full_install_osm.sh 50.8 KiB
Newer Older
#   Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

function usage(){
    echo -e "usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
    echo -e "Install OSM from binaries or source code (by default, from binaries)"
    echo -e "  OPTIONS"
    echo -e "     -r <repo>:      use specified repository name for osm packages"
    echo -e "     -R <release>:   use specified release for osm binaries (deb packages, lxd images, ...)"
    echo -e "     -u <repo base>: use specified repository url for osm packages"
    echo -e "     -k <repo key>:  use specified repository public key url"
    echo -e "     -b <refspec>:   install OSM from source code using a specific branch (master, v2.0, ...) or tag"
    echo -e "                     -b master          (main dev branch)"
    echo -e "                     -b v2.0            (v2.0 branch)"
    echo -e "                     -b tags/v1.1.0     (a specific tag)"
    echo -e "                     ..."
    echo -e "     --vimemu:       additionally deploy the VIM emulator as a docker container"
    echo -e "     --elk_stack:    additionally deploy an ELK docker stack for event logging"
    echo -e "     --pm_stack:     additionally deploy a Prometheus+Grafana stack for performance monitoring (PM)"
    echo -e "     -m <MODULE>:    install OSM but only rebuild the specified docker images (RO, LCM, NBI, LW-UI, MON, KAFKA, MONGO, NONE)"
    echo -e "     -o <ADDON>:     do not install OSM, but ONLY one of the addons (vimemu, elk_stack, pm_stack) (assumes OSM is already installed)"
    echo -e "     -D <devops path> use local devops installation path"
    echo -e "     --nolxd:        do not install and configure LXD, allowing unattended installations (assumes LXD is already installed and confifured)"
    echo -e "     --nodocker:     do not install docker, do not initialize a swarm (assumes docker is already installed and a swarm has been initialized)"
    echo -e "     --uninstall:    uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules"
    echo -e "     --source:       install OSM from source code using the latest stable tag"
    echo -e "     --develop:      (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch"
    echo -e "     --soui:         install classic build of OSM (Rel THREE v3.1, based on LXD containers, with SO and UI)"
    echo -e "     --lxdimages:    (only for Rel THREE with --soui) download lxd images from OSM repository instead of creating them from scratch"
    echo -e "     -l <lxd_repo>:  (only for Rel THREE with --soui) use specified repository url for lxd images"
    echo -e "     -p <path>:      (only for Rel THREE with --soui) use specified repository path for lxd images"
#    echo -e "     --reconfigure:  reconfigure the modules (DO NOT change NAT rules)"
    echo -e "     --nat:          (only for Rel THREE with --soui) install only NAT rules"
    echo -e "     --noconfigure:  (only for Rel THREE with --soui) DO NOT install osmclient, DO NOT install NAT rules, DO NOT configure modules"
#    echo -e "     --update:       update to the latest stable release or to the latest commit if using a specific branch"
    echo -e "     --showopts:     print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)"
    echo -e "     -y:             do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes"
    echo -e "     -h / --help:    print this help"

#Uninstall OSM: remove containers
function uninstall(){
    echo -e "\nUninstalling OSM"
    if [ $RC_CLONE ] || [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then
        $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container RO
        $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container VCA
        $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container MON
        $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container SO
        #$OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container UI
        lxc stop RO && lxc delete RO
        lxc stop VCA && lxc delete VCA
        lxc stop MON && lxc delete MON
        lxc stop SO-ub && lxc delete SO-ub
    echo -e "\nDeleting imported lxd images if they exist"
    lxc image show osm-ro &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-ro
    lxc image show osm-vca &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-vca
    lxc image show osm-soui &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-soui
    return 0

function remove_stack() {
    if sg docker -c "docker stack ps ${stack}" ; then
        echo -e "\nRemoving stack ${stack}" && sg docker -c "docker stack rm ${stack}"
        while [ ${COUNTER} -lt 30 ]; do
            result=$(sg docker -c "docker stack ps ${stack}" | wc -l)
            #echo "Dockers running: $result"
            if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then
            let COUNTER=COUNTER+1
            sleep 1
        if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then
            echo "All dockers of the stack ${stack} were removed"
            FATAL "Some dockers of the stack ${stack} could not be removed. Could not clean it."

#Uninstall lightweight OSM: remove dockers
function uninstall_lightweight() {
    echo -e "\nUninstalling lightweight OSM"
    remove_stack osm
    echo "Now osm docker images and volumes will be deleted"
    newgrp docker << EONG
    docker image rm osm/ro
    docker image rm osm/lcm
    docker image rm osm/light-ui
    docker image rm osm/nbi
    docker image rm osm/mon
    docker image rm osm/pm
    docker volume rm osm_mon_db
    docker volume rm osm_mongo_db
    docker volume rm osm_osm_packages
    docker volume rm osm_ro_db
    echo "Removing /etc/osm and /var/log/osm files"
    rm -rf /etc/osm
    rm -rf /var/log/osm
    return 0

#Configure NAT rules, based on the current IP addresses of containers
function nat(){
    echo -e "\nChecking required packages: iptables-persistent"
    dpkg -l iptables-persistent &>/dev/null || ! echo -e "    Not installed.\nInstalling iptables-persistent requires root privileges" || \
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install iptables-persistent
    echo -e "\nConfiguring NAT rules"
    echo -e "   Required root privileges"
    sudo $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/nat_osm

function FATAL(){
    echo "FATAL error: Cannot install OSM due to \"$1\""
    exit 1

#Update RO, SO and UI:
function update(){
    echo -e "\nUpdating components"

    echo -e "     Updating RO"
    echo -e "     Fetching the repo"
    lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER fetch --all
    BRANCH=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status -sb | head -n1 | sed -n 's/^## \(.*\).*/\1/p'|awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/\(.*\)\.\.\..*/\1/'`
    [ -z "$BRANCH" ] && FATAL "Could not find the current branch in use in the '$MDG'"
    CURRENT=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status |head -n1`
    CURRENT_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse HEAD`
    echo "         FROM: $CURRENT ($CURRENT_COMMIT_ID)"
    # COMMIT_ID either was  previously set with -b option, or is an empty string
    [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" == "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS"
    [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" != "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="$BRANCH"
    if [[ $CHECKOUT_ID == "tags/"* ]]; then
        REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-list -n 1 $CHECKOUT_ID`
        REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse origin/$CHECKOUT_ID`
    echo "         TO: $CHECKOUT_ID ($REMOTE_COMMIT_ID)"
    if [ "$CURRENT_COMMIT_ID" == "$REMOTE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then
        echo "         Nothing to be done."
        echo "         Update required."
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- service osm-ro stop
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano stash
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano pull --rebase
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano checkout $CHECKOUT_ID
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano stash pop
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- /opt/openmano/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh
        lxc exec $CONTAINER -- service osm-ro start

    echo -e "     Updating SO and UI"
    INSTALL_FOLDER=""   # To be filled in
    echo -e "     Fetching the repo"
    lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER fetch --all
    BRANCH=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status -sb | head -n1 | sed -n 's/^## \(.*\).*/\1/p'|awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/\(.*\)\.\.\..*/\1/'`
    [ -z "$BRANCH" ] && FATAL "Could not find the current branch in use in the '$MDG'"
    CURRENT=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status |head -n1`
    CURRENT_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse HEAD`
    echo "         FROM: $CURRENT ($CURRENT_COMMIT_ID)"
    # COMMIT_ID either was  previously set with -b option, or is an empty string
    [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" == "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS"
    [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" != "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="$BRANCH"
    if [[ $CHECKOUT_ID == "tags/"* ]]; then
        REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-list -n 1 $CHECKOUT_ID`
        REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse origin/$CHECKOUT_ID`
    echo "         TO: $CHECKOUT_ID ($REMOTE_COMMIT_ID)"
    if [ "$CURRENT_COMMIT_ID" == "$REMOTE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then
        echo "         Nothing to be done."
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