1st OSM Hackfest

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ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the OSM community are organising the 1st OSM Hackfest on 15-19 January 2018.

The event will be hosted in ETSI's headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France and co-locates with the second NFV PlugtestsTM event


The 1st OSM Hackfest will concentrate on VNF on-boarding activities covering Day 0/1/2 operations.

It will address complex descriptor development to leverage the full suite of capabilities offered by OSM Release THREE, from service and resource orchestration to VNF configuration with charm development.

Who should attend


Registration is OPEN until 5th January 2018


  • OSM 101
    • OSM introduction
    • OSM installation
    • OSM user experience from the UI
    • OSM user experience from the client
  • Creating a basic VNF and NS
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (simple VNF - single VM, no EPA, no charms)
    • Tutorial. Troubleshooting with VNF and NS descriptors
    • Hands-on session.
  • Modeling EPA capabilities in your VNF descriptor
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (complex VNF - multi-VDU, EPA, no charms yet)
    • Hands-on session.
  • Adding Day-0 configuration to your VNF
    • Tutorial. Creating descriptors and packages (complex VNF - multi-VDU, EPA, no charms yet)
    • Hands-on session.
  • Adding day-1/day-2 configuration to your VNF. Creating a charm for your VNF
    • Tutorial. Creating a charm for a VNF (SSH access, execution of a command, getting the output of that command)
    • Tutorial. Troubleshooting charms
    • Hands-on session
  • Deploying your VNF
    • Hands-on session.