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'''Known errors are captured in our [[Technical FAQ]]. If the error you experienced is not there, you can troubleshoot the different components following the instructions in this section.'''
'''Known errors are captured in our [[Technical FAQ]]. If the error you experienced is not there, you can troubleshoot the different components following the instructions in this section.'''

Latest revision as of 08:44, 13 July 2017

Known errors are captured in our Technical FAQ. If the error you experienced is not there, you can troubleshoot the different components following the instructions in this section.


UI logs

The server-side UI logs can be obtained on the SO-ub container at:


Client side UI logs can be obtained in the Developer Console in a browser.

SO logs

SO logs can be obtained on the SO-ub container at:


RO logs

RO logs are at file "/var/log/osm/openmano.log" on the RO container. You can get it from the container to the OSM machine with:

lxc file pull RO/var/log/osm/openmano.log .

Log file and log level (debug by default) can be set at file "/etc/osm/openmanod.cfg" on RO container

VCA logs


Troubleshooting UI

UI status

  • The status of the UI process can be checked by running the following command in the SO-ub container as root:
forever list
  • You should see a status similar to following with an uptime:
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command         script                                                                                                                 forever pid   id logfile                    uptime
data:    [0] uivz /usr/bin/nodejs skyquake.js --enable-https --keyfile-path=/usr/rift/etc/ssl/current.key --certfile-path=/usr/rift/etc/ssl/current.cert 21071   21082    /root/.forever/forever.log 0:18:12:3.231
  • In case the UI server process has issues, you won't see an uptime but will instead see a status "STOPPED" in that position.
  • In case the UI server process never started, you'll see a status saying "No forever processes running".

Restarting UI

  • The UI is restarted when the SO module (launchpad) is restarted.
  • However, in case just the UI needs to be restarted, you can run the following command in the SO-ub container as root:
forever restartall

Troubleshooting SO

SO status

The SO now starts as a service, but earlier versions of the SO used to run SO as a process. To check if the SO is running as a service, run the following command:

lxc exec SO-ub systemctl status launchpad.service

Restarting SO

Note: Restarting the SO also restarts the UI.

When the SO has been started as a service (see SO status section above), use the following commands to restart the SO:

lxc exec SO-ub systemctl stop launchpad.service
lxc exec SO-ub systemctl start launchpad.service

When SO hasn't been started as a service, please follow the following instructions to restart the SO

lxc restart SO-ub # Optional, Needed if there is an existing running instance of launchpad
lxc exec SO-ub -- nohup sudo -b -H /usr/rift/rift-shell -r -i /usr/rift -a /usr/rift/.artifacts -- ./demos/launchpad.py --use-xml-mode

Troubleshooting RO

RO status

The status of the RO process can be checked by running the following command in the RO container as root:

 service osm-ro status
● osm-ro.service - openmano server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/osm-ro.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-04-02 16:50:21 UTC; 2s ago
 Main PID: 550 (python)
    Tasks: 1
   Memory: 51.2M
      CPU: 717ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/osm-ro.service
           └─550 python openmanod -c /etc/osm/openmanod.cfg --log-file=/var/log/osm/openmano.log

Nov 02 16:50:21 RO-integration systemd[1]: Started openmano server.

In case it is not running, try to see the last logs at /var/log/osm/openmano.log

Restarting RO

RO can be restarted on the RO container at:

service osm-ro restart

Troubleshooting VCA

VCA status

lxc exec VCA -- juju status

Check that juju account is in 'green' status in the UI

lxc exec VCA -- juju config <app> 
lxc exec VCA -- juju list-actions <app> 
lxc exec VCA -- juju show-action-status 
lxc exec VCA -- juju show-action-output <action-id> 

VCA password

To retrieve the VCA password, install osmclient and run the following:

$ lxc list
| NAME  |  STATE  |              IPV4              | IPV6 |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| RO    | RUNNING | (eth0)           |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |
| SO-ub | RUNNING | (eth0)           |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |
| VCA   | RUNNING | (lxdbr0)           |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |
|       |         | (eth0)          |      |            |           |
$ export OSM_HOSTNAME=
$ osm config-agent-list
| name    | account-type | details                                                                                                              |
| osmjuju | juju         | {u'secret': u'OTlhODg1NmMxN2JhODg1MTNiOTY4ZTk0', u'user': u'admin', u'ip-address': u'', u'port': 17070} |

Under the details column, the 'secret' value is the admin user password.

Restarting VCA

Known error messages in the VCA and their solution

Software upgrade

You can find instrucions in this link: Software upgrade (Release TWO)