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Line 136: Line 136:
[[File:instantiatingNS.png|300px|Instantiating a NS (step 1)]]                  [[File:instantiatingNS-step2.png|400px|Instantiating a NS (step 2)]]
[[File:instantiatingNS.png|300px|Instantiating a NS (step 1)]]                  [[File:instantiatingNS-step2.png|400px|Instantiating a NS (step 2)]]
*From the SO CLI:
*From the SO CLI:
**From the SO-ub container ("lxc exec SO-ub bash"), execute the following command:
From the SO-ub container execute the following command ("lxc exec SO-ub bash")

  /root/SO/rwlaunchpad/plugins/rwlaunchpadtasklet/scripts/onboard_pkg  -i <ns-instance-name>  -d <nsd-id> -D <data-center-id>
  /root/SO/rwlaunchpad/plugins/rwlaunchpadtasklet/scripts/onboard_pkg  -i <ns-instance-name>  -d <nsd-id> -D <data-center-id>

Revision as of 11:25, 7 December 2016

Open Source MANO (OSM) is the open source community that aims to deliver a production-quality MANO stack for NFV, capable of consuming openly published information models, available to everyone, suitable for all VNFs, operationally significant and VIM-independent. OSM is aligned to NFV ISG information models while providing first-hand feedback based on its implementation experience.

Interaction with VIMs and VNFs

The following figure shows OSM interaction with VIM and VNFs.

OSM Release 1 connectivity 1

In simpler setups, OSM only requires a single interface as long as both VIM and VNF IP addresses are reachable

OSM Release 1 connectivity 2

Install OSM

Install from source

All you need to run OSM Release One is a single server or VM with the following requirements:

  • 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 100GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
  • Ubuntu16.04 as base image (http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/), configured to run LXD containers. If you don't have LXD configured, you can follow the instructions here (LXD configuration).

LXD within LXD

If you wish to install OSM Release One from inside a LXD container, you will need to enable nesting:

lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 osmr1 -c security.nesting=true -c security.privileged=true
lxc exec osmr1 bash

Inside the LXD host container, reconfigure the lxd package in order to setup a network bridge to nested containers have network access. When prompted, choose the default options.

root@osmr1:~# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd

Once you have prepared the host with the previous requirements, all you need to do is:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-1.0-one/install_from_source.sh
chmod +x install_from_source.sh

After some time, you will get a fresh OSM Release One installation. You can access to the UI in the following URL (user:admin, password: admin):

You can connect to the service via a web browser (Google Chrome version 50 or later is recommended). Open a browser and connect to , replacing with the IP address of your host. Note that it uses https, not http. We recommend using Google Chrome when connecting to an SSL enabled Launchpad. If you are using Firefox and plan to use the self-signed certificate provided in the installation, please follow instructions at Using untrusted, self-signed certificates Alternatively, you can run Launchpad with trusted CA signed SSL certs as per Using a certificate signed by a trusted CA or, run Launchpad with SSL disabled as per Run Launchpad with SSL Disabled

OSM login window

Make sure that port 8443 is accessible, as well as the following required ports: 8000, 4567, 8008, 80, 9090.

As a result of the installation, three LXD containers are created in the host: RO, VCA, and SO-ub (running the SO and the UI), as shown in the figure below.

OSM Release ONE installation result

Adding a VIM account

Before proceeding, make sure that you have a site with a VIM configured to run with OSM. Three different kinds of VIMs are currently supported by OSM:

OpenVIM site

  • Go into the RO container:
lxc exec RO -- bash
  • Execute the following commands, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "openvim-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "osm")
openmano datacenter-create openvim-site --type openvim --description "Openvim site" 
openmano datacenter-attach openvim-site --vim-tenant-name=osm
openmano datacenter-list
exit     #or Ctrl+D to get out of the RO container

Openstack site

  • Go into the RO container:
lxc exec RO -- bash
  • Execute the following commands, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "openstack-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "admin", user: "admin", password: "userpwd")
openmano datacenter-create openstack-site --type openstack --description "OpenStack site"
openmano datacenter-attach openstack-site --user=admin --password=userpwd --vim-tenant-name=admin
openmano datacenter-list
exit     #or Ctrl+D to get out of the RO container

VMware site

  • Go into the RO container:
lxc exec RO -- bash
  • Execute the following commands, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: "vmware-site", IP address:, VIM tenant: "vmware-tenant", user: "osm", password: "osm4u", admin user: "admin", admin password: "adminpwd")
openmano datacenter-create vmware-site --type vmware --description "VMware site" --config '{admin_password: adminpwd, admin_username: admin}'
openmano datacenter-attach vmware-site --user=osm --password=osm4u --vim-tenant-name=vmware-tenant
openmano datacenter-list
exit     #or Ctrl+D to get out of the RO container
Note: The name of the site/datacenter "vmware-site" has to match the name of the organization of "vCloud Director". Inside this organization the tenant "vmware-tenant" must exist

Deploying your first Network Service

In this example we will deploy the following Network Service, consisting of two simple VNFs based on CirrOS connected by a simple VLD.

NS with 2 CirrOS VNF

Before going on, download the required VNF and NS packages from this URL: https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/examples/cirros_2vnf_ns/

Uploading VNF image to the VIM

Get the cirros 0.3.4 image from the following link: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img

Then, onboard the image into the VIM. The instruction differs from one VIM to another:

  • In Openstack:
openstack image create --file="./cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img" --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --public --property location="/mnt/powervault/virtualization/osm/CirrOS/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img" cirros034
  • In openvim:
openvim image-create --name cirros034 --path /mnt/powervault/virtualization/osm/CirrOS/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img

Onboarding a VNF

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Catalog
    • Click on the import button, then VNFD
    • Drag and drop the VNF package file cirros_vnf.tar.gz in the importing area.

Onboarding a VNF

  • From the SO CLI:
    • From the SO-ub container ("lxc exec SO-ub bash"), execute the following:
/root/SO/rwlaunchpad/plugins/rwlaunchpadtasklet/scripts/onboard_pkg -s -u <vnf-package-name>

Onboarding a NS

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Catalog
    • Click on the import button, then NSD
    • Drag and drop the NS package file cirros_2vnf_ns.tar.gz in the importing area.
  • From the SO CLI:
    • From the SO-ub container ("lxc exec SO-ub bash"), execute the following command:
/root/SO/rwlaunchpad/plugins/rwlaunchpadtasklet/scripts/onboard_pkg -s  -u  <ns-package-name>

Instantiating the NS

  • From the UI:
    • Go to Launchpad > Instantiate
    • Select the NS descriptor to be instantiated, and click on Next
    • Add a name to the NS instance, and click on Launch.

Instantiating a NS (step 1) Instantiating a NS (step 2)

  • From the SO CLI:
    • From the SO-ub container ("lxc exec SO-ub bash"), execute the following command:
/root/SO/rwlaunchpad/plugins/rwlaunchpadtasklet/scripts/onboard_pkg  -i <ns-instance-name>  -d <nsd-id> -D <data-center-id>

Wait for the message that the NS has been successfully deployed, and that's all!

Accessing CLI for viewing instantiated NS details

From the SO-ub container ("lxc exec SO-ub bash"), execute the following command to bring up SO CLI (username:admin password:admin)

/usr/rift/rift-shell -r -i /usr/rift -a /usr/rift/.artifacts -- rwcli --rift_var_root /usr/rift/var/rift

The CLI can be used to both configure the system and show operational-data from the system. For instance:

 rift# show nsd-catalog # show the nsd catalog
 rift# show vnfd-catalog # show vnfd catalog
 rift# show ns-instance-config nsr # Lists instantiated network service
 rift# show ns-instance-opdata nsr # Lists of instantiated network service op-data

Additional information

Your feedback is most welcome!
You can send us your comments and questions to OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org
Or join the OpenSourceMANO Slack Workplace
See hereafter some best practices to report issues on OSM