NBI API Description
OSM North Bound Interface is a REST-full following ETSI SOL005 standard. It admits both YAML/JSON formats.
By default it serves https (auto-signed certificate) on port 9999. Bearer authentication (with token) is used. Basic authentication or no authentication is also possible changing 'nbi.cfg' file.
For developping porpouses it admits web browser navigation using a basic http format.
Request headers
Accept: 'application/json','application/yaml' in most of the cases. Use 'text/html' for web navigation. Use 'text/plain','application/zip' for descriptor artifacts showing. This header field shall be present if the response is expected to have a non-empty message body.
Content-Type: 'application/json','application/yaml' for most of the cases. For packages uploading use 'application/gzip','application/zip','application/x-gzip','application/binary'. For descriptor artifacts it can be used 'text/plain'. This header field shall be present if the request has a non-empty message body.
Authorization: 'Bearer <token_id>'. The authorization token for the request. It is mandatory except when a token is requested.
Content-Range: '<first byte>-<last byte>0/<total>'. It allows uploading a descriptor by chunks.
Content-File-MD5: '<md5>'. MD5 of uploaded package.
Content-Filename: '<filename>'. Filename of the uploaded package.
Query-String-Format: '<yaml>'. Parses query string values using yaml format.
Response headers
Content-Type: 'application/json','application/yaml' is the more normal. 'text/html' when web navigation. 'application/gzip','text/plain' for descriptor artifacts
Location: '/<main_topic>/v1/<topic>/<id>'. Always that something is created, this header is present containing URL to this element.
WWW-Authenticate: 'Bearer realm="{}"'. When Authentication error is obtained.
Retry-After: '
Query string
Query string has the format: '?key=value&key2=value2&...'.
Some special keys are:
- FORMAT=True Forces and operation. It disables descriptor checkings, dependency cheking. For delete, it allows deleting things that cannot done in normal operation because dependency. But beware that forcing deletion will not deletes created things at VIM level.
For GET method it allows filtering with this format, follows SOL005 section 4.3.2:
query string := ?<simpleFilterExpr>["&"<simpleFilterExpr>]* simpleFilterExpr := <attrName>["."<attrName>]*["."<op>]"="<value>[","<value>]* op := "eq" | "neq" (or "ne") | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont" equal (by default), not equal, greater than, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal, contains, not contains attrName := string. For filtering inside array, use the index element of the array, or add ANYINDEX to apply the filtering over the same array element
For PUT/POST/PATCH It allows override e.g. package content, with the values of this query string
URL and Methods sumary
North Bound Interface (O: OSM specific; X,5: SOL005 not OSM implemented yet; O5: OSM and SOL005)
URL: /osm GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH /nsd/v1 /ns_descriptors_content O O /<nsdInfoId> O O O O /ns_descriptors O5 O5 /<nsdInfoId> O5 O5 5 /nsd_content O5 O5 /nsd O /artifacts[/<artifactPath>] O /pnf_descriptors 5 5 /<pnfdInfoId> 5 5 5 /pnfd_content 5 5 /vnfpkgm/v1 /vnf_packages_content O O /<vnfPkgId> O O /vnf_packages O5 O5 /<vnfPkgId> O5 O5 5 /package_content O5 O5 /upload_from_uri X /vnfd O5 /artifacts[/<artifactPath>] O5 /nslcm/v1 /ns_instances_content O O /<nsInstanceId> O O /ns_instances 5 5 /<nsInstanceId> O5 O5 instantiate O5 terminate O5 action O scale O5 heal 5 /ns_lcm_op_occs 5 5 /<nsLcmOpOccId> 5 5 5 TO BE COMPLETED 5 5 /vnf_instances (also vnfrs for compatibility) O /<vnfInstanceId> O /pdu/v1 /pdu_descriptor O O /<id> O O O O /admin/v1 /tokens O O /<id> O O /users O O /<id> O O O O /projects O O /<id> O O /vim_accounts (also vims for compatibility) O O /<id> O O O /wim_accounts O O /<id> O O O /sdns O O /<id> O O O /nst/v1 O O /netslice_templates_content O O /<nstInfoId> O O O O /netslice_templates O O /<nstInfoId> O O O /nst_content O O /nst O /artifacts[/<artifactPath>] O /nsilcm/v1 /netslice_instances_content O O /<SliceInstanceId> O O /netslice_instances O O /<SliceInstanceId> O O instantiate O terminate O action O /nsi_lcm_op_occs O O /<nsiLcmOpOccId> O O O
Administrative Content Details
/admin/v1/tokens. Token is a temporal authorization for a user in a project
- GET: Get tokens
- POST: Obtain a token. The username, password and optional project is needed. If project is not suplyed it asign first project of available for this user.
- Example of request content: '{username: <user>, password: <pass>, project_id: <project>}'
- GET: show token details
- DELETE: revoque token. Logout
/admin/v1/users. Users may operate in several projects
- GET: Get users
- POST: Add a new user.
- Example of request content: TODO
- GET: Get user details
- PUT/PATCH: Edit user.
- Example of user edition: TODO
- DELETE: Removes user.
/admin/v1/projects. A project contains its own separate space
- GET: Get projects
- POST: Add a new projects.
- Example of request content: TODO
- GET: Get project details
- PUT/PATCH: Edit project.
- Example of project edition: TODO
- DELETE: Removes project.
/admin/v1/vim_accounts. Vim account is the deployment target
- GET: Get vim_accounts
- POST: Add a new vim_accounts.
- Example of request content: TODO
- GET: Get vim_account details
- PUT/PATCH: Edit vim_account.
- Example of vim_account edition: TODO
- DELETE: Removes vim_account.
/admin/v1/wim_accounts. WIM are WAN Infrastructure Managers, that is in charge of inter VIM connectivity managemnt
- GET: Get wim_accounts
- POST: Add a new wim_account.
- Example of request content: TODO
- GET: Get wim_account details
- PUT/PATCH: Edit wim_account.
- Example of wim_account edition: TODO
- DELETE: Removes wim_account.
/admin/v1/sdns. SDN controllers in charge of VIM underlayed connectivity
- GET: Get sdns
- POST: Add a new sdn.
- Example of request content: TODO
- GET: Get sdn details
- PUT/PATCH: Edit sdn.
- Example of sdn edition: TODO
- DELETE: Removes sdn.
PDU Details
Physical Data Unit
VNFD Details
Virtual Network Function Descriptor
NSD Details
Network Services Descriptor
NSLCM Details
Network Services Life Ciclo Management
NST Details
NetSlice Template descriptor
NSILCM Details
NetSlice Instance Life Ciclo Management