How to report issues (Release TWO)

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Revision as of 11:29, 28 April 2017 by Garciadeblas (talk | contribs)
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If you have bugs or issues to be reported, please use Bugzilla:

If you have questions or feedback, feel free to contact us through the mailing list

When reporting an issue to Bugzilla or to the mailing list, please provide the following information:

  • In case of an installation issue, provide the full command used to run the installer and the full output of the installer.
  • Logs of the SO, UI and RO (see here to know how to get them)
  • Details on the actions you made to get that error so that we could reproduce it.
  • IP network details in order to help troubleshooting potential network issues. For instance:
    • client IP address from where you are trying to access OSM
    • IP address of the machine where OSM is running
    • IP addresses of the containers
    • NAT rules in the machine where OSM is running