OSM instantiation parameters

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When creating a NS instance, it is possible to pass instantiation parameters to OSM using the "--config" option of the client or the "config" parameter of the UI. In this section we will illustrate through some of the existing examples how to specify those parameters using OSM client:

Specify a VIM network name for a NS VLD

--config '{vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: netVIM1} ] }'

We can use the previous scenario to specify a VIM network name for a NS VLD

--config '{vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: mgmt} ] }'


In NS instances, go to actions and select show info to see the details of the instance.

Specify a VIM network name for an internal VLD of a VNF

--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", internal-vld: [ {name: internal, vim-network-name: netVIM1} ] } ] }'

We can use the previous scenario to specify a VIM network name for an internal VLD of a VNF

--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", internal-vld: [ {name: internal, vim-network-name: mgmgt} ] } ] }'


In NS instances, go to actions and select show info to see the details of the instance.

Specify IP profile information for an internal VLD of a VNF

--config '{vld: [ {name: datanet, ip-profile: {...} } ] }'

Multi-site deployments (specifying different VIM accounts for different VNFs)

--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vim_account: vim1}, {member-vnf-index: "2", vim_account: vim2} ], vld: [ {name: datanet, vim-network-name: {vim1: netVIM1, vim2: netVIM2} } ] }'

Specifying a volume ID for a VNF volume

--config '{vnf: [ {member-vnf-index: "1", vdu: [ {id: VM1, volume: [ {name: Storage1, vim-volume-id: 05301095-d7ee-41dd-b520-e8ca08d18a55} ] } ] } ] }'