Growing OSM community completes Release 1 mid-cycle working session to confirm September launch

ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) community held their first technical mid-release face-to-face meeting (MR#1) at the end of June to outline the requirements and development sprints for the upcoming Release 1, and to gather and document input for the longer-term architectural OSM roadmap. It was great to see more than 45 people gather in Madrid! The OSM community’s spirit of openness, close technical collaboration and focus on rapidly delivering working code to meet the requirements from its operator end-user advisory group resulted in substantive progress and agreement on interfaces, functional development areas and even two impromptu hackathons! Following OSM Release 0 at the end of May, Release 1 in September is targeted to enter NFV labs worldwide.

Key presentations and new features discussed during the MR#1 sessions can be found in the OSM WIKI and by checking the latest information in the OSM Gerrit instance. Please note that the proposals, presentations and follow-ups on action items are reflective of the dynamic growth of the Open Source MANO community and may therefore be frequently updated.