Technical FAQ (Release THREE)

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Connection error: not possible to contact OPENMANO-SERVER (openmanod)

Q. After following the steps carefully as stated in OSM Release TWO web page, I tried to instantiate the Network Service. All seems correct until the last phase, when I get an error in the UI. I connected to the SO-ub container, opened the SO CLI and run commands below:

$ lxc exec SO-ub -- bash
root@SO-ub:~# /usr/rift/rift-shell -r -i /usr/rift -a /usr/rift/.artifacts -- rwcli --rift_var_root /usr/rift/var/rift       (user: admin; pwd: admin)
rift# show ns-instance-opdata nsr

The last command allows getting a more comprehensive view about what it is happening. In the last operational-events field, namely "ns-field", details say: "Connection error: not possible to contact OPENMANO-SERVER (openmanod)". I do not know how to fix the problem. I have checked all the previous steps and they seem they are correct.

A. First, please check connectivity to RO container. Can you ping the RO IP address (configured in SO) from SO-ub container? If not, then make sure that osm-ro service is up and running on the RO container.

$ lxc exec RO -- bash
root@SO-ub:~# service osm-ro status
root@SO-ub:~# OPENMANO_TENANT=osm openmano datacenter-list

"Instantiation failed", but VMs and networks were successfully created

Q. After trying to instantiate, I got the message that the instantiation failed without much information about the reason. After checking the logs, it seems to be a timeout issue. However, I am seeing that the VMs and networks were created at the VIM.

A. First check in the RO that there is an IP address in the management interface of each VNF of the NS.

lxc exec RO --env OPENMANO_TENANT=osm openmano instance-scenario-list                      # to identify the running scenarios in the RO
lxc exec RO --env OPENMANO_TENANT=osm openmano instance-scenario-list <id> -vvv |grep ip   # to get verbose information on a specific scenario in the RO

If no IP address is present in the management interface of each VNF, then you are hitting a SO-RO timeout issue. The reason is typically a wrong configuration of the VIM. The way how management IP addresses are assigned to the VNFs change from one VIM to another. In all the cases, the recommendation is the following:

  • Pre-provision a management network in the VIM, with DHCP enabled. You can see, for instance, the instructions in the case of Openstack ( ).
  • Then make sure that, at instantiation time, you specify a mapping between the management network in th NS and the VIM network name that you pre-provisioned at the VIM.

If the IP address is present in the management interface, then you are probably hitting a SO-VCA timeout, caused because the VNF configuration via Juju charms takes too long. To confirm, connect to VCA container and check "juju status".

lxc exec VCA -- juju status

Then, if you see an error, you should debug the VNF charm or ask the people providing that VNF package.

"Instantiation failed" and VMs and network were not created at VIM

Q. After trying to instantiate, I got the message that the instantiation failed without much information about the reason. I connected to the VIM and checked that the VMs are networks were not created

A. You are hitting a SO-RO timeout, caused either by the lack of communication from the RO to the VIM or because the creation of VMs and networks from the RO to the VIMs takes too long.