latency) in stand-alone or multi-link network topologies,
  2. Design SatCom solutions implementing 5G features (through virtualisation and/or adoptions of radio protocols),
  3. Ensure seamless integration of SatCom in 5G at network management and security levels.

SaT5G uses ETSI OSM for the following cases:

  • Specify and implement VNFDs and NSDs adapting SatCom components.
  • Standards based creation of satellite VNFs and SDN in tandem with their terrestrial equivalents to create end-to-end network slices.
  • Northbound interface for the integrated network management and orchestration to enable interworking with BSS/OSS.

Project Partners: Airbus, Avanti, BT, BroadPeak, Gilat, i2CAT, iDirect, imec, oneAccess, Quortus, SES, ThalesAlenia Space, TNO, University of Oulu, University of Surrey, Zodiac Aeropspace

Sonata.png Space.png SONATA is an EU-funded project Horizon 2020 and part of the 5G-PPP initiative on Agile Service Development and Orchestration in 5G Virtualized Networks" which targets both the flexible programmability of software networks and the optimization of their deployments.

SONATA contributed a VIM emulator (vim-emu) to ETSI OSM Rel THREE. The vim-emu, now part of OSM DevOps, allows network service developers to locally prototype and test their network services in realistic end-to-end multi-PoP scenarios. It allows the execution of real network functions, packaged as Docker containers, in emulated network topologies running locally on the developer's machine. The emulation platform offers OpenStack-like APIs for each emulated PoP so that it can be easily integrated with MANO tacks. Learn more ...

Project Partners: Atos, NEC, Altice Labs, Thales, Telefonica, Nokia, University of Paderborn, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", University College London, iMinds, Optare Solutions, i2CAT, Synelixis, BT, Ubiwhere

Shield.png Space.png H2020 SHIELD proposes a universal solution for dynamically establishing and deploying virtual security infrastructures into ISP and corporate networks. The project builds on the deployment of virtualised security appliances (the virtual Network Security Functions or vNSFs). SHIELD uses ETSI OSM for the following tasks:
  • support of the NS Manager (initiation, configuration, monitoring, scaling and termination).
  • support of the vNSF Manager (initiation, configuration, monitoring, scaling and termination).
  • creating vNSF descriptor and vNSF store allowing new vNSF to be stored and deployed by means of APIs.
  • building an API on top of OSM to communicate to the business layer.
  • building a vNSF Orchestrator (vNSFO) based on OSM that allows to deploy vNSFs in a network and control their execution.

Project Partners: Space Hellas S.A, Fundació i2CAT, Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID), Hewlett-Packard Limited (Labs), Incites Consulting SARL, Infili Technologies, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Orion Innovations, Politecnico di Torino, Talaia Networks, Telefónica I+D, Ubiwhere, Lda.

Superfluidity.png Space.png In Physics, superfluidity is a state in which matter behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity. The SUPERFLUIDITY project was a 5GPPP Phase 1 research project aimed at achieving superfluidity in networks: the ability to instantiate services on-the-fly, run them anywhere in the network (core, aggregation, edge) and shift them transparently to different locations.

The project demonstrated a converged cloud-based 5G concept addressing three forms of heterogeneity: heterogeneous traffic and sources; heterogeneous services and needs; and heterogeneous access technologies, with multi-vendor network components.

SUPERFLUIDITY contributed a new GUI to ETSI OSM Rel FOUR leveraging the new NBI based on ETSI NFV SOL005.

Project Partners: Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Nokia Bell Labs France, Alcatel Lucent Israel, British Telecom, Citrix, EBlink, Intel Research & Development Ireland Ltd, NEC Europe, OnApp, Altice Labs, Red Hat, Telcaria, Telefonica I+D, Unified Streaming, University Ben Gurion, University of Liège, University of Technology Dresden, University Politehnica of Bucharest.

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