SuccessConsole Output

Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-master-12465[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-master-12465#3563: 
            schedulerPod="$(kubectl get pods -n osm | grep airflow-scheduler| awk '{print $1; exit}')";             echo "Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod ${schedulerPod}";             kubectl cp -n osm ${schedulerPod}:/opt/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest/dags logs/dags -c scheduler
Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod airflow-scheduler-5859948465-9d9tt
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Success command osm-master-12465#3563: 
            schedulerPod="$(kubectl get pods -n osm | grep airflow-scheduler| awk '{print $1; exit}')";             echo "Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod ${schedulerPod}";             kubectl cp -n osm ${schedulerPod}:/opt/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest/dags logs/dags -c scheduler
Disconnected from osm-master-12465[]