How to install OSM in Amazon EC2
These instructions are oriented to install OSM Release FOUR
- MINIMUM: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 20GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
- RECOMMENDED: 2 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 40GB disk and a single interface with Internet access
Instance Type/AMI:
- Recommended Instance Type: m5.xlarge (
- Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit variant required) as base AMI (
- Ubuntu AMI’s:
- Launching an EC2 instance:
The following installation steps assume that you already have an EC2 instance launched which meets the minimum requirements mentioned above.
OSM Installation
1. Install OSM and save installation logs to a file for troubleshooting if needed:
wget chmod +x ./ 2>&1 | tee osm_install_log.txt
2. Answer the following dialog box questions accordingly:
- The installation will configure LXD, install juju, install docker CE and init a docker swarm, as pre-requirements. Do you want to proceed (Y/n)? Y
- Do you want to configure the LXD bridge? Yes
- Do you want to setup an IPv4 subnet? Yes
- << Default values apply for next questions >>
- Do you want to setup an IPv6 subnet? No
3. Add the following environment variables to the end of your ‘.bashrc’ file and then source it with ‘source .bashrc’:
export OSM_HOSTNAME= export OSM_SOL005=True
4. You will notice 10 Docker Containers created on the EC2 instance. Check the status of the containers and Docker service:
docker stack ps osm |grep -i running docker service ls
5. Create the AWS VIM Account (AWS Site)
NOTE: Make sure to select the region in which your EC2 instance resides.
osm vim-create --name aws-site --user <aws-access-key> --password <aws-secret-key> --auth_url --tenant admin --account_type aws --config '{region_name: us-west-2, flavor_info: “{t2.nano: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 512}, t2.micro: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 1024}, t2.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 100, ram: 2048}, m1.small: {cpus: 1, disk: 160, ram: 1741}}”}'
6. Access the OSM Console via the EC2 Instance’s Private IP from another EC2 Instance in the same subnet:
NOTE: You can use a Windows instance to easily access the OSM Console. Launching an EC2 Windows Instance: username: admin password: admin
7. Deploy/Test a network service by using any of the available VNF and NS packagers from ‘’:
osm vnfd-create hackfest_1alt_vnfd.tar.gz osm nsd-create hackfest_1alt_nsd.tar.gz
osm ns-create --ns_name hackfest1alt --nsd_name hackfest1alt-ns --vim_account aws-site
osm ns-list
osm ns-show hackfest1alt