BUG 1199 Unable to perform any CRUD operations in NG-UI v8.0.1
[osm/NG-UI.git] / tslint.json
1 {
2     "linterOptions" : {
3         "exclude" : [
4           "package.json"
5         ]
6       },
7     "defaultSeverity": "error",
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18         "no-function-constructor-with-string-args": true,
19         "no-http-string": [
20             true,
21             "http://www.example.com/?.*",
22             "http://www.examples.com/?.*"
23         ],
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27         "no-string-based-set-immediate": true,
28         "no-string-based-set-interval": true,
29         "no-string-based-set-timeout": true,
30         "non-literal-require": true,
31         "possible-timing-attack": true,
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42         "no-backbone-get-set-outside-model": true,
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47         "no-control-regex": true,
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50         "no-duplicate-variable": true,
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53         "no-invalid-regexp": true,
54         "no-invalid-this": true,
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57         "no-regex-spaces": true,
58         "no-sparse-arrays": true,
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61         "no-string-throw": true,
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67         "no-with-statement": true,
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69         "radix": true,
70         "react-this-binding-issue": true,
71         "react-unused-props-and-state": true,
72         "switch-default": true,
73         "triple-equals": [
74             true,
75             "allow-null-check"
76         ],
77         "use-isnan": true,
78         "use-named-parameter": true,
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80         "adjacent-overload-signatures": true,
81         "array-type": [
82             true,
83             "array"
84         ],
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86         "callable-types": true,
87         "chai-prefer-contains-to-index-of": true,
88         "chai-vague-errors": true,
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97             true,
98             3
99         ],
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102             true,
103             100,
104             {
105                 "ignore-parameters-to-function-regex": "describe"
106             }
107         ],
108         "max-line-length": [
109             true,
110             140
111         ],
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114             true,
115             {
116                 "order": "fields-first"
117             }
118         ],
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122         "no-construct": true,
123         "no-default-export": true,
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131         "no-relative-imports": false,
132         "no-require-imports": true,
133         "no-shadowed-variable": true,
134         "no-typeof-undefined": true,
135         "no-unnecessary-field-initialization": true,
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143             true,
144             "allow-declarations",
145             "allow-named-functions"
146         ],
147         "ordered-imports": true,
148         "prefer-array-literal": true,
149         "prefer-const": true,
150         "prefer-for-of": true,
151         "prefer-method-signature": true,
152         "typedef": [
153             true,
154             "call-signature",
155             "arrow-call-signature",
156             "parameter",
157             "arrow-parameter",
158             "property-declaration",
159             "variable-declaration",
160             "member-variable-declaration"
161         ],
162         "underscore-consistent-invocation": true,
163         "unified-signatures": true,
164         "variable-name": true,
165         "react-a11y-anchors": true,
166         "react-a11y-aria-unsupported-elements": true,
167         "react-a11y-event-has-role": true,
168         "react-a11y-image-button-has-alt": true,
169         "react-a11y-img-has-alt": true,
170         "react-a11y-lang": true,
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172         "react-a11y-props": true,
173         "react-a11y-proptypes": true,
174         "react-a11y-role": true,
175         "react-a11y-role-has-required-aria-props": true,
176         "react-a11y-role-supports-aria-props": true,
177         "react-a11y-tabindex-no-positive": true,
178         "react-a11y-titles": true,
179         "align": [
180             true,
181             "statements"
182         ],
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187             true,
188             "spaces"
189         ],
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192         "no-empty-line-after-opening-brace": true,
193         "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
194         "no-unnecessary-semicolons": true,
195         "object-literal-key-quotes": [
196             true,
197             "as-needed"
198         ],
199         "one-line": [
200             false
201         ],
202         "quotemark": [
203             true,
204             "single"
205         ],
206         "react-tsx-curly-spacing": true,
207         "semicolon": [
208             true,
209             "always"
210         ],
211         "trailing-comma": [
212             true,
213             {
214                 "singleline": "never",
215                 "multiline": "never"
216             }
217         ],
218         "typedef-whitespace": false,
219         "whitespace": [
220             true,
221             "check-branch",
222             "check-decl",
223             "check-operator",
224             "check-separator",
225             "check-type"
226         ],
227         "ban": false,
228         "cyclomatic-complexity": true,
229         "file-header": false,
230         "import-blacklist": false,
231         "interface-over-type-literal": true,
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233         "no-magic-numbers": true,
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235         "no-namespace": true,
236         "no-reference": true,
237         "no-unexternalized-strings": true,
238         "object-literal-shorthand": true,
239         "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": true,
240         "prefer-type-cast": false,
241         "space-before-function-paren": false,
242         "missing-optional-annotation": false,
243         "no-duplicate-parameter-names": false,
244         "no-empty-interfaces": true,
245         "no-missing-visibility-modifiers": false,
246         "no-multiple-var-decl": false,
247         "no-switch-case-fall-through": true,
248         //As of 2017-08-21 'no-unused-variable' doesn't work well with generics, disabled for now
249         "no-unused-variable": false,
250         "typeof-compare": true,
251         "no-inferred-empty-object-type": true,
252         "await-promise": true,
253         "no-floating-promises": true,
254         "no-for-in-array": true,
255         "no-use-before-declare": true,
256         "promise-function-async": true,
257         "completed-docs": [
258             true,
259             {
260                 "classes": {
261                     "visibilities": ["all"]
262                 },
263                 "enums": {
264                     "visibilities": ["all"]
265                 },
266                 "functions": {
267                     "visibilities": ["all"]
268                 },
269                 "interfaces": {
270                     "visibilities": ["all"]
271                 },
272                 "methods": {
273                     "locations": ["all"],
274                     "privacies": ["all"]
275                 },
276                 "namespaces": {
277                     "visibilities": ["all"]
278                 },
279                 "properties": {
280                     "locations": ["all"],
281                     "privacies": ["all"]
282                 },
283                 "types": {
284                     "visibilities": ["all"]
285                 },
286                 "variables": {
287                     "visibilities": ["all"]
288                 }
289             }
290         ],
291         "no-unnecessary-qualifier": true,
292         "no-void-expression": true,
293         "strict-boolean-expressions": [true, "allow-null-union"],
294         // The following produce too much noise with untyped or not-sufficiently typed libraries
295         "restrict-plus-operands": false,
296         "no-unsafe-any": false
297     },
298     "rulesDirectory": ["./node_modules/tslint-microsoft-contrib/"]
299 }