Release ONE HowTo guide for users

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This wiki page is under development. It contains some of the common tasks done in OSM.

Adding datacenters/VIMs

Three kind of datacenters are currently supported by OSM:

  • OpenVIM
  • OpenStack
  • VMware vCloud Director

The following instructions are required to be executed in the host to add each kind of datacenter

  • OpenVIM DC (e.g. IP address:, VIM tenant "osm")
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-create --type openvim --description "Openvim Datacenter" openvim-site
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-attach openvim-site --vim-tenant-name=osm
  • OpenStack DC (e.g. IP address:, VIM tenant "admin", user "admin", password "userpwd")
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-create --type openstack --description "OpenStack Datacenter" openstack-site
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-attach openstack-site --user=admin --password=userpwd --vim-tenant-name=admin
  • VMware DC (e.g. IP address:, VIM tenant "vmware-tenant", user "osm", password "osm4u", admin user "admin", admin password "adminpwd")
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-create --type vmware --description "vmWare Datacenter" vmware-site" --config '{admin_password: adminpwd, admin_username: admin}'
lxc exec RO -- export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm "&&" openmano datacenter-attach vmware-site --user=osm --password=osm4u --vim-tenant-name=vmware-tenant
Note: It is needed to match the name of the datacenter "vmware-site" to the name of the organization of "vCloud Director". Inside this organization the tenant "vmware-tenant" must exist

Adding VNF and NS to the catalog

You can use the UI to onboard VNF and NS to the catalog. VNF and NS packages can be found in the URLs below: