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Distros.png VNFs.png VIMs.JPG Consulting.png

Research.png Training.png OSS BSS.JPG

This page provides a list of OSM compatible OSS / BSS providers. Click on the logos for additional details.

Openslice.png Space.png Openslice is a prototype open source, operations support system. It supports VNF/NSD onboarding to OpenSourceMANO (OSM) and NSD deployment management. It also supports TMFORUM OpenAPIs like Service Catalog Management, Service Ordering and Resource Management. Openslice includes integration with issue management system and logging frameworks.

Ecosystem.png Space.png Would you like to see your OSM Training listed here? Please send an email to OSMSupport@etsi.org with the following information:

Subject: OSM Ecosystem - Training

  • Organisation name:
  • Logo:
  • URL:
  • Short description:
  • Twitter handler (optional): @