OSM13 Ecosystem Day

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Wednesday 15th June (3:00 - 6:00 pm CEST)
OSM13 lead image.jpg


The OSM Ecosystem Day allows organizations in the OSM Ecosystem to share about their Open Source MANO experience and how OSM is helping them to achieve their goals. Presentations and demos cover a wide range of aspects from research activities in academia to production deployments and commercial initiatives, mostly focusing on cutting-edge Telco use cases.


Registration is free of charge and open to all, register here! You are most welcome to invite your colleagues and partners to join us.


  • 3:00 - 3:10 pm CEST Welcome to the OSM13 Ecosystem Day by OSM MARCOM
  • 3:10 - 3:30 pm CEST Detecting Issues with In-Band Telemetry in OSM-Orchestrated Core Networks by SimulaMET
    • Speakers: Thomas Dreibholz (Chief Research Engineer), Azza Hassan Mohamed Ahmed (Ph.D. Student) Mah-Rukh Fida (Senior Lecturer / University of Gloucestershire), Andrés Felipe Ocampo Palacio (Ph.D. Student), Foivos Ioannis Michelinakis (Research Scientist) -SimulaMET
    • Abstract: Open Source MANO is a helpful tool to manage and orchestrate the instantiation of core network setups, like Network Service (NS) instances of our SimulaMet OpenAirInterface Virtual Network Function (VNF) for Enhanced Packet Cores (EPC). We furthermore extended our NS with VNF instances of Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4) switches, in order to allow for in-band telemetry. With in-band telemetry, it is possible to flexibly add, process, and remove telemetry information to traffic within the packet core, in order to allow for fine-granular evaluation of the system performance and the users' experienced quality of service. In our presentation and demo, we would like to provide an overview of our ongoing work on P4-based in-band telemetry in an OSM-orchestrated 4G core, which is used for detecting performance problems and anomalies in the network based on machine learning. We would furthermore like to demonstrate the details of our setup to the audience in a live demo.
  • 3:30 - 3:50 pm CEST Demonstration of a MEC Infrastructure deployment with OSM by IT (Instituto de Telecomunicações)
    • Speakers: Pedro Escaleira (Researcher) , Miguel Mota (Researcher) - IT
    • Abstract: Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is a recent computing paradigm that has gained some popularity, since it can be seen as a 5G enabler, allowing computation to be conducted on the Edge of the network, instead of on distant Cloud servers, leading to the decrease of latency and throughput increase. These advantages are crucial for multiple businesses’ vertical use cases, such as Smart Factories, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Smart Cities or Big Data Analytics, among many others. However, although some standardization organizations, such as ETSI, have been gathering efforts to specify this new paradigm, there is still some lack of real implementations and evaluations of a fully functional MEC architecture, as well as one that incorporates some of the most recent additions to the NFV conceptualization, such as the usage of CNFs, which would allow to have a PaaS model in the Edge. Therefore, this work showcases a MEC-NFV architecture, based on the one provided by ETSI, for a B2B2C Telco Operator, and presents a PoC based on OSM, where the MEC functional blocks, the containerized environment, and the OSM itself, are deployed as VNFs/CNFs. In the end, we demonstrate that there is the possibility of instantiating MEC Apps as CNFs in this proposed PoC.
  • 3:50 - 4:10 pm CEST A highly available, production-ready blueprint for OSM by Canonical
    • Speakers: Mark Beierl (Senior Engineer, OSM TSC), Wajeeha Hamid (Product Manager, OSM MARCOM) - Canonical
    • Abstract: In this session, Canonical presents some of the challenges faced when deploying OSM in a Telco Production environment, where high availability is a mandatory requirement. Charmed OSM takes the approach of defining fault domains within the OSM architecture and provides strategies for implementing high availability in each domain.
  • 4:10 - 4:30 pm CEST Group Picture & Coffee Break
  • 4:30 - 4:50 pm CEST Launching a new ETSI Open Source Group for TeraFlowSDN (OSG TFS) by CTTC
    • Speakers: Ricard Vilalta (TFS Convenor) - CTTC
    • Abstract: ETSI is launching a new Open Source Group for TeraFlowSDN (OSG TFS) to develop an open source cloud native SDN controller for transport networks that will enable experimentation with novel network transformation technologies and use cases. This talk will describe the project scope, relation with OpenSourceMANO and other ETSI groups, governance, how to join, etc..
  • 4:50 - 5:10 pm CEST Experimenting with NetApps for Transport & Logistic in 5G testbed by Nextworks
    • Speakers: Juan Brenes (Senior Software Engineer) and Giada Landi (R&D Technology Leader) - Nextworks
    • Abstract: VITAL-5G project has developed an open platform for automated provisioning, monitoring and testing of NetApps for Transport and Logistic (T&L) services over three 5G testbeds in Athens (warehouse), Antwerp (sea port) and Galati (river port). ETSI OSM is the reference NFV orchestrator for deploying VM-based and container-based NetApps in the edge and cloud nodes offered by each testbed. Verticals, service providers and software developers can onboard new applications or compose NetApps from the VITAL-5G open online repository to build new services and validate them over realistic 5G infrastructures with configurable network slices. OSM integration facilitates the interoperability with different edge and cloud platforms, the unified onboarding of NetApps over multiple testbeds, and their interconnectivity with custom network slices to IoT and T&L devices. The monitoring mechanisms offered by OSM are exploited for collecting service and infrastructure KPIs, while the configuration features enable the automation of testing and experiment execution procedures, simplifying the results analysis and validation in the T&L service trials.
  • 5:10 - 5:30 pm CEST π-Edge Platform and OSM for Security Analytics Automation in Network Slicing by Intracom Telecom
    • Speakers: Alexandros Valantasis (Research & Development Engineer), Nikos Psaromanolakis (Staff Research Engineer) , Vasileios Theodorou (Senior Research Engineer) - Intracom Telecom
    • Abstract: π-Εdge Platform is an Edge Management Platform, interoperable with centralized orchestration entities via a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) delivery model, as we introduced in previous OSM Ecosystem Day. Additionally to the optimized lifecycle management of Edge services that participate end-to-end slices over the cloud/core-to-edge continuum, π-Edge offers a set of automation services for trustworthiness and Quality of Service (QoS) assurance. In this presentation, we focus on Security Analytics automation and we showcase the interoperation between OSM and π-Edge towards the automated enrichment of slices with security services at the Edge. In particular, we present a live demo of (1) the commissioning of a security-analytics-enabled Network Slice, (2) corresponding zero-touch operations on slice VNFs, (3) online security monitoring and DDOS attack detection and (4) adaptation of monitoring granularity to respond to security threat severity.
  • 5:30 - 5:50 pm CEST 5G Multi-site deployment using OSM by Whitestack
    • Speakers: Sergio Tarazona (Solution Architect ) - Whitestack
    • Abstract: In this session we will talk about the progress made in the deployment of a 5G Core in a multi-site environment using OSM
  • 5:50 - 5:55 pm CEST Wrap up by MARCOM

Previous Ecosystem Days

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Questions about ETSI, joining OSM, this and future events can be sent to OSMSupport@etsi.org