1. OSM Quickstart

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Open Source MANO (OSM) is an ETSI-hosted open source community delivering a production-quality MANO stack for NFV, capable of consuming openly published information models, available to everyone, suitable for all VNFs, operationally significant and VIM-independent. OSM is aligned to NFV ISG information models while providing first-hand feedback based on its implementation experience.

Release ELEVEN brings a number of improvements over previous releases. For the full list of new features, please refer to the Release Notes. For a comprehensive overview of OSM functionalities, you can also refer to the OSM White Papers and Release Notes of previous releases.

OSM in Practice:

1.1. Assumptions about interaction with VIMs and VNFs

The following figure illustrates OSM interaction with VIMs and VNFs:

  • OSM talks to the VIM for the deployment of VNFs and VLs connecting them

  • OSM talks to the VNFs deployed in a VIM to run day-0, day-1 and day-2 configuration primitives.


In order for OSM to work, it is assumed that:

  • Each VIM has an API endpoint reachable from OSM

  • Each VIM has a so called management network which provides IP address to VNFs

  • That management network is reachable from OSM

1.2. Installing OSM

1.2.1. Default installation procedure

All you need to run OSM is a single server or VM with the following requirements:

  • MINIMUM: 2 CPUs, 6 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access

  • RECOMMENDED: 2 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access

  • Base image: Ubuntu20.04 (64-bit variant required)

Once you have prepared the host with the previous requirements, all you need to do is:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-11.0-eleven/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh

This will install a standalone Kubernetes on a single host, and OSM on top of it.

TIP: In order to facilitate potential trobleshooting later, it is recommended to save the full log of your installation process:

wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-11.0-eleven/install_osm.sh
chmod +x install_osm.sh
./install_osm.sh 2>&1 | tee osm_install_log.txt

You will be asked if you want to proceed with the installation and configuration of LXD, juju, docker CE and the initialization of a local docker swarm, as pre-requirements. Please answer “y”. Installation including optional components

You can include optional components in your installation by adding the following flags:

  • Kubernetes Monitor:: --k8s_monitor (install an add-on to monitor the Kubernetes cluster and OSM running on top of it, through prometheus and grafana)

  • PLA: --pla (install the PLA module for placement support)


./install_osm.sh --k8s_monitor Other installation options

1.2.2. Checking your installation

After some time, you will get a fresh OSM installation with its latest, pre-built docker images which are built daily. You can access to the UI in the following URL (user:admin, password: admin):, replacing by the IP address of your host.

OSM home

OSM installation result

As a result of the installation, different K8s objects (deployments, statefulsets, etc.) created in the host. You can check the status by running the following commands:

kubectl get all -n osm

To check the logs of any container:

kubectl logs -n osm deployments/lcm           # for LCM
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/ng-ui         # for NG-UI
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/mon           # for MON
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/nbi           # for NBI
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/pol           # for POL
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/ro            # for RO
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/keystone      # for Keystone
kubectl logs -n osm deployments/grafana       # for Grafana
kubectl logs -n osm statefulset/kafka         # for Kafka
kubectl logs -n osm statefulset/mongodb-k8s   # for MongoDB
kubectl logs -n osm statefulset/mysql         # for Mysql
kubectl logs -n osm statefulset/prometheus    # for Prometheus
kubectl logs -n osm statefulset/zookeeper     # for Zookeeper

Finally, if you used the option --k8s_monitor to install an add-on to monitor the K8s cluster and OSM, you can check the status in this way.

kubectl get all -n monitoring

OSM client, a python-based CLI for OSM, will be available as well in the host machine. Via the OSM client, you can manage descriptors, NS and VIM complete lifecycle.

osm --help

1.3. Adding VIM accounts

Before proceeding, make sure that you have a site with a VIM configured to run with OSM. Different kinds of VIMs are currently supported by OSM:

  • OpenStack. Check the following link to learn how to configure OpenStack to be used by OSM: Openstack configuration

  • Microsoft Azure Check the following link to learn how to configure Microsoft Azure to be used by OSM: Configuring Microsoft Azure for OSM

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Check the following link to learn how to configure Google Cloud Platform to be used by OSM: Configuring Google Cloud Platform for OSM

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS). Check the following link to learn how to configure AWS (EC2 and Virtual Private Cloud) to be used by OSM: Configuring AWS for OSM

  • VMware vCloud Director. Check the following link to learn how to configure VMware VCD to be used by OSM: Configuring VMware vCloud Director

  • OpenVIM. Check the following link to know how to install and use openvim for OSM: OpenVIM installation. OpenVIM must run in ‘normal’ mode (not test or fake) to have real virtual machines reachable from OSM.

  • Eclipse fog05 Check the following link to learn how to configure Eclipse fog05 to be used by OSM: Configuring Eclipse fog05 for OSM

OSM can manage external SDN controllers to perform the dataplane underlay network connectivity on behalf of the VIM. See EPA and SDN assist

1.3.1. Adding VIMs through OSM client Openstack site

Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: “openstack-site”, IP address:, VIM tenant: “admin”, user: “admin”, password: “userpwd”)

osm vim-create --name openstack-site --user admin --password userpwd \
    --auth_url --tenant admin --account_type openstack

For advanced options, please refer to the OpenStack Setup Guide. VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) site

Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: “openstack-site-vio4”, IP address:, VIM tenant: admin, user: admin, password: passwd)

osm vim-create --name VIO --user admin --password passwd --auth_url --tenant admin \
    --account_type openstack --config '{use_floating_ip: True, insecure: true, vim_type: VIO, APIversion: v3.3,
    dataplane_physical_net: dvs-46, "use_internal_endpoint":true,"dataplane_net_vlan_range":["31-35","37-39"]}'

With respect to Openstack, the additional configuration for VIO is the following:

  • vim_type: Set to “VIO” to use VMware Integrated openstack as VIM

  • use_internal_endpoint: When true it allows use of private API endpoints

  • dataplane_physical_net: The configured network_vlan_ranges at neutron for the SRIOV (binding direct) and passthrough (binding direct-physical) networks, e.g. ‘physnet_sriov’ in the above configuration. In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide moref ID of distributed virtual switch, e.g ‘dvs-46’ in above configuration.

  • dataplane_net_vlan_range: In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide vlan ranges for the SRIOV (binding direct) networks in format [’start_ID - end_ID’]

For common options, you may refer to the general OpenStack Setup Guide. Amazon Web Services (AWS) site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: “aws-site”, VIM tenant: “admin”, user: “XXX”, password: “YYY”)

osm vim-create --name aws-site --user XXX --password YYY --auth_url https://aws.amazon.com --tenant admin \
    --account_type aws --config '{region_name: eu-central-1, flavor_info: {t2.nano: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 512},
    t2.micro: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 1024}, t2.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 2048},
    m1.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 160, ram: 1741}}}'

For advanced options, please refer to the Configuring AWS for OSM. Microsoft Azure

  • Execute the following command, using the appropiate parameters (e.g azure_client_id: ‘XXX’, azure_secret: ‘YYY’, azure_tenant: ‘tenantid’, azure_subscription_id: ‘ZZZ’, regular expression of the flavors that will be used: flavors_pattern:’^Basic’)

osm vim-create --name azure --account_type azure --auth_url http://www.azure.com --tenant "tenantid"
    --user "XXX" --password "azurepwd" --description "AZURE site"
    --config "{region_name: westeurope, resource_group: 'osmRG', subscription_id: 'azuresubs',
     vnet_name: 'osm_vnet', flavors_pattern: 'flavors_regex'}"

For advanced options, please refer to the Microsoft Azure setup guide. OpenVIM site

Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: “openvim-site”, IP address:, VIM tenant: “osm”)

osm vim-create --name openvim-site --auth_url --account_type openvim \
   --description "Openvim site" --tenant osm --user dummy --password dummy Eclipse fog05 site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. runtime supported: “hypervisor”, cpu architecture: “arch”, user: “XXX”, password: “YYY”)

osm vim-create --name fos --auth_url <rest proxy ip>:8080 --account_type fos --tenant osm --user dummy --password dummy --config '{hypervisor: LXD}'

For advanced options, please refer to the Configuring Eclipse fog05 for OSM. VMware vCloud Director site

  • Execute the following command, using the appropriate parameters (e.g. site name: “vmware-site”, IP address:, VIM tenant: “vmware-tenant”, user: “osm”, password: “osm4u”, admin user: “admin”, admin password: “adminpwd”, organization: “orgVDC”)

osm vim-create --name vmware-site --user osm --password osm4u --auth_url \
    --tenant vmware-tenant  --account_type vmware \
    --config '{admin_username: user, admin_password: passwd, orgname: organization, nsx_manager: "",
    nsx_user: user, nsx_password: userpwd,"vcenter_port": port, "vcenter_user":user, "vcenter_password":password,

For advanced options, please refer to the Configuring VMware vCloud Director.

1.3.2. Adding VIMs through GUI

Just access the VIM Accounts tab, click the New VIM button and fill the parameters accordingly.


1.4. Deploying your first Network Service

Before going on, download the required VNF and NS packages from this URL: https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/Packages/examples/

You can also clone VNF and NS packages from Gitlab and build them with osmclient.

1.4.1. Onboarding a VNF

The onboarding of a VNF in OSM involves preparing and adding the corresponding VNF package to the system. This process also assumes, as a pre-condition, that the corresponding VM images are available in the VIM(s) where it will be instantiated. Uploading VM image(s) to the VIM(s)

In this example, only a vanilla Ubuntu20.04 image is needed. It can be obtained from the following link: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img

It will be required to upload the image into the VIM. Instructions differ from one VIM to another (please check the reference of your type of VIM).

For instance, this is the OpenStack command for uploading images:

openstack image create --file="./focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 ubuntu20.04 Onboarding a VNF Package

  • From the UI:

    • Go to ‘VNF Packages’ on the ‘Packages’ menu to the left

    • Drag and drop the VNF package file hackfest_basic_vnf.tar.gz in the importing area.

Onboarding a VNF

  • From OSM client:

osm nfpkg-create hackfest_basic_vnf.tar.gz
osm nfpkg-list

1.4.2. Onboarding a NS Package

  • From the UI:

    • Go to ‘NS Packages’ on the ‘Packages’ menu to the left

    • Drag and drop the NS package file hackfest_basic_ns.tar.gz in the importing area.

Onboarding a NS

  • From OSM client:

osm nspkg-create hackfest_basic_ns.tar.gz
osm nspkg-list

1.4.3. Instantiating the NS Instantiating a NS from the UI

  • Go to ‘NS Packages’ on the ‘Packages’ menu to the left

  • Next the NS descriptor to be instantiated, click on the ‘Instantiate NS’ button.

Instantiating a NS (assets/600px-Nsd_list_r9.png)

  • Fill in the form, adding at least a name, description and selecting the VIM:

Instantiating a NS (assets/600px-New_ns_r9.png)

Instantiation parameters can be specified using both CLI and UI. You can find a thorough explanation with examples in this page: OSM instantiation parameters. Instantiating a NS from the OSM client

osm ns-create --ns_name <ns-instance-name> --nsd_name hackfest_basic-ns --vim_account <vim-target-name>
osm ns-list

1.5. What’s next?

If you want to learn more, you can refer to the rest of OSM documentation.