How to report issues (Release TWO)

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Revision as of 13:56, 28 April 2017 by Garciadeblas (talk | contribs)
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If you have bugs or issues to be reported, please use Bugzilla:

If you have questions or feedback, feel free to contact us through the mailing list

In case of an installation issue, please provide the full command used to run the installer and the full output of the installer (or at least enough context).

In case of operational issues, please provide:

  • Version of OSM that you are using
  • Logs of the SO, UI and RO (see here to know how to get them)
  • Details on the actions you made to get that error so that we could reproduce it.
  • IP network details in order to help troubleshooting potential network issues. For instance:
    • client IP address from where you are trying to access OSM
    • IP address of the machine where OSM is running
    • IP addresses of the containers
    • NAT rules in the machine where OSM is running