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| == How to setup OSM on VirtualBox ==
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| ----
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| VirtualBox has different networking setup modes (see [https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html Table 6.1])
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| In case we want to install OSM on VirtualBox, it needs an IP address that remains the same across reboots.
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| If the host is attached to DHCP and you cannot access the router to assign the same IP to your VMs, "bridged" mode could be difficult to manage. So, a possible alternative is to have two network adapters: one NAT that allows the VMs to access Internet + one Host-Only that allows static address on the VM and traffic from Host to VM.
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| OSM can be configured like that using the procedure below, tested on OSM r3.
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| 1) create a VM on VirtualBox (e.g. 8GB RAM, 40GB DISK)
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| 2) configure network with 2 adapters: NAT + Host-Only
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| 3) complete installation and add a static address to the "Host-only" adapter (e.g. enp0s8 with static IP and have something like this:
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| ''append this part to '' (/etc/network/interfaces)
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| auto enp0s8
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| iface enp0s8 inet static
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| address
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| netmask
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| network
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| broadcast
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| ''then restart the network services'' (sudo service networking restart)
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| 4) update Ubuntu and install OpenSSH to allow remote ssh access
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| sudo apt-get update
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| sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server curl wget git
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| 5) configure LXD (from the official guide [https://osm.etsi.org/wikipub/index.php/LXD_configuration_for_OSM_Release_THRE OSM Release THREE LXD config])
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| sudo apt-get install -y lxd
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| newgrp lxd
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| sudo lxd init (all default but NO IPv6)
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| lxc list
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| sudo lxc profile device set default eth0 mtu 1446
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| 6) download OSM install script, but wait to launch it! (from the official guide [https://osm.etsi.org/wikipub/index.php/OSM_Release_THREE OSM Three install])
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| wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-3.0-three/install_osm.sh
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| chmod +x install_osm.sh
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| 7) before launching the installation, modify install_osm.sh:
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| ''find export_ips (2 times!), and add a line afterwards with ''
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| export DEFAULT_IP=
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| ''(it is the static IP used for host-only network)''
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| 8) install OSM
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| ./install_osm.sh
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| 9) when the installation is over, a final step to configure NAT
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| git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops.git temp
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| vi temp/installers/export_ips
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| ''change the DEFAULT_IF to DEFAULT_IF=enp0s8 (the interface used for Host-only network configuration)''
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| ''apply NAT rules launching '' sudo ./temp/installers/nat_osm
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| ''check the rules with '' more /etc/iptables/rules.v4
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| ''rules are ok even after reboot, but give it some time for the VM to start (1-2 mins)''
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| 10) access OSM using admin/admin or ssh ubuntu@
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