ETSI Open Source MANO announces Release THREE
Sophia Antipolis, 14 November 2017
Expedites adoption in production environments
ETSI Open Source MANO group (ETSI OSM) announces finalization of OSM Release THREE, keeping the pace of a release every 6 months.
This release includes a large set of new capabilities as well as numerous enhancements in terms of scalability, performance, resiliency, security and user experience that facilitate its adoption in production environments.
“OSM Release THREE provides a highly functional and reliable component for NFV Orchestration that enables all industry players to accelerate their deployment plans, with no need to change their target architectures for NFV infrastructure or OSS transformation” declares Francisco-Javier Ramón, chairman of ETSI OSM group.
OSM Release THREE features
With a new role-based access control, OSM Release THREE enables users from different service providers to access the OSM system with the appropriate set of privileges. It facilitates the adoption of complex operation workflows without compromising the security of the network or its operations.
Release THREE also includes the support of projects. These projects are shared spaces where users can access and operate a given set of Network Services (NS) and Virtual Network Functions (VNF), enabling collaborative work with orchestration.
The New Service Assurance and Monitoring capabilities allow the orchestrator to act on events and metrics gathered from VNFs and infrastructures, in a technology-agnostic manner. Other features such as anti-affinity rules as well as explicit port ordering and device role tagging facilitate VNF deployments, availability and resiliency.
A comprehensive description of the new features that come with OSM Release THREE can be found in the new white paper from our OSM Community.
Upcoming hackfest
The 1st OSM Onboarding Hackfest will take place during the second ETSI NFV Plugtests® event in January 2018, at ETSI. In addition, ETSI OSM members will participate in the Plugtests event, bringing their OSM implementations.
Strong community growth
Over the past 6 months, 17 more organizations have joined the community bringing the total to 83 organizations! The new organizations are: Aqsacom, Astellia, Big Switch Networks, CASE CENX Inc., Citrix, CPLANE NETWORKS Inc., CTTC, Empirix Inc., iconectiv, i2CAT, Mavenir Systems, MC5G, NetNumber Inc., Sigma Systems Canada LP, Tech Mahindra, Ubiwhere Lda, WIPRO Ltd.
About ETSI
ETSI produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), including fixed, mobile, radio, aeronautical, broadcast and internet technologies and is officially recognized by the European Union as a European Standards Organization. ETSI is an independent, not-for-profit association whose more than 800 member companies and organizations, drawn from 68 countries across five continents worldwide, determine its work programme and participate directly in its work.
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ETSI OSM is an operator-led ETSI community that is delivering a production-quality open source Management and Orchestration (MANO) stack aligned with ETSI NFV Information Models and that meets the requirements of production NFV networks. The list of the OSM members and participants is available at: To learn more about OSM, please visit
Claire Boyer
Mob: +33 (0)6 87 60 84 40