Release 0 HowTo guide for users

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OSM is a model-driven, ETSI compliant NFV MANO solution that simplifies deployment of VNFs and the composition and management of complex network services. It provides all the tools needed for automated end-to-end service delivery and lifecycle management.

Getting Started

The following steps need to be completed to get OSM installed, configured and running.

  • Installation
  • Accessing Launchpad
  • Configuration
  • Packages
  • On-boarding
  • Instantiation
  • Service and Config Primitives
  • Termination


OSM run time requires the installation of NSO, RO and Configuration Manager. Follow the Installation steps for each of these components to get them installed.

Accessing Launchpad

Launchpad provides the user interface to the OSM orchestrator. From the Launchpad user can manage the catalog, compose the NS/VNF descriptors and perform the lifecycle management on Network Services. The launchpad UI can be accessed through URL where is the ip address of the VM where NSO installed (Google chrome version 50 or later is recommended).

The default username/password for accessing launchpad is admin/admin


Launchpad need to be configured with the details of the cloud account and configuration agent account before NS/VNF packages are on-boaded and network services are orchestrated. cloud accounts and configuration agent accounts can be configured from the launchpad UI.

To configure cloud account:

 Click on Launchpad and select accounts to navigate to the accounts configuration page.
 Click on ADD CLOUD ACCOUNT and fill the account details
 NAME: Enter the name of cloud account
 Select Account Type: choose  "Open MANO"
    HOST: Enter the IP address of the VM where openmano is running
    PORT: Enter the port for openmano (Default port is 9090)
    TEANT ID: Enter the tenant id configured in openmano

To configure config agent account:

 From  accounts configuration page,
  Click on ADD CONFIG AGENT ACCOUNT and fill account details
  IP ADDRESS: Address of the Juju server
  PORT: Enter the port where juju server is running(Default port is 17070)
  USERNAME: user name to access juju server
  SECRET:  password to access juju server


Describe packages


Onboarding is the The process of submitting an existing VNF package or network service descriptor (NSD) to the Launchpad catalog. Onboarding allows objects in to the launchpad catalog so that they can be instantiated.


Describe Instantiation

Service and Config Primitives

Describe Service and Config Primitives


Describe Service and Termination