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== OSM Hackfest Sessions ==
== OSM Hackfest Sessions ==

* Track 0 - Introduction to NFV and OSM (virtual: video & slides)
'''* Track 0 - Introduction to NFV and OSM''' (virtual: video & slides)
** Introduction to ETSI NFV and standards
** Introduction to ETSI NFV and standards
** Introduction to Open Source MANO
** Introduction to Open Source MANO
** OpenStack & Kubernetes primer
** OpenStack & Kubernetes primer
* Welcome
* '''Track 1 - OSM Architecture & Installation'''
* Track 1 - OSM Architecture & Installation  
** [Presentation] OSM Architecture overview
** [Presentation] OSM Architecture overview
** [Presentation] OSM Installation methods
** [Presentation] OSM Installation methods
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** [Hands-on] OSM System monitoring - Francisco
** [Hands-on] OSM System monitoring - Francisco
** [Hands-on] Integrating a VIM in OSM
** [Hands-on] Integrating a VIM in OSM
* Track 2 - Network Services General Instantiation  
* '''Track 2 - Network Services General Instantiation'''
** [Presentation] OSM Packages overview
** [Presentation] OSM Packages overview
** [Hands-on] Instantiating a basic Network Service
** [Hands-on] Instantiating a basic Network Service
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** [Demo] Enabling high performance on VNFs and SDN-Assist
** [Demo] Enabling high performance on VNFs and SDN-Assist
** [Demo] Automatic Placement of VNFs  
** [Demo] Automatic Placement of VNFs  
* Track 3 - Automating VNF Day-1 & 2 operations  
* '''Track 3 - Automating VNF Day-1 & 2 operations'''
** [Presentation] Introduction to primitives in OSM  
** [Presentation] Introduction to primitives in OSM  
** [Presentation, Demo] Python Operator Framework  
** [Presentation, Demo] Python Operator Framework  
** [Hands-on] Running primitives in VNFs  
** [Hands-on] Running primitives in VNFs  
* Track 4 - Running Containerized Network Functions  
* '''Track 4 - Running Containerized Network Functions'''
** [Presentation] K8s support in OSM  
** [Presentation] K8s support in OSM  
** [Hands-on] Instantiating containerized NFs over Kubernetes (KNFs)  
** [Hands-on] Instantiating containerized NFs over Kubernetes (KNFs)  
** [Hands-on] Running primitives in KNFs  
** [Hands-on] Running primitives in KNFs  
* Track 5 - End-to-end VNF Package Onboarding in OSM  
* '''Track 5 - End-to-end VNF Package Onboarding in OSM'''
** [Presentation] Introduction to the VNF Onboarding Task Force & Resources  
** [Presentation] Introduction to the VNF Onboarding Task Force & Resources  
** [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core VNF package from scratch  
** [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core VNF package from scratch  
** [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core KNF package from scratch  
** [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core KNF package from scratch  

* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%205GCity%20-%20Welcome.pdf Opening, Welcome & Logistics for the week]''' (ETSI, 5Gcity)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%200%20-%20Introduction%20to%20NFV%20and%20OSM.pdf Session 0: Introduction to NFV and OSM]'''  (Jose Miguel Guzman - Whitestack)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Demo%200%20-%20OSM%20in%20action.pdf Demo 0: OSM in Action]''' (Piotr Zuraniewski - TNO)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%201%20-%20Installation%20and%20first%20use.pdf Session 1: OSM Installation and first use (Release SIX)]''' Adrian Candel, Guillermo Calvino - Altran)
* '''Session 2: Basic Descriptors'''
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%202.1%20-%20Creating%20a%20basic%20VNF%20and%20NS.pdf Session 2.1 VNFDs and NSDs] (Abubakr Magzoub - Uni Lancaster)
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%202.2%20-%20Guidelines%20for%20VNF%20builders.pdf Session 2.2 Instructions to VNF Providers] (Adrian Candel, Guillermo Calvino - Altran)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%203%20-%20Modeling%20multi-VDU%20VNF.pdf Session 3: Modeling multi-VDU VNFs]''' (Adrian Candel, Guillermo Calvino - Altran)
* '''Session 4: Advanced Descriptors'''
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%204.1%20-%20Modeling%20EPA%20capabilities%20in%20VNF.pdf Session 4.1: Modeling EPA capabilities in VNF] (Tomas Villaseca - Whitestack)
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%204.2%20-%20Modeling%20EPA%20capabilities_%20SR-IOV.pdf Session 4.2: Modeling EPA capabilities: SR-IOV] (Gianpietro Lavado - Whitestack)
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%204.3%20-%20Physical%20Network%20Functions.pdf Session 4.3: Modeling Physical and Hybrid Network Functions]  (Tomas Villaseca - Whitestack)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%205%20-%20Adding%20day-0%20configuration%20to%20VNFs.pdf Session 5: Adding Day-0 configuration to your VNF]''' (Adrian Candel, Guillermo Calvino - Altran)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%206%20-%205G%20Network%20Slicing%20with%20OSM.pdf Session 6: 5G Network Slicing with OSM]''' (Felipe Vicens - Atos)
* '''Session 7: Adding day-1/day-2 configuration to your VNF'''
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%207.1%20-%20Introduction%20to%20Proxy%20Charms.pdf Session 7.1: Proxy Charms and Primitives] (Gianpietro Lavado - Whitestack)
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%207.2%20-%20Building%20a%20Proxy%20Charm.pdf Session 7.2: Building a Proxy Charm] (Mark Beierl - VMware)
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%207.3%20-%20New%20Native%20Charms.pdf Session 7.3: Native Charms] (Dominik Fleischmann, David Garcia - Canonical)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%208%20-%20OSM%20Service%20Assurance.pptx.pdf Session 8: Fault & Performance Management with OSM]''' (Gianpietro Lavado - Whitestack)
* '''Session 9: VNF On-boarding'''
** [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%209.1%20-%20VNF%20Onboarding%20Walkthrough.pdf Session 9.1: VNF On-boarding Walkthrough] (Gianpietro Lavado - Whitestack)
** Session 9.2: VNF On-boarding to VCD (Mark Beierl - VMware)
* '''[http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/8th%20OSM%20Hackfest%20-%20Session%2010%20-%20Service%20Function%20Chaining.pdf Session 10: Service Function Chaining]''' (Davide Borsatti - Uni Bologna)
* '''Session 11: CI/CD overview & Robot Framework''' (Javier Garcia Lloreda - TechMahindra)
* '''Session 12: How to Contribute to OSM''' (Javier Garcia Lloreda - TechMahindra)
== Hackfest Material ==
== Hackfest Material ==
* [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/ Presentations]
* [http://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-6.0-six/8th-hackfest/presentations/ Presentations]

Revision as of 13:14, 26 February 2020



OSM-MR8 Hack.png

ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the OSM community are organizing a new OSM Hackfest on 9-13 March 2020.

The event will be hosted by Telefonica in Madrid, Spain, co-located with the OSM-MR#8 meeting, offering a great opportunity to share and learn with OSM developers and module leaders, and explore opportunities for synergies and collaboration.

Participation to OSM Hackfests is free and open to all upon Registration


Distrito Telefónica

Edificio Central “A” - Auditorium "Sala de los Ciria".

Ronda de la Comunicación, s/n

28050 Madrid


OSM community lucca.jpg


This OSM Hackfest will allow new users to get familiar with OSM Release SEVEN and exercise all the new functionalities, such as:

  • OSM deployment on Kubernetes and self-monitoring of OSM Modules
  • End-to-end Orchestration and life cycle management of real Network Services
    • packaging, on-boarding,
    • day-0/day-1/day-2 configuration
    • service assurance: monitoring and closed-loop operation
  • Running Cloud-Native Network Services
    • modeling different types of Network Functions: Virtual, Physical, Cloud-native and Hybrid
    • deploying a Kubernetes cluster
    • deploying and orchestrating a cloud-native network service wit helm charts
    • deploying and orchestrating a cloud-native network service with Juju bundles,
  • Automated placement of Network Services for optimized edge deployments

In addition, experienced users and developers will have the opportunity to hack into OSM, build complex examples, fine-tune, test and demonstrate Release EIGHT or experimental features on the OSM Remote Labs network.

Who should attend

  • VNF vendors, who want to onboard their VNF in OSM following best practices
  • System Integrators, who want to develop their expertise with OSM
  • Service providers, who want to get first hand operational experience with OSM
  • Academia and Universities, who are using or considering OSM as platform for their research activities in networking
  • Experimented developers and users that want to share and test with the community
OSM hack lucca2.png


  • Seats are limited, registration is mandatory!
  • Participants are expected to have user-level knowledge of Linux and be familiar with NFV and SDN concepts
  • Laptop
  • A remote environment will be made available for participants, if you prefer to install in your own laptop, please follow the OSM Quick Start Guide. Main requirements:
    • MINIMUM: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 20GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
    • RECOMMENDED: 2 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access


  • Tentative: Please note the sessions' times and contents may be subject to change

OSM Hackfest Sessions

* Track 0 - Introduction to NFV and OSM (virtual: video & slides)

    • Introduction to ETSI NFV and standards
    • Introduction to Open Source MANO
    • OpenStack & Kubernetes primer
  • Track 1 - OSM Architecture & Installation
    • [Presentation] OSM Architecture overview
    • [Presentation] OSM Installation methods
    • [Hands-on] OSM Installation over Kubernetes
    • [Hands-on] OSM System monitoring - Francisco
    • [Hands-on] Integrating a VIM in OSM
  • Track 2 - Network Services General Instantiation
    • [Presentation] OSM Packages overview
    • [Hands-on] Instantiating a basic Network Service
    • [Hands-on] Multi-VDU Network Services
    • [Hands-on] Adding Day-0 configuration automation through cloud-init
    • [Hands-on] Monitoring VNFs - Gianpietro
    • [Hands-on] Orchestrating Network Slices from OSM
    • [Demo] Enabling high performance on VNFs and SDN-Assist
    • [Demo] Automatic Placement of VNFs
  • Track 3 - Automating VNF Day-1 & 2 operations
    • [Presentation] Introduction to primitives in OSM
    • [Presentation, Demo] Python Operator Framework
    • [Hands-on] Running primitives in VNFs
  • Track 4 - Running Containerized Network Functions
    • [Presentation] K8s support in OSM
    • [Hands-on] Instantiating containerized NFs over Kubernetes (KNFs)
    • [Hands-on] Running primitives in KNFs
  • Track 5 - End-to-end VNF Package Onboarding in OSM
    • [Presentation] Introduction to the VNF Onboarding Task Force & Resources
    • [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core VNF package from scratch
    • [Hands-on] Building an Evolved Packet Core KNF package from scratch

Remote Labs

During OSM Hackfests participants build and try real examples of OSM interaction with different VIMs and NFV Infrastructures that are kindly made available by our community members through the OSM Remote Labs network.

OSM RemoteLabs.png

Previous Hackfests

Get involved in OpenSourceMANO


Please send your technical questions to OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org or join the OSM Community Slack Workspace

Questions about ETSI, joining OSM, this hackfest and future events can be sent to: OSMSupport@etsi.org