How to run OSM on Vagrant
From OSM Public Wiki
Pre-built OSM vagrant images are available here:
1) Install vagrant ( and virtualbox (
2) Create the initial Vagrantfile in a predefined directory of your choice:
vagrant init osm/releasefour --box-version 4.0.1
3) Edit the generated Vagrantfile if you need to customize, for example, opened ports and assigned memory:
- If you would like to access the OSM Web client externally from the virtualbox VM, you can open up port 80 (mapped to 8080 at your host) by uncommenting this line:
# "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
- By default the VM takes 6GB RAM, you can lower it down to 4GB (will work for minimal OSM installation), by uncommenting the corresponding section:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.memory = "4096" end
4) Start OSM:
vagrant up
5) ssh to OSM:
vagrant ssh
6) Add the relevant environment variables for OSM client, either exporting them every time you access the shell, or copying the export lines to your .bashrc file:
export OSM_HOSTNAME= export OSM_SOL005=True
Additional notes:
- If at any time you need to change something from the Vagrantfile, you can apply the changes by reloading the VM:
vagrant reload
- If you need to copy a file to your vagrant machine, just run 'vagrant ssh-config' and copy the private key path, then:
scp -P 2222 -i /path/to/private_key someFileName.txt vagrant@
- The vagrant box file can also be downloaded manually:
- If at any point you need to add the optional components (elk_stack, pm_stack...) you can do so by downloading the installer from inside your VM and executing it with the -o option, for example:
wget chmod +x ./ -o pm_stack
- Please note that you may need to add more forwarded ports, for example,. to access Grafana after adding the pm_stack, you would need to add a line like this one to your Vagrantfile, then run 'vagrant reload': "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3000