Welcome to the public WIKI for the OSM Leadership Group (LG)
The role of the OSM LG is to set the policies of the project, to make administrative decisions and to guarantee vendor-neutrality. Key activity areas and functions include:
- Maintaining the OSM Working Procedures
- Managing and protecting the project’s trademarks and brand
- Ensuring the connection between the use cases coming from the End User Advisory Group (EUAG) and the releases approved by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
- Managing finances and approving expenditures (if applicable)
- Act as the main external representatives for OSM
- Managing the liaison with external organizations (SDOs, related open source projects, etc.)
- Ratifying the election of the TSC chair
- Coordinating marketing efforts together with the Marketing Task Force
More information about the OSM LG can be found after logging in on the LG pages in the project WIKI.