How to upgrade the OSM Platform: Difference between revisions

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Line 49: Line 49:
  docker pull mysql:5
  docker pull mysql:5
  git clone
  git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
  docker build RO -f RO/docker/Dockerfile-local -t osm/ro --no-cache
  docker build RO -f RO/docker/Dockerfile-local -t osm/ro --no-cache
  docker stack rm osm
  docker stack rm osm
Line 55: Line 56:
For LCM:
For LCM:
  git clone
  git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
  docker build LCM -f LCM/Dockerfile.local -t osm/lcm --no-cache
  docker build LCM -f LCM/Dockerfile.local -t osm/lcm --no-cache
  docker stack rm osm
  docker stack rm osm
Line 61: Line 63:
For MON and PM:
For MON and PM:
  git clone
  git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
  docker build MON -f MON/docker/Dockerfile -t osm/mon --no-cache
  docker build MON -f MON/docker/Dockerfile -t osm/mon --no-cache
  docker build MON/policy_module -f MON/policy_module/Dockerfile -t osm/pm --no-cache
  docker build MON/policy_module -f MON/policy_module/Dockerfile -t osm/pm --no-cache
Line 68: Line 71:
For NBI:
For NBI:
  git clone
  git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
  docker build NBI -f NBI/Dockerfile.local -t osm/nbi --no-cache
  docker build NBI -f NBI/Dockerfile.local -t osm/nbi --no-cache
  docker stack rm osm
  docker stack rm osm
Line 74: Line 78:
For light UI:
For light UI:
  git clone
  git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
  docker build LW-UI -t osm/light-ui -f LW-UI/Dockerfile --no-cache
  docker build LW-UI -t osm/light-ui -f LW-UI/Dockerfile --no-cache
  docker stack rm osm
  docker stack rm osm
  docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm
  docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm

Revision as of 12:14, 15 June 2018

Upgrading the OSM platform

Due to the new architecture and dockerized components in OSM Release FOUR, OSM platform upgrade is easier than ever. Upgrading from v4.0.0 to the latest minor version is as simple as running again the installer:

chmod +x

You will be asked if you want to proceed with the installation and configuration of LXD, juju, docker CE and the initialization of a local docker swarm, as pre-requirements. Please answer "y".

Then, some dialog messages related to LXD configuration will be shown. This is what you have to answer:

  • Do you want to configure the LXD bridge? Yes
  • Do you want to setup an IPv4 subnet? Yes
  • << Default values apply for next questions >>
  • Do you want to setup an IPv6 subnet? No

That's all. You will have the newest OSM version installed.

Upgrading only a specific component to use the latest stable version, the master branch or an old version (advanced users)

Upgrading a specific OSM component without upgrading the others accordingly may lead to potential inconsistencies. Unless you are really sure about what you are doing, please use this procedure with caution.

You can use options -b and -m in the installer:

./ --help
usage: ./ [OPTIONS]
Install OSM from binaries or source code (by default, from binaries)
    -b <refspec>:   install OSM from source code using a specific branch (master, v2.0, ...) or tag
                    -b master          (main dev branch)
                    -b v2.0            (v2.0 branch)
                    -b tags/v1.1.0     (a specific tag)
    -m <MODULE>:    install OSM but only rebuild the specified docker images (RO, LCM, NBI, LW-UI, MON, KAFKA, MONGO, NONE)

For instance, to upgrade the RO to the latest stable version:

./ -m RO

Or to use master branch in LCM:

./ -m LCM -b master

Or to use an old version of MON:

./ -m mon -b tags/v4.0.0

Upgrading a specific component to use your own cloned repo (e.g. for developing purposes)

Upgrading a specific OSM component without upgrading the others accordingly may lead to potential inconsistencies. Unless you are really sure about what you are doing, please use this procedure with caution.

For RO (ro and ro-db):

docker pull mysql:5
git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
docker build RO -f RO/docker/Dockerfile-local -t osm/ro --no-cache
docker stack rm osm
docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm

For LCM:

git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
docker build LCM -f LCM/Dockerfile.local -t osm/lcm --no-cache
docker stack rm osm
docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm

For MON and PM:

git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
docker build MON -f MON/docker/Dockerfile -t osm/mon --no-cache
docker build MON/policy_module -f MON/policy_module/Dockerfile -t osm/pm --no-cache
docker stack rm osm
docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm

For NBI:

git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
docker build NBI -f NBI/Dockerfile.local -t osm/nbi --no-cache
docker stack rm osm
docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm

For light UI:

git clone
#you can then work in the cloned repo, apply patches with git pull, etc.
docker build LW-UI -t osm/light-ui -f LW-UI/Dockerfile --no-cache
docker stack rm osm
docker stack deploy -c /etc/osm/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm