1st OSM Hackfest

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ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the OSM community are organising the 1st OSM Hackfest on 15-19 January 2018.

The event will be hosted in ETSI's headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France and co-located with the Second NFV Plugtests event

Participation is free and open to all. Registration deadline is 5th January 2018


The 1st OSM Hackfest will concentrate on VNF on-boarding activities covering Day 0/1/2 operations.

It will address complex descriptor development to leverage the full suite of capabilities offered by OSM Release THREE, from service and resource orchestration to VNF configuration with charm development.

Some objectives

  • Install OSM and run some examples
  • Get familiar with OSM's GUI and CLI
  • Create your own VNF and NS descriptors and build packages
  • Understand how to deploy NS/VNF with EPA
  • Learn how to add dynamic LCM with Day-1 and Day-2 actions with charms
  • Basic troubleshooting
    • Special attention will be paid to troubleshoot real cases from co-located NFV PlugTest.

Do you have some specific topics that you would like to see covered during the Hackfest? Please reach us at OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org

Who should attend



  • OSM 101
    • OSM introduction
    • OSM installation
    • OSM user experience from the UI
    • OSM user experience from the client
  • Creating a basic VNF and NS
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (simple VNF - single VM, no EPA, no charms)
    • Tutorial. Troubleshooting with VNF and NS descriptors
    • Hands-on session.
  • Modeling EPA capabilities in your VNF descriptor
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (complex VNF - multi-VDU, EPA, no charms yet)
    • Hands-on session.
  • Adding Day-0 configuration to your VNF
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (complex VNF - multi-VDU, EPA, no charms yet)
    • Hands-on session.
  • Adding day-1/day-2 configuration to your VNF. Creating a charm for your VNF
    • Tutorial. Creating a charm for a VNF (SSH access, execution of a command, getting the output of that command)
    • Tutorial. Troubleshooting charms
    • Hands-on session
  • Deploying your VNF
    • Hands-on session.


Should you have any question on the OSM Hackfest, please contacts us at OSMSupport@etsi.org

Technical questions on OSM can be sent to OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org