Openstack configuration (Release THREE)
Configure openstack for OSM (basic)
1. Guarantee that Openstack API endpoints are reachable from OSM (particularly from RO container)
2. Create a management network, with DHCP enabled, reachable from OSM (particularly from VCA container)
You need to create a management network, with DHCP enabled, and guarantee that this management network is reachable from OSM. The network is used by the VCA (Juju) for configuring the VNFs once they are running. It is recommended to create a provider network, isolated from Openstack. For instance, in order to create a provider network using physical interface em1 and VLAN 500 and with CIDR, you should run the following commands:
neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 --provider:segmentation_id=500 --shared neutron subnet-create --name subnet-mgmt mgmt --allocation-pool start=,end=
3. Create a valid tenant/user
You need to create a tenant/user with rights to create/delete flavors. The easiest way is to create a user and assign it the role "admin". Another option is to change the general flavor management policies at file /etc/nova/policy.json to allow flavor creation per user.
4. Upload images
OSM will create the needed images into openstack at deployment time, but the process takes a long time and the provided path at VNFD must be accesible by OSM. For this reason, it is recommended to upload the images of the VNFs manually at openstack, using the following command:
openstack image create --file="./cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img" --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --public cirros034
5. Modify default security group or create a new one
By default openstack apply the "default" security group that blocks any incoming traffic to the VM. However ssh access might be needed by VCA. You must modify the default security group to allow TCP port 22, or create a new security group and configure RO to use this security group when datacenter is addeed (see Add openstack to OSM )
Configure Openstack for OSM (EPA)
Besides the instructions above for any Openstack, you should do extra configuration to configure Openstack for running VNFs which use SRIOV interfaces.
DO NOT consider this as the final configuration guide for Openstack with EPA. Please check Openstack docs and Openstack downstream distros' docs to get a further understanding and the up-to-date required configuration.
Note: The configuration shown below works with Openstack Newton, and it might not work with later versions.
- The compute nodes need to have a whitelist for the interfaces with SRIOV and passthrough enabled, and those interface need to be associated to a physical network label e.g. “physnet”. This can be done in the file /etc/nova/nova.conf :
pci_passthrough_whitelist=[{"devname": "p3p1", "physical_network": "physnet"}, {"devname": "p3p2", "physical_network": "physnet"}]
- The neutron controller needs to be updated to add “sriovnicswitch” to the mechanism_drivers. This can be done in the file “/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini”
mechanism_drivers =openvswitch,sriovnicswitch
- The neutron controller needs to be updated to set the vlans to be used for the defined physical network label. This can be done in the file “/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini”. For instance, to set the vlans from 2000 to 3000:
network_vlan_ranges =physnet:2000:3000
- The neutron controller needs to be updated to allow the supported NIC vendor’s product ID. This can be done in the file “/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini” to
[ml2_sriov] supported_pci_vendor_devs = 8086:10ed
- The nova controller needs to be updated to allow proper scheduling of SR-IOV and Passthrough devices, by adding the PciPassthroughFilter filter to the list of filters. This can be done in the file “/etc/nova/nova.conf”:
scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters scheduler_default_filters=RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,CoreFilter, PciPassthroughFilter
The previous configuration has been collected from the links below. Please check them to get more details:
Add openstack to OSM
There is a parameter called --config used to supply general configuration options both at datacenter creation and datacenter attachment to openmano tenant (the latter prevails). This paremeter can be used when creating the datacenter using the OSM cli or adding the datacenter directly to the RO.
The following configuration can be added:
- security_groups: To be used for the deployment
- availability_zone: To be used for the deployment
- region_name: The region where the VM must be deployed.
- insecure: (By default false). When true it allows authorization over a non trusted certificate over https
- use_existing_flavors: (By default false). Set to "True" to use the closer flavor with enough resources instead of creating a new flavor with the exact requirements. This option does not work for EPA (cpu pinning, huge pages, ...) where openmano still tries to create a flavor with the needed extra expects. Use this options when you do not have admin credentials (Available from future v2.0.2 version)
- vim_type: Set to "VIO" to use VMware Integrated openstack as VIM
- use_internal_endpoint: Set to True to force using internal endpoints
For openstack API v3. (It is needed to provide domain variables)
- APIversion: (By default it used v3 if the keystone auth-url ends with "v3"). Set to "v3.3" or "3" to use this openstack API version
- project_domain_id, project_domain_name: If non of them are provided "default" is used for project_domain_id
- user_domain_id, user_domain_name: If non of them are provided "default" is used for user_domain_id
ADVANCED configuration:
- keypair: To be added in addition to the keypair allocated on the VNF descriptor. Provide the name of a openstack keypair
- dataplane_physical_net: The configured network_vlan_ranges at neutron for the SRIOV (binding direct) and passthrough (binding direct-physical) networks, e.g. 'physnet_sriov' in the above configuration. In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide moref ID of distributed virtual switch
- use_floating_ip: (By default false). When true a management interface of a VNFD is automatically assigned a floating_ip -if possible-. The prefered method is to use a provider network
- dataplane_net_vlan_range: In case of VMware Integrated Openstack (VIO) provide vlan ranges for the SRIOV (binding direct) networks in format ['start_ID - end_ID']
The content of config is a yaml format text. The recomendation is to use a comma separated list between curly brackets {} and quotes, e.g.:
--config='{use_floating_ip: True, availability_zone: controller, dataplane_net_vlan_range: ["1-5" , "7-10"]}}'
Using the osm cli
osm vim-create --name openstack-site --user admin --password userpwd --auth_url --tenant admin --account_type openstack --config='{security_groups: default, keypair: mykey}'
Adding directly in the RO
openmano datacenter-create openstack-site --type openstack --description "OpenStack site" --config='{security_groups: default, keypair: mykey}' openmano datacenter-attach openstack-site --user=admin --password=userpwd --vim-tenant-name=admin --config='{availability_zone: one}'
NOTE: In case of adding the datacenter to the RO, after doing it, go to the GUI: