Openvim Logs and troubleshooting (Release TWO)

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Service and Logs

Service is called "osm-openvim". Manage it with

sudo service osm-openvim status #restart start stop 

openvim logs are at file /var/log/osm/openvim.log

Configuration is at file /etc/osm/openvimd.cfg. Openvim running modes and log level (debug by default) can be set here


openvim status

The status of the openvimd process can be checked by running the following command as root:

 sudo service osm-openvim status
● osm-openvim.service - openvim server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/osm-openvim.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since jue 2017-06-08 15:41:34 CEST; 3 days ago
 Main PID: 1995 (python)
    Tasks: 8
   Memory: 32.6M
      CPU: 25.295s
   CGroup: /system.slice/osm-openvim.service
           └─1995 python /opt/openvim/openvimd -c /etc/osm/openvimd.cfg --log-file=/var/log/osm/openvim.log

In case it is not running, try to see the last logs at /var/log/osm/openvim.log

Known error messages in openvim and their solution

Internal Server Error at host-add

SYMPTOM: an error is raised when trying to add a compute node in "normal" mode

CAUSE: invalid credentials or invalid ip address at compute node, net controller or both


Check that the credentials you have provide to access the compute node are ok. You can use user without password (not recomended) or user with ssh-key-file. The ssh-key-file can be set both at configuration file (/etc/osm/openvimd.cfg host_ssh_keyfile) or individually at each compute-node.yaml file (keyfile) (later precedes).

Ensure the know-hosts is already set. Try to execute ssh compute-user@compute-node with the same user that osm-openvim service is running (normally root); you must be able to enter without any prompt for host authentication confirmation or password

Use for the ip_name field at compute-node.yaml the real IP address (not the name), because it will fail to set a ovs connection if you use the name

User for the ovs_controller_ip at /etc/osm/openvimd.cfg the IP address (current version fails with the default 'localhost'). Ensure you can enter in this host (regardless it is localhost) with the user ovs_controller_ip and the ovs_controller_keyfile or ovs_controller_password. You must be able to ssh without any prompt. Ensuse that once entered, you can run sudo commands without any password.

Wrong database version

SYMPTOM: osm-openvim service fails. At openvim logs it appears:

2017-06-12T10:56:30 CRITICAL  openvim openvimd:278 DATABASE wrong version '19'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '20' with '/home/atierno/OSM/osm/openvim/osm_openvim/../database_utils/ 20'

CAUSE: Openvimo has been upgraded with a new version that requieres a new database version.

SOLUTION: To upgrade de database version run the command at logs, provide credentials if needed (by default database user is 'vim', and database password is 'vimpw')

Software upgrade (source code)

openvim is being upgraded periodically to fix bugs that are being reported. Last version corresponds with the tag v2.0.1.


service osm-openvim stop
#git -C /opt/openvim stash        #required if the original config file has changed
git -C /opt/openvim pull --rebase
git -C /opt/openvim checkout tags/v2.0.1
#git -C /opt/openvim stash pop     #required if the original file has changed
service osm-openvim start

Software upgrade (binaries)

Under elaboration