Update README with instructions to setup enviroment and the right tags
[osm/tests.git] / robot-systest / run_test.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2020 ATOS
5 #
6 # All Rights Reserved.
7 #
8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 #
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 #
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18 # limitations under the License.
19 ##
21 cat /dev/zero | ssh-keygen -q -N "" > /dev/null
23 install_osmclient(){
24 echo -e "\nInstalling osmclient ${OSMCLIENT}"
25 python3 -m pip install git+https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient@${OSMCLIENT}
26 }
28 download_packages(){
29 echo -e "\nDownloading packages ${PACKAGES}"
30 rm -rf ${PACKAGES_FOLDER}
31 git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gitlab/vnf-onboarding/osm-packages.git ${PACKAGES_FOLDER}
32 }
34 download_tst010(){
35 # Fetch conformance tests
36 git clone --single-branch --branch ${NFV_TESTS_BRANCH} https://forge.etsi.org/rep/nfv/api-tests.git /robot-systest/conformance-tests/repo
37 #python3 -m pip install -r /robot-systest/conformance-tests/repo/requirements.txt
38 python3 -m pip install -r /robot-systest/conformance-tests/requirements.txt
39 }
41 create_vim(){
43 attempts=3
44 while [ $attempts -ge 0 ] ; do
45 echo -e "\n$( date '+%F_%H:%M:%S' ) Creating VIM ${VIM_TARGET}"
46 osm vim-create --name ${VIM_TARGET} --user ${OS_USERNAME} --password ${OS_PASSWORD} --tenant ${OS_PROJECT_NAME} \
47 --auth_url ${OS_AUTH_URL} --account_type openstack --description vim \
48 --config "{management_network_name: ${VIM_MGMT_NET}, dataplane_physical_net: ${DATAPLANE:-physnet2}}" || true
49 STATUS=""
50 i=0
51 while [[ ${STATUS} != "ENABLED" ]]
52 do
53 ((i++))
54 if [[ $i -eq 5 ]]; then
55 echo "VIM stuck for more than 50 seconds as: ${VIM_LIST}"
56 osm vim-delete --force ${VIM_TARGET}
57 sleep 5
58 break
59 fi
60 sleep 10
61 VIM_LIST=`osm vim-list --long | grep ${VIM_TARGET}`
62 echo VIM status: ${VIM_LIST}
63 STATUS=`echo ${VIM_LIST} | grep -io ENABLED`
64 done
65 if [[ ${STATUS} = "ENABLED" ]] ; then
66 break
67 fi
68 ((attempts--))
69 done
70 if [ $attempts -lt 0 ] ; then
71 echo "VIM failed to enter ENABLED state"
72 exit 1
73 fi
74 if [ -n "${SDNC_URL}" ]; then
75 osm sdnc-create --name sdnc-osm --type ${SDNC_TYPE} --user ${SDNC_USER} --password ${SDNC_PASSWORD} --url ${SDNC_URL}
77 STATUS=""
78 while [ ${COUNTER} -lt 5 ] ; do
79 echo "Checking status of SDNC sdnc-osm to see if it is enabled"
80 STATUS=$(osm sdnc-show sdnc-osm |grep -io ENABLED)
81 if [ "${STATUS}" == "ENABLED" ]; then
82 break
83 fi
84 ((COUNTER++))
85 sleep 10
86 done
87 if [ "${STATUS}" == "ENABLED" ]; then
88 echo "SDNC enabled"
89 else
90 echo "SDNC failed to enter ENABLED state"
91 osm sdnc-show sdnc-osm
92 exit 1
93 fi
94 if [ -f /root/port-mapping.yaml ]; then
95 osm vim-update ${VIM_TARGET} --sdn_controller sdnc-osm --sdn_port_mapping /root/port-mapping.yaml
97 RESULT=""
98 while [ ${COUNTER2} -lt 5 ] ; do
99 echo "Checking status of VIM $VIM_TARGET to see if there is port-mapping"
100 osm vim-show $VIM_TARGET |grep sdn-port-mapping
101 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
103 break
104 fi
105 ((COUNTER2++))
106 sleep 10
107 done
108 if [ "${RESULT}" == "OK" ]; then
109 echo "Port-mapping correctly added"
110 else
111 echo "Port-mapping failed to be added"
112 osm vim-show ${VIM_TARGET}
113 exit 1
114 fi
115 fi
116 fi
117 }
120 PARAMS=""
123 while (( "$#" )); do
124 case "$1" in
125 -t|--testingtags)
126 TEST=$2
127 shift 2
128 ;;
129 -p|--packagesbranch)
130 PACKAGES=$2 && download_packages
131 shift 2
132 ;;
133 -o|--osmclientversion)
134 OSMCLIENT=$2 && install_osmclient
135 shift 2
136 ;;
137 -c|--createvim)
138 create_vim
139 shift 1
140 ;;
141 -T)
142 NFV_TESTS_BRANCH=$2 && download_tst010
144 shift 1
145 ;;
146 -h|--help)
147 echo "OSM TESTS TOOL
149 Usage:
150 docker run --rm=true -t osmtests --env-file <env_file> \\
151 -v <path_to_reports>:/reports osmtests \\
152 -v <path_to_clouds.yaml>:/robot-systest/clouds.yaml \\
153 -v <path_to_kubeconfig>:/root/.kube/config \\
154 -o <osmclient_version> \\
155 -p <package_branch> \\
156 -t <testing_tags>
158 Options:
159 --env-file: It is the environmental file where is described the OSM target and VIM
160 -o <osmclient_version> [OPTIONAL]: It is used to specify a particular osmclient version. Default: latest
161 -p <package_branch> [OPTIONAL]: OSM packages repository branch. Default: master
162 -t <testing_tags> [OPTIONAL]: Robot tests tags. [sanity, daily, regression, particular_test]. Default: sanity
163 -T <testing_branch> [OPTIONAL]: Run SOL005 Robot conformance tests
164 -c To create a VIM for the tests
166 Volumes:
167 <path_to_reports> [OPTIONAL]: It is the absolute path to reports location in the host
168 <path_to_clouds.yaml> [OPTIONAL]: It is the absolute path to the clouds.yaml file in the host
169 <path_to_kubeconfig> [OPTIONAL]: It is the kubeconfig file to be used for k8s clusters"
171 exit 0
172 ;;
173 -*|--*=)
174 echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2
175 exit 1
176 ;;
177 *)
179 shift
180 ;;
181 esac
182 done
184 eval set -- "$PARAMS"
186 if [[ -n "$BRANCH_NAME" ]]; then
187 PACKAGES=$BRANCH_NAME && download_packages
188 OSMCLIENT=$BRANCH_NAME && install_osmclient
189 fi
192 if [ "$RUN_CONFORMANCE_TESTS" = true ] ; then
193 python3 ${ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/conformance-tests/run_conformance_tests.py
194 fi
196 if [[ -z "${TEST}" ]]; then
197 printf "Test not provided. \nRunning default test: sanity\n"
198 TEST="sanity"
199 fi
201 if [[ -n "${TEST}" ]]; then
202 robot -d ${ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/reports -i ${TEST} ${ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER}/testsuite/
203 exit 0
204 else
205 echo "Wrong test provided"
206 exit 1
207 fi
209 exit 1