OSM instantiation parameters
When creating a NS instance, it is possible to pass instantiation parameters to OSM using the "--config" option of the client or the "config" parameter of the UI. In this section we will illustrate through some of the existing examples how to specify those parameters using OSM client:
Specify a VIM network name for a NS VLD
In a generic way, the mapping can be specified in the following way, where 'vldnet' is the name of the network in the NS descriptor and 'netVIM1' is the VIM network that you want to use:
--config '{vld: [ {name: vldnet, vim-network-name: netVIM1} ] }'
You can try it using one of the examples of the hackfest (MISSING REFERENCES) in the following way:
osm ns-create --ns_name hf1 --nsd_name hackfest1-ns --vim_account openstack1 --config '{vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: mgmt} ] }'
Specify a VIM network name for an internal VLD of a VNF
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", internal-vld: [ {name: internal, vim-network-name: netVIM1} ] } ] }'
- VNF package: hackfest2-vnf
- NS package: hackfest2-ns
- Image: ubuntu1604
We can use the previous scenario to specify a VIM network name for an internal VLD of a VNF
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", internal-vld: [ {name: internal, vim-network-name: mgmt} ] } ] }'
In NS instances, go to actions and select show info to see the details of the instance.
Specify IP profile information for an internal VLD of a VNF
--config '{vld: [ {name: datanet, ip-profile: {...} } ] }'
Specify IP address and/or mac address for an interface
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vdu: [ {id: hackfest1VM, interface: [{name: vdu-eth0, ip-address: "", mac-address: "52:33:44:55:66:21"}]} ] } ] } '
Force floating IP address for an interface
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vdu: [ {id: hackfest1VM, interface: [{name: vdu-eth0, floating-ip-required: True }]} ] } ] } '
Multi-site deployments (specifying different VIM accounts for different VNFs)
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vim_account: vim1}, {member-vnf-index: "2", vim_account: vim2} ], vld: [ {name: datanet, vim-network-name: {vim1: netVIM1, vim2: netVIM2} } ] }'
- VNF package: hackfest2-vnf
- NS package: hackfest2-ns
- Image: ubuntu1604
We can use the previous scenario to specify different VIM accounts for different VNFs
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vim_account: openstack1}, {member-vnf-index: "2", vim_account: openstack3} ], internal-vld: [ {name: datanet, vim-network-name: {openstack1: mgmt, ospenstack3: mgmt} } ] }'
In NS instances, go to actions and select show info to see the details of the instance.
Specifying a volume ID for a VNF volume
--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vdu: [ {id: VM1, volume: [ {name: Storage1, vim-volume-id: 05301095-d7ee-41dd-b520-e8ca08d18a55} ] } ] } ] }'