Fix Bug 2309: VIM update issue
[osm/NG-UI.git] / src / assets / i18n / en.json
1 {
2     "OSM": "OSM",
3     "APPVERSION": "App Version",
4     "OSMVERSION": "OSM Version",
5     "OSMSOURCEMANO": "Open Source MANO",
6     "ADMIN": "Admin",
7     "ENTRIES": "Entries",
8     "COMPOSE": "Compose a",
9     "CREATE": "Create",
10     "SELECT": "Select",
11     "CANCEL": "Cancel",
12     "SAVE": "Save",
13     "ACTION": "Action",
14     "COUNT": "Count",
15     "IMAGE": "Image",
16     "IPPROFILEREF": "IP Profile Ref",
17     "ADD": "Add",
18     "EDIT": "Edit",
19     "APPLY": "Apply",
20     "FORCE": "Force",
21     "DOWNLOAD": "Download",
22     "CONTENT": "Content",
23     "DELETE": "Delete",
24     "FORCEDELETE": "Force Delete",
25     "RENAME": "Rename",
26     "INFO": "Info",
27     "NSPACKAGES": "NS Packages",
28     "VNFPACKAGES": "VNF Packages",
29     "INSTANCES": "Instances",
30     "INSTANTIATE": "Instantiate",
31     "NSINSTANCES": "NS Instances",
32     "VNFINSTANCES": "VNF Instances",
33     "PDUINSTANCES": "PDU Instances",
34     "VIMACCOUNTS": "VIM Accounts",
35     "WIMACCOUNTS": "WIM Accounts",
36     "SDNCONTROLLER": "SDN Controller",
37     "NETSLICE": "Netslice",
38     "PROJECT": "Project",
39     "DOMAIN": "Domain",
40     "PACKAGES": "Packages",
41     "MODIFIED": "Modified",
42     "NODATAMSG": "No data available in table",
43     "PRODUCTNAME": "Product Name",
44     "IDENTIFIER": "Identifier",
45     "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
46     "DESIGNER": "Designer",
47     "PROVIDER": "Provider",
48     "VERSION": "Version",
49     "ACTIONS": "Actions",
50     "NAME": "Name",
51     "USAGESTATE": "UsageState",
52     "MODIFICATIONDATE": "Modification Date",
53     "CREATEDDATE": "Creation Date",
54     "OPERATIONALSTATUS": "Operational Status",
55     "OPERATIONALSTATE": "Operational State",
56     "CONFIGSTATUS": "Config Status",
57     "DETAILEDSTATUS": "Detailed Status",
58     "NSDNAME": "Nsd name",
59     "NSTNAME": "Nst name",
60     "TYPE": "Type",
61     "VNFD": "VNFD",
62     "VNF": "VNF",
63     "MEMBERINDEX": "Member Index",
64     "NS": "NS",
65     "CREATEDAT": "Created At",
66     "CREATED": "Created",
67     "ALL": "All",
68     "ID": "Id",
69     "OPERATIONSTATE": "Operation State",
70     "STARTTIME": "Start Time",
71     "STATUSENTEREDTIME": "Status Entered Time",
72     "HISTORYOFOPERATIONS": "History Of Operations",
73     "UPDATE": "Update",
74     "READONLYMODE": "Read only mode",
75     "CURRENTLY": "Currently",
76     "ON": "On",
77     "OFF": "Off",
78     "IN": "in",
79     "FILES": "Files",
80     "NEW": "New",
81     "RECENTLY": "Recently",
82     "TOPOLOGY": "Topology",
83     "PLEASEWAIT": "Please Wait",
84     "RESOURCEORCHESTRATOR": "Resource Orchestrator",
85     "VIEW": "View",
86     "DROP": "Drop",
87     "HERE": "Here",
88     "MAPVIEW": "Map View",
89     "LISTVIEW": "List View",
90     "OK": "Ok",
91     "DELETEDSUCCESSFULLY": "{{title}} deleted successfully",
92     "SESSIONEXPIRY": "Session expired, please login again",
93     "DELETECONFIRMPOPUPMESSAGE": "Are you sure want to delete",
94     "DELETELOADERMESSAGE": "Please wait while {{title}} deletion is in progress",
95     "VALUE": "Value",
96     "PERFORMACTION": "Perform Action",
97     "EXECUTE": "Execute",
98     "EXECPRIMITIVE": "Exec Primitive",
99     "PRIMITIVETYPE": "Primitive Type",
100     "VDUPRIMITIVE": "VDU Level Primitive",
101     "VNFPRIMITIVE": "VNF Level Primitive",
102     "NSPRIMITIVE": "NS Level Primitive",
103     "KDUPRIMITIVE": "KDU Level Primitive",
104     "DESCRIPTOR": "Descriptor",
105     "ERROR": "Something Went wrong please try again",
106     "SHOWGRAPH": "Show Graph",
107     "UPDATESHOWGRAPH": "Update and Show Graph",
108     "CREATEPACKAGE": "Create New Package",
109     "GZFILETYPEERRROR": "Upload only tar.gz file and size should not exceed 50 MB",
110     "YAMLFILETYPEERRROR": "Upload only YAML file and size should not exceed 50 MB",
111     "JSONFILETYPEERRROR": "Upload only JSON file and size should not exceed 50 MB",
112     "PUBFILETYPEERRROR": "Upload only PUB file and size should not exceed 50 MB",
113     "PACKAGE": "Package",
114     "URL": "URL",
115     "DEPLOYED": "Deployed",
116     "ROLES": "Roles",
117     "INSTANCEDETAILS": "Instance Details",
118     "IPADDRESS": "IP Address",
119     "MGMT": "Mgmt",
120     "NETNAME": "Net Name",
121     "USER": "User",
122     "PORT": "Port",
123     "USERNAME": "Username",
124     "PASSWORD": "Password",
125     "NODATAERROR": "An error occurred while retrieving the information",
126     "FREEZE": "Freeze",
127     "UNFREEZE": "Unfreeze",
128     "CLONE": "Clone",
129     "CLONECONFIRMPOPUPMESSAGE": "Are you sure want to clone",
130     "CLONESUCCESSFULLY": "Package cloned successfully",
131     "DROPFILES": "Just drag and drop files or click here to upload files",
132     "DROPFILESVALIDATION": "Please select one file to process",
133     "METRICS": "Metrics",
134     "NOOFHOURS": "No Of Hours",
135     "MANDATORYCHECK": "Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)",
136     "K8VERSION": "K8 Version",
137     "ENTER": "Enter",
138     "SWITCHPROJECT": "Switch Project",
139     "CURRENTPROJECT": "Current Project",
140     "SUBMIT": "Submit",
141     "REFRESH": "Refresh",
142     "OPEN": "Open",
143     "CLOSE": "Close",
144     "UPLOADCONFIG": "Upload Config",
145     "FILEUPLOADLABEL": "Or load from file",
146     "CONFIG": "Config",
147     "YAMLCONFIG": "Yaml Config",
148     "CHOOSEFILE": "Choose File",
149     "INVALIDCONFIG": "Invalid configuration",
150     "NODATE": "No date information found",
151     "TYPEINFO": "To add a new TYPE, Please enter input above",
152     "UPLOADCONFIGLABEL": "Please upload file with .yaml or .yml format",
153     "NEWVERSIONTAG": "Here is the new version {{appVersion}} of OSM!",
154     "SCALEOUT": "Scale Out",
155     "SCALEIN": "Scale In",
156     "SCALING": "Manual Scaling",
157     "SCALINGNOTFOUND": "scaling-aspect not found in vnfd",
158     "NODATA": "Currently data not available",
159     "STATUS": "Status",
160     "PUBLICADDRESS": "Public Address",
161     "EXECUTEDACTIONS": "Executed Actions",
162     "OUTPUT": "Output",
163     "VERIFIED": "Verified",
164     "CODE": "Code",
165     "SCALE": "Scale",
166     "DEFAULT": "Default",
167     "SOURCE": "Source",
168     "RESOURCESNOTFOUND": "Resources not found",
171     "SELECTMEMBERVNFINDEX": "Select Member VNF Index",
172     "MEMBERVNFINDEX": "Member VNF Index",
173     "VDUID": "VDU Id",
174     "COUNTINDEX": "Count Index",
175     "MIGRATETOHOST": "Migrate To Host",
176     "VMMIGRATION": "Vm Migration",
177     "NSUPDATE": "Ns Update",
178     "UPDATETYPE": "Update Type",
179     "VNFDID": "Vnfd Id",
180     "UPDATEPOLICIES": "Update Policies",
181     "REDEPLOY": "Redeploy and Update",
182     "TERMINATEVNF": "Terminate VNF",
183     "UPDATEPOLICIESCONTENT": "This action involves recreating the policies of this VNF. Are you sure you want to proceed",
184     "REDEPLOYCONTENT": "This action involves redeploying all resources of this VNF. Are you sure you want to proceed",
185     "TERMINATEVNFCONTENT": "This action involves terminating this VNF. Are you sure you want to proceed",
186     "REBUILD": "Rebuild",
187     "START": "Start",
188     "STOP": "Stop",
189     "VIMACTION": "VIM Action",
190     "VERTICALSCALING": "Vertical Scaling",
191     "MEMORYMB": "Memory MB",
192     "STORAGEGB": "Storage GB",
193     "VCPUCOUNT": "VCPU Count",
194     "UPDATENS": "Update NS",
195     "GENERICCONTENT": "This action involves recreating the resources of this VNF. Are you sure you want to proceed",
196     "VNFDNAME": "Vnfd Name",
197     "PAGE": {
198         "DASHBOARD": {
199             "DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
200             "RECENTUSERLOG": "Recent User Log",
201             "LOGS": "Logs",
202             "FAILEDINSTANCES": "Failed Instances",
203             "NOINSTANCES": "No Instances Available",
204             "UPTIME": "Uptime",
205             "RUNNINGINSTANCES": "Running Instances",
206             "NETSLICETEMPLATE": "NetSlice Template",
207             "NETSLICEINSTANCE": "NetSlice Instances",
208             "USERS": "Users",
209             "PROJECTS": "Projects",
210             "USERSETTINGS": "User Settings",
211             "LOGOUT": "Logout"
212         },
213         "LOGIN": {
214             "USERNAME": "Username",
215             "PASSWORD": "Password",
216             "SIGNUP": "Sign Up",
217             "ACCOUNTCREATEMESSAGE": "Don't have an account?",
218             "LOGIN": "Log In",
219             "PASSWORDVALIDMESSAGE": "Password is required",
220             "USERNAMEVALIDMESSAGE": "Username is required",
221             "SIGNINMSG": "Sign in to start your session",
222             "PASSWORDMINLENGTHVALIDMESSAGE": "Password must be 8 characters and contains at least one upper case, lower case, numeric & special character",
223             "USERNAMEMINLENGTHVALIDMESSAGE": "Username must be at least 5 characters",
224             "LASTACCESS": "Last Access Time",
225             "FAILED": "Failed Login Attempts",
226             "PASSWORDEXPIRE": "Password Expires in",
227             "ACCOUNTEXPIRE": "Account Expires in",
228             "PASSWORDEXPIRETODAY": "Password Expires Today",
229             "ACCOUNTEXPIRETODAY": "Account Expires Today",
230             "LOGINHISTORY": "Login History",
231             "DAYS": "days",
232             "PASSWORDEXPIRETOMORROW": "Password Expires Tomorrow",
233             "ACCOUNTEXPIRETOMORROW": "Account Expires Tomorrow"
234         },
236             "NEWINSTANCE": "New Instance",
237             "NSNAME": "Ns Name",
238             "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
239             "NSID": "Nsd Id",
240             "SSHKEY": "SSH Key",
241             "VIMACCOUNT": "VIM Account",
242             "SSHKEYMSG": "Paste your key here"
243         },
244         "NSMETRIC": {
245             "INSTANCESMETRIC": "Instances Metric",
246             "METRICERROR": "Data not available in metrics"
247         },
248         "USERSETTINGS": {
249             "LANGUAGE": "Language"
250         },
251         "VIM": {
252             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "VIM Created Successfully",
253             "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "VIM Updated Successfully",
254             "LOCATIONINFO": "Type the Data location name, Latitude & Longitude to show in map view"
255         },
256         "VIMDETAILS": {
257             "NEWVIM": "New VIM",
258             "VIMACCOUNTDETAILS": "VIM Account details",
259             "NAME": "Name",
260             "VIMUSERNAME": "VIM Username",
261             "VIMURL": "VIM URL",
262             "VIMTYPE": "Type",
263             "TENANTNAME": "VIM Project/Tenant Name",
264             "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
265             "SCHEMATYPE": "Schema Type",
266             "SCHEMAVERSION": "Schema Version",
268             "NEWVIMACCOUNT": "New VIM Account",
269             "VIMPASSWORD": "VIM Password",
270             "VIMLOCATION": "VIM Location",
271             "BACKTOVIMACCOUNTS": "Back to VimAccounts",
272             "LOCATIONERROR": "The Datacenter is already available in the selected location",
273             "LOADSAMPLECONFIG": "Load Sample Config",
274             "CLEARCONFIG": "Clear Config",
275             "USED": "Used",
276             "ALLOCATED": "Allocated",
277             "FREE": "Free",
278             "VIMRESOURCES": "VIM Resources Overview",
279             "DOUGHNUT": "Doughnut",
280             "PIE": "Pie",
281             "NODATA": "No Data",
282             "EDITVIMACCOUNT": "Edit VIM Account",
283             "EDITVIM": "Edit VIM",
284             "VIMHEADER": "Warning",
285             "VIMCONTENT": "This action involves loading the sample config & deleting the present config",
286             "CLEARCONTENT": "This action involves deleting the present config",
287             "VIMSUBMIT": "Proceed",
288             "VIMEMPTY": "Disallowed operation in config update",
289             "VIMDELETE": "At least one config information is required"
290         },
291         "WIMACCOUNTS": {
292             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "WIM Created Successfully",
293             "WIMDETAILS": "WIM Details",
294             "NEWWIM": "New WIM",
295             "SCHEMAVERSION": "Schema Version",
296             "RO": "RO",
297             "ROACCOUNT": "RO Account",
298             "USERNAME": "WIM Username",
299             "PASSWORD": "WIM Password"
300         },
301         "NSINSTANCE": {
302             "NEWNSINSTANCE": "New NS",
303             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "NS Instance Created Successfully"
304         },
305         "VNFINSTANCE": {
306             "ADDVNFINSTANCE": "Add VNF Instance"
307         },
308         "PDUINSTANCE": {
309             "NEWPDUINSTANCE": "New PDU",
310             "PDUTYPE": "PDU Type",
311             "PARAMETERS": "PDU Instances Parameters",
312             "ADDINSTANCEPARAMS": "Add Params",
313             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "PDU Instances Created Successfully"
314         },
315         "NETSLICEINSTANCE": {
316             "CREATENETSLICEINSTANCE": "Create NSI"
317         },
318         "SDNCONTROLLER": {
319             "NEWSDNCONTROLLER": "New SDN Controller",
320             "REGISTEREDSDNCONTROLLER": "Registered SDN Controllers",
321             "RO": "RO",
322             "DPID": "DPID",
323             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "SDN Registered Successfully",
324             "DPIDPLACEHOLDER": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
325             "DETAILS": "SDN Controller Details"
326         },
327         "USERS": {
328             "CREATEUSER": "New User",
329             "NEWUSER": "New User",
330             "USERNAME": "User Name",
331             "PASSWORD": "Password",
332             "OLDPASSWORD": "Current Password",
333             "CONFPASSWORD": "Confirm Password",
334             "EDITUSER": "Edit User",
335             "NEWPASSWORD": "New Password",
336             "DEFAULTPROJECT": "Default Project",
337             "PASSWORDCONFLICT": "Password and confirm password are not matched",
338             "PASSWORDMATCH": "Password Match",
339             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "User Created Successfully",
340             "EDITEDSUCCESSFULLY": "User Edit Successfully",
341             "EDITCREDENTIALS": "Change Password",
342             "EDITUSERNAME": "Change Username",
343             "PROJECTSROLES": "Projects Roles",
344             "EDITPROJECTROLEMAPPING": "Edit Project Role Mapping",
345             "ADDMAPPINGS": "Add Mappings",
346             "EDITPROJECTROLEERROR": "Please provide at least one project role mapping to continue",
347             "CHANGEPASSWORD": "Password is changed, Sign in to start your session",
348             "UNLOCK": "Unlock User",
349             "RENEW": "Renew User",
350             "CHANGEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Password has been changed successfully",
351             "UNLOCKUSER": "User has been unlocked successfully",
352             "RENEWUSER": "User has been renewed successfully"
353         },
354         "TOPOLOGY": {
355             "SELECTELEMENT": "Select Element",
356             "VL": "VL",
357             "VNF": "VNF",
358             "VNFD": "VNFD",
359             "CP": "CP",
360             "NSD": "NSD",
361             "NS": "NS",
362             "VIRTUALLINK": "Virtual Link",
363             "CONNECTIONPOINT": "Connection Point",
364             "INTCONNECTIONPOINT": "Int Connection Point",
365             "LINK": "Link",
366             "ADDINGCP": "Please select a connection point of {{vnfdname}} to link {{vlname}}?",
367             "INFO": "Info",
368             "HELP": "Help",
369             "HELPINFO": {
370                 "CREATEEDGE": "Create edge",
371                 "CREATEEDGEFIRSTSETENCE": "Select the first vertex by clicking on it using",
372                 "CREATEEDGESECONDSETENCE": "on another vertex (different than the selected one).",
373                 "DELETEEDGEVERTEX": "Delete edge/vertex",
374                 "DELETEEDGEVERTEXSENTENCE": "Double clicking on edge/vertex.",
375                 "SPREADEDGE": "Spread edge",
376                 "SPREADEDGESENTENCE": "Select the vertex by clicking on it using",
377                 "EDGEINFO": "Show edge information",
378                 "EDGEINFOSENTENCE": "Select the edge by clicking. The information will be shown on the left side."
379             },
380             "VDU": "VDU",
381             "INTVL": "IntVL",
382             "INTCP": "IntCP",
383             "DATAEMPTY": "Please change something",
384             "ADDCPBEFOREVDU": "Add CP before adding VDU"
385         },
386         "PROJECT": {
387             "NEWPROJECT": "New Project",
388             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Project Created Successfully",
389             "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Project Updated Successfully",
390             "QUOTA": "Quota Limit",
391             "QUOTALIMIT": "Quota Limit exceeded"
392         },
393         "NSPACKAGE": {
394             "ADDNSPACKAGE": "Compose a new NS",
395             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "NS Package Created Successfully",
396             "NSCOMPOSE": {
397                 "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Descriptor Updated Successfully",
398                 "CONFIRMCONNECTIONPOINT": "Please confirm to add connection point",
399                 "CANNOTLINKVNF": "You can't link a vnf with a vnf",
400                 "CANNOTLINKVL": "You can't link a VL with a VL",
401                 "CANNOTLINKVLVNF": "You can't link a VL with a vnf",
402                 "CANNOTLINKVNFCP": "You can't link a VNF with a CP",
403                 "CANNOTLINKVLCP": "You can't link a VL with a CP",
404                 "CANNOTLINKCP": "You can't link a CP with a CP",
405                 "ADDNSD": "Virtual Link is added succesfully",
406                 "ADDVNFD": "VNFD is added succesfully",
407                 "ADDNS": "Connection Link is added succesfully",
408                 "DELETENSD": "Successfully Deleted the Virtual Link",
409                 "DELETEVNFD": "Successfully Deleted the VNF",
410                 "DELETENS": "Successfully Deleted the Connection point",
411                 "DELETELINK": "Successfully Deleted the Link",
412                 "MGMTNETWORK": "Mgmt Network"
413             },
414             "EDITPACKAGES": {
415                 "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Descriptor Updated Successfully"
416             }
417         },
418         "VNFPACKAGE": {
419             "ADDVNFPACKAGE": "Compose a new VNF",
420             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "VNF Package Created Successfully",
421             "VNFCOMPOSE": {
422                 "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Descriptor Updated Successfully",
423                 "INVALIDSELECTION": "Invalid Selection",
424                 "YOUCANNOTDELETELINK": "You cannot delete link",
425                 "CANNOTLINKVDUANDINTCP": "You cant link vdu with int_cp",
426                 "CANNOTLINKINTCPANDVDU": "You cant link int_cp with vdu",
427                 "CANNOTLINKCPANDVNFVL": "You cant link cp with vnf_vl",
428                 "CANNOTLINKVNFVLANDCP": "You cant link vnf_vl with cp",
429                 "CANNOTLINKINTCPANDCP": "You cant link intcp with cp",
430                 "CANNOTLINKCPANDINTCP": "You cant link cp with int_cp",
431                 "CANNOTLINKVDUANDVDU": "You can't link a vdu with a vdu",
432                 "CANNOTLINKCPANDCP": "You can't link a cp with a cp",
433                 "CANNOTLINKVNFVLANDVNFVL": "You cant link vnf_vl with vnf_vl",
434                 "CANNOTLINKVNFVLANDONTCP": "You cant link vnf_vl with int_cp",
435                 "CANNOTLINKINTCPANDVNFVL": "You cant link intcp with vnf_vl",
436                 "CANNOTLINKINTCPANDINTCP": "You cant link intcp with intcp"
437             }
438         },
439         "NETSLICE": {
440             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Netslice Created Successfully",
441             "TEMPLATECREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Netslice Template Created Successfully",
442             "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Template Updated Successfully"
443         },
444         "NETSLICETEMPLATE": {
445             "NETSLICETEMPLATEDETAILS": "Network Slices Template Details"
446         },
448             "NEWINSTANCE": "New Instance",
449             "NSNAME": "Ns Name",
450             "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
451             "NSTID": "Nst Id",
452             "SSHKEY": "SSH Key",
453             "VIMACCOUNT": "VIM Account",
454             "SSHKEYMSG": "Paste your key here ..."
455         },
456         "NSPRIMITIVE": {
457             "PRIMITIVE": "Primitive",
458             "PRIMITIVEPARAMETERS": "Primitive Parameters",
459             "ADDPRIMITIVEPARAMS": "Add Primitive Params",
460             "EXECUTEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Executed NS Primitive Configuration"
461         },
462         "ROLES": {
463             "CREATEROLE": "New Role",
464             "ROLE": "Role",
465             "PERMISSIONS": "Permissions",
466             "YAMLPERMISSIONS": "YAML Permissions",
467             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Role Created Successfully",
468             "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Role Updated Successfully",
469             "ROLEJSONERROR": "Role permissions should be provided in a key-value fashion",
470             "ROLEKEYERROR": "Value of '{{roleKey}}' in a role permissions should be boolean",
471             "EDITROLE": "Edit Role",
472             "PREVIEW": "Preview",
473             "TEXTVIEW": "Text View"
474         },
475         "K8S": {
476             "MENUK8S": "K8s",
477             "MENUK8SCLUSTER": "K8s Clusters",
478             "MENUK8SREPO": "K8s Repos",
479             "REGISTERK8CLUSTER": "Registered K8s clusters",
480             "ADDK8CLUSTER": "Add K8s Cluster",
481             "K8SCLUSTERDETAILS": "K8s Cluster Details",
482             "REGISTERK8REPO": "Registered K8s repository",
483             "ADDK8REPO": "Add K8s Repository",
484             "K8SREPODETAILS": "K8s Repository Details",
485             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "K8s Created Successfully",
486             "NEWK8SCLUSTER": "New K8s Cluster",
487             "NAME": "Name",
488             "K8SVERSION": "K8s Version",
489             "VIMACCOUNT": "Vim Account",
490             "DESCRIPTION": "Description",
491             "DEPLOYMENTMETHODS": "Deployment methods",
492             "NETS": "Nets",
493             "NETSPLACEHOLDER": "example: {'net1': 'osm-ext'}",
494             "CREDENTIALS": "Credentials",
495             "NEWK8SREPO": "New K8s Repository",
496             "TYPE": "Type",
497             "URL": "URL"
498         },
499         "OSMREPO": {
500             "MENUOSMREPO": "OSM Repositories",
501             "ADDOSMREPO": "Add OSM Repositories",
502             "NEWOSMREPO": "New OSM Repositories",
503             "EDITOSMREPO": "Edit OSM Repositories",
504             "OSMREPOTITLE": "Registered OSM repository",
505             "CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "OSM Repository Added Successfully",
506             "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "OSM Repository Updated Successfully"
507         },
509             "TITLE": "Operational Dashboard",
510             "MODELSUMMARY": "Model Summary",
511             "MODEL": "Model",
512             "APPLICATION": "App",
513             "APPLICATIONTITLE": "Apps",
514             "UNITS": "Unit",
515             "UNITSTITLE": "Units",
516             "RELATIONS": "Relations",
517             "NOAPPLICATION": "There are no application in this model",
518             "NOUNITS": "There are no units in this model",
519             "NORELATIONS": "There are no relations in this model",
520             "NOMACHINES": "There are no machines in this model",
521             "NOEXECUTEDACTIONS": "There are no executed actions in this model",
522             "MACHINE": "Machine",
523             "MACHINETITLE": "Machines",
524             "MESSAGE": "Message",
525             "WORKLOAD": "Workload",
526             "AGENT": "Agent",
527             "ADDRESS": "Address",
528             "INTERFACE": "Interface",
529             "REQUIRER": "Requirer",
530             "RELATIONPROVIDER": "Relation Provider",
531             "CHARM": "Charm",
532             "STORE": "Store",
533             "LEADER": "Leader",
534             "LIVELOAD": "Live Loading",
535             "SETSECONDS": "Set Timer",
536             "SERIES": "Series"
537         }
538     },
539     "HTTPERROR": {
540         "401": "Access denied, Lack of permissions",
541         "400": "Please check the request and try again",
542         "404": "Expected service not avilable, Please try again later",
543         "500": "Server error, Please try again later",
544         "502": "Bad Gateway, Please try again later",
545         "503": "Service temporarily unavailable, Please try again later",
546         "504": "Gateway timeout error, Please try again later",
547         "409": "Please try again later"
548     },
549     "PAGENOTFOUND": {
550         "OOPS": "Oops!",
551         "NOTFOUND": "404 Not Found",
552         "CONTENT": "The page cannot be found or unauthorized, it might be no longer relevant or had its name changed",
553         "MEAN": "Meanwhile, you may return to",
554         "HOME": "Home"
555     },
557         "INVALIDURL": "Enter a valid URL",
558         "INVALIDIPADDRESS": "Enter a valid IP Address",
559         "INVALIDPORTADDRESS": "Enter a valid PORT Address",
560         "INVALIDDPID": "Enter a valid DPID",
561         "INVALIDJSON": "Enter a valid JSON Format",
562         "INVALIDYAML": "Enter a valid JSON Format"
563     },
564     "GRAFANA": {
565         "METRICSERROR": "Not a valid metrics"
566     }
567 }