FailedConsole Output

Skipping 978 KB.. Full Log
Execute Day 2 Operation on Upgraded Charm :: Performs one Day 2 op... | PASS |
Check Remote Folder Created Via Day 2 Operation :: Check whether t... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 25-Update Charm In Running Vnf Instance :: [BASIC-... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 26-Secure Helm Execution Environment :: [BASIC-26] Secure c...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get Management Ip Address                                             | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote File Created Via Day 1 Operation :: Check whether the... | PASS |
Get data from EE pod                                                  | PASS |
Fail when trying to access gRPC server without TLS                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 26-Secure Helm Execution Environment :: [BASIC-26]... | PASS |
11 tests, 11 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 27-Update Helm Ee In Running Vnf Instance :: [BASIC-27] Upd...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Set NS Update Config                                                  | PASS |
Get Management Ip Address                                             | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operation :: The VNF has a Da... | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operation :: Performs one Day 2 operation on the VNF... | PASS |
Check Remote File Created Via Day 2 Operation :: Check whether the... | PASS |
Update VNFD Package :: Updates the VNFD by using new VNFD package ... | PASS |
Update Running VNF Instance :: Updates the running VNF instance by... | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operation on Upgraded Helm EE :: Performs one Day 2 ... | PASS |
Check Remote Folder Created Via Day 2 Operation :: Check whether t... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 27-Update Helm Ee In Running Vnf Instance :: [BASI... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 28-Keep Persistent Volumes :: [BASIC-28] NS with one VDU wh...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Check Persistent Volume Counts                                        | PASS |
Set Persistent Volume Ids                                             | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test                                               | PASS |
Check Persistent Root Volume in VIM after NS Deleted                  | PASS |
Check Persistent Ordinary Volume in VIM after NS Deleted              | PASS |
Prepare Ns Config With Volume Id                                      | PASS |
Network Service Instance With Existing Volumes Test                   | PASS |
Verify the Attachment Of Existing Persistent Volumes                  | PASS |
Delete NS Instance With Existing Volumes Test                         | PASS |
Check Existence of Persistent Volumes                                 | PASS |
Delete Persistent Volumes                                             | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 28-Keep Persistent Volumes :: [BASIC-28] NS with o... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 29-Vnf Ipv6 Profile :: [BASIC-29] NS with a single VNF and ...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get Vnf Info                                                          | PASS |
Check Vnf IPs                                                         | PASS |
Check that ipv6 address_mode and ra_mode are set                      | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 29-Vnf Ipv6 Profile :: [BASIC-29] NS with a single... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 30-Ns Ipv6 Profile :: [BASIC-30] NS with a single VNF and t...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get Vnfs Info                                                         | PASS |
Check Vnf1 IPs                                                        | PASS |
Check Vnf2 IPs                                                        | PASS |
Verify Vnf1 Interfaces                                                | PASS |
Verify Vnf2 Interfaces                                                | PASS |
Check that ipv6 address_mode and ra_mode are set                      | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 30-Ns Ipv6 Profile :: [BASIC-30] NS with a single ... | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 31-Multivdu Volume Multiattach :: [BASIC-31] Basic NS with ...
Create Multiattach VNF Descriptor                                     | PASS |
Create Multiattach NS Descriptor                                      | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get Vnf ID                                                            | PASS |
Get Vnf Management Ip Addresses                                       | PASS |
Ensure that VDUs can share data                                       | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test                                               | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 31-Multivdu Volume Multiattach :: [BASIC-31] Basic... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Epa 01-Epa Sriov :: [EPA-01] EPA+SRIOV without underlay.            
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get VNF IP Address                                                    | PASS |
Check SR-IOV Interface                                                | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Epa 01-Epa Sriov :: [EPA-01] EPA+SRIOV without underlay.    | PASS |
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Epa 02-Additional Capabilities :: [EPA-02] Support for additional...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get VNF Server ID                                                     | PASS |
Get Server Flavor Properties                                          | PASS |
Check Flavor Quota Properties                                         | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Epa 02-Additional Capabilities :: [EPA-02] Support for a... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Epa 03-Crud Operations On Sdnc :: [EPA-03] CRUD operations on SDN...
Create Basic SDNC                                                     | PASS |
Check SDNC Status Is Healthy                                          | PASS |
Delete Basic SDNC                                                     | PASS |
Testsuite.Epa 03-Crud Operations On Sdnc :: [EPA-03] CRUD operatio... | PASS |
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Epa 04-Epa Underlay Sriov :: [EPA-04] EPA underlay SR-IOV.          
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses                                           | PASS |
Ping from Vnf1 to Vnf2                                                | PASS |
Ping from Vnf2 to Vnf1                                                | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Epa 04-Epa Underlay Sriov :: [EPA-04] EPA underlay SR-IOV.  | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Fail 01-Insufficient Resources :: [FAIL-01] A single VNF with 2 V...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Cannot Instantiate Network Service                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance And Check VIM                                      | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Fail 01-Insufficient Resources :: [FAIL-01] A single VNF... | PASS |
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Basic :: [HACKFEST-BASIC] Basic NS with a single-VDU VNF   
Create Hackfest Basic VNF Descriptor                                  | PASS |
Create Hackfest Basic NS Descriptor                                   | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address                                                    | PASS |
Test Ping                                                             | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test                                               | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Hackfest Basic :: [HACKFEST-BASIC] Basic NS with a singl... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Cloudinit :: [HACKFEST-CLOUDINIT] Basic NS with two mult...
Create Hackfest Cloudinit VNF Descriptor                              | PASS |
Create Hackfest Cloudinit NS Descriptor                               | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address                                                    | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote File Injected Via Cloud-init                             | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test                                               | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Hackfest Cloudinit :: [HACKFEST-CLOUDINIT] Basic NS with... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Multivdu :: [HACKFEST-MULTIVDU] Basic NS with two multi-...
Create Hackfest multivdu VNF Descriptor                               | PASS |
Create Hackfest Multivdu NS Descriptor                                | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address                                                    | PASS |
Test Ping                                                             | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test                                               | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Hackfest Multivdu :: [HACKFEST-MULTIVDU] Basic NS with t... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Heal 01-Volume Vdu Healing :: [HEAL-01] Healing of a multi-volume...
Create VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get NS Id                                                             | PASS |
Get VIM Objects                                                       | PASS |
Get Volume VNF Info                                                   | PASS |
Get Volumes Info                                                      | PASS |
Check VDU Disks                                                       | PASS |
Delete Persistent Volume VDU                                          | PASS |
Heal Persistent Volume VDU                                            | PASS |
Check VNF After Healing                                               | PASS |
Update VIM Objects                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Delete Objects in VIM                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Heal 01-Volume Vdu Healing :: [HEAL-01] Healing of a mul... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Heal 02-Scale Vdu Healing :: [HEAL-02] Healing of scaled charm VDUs 
Create VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Create Test Flavor                                                    | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get NS Id                                                             | PASS |
Scale Out Charm VNF                                                   | PASS |
Get VIM Objects                                                       | PASS |
Get Charm VNF Info                                                    | PASS |
Halt Charm VDU                                                        | PASS |
Heal Charm VDU                                                        | PASS |
Check VNF After Healing                                               | PASS |
Update VIM Objects                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Delete Objects in VIM                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Heal 02-Scale Vdu Healing :: [HEAL-02] Healing of scaled... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Heal 03-Multiple Healing :: [HEAL-03] Healing of multiple VDUs      
Create VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get NS Id                                                             | PASS |
Scale Out Charm VNF                                                   | PASS |
Get VIM Objects                                                       | PASS |
Get Charm VNF Info                                                    | PASS |
Get Volume VNF Info                                                   | PASS |
Stop VDUs                                                             | PASS |
Heal VDUs                                                             | PASS |
Check VNFs After Healing                                              | PASS |
Update VIM Objects                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Delete Objects in VIM                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Heal 03-Multiple Healing :: [HEAL-03] Healing of multipl... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Heal 04-Autohealing :: [HEAL-04] Autohealing of NS                  
Create VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test                                         | PASS |
Get NS Id                                                             | PASS |
Get VIM Objects                                                       | PASS |
Get VNF Info                                                          | PASS |
Stop Autoheal VDU                                                     | PASS |
Wait For Autohealing To Be Completed                                  | PASS |
Check VNF After Healing                                               | PASS |
Update VIM Objects                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors                                                | PASS |
Delete Objects in VIM                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Heal 04-Autohealing :: [HEAL-04] Autohealing of NS          | PASS |
14 tests, 14 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 02-K8Scluster Creation :: [K8s-02] K8s cluster addition.        
Create VIM Target Basic :: Creates a VIM for the K8s cluster to be... | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM                                                | PASS |
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM                                           | PASS |
Delete VIM Target By ID :: Delete the VIM Target created in previo... | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 02-K8Scluster Creation :: [K8s-02] K8s cluster addit... | PASS |
4 tests, 4 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 03-Simple K8S :: [K8s-03] Simple K8s.                           
Create Simple K8s VNF Descriptor                                      | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Descriptor                                          | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test                                     | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | PASS |
Delete NS K8s Instance Test                                           | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Delete VNF NS Packages                                                | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 03-Simple K8S :: [K8s-03] Simple K8s.                   | PASS |
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 04-Openldap Helm :: [K8s-04] Openldap Helm chart.               
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF                                       | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS                                        | PASS |
Create Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Get Ns Id                                                             | PASS |
Get Vnf Id                                                            | PASS |
Execute Upgrade Operation                                             | PASS |
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation                                | PASS |
Execute Rollback Operation                                            | PASS |
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation                               | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 04-Openldap Helm :: [K8s-04] Openldap Helm chart.       | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 05-K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-05] K8s Proxy Charm.                
Create Charm VNF Descriptor                                           | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor                                            | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service                                     | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses                                           | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 05-K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-05] K8s Proxy Charm.        | PASS |
11 tests, 11 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 06-K8S Secure Key Management :: [K8s-06] K8s Secure Key Manag...
Create Charm VNF Descriptor                                           | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor                                            | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service                                     | PASS |
Get Ns Id                                                             | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses                                           | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 06-K8S Secure Key Management :: [K8s-06] K8s Secure ... | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 07-Dummy Helm :: [K8s-07] Openldap Helm in isolated cluster w...
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF                                       | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS                                        | PASS |
Create Dummy VIM                                                      | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM                                                | PASS |
Create Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM                                           | PASS |
Delete VIM                                                            | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 07-Dummy Helm :: [K8s-07] Openldap Helm in isolated ... | PASS |
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 08-Simple K8S Scaling :: [K8s-08] Simple K8s Scale.             
Create Simple K8s Scale VNF Descriptor                                | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Scale NS Descriptor                                 | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test                                     | PASS |
Get KDU Model Name :: Get the model name of the network service k8... | PASS |
Get Scale Count Before Scale Out :: Get the scale count of the app... | PASS |
Perform Manual KDU Scale Out :: Scale out the application of netwo... | PASS |
Check Scale Count After Scale Out :: Check whether the scale count... | PASS |
Perform Manual KDU Scale In :: Scale in the application of network... | PASS |
Check Scale Count After Scale In :: Check whether the scale count ... | PASS |
Delete NS K8s Instance Test                                           | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 08-Simple K8S Scaling :: [K8s-08] Simple K8s Scale.     | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 09-Pebble Charm K8S :: [K8s-09] Pebble Charm.                   
Create Simple K8s VNF Descriptor                                      | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Descriptor                                          | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test                                     | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | PASS |
Delete NS K8s Instance Test                                           | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Delete VNF NS Packages                                                | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 09-Pebble Charm K8S :: [K8s-09] Pebble Charm.           | PASS |
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 10-Sol004 Sol007 With K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-10] K8s Proxy ...
Create Charm VNF Descriptor                                           | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor                                            | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service                                     | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses                                           | PASS |
Test SSH Access                                                       | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 10-Sol004 Sol007 With K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-10] K... | PASS |
11 tests, 11 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 12-Openldap Helm Day-2 :: [K8s-12] Openldap Helm chart.         
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF                                       | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS                                        | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM                                                | PASS |
Create Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Get Ns Id                                                             | PASS |
Get Vnf Id                                                            | PASS |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation.             | PASS |
Execute Upgrade Operation                                             | PASS |
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation                                | PASS |
Execute Rollback Operation                                            | PASS |
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation                               | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance                                       | PASS |
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM                                           | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test                                             | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 12-Openldap Helm Day-2 :: [K8s-12] Openldap Helm chart. | PASS |
15 tests, 15 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Quotas 01-Quota Enforcement :: [QUOTAS-01] Quota enforcement.       
Create First Project With Quotas                                      | PASS |
Create Second Project With Quotas                                     | PASS |
Create User In Projects                                               | PASS |
Change First Project Name to Third Project Name                       | PASS |
Create VNFDs On Third Project Until Exceed Quota                      | PASS |
Increase Third Project Quotas                                         | PASS |
Create More VNFDs On Third Project Until Exceed Quota                 | PASS |
Create VNFDs On Second Project Until Exceed Quota                     | PASS |
Check Project Scopes                                                  | PASS |
Delete Second Project VNFD                                            | PASS |
Delete Third Project VNFDs                                            | PASS |
Delete Second Project After Removing User From It                     | PASS |
Delete Projects User                                                  | PASS |
Delete Third Project                                                  | PASS |
Testsuite.Quotas 01-Quota Enforcement :: [QUOTAS-01] Quota enforce... | PASS |
14 tests, 14 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Sa 01-Vnf With Vim Metrics :: [SA-01] VNF with VIM-based metrics.   
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get VNF VIM-based Metrics                                             | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Sa 01-Vnf With Vim Metrics :: [SA-01] VNF with VIM-based... | PASS |
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Sa 02-Vnf With Vim Metrics And Autoscaling :: [SA-02] VNF with VI...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Get Thresholds From VNF                                               | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get VNF Id                                                            | PASS |
Get VNF IP Address                                                    | PASS |
Get VNF VIM-based Metric Before Auto-scaling                          | PASS |
Increase VIM-based Metric To Force Auto-scaling                       | PASS |
Wait VIM-based Metric To Exceed Threshold                             | PASS |
Wait Threshold Time                                                   | PASS |
Check VIM-based Metric Exceeds Threshold After Threshold-time         | PASS |
Get VDUs After Auto-scaling                                           | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Sa 02-Vnf With Vim Metrics And Autoscaling :: [SA-02] VN... | PASS |
15 tests, 15 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Sa 07-Alarms From Sa-Related Vnfs :: [SA-07] Events or alarms com...
Create Webhook Service VNF Descriptor                                 | PASS |
Create Webhook Service NS Descriptor                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Webhook Service Network Service                           | PASS |
Get Webhook Service VNF IP Address                                    | PASS |
Start Webhook Service                                                 | PASS |
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get Alarm Metric                                                      | PASS |
Check Alarms Were Received                                            | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Delete Webhook Service NS Instance                                    | PASS |
Delete Webhook Service NS Descriptor                                  | PASS |
Delete Webhook Service VNF Descriptor                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Sa 07-Alarms From Sa-Related Vnfs :: [SA-07] Events or a... | PASS |
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Sa 08-Vnf With Vnf Indicators Snmp :: [SA-08] VNF with VNF-based ...
Create VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service                                           | PASS |
Get VNF SNMP Metrics                                                  | PASS |
Delete NS Instance                                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor                                                  | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor                                                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Sa 08-Vnf With Vnf Indicators Snmp :: [SA-08] VNF with V... | PASS |
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Slice 01-Network Slicing :: [SLICE-01] Network Slicing.             
Create Slice VNF Descriptors :: Onboards all the VNFDs required fo... | PASS |
Create Slice NS Descriptors :: Onboards all the NSDs required for ... | PASS |
Create Slice Template :: Onboards the Network Slice Template: nst ... | PASS |
Network Slice Instance Test :: Instantiates the NST recently onboa... | PASS |
Get Middle Vnf Management Ip :: Obtains the management IP of the s... | PASS |
Get Slice Vnf Ip Addresses :: Obtains the list of IPs addresses in... | PASS |
Test Middle Ns Ping :: Pings the slice middle vnf (mgmt_vnf_ip)       | PASS |
Test Middle Vnf SSH Access :: SSH access to the slice middle vnf (... | PASS |
Test Slice Connectivity :: SSH access to the slice middle vnf (mgm... | PASS |
Delete Slice Instance :: Stops the slice instance (slice_name)        | PASS |
Delete Slice Template :: Deletes the NST (nst_name) from OSM          | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptors :: Deletes all the NSDs created for the test... | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors :: Deletes all the VNFDs created for the te... | PASS |
Testsuite.Slice 01-Network Slicing :: [SLICE-01] Network Slicing.     | PASS |
13 tests, 13 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Slice 02-Shared Network Slicing :: [SLICE-02] Shared Network Slic...
Create Slice VNF Descriptors :: Onboards all the VNFDs required fo... | PASS |
Create Slice NS Descriptors :: Onboards all the NSDs required for ... | PASS |
Create Slice Templates :: Onboards the Network Slice Templates: ns... | PASS |
Network Slice First Instance :: Instantiates the First NST recentl... | PASS |
Network Slice Second Instance :: Instantiates the Second NST recen... | PASS |
First Network Slice Ns Count :: Counts the NS in both slice instan... | PASS |
Get Middle Vnf Management Ip :: Obtains the management IP of the s... | PASS |
Get First Slice Vnf IPs :: Obtains the list of IPs addresses in th... | PASS |
Test Middle Ns Ping :: Pings the slice middle vnf (mgmt_vnf_ip)       | PASS |
Test Middle Vnf SSH Access :: SSH access to the slice middle vnf (... | PASS |
Test First Slice Connectivity :: SSH access to the slice middle vn... | PASS |
Delete Slice One Instance :: Stops the slice instance (slice_name)    | PASS |
Second Network Slice Ns Count :: Counts the NS in both slice insta... | PASS |
Get Second Slice Vnf IPs :: Obtains the list of IPs addresses in t... | PASS |
Test Second Slice Connectivity :: SSH access to the slice middle v... | PASS |
Delete Slice Two Instance :: Stops the slice instance (slice2_name)   | PASS |
Delete Slice One Template :: Deletes the NST (nst_name) from OSM      | PASS |
Delete Slice Two Template :: Deletes the NST (nst2_name) from OSM     | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptors :: Deletes all the NSDs created for the test... | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptors :: Deletes all the VNFDs created for the te... | PASS |
Testsuite.Slice 02-Shared Network Slicing :: [SLICE-02] Shared Net... | PASS |
20 tests, 20 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Sol003 01-Vnf-Lifecycle-Management :: [SOL003-01] Sol003 Api testing
Create VNF package from JSON file descriptor :: Test case to creat... | PASS |
Instantiate VNF :: Test case to Instantiate a VNF                     | PASS |
Query VNF Instances :: Test case to query VNF Instance                | PASS |
Query VNF Instance ID :: Test case to query Vnf instance ID           | PASS |
Query VNF LCM Ops :: Test case to Query VNF LCM operation             | PASS |
Query VNF LCM Ops ID                                                  | PASS |
Scale VNF :: Test case to   Scale out VNF                             | PASS |
Terminate VNF :: Test case to terminate the VNF                       | PASS |
Delete VNF :: Test case to delete VNF                                 | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test                                            | PASS |
Testsuite.Sol003 01-Vnf-Lifecycle-Management :: [SOL003-01] Sol003... | PASS |
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite                                                             | PASS |
603 tests, 603 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /robot-systest/reports/output.xml
Log:     /robot-systest/reports/log.html
Report:  /robot-systest/reports/report.html
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-devops] Running shell script
+ cp /tmp/tmp.Cn7QmlcPCw/output.xml .
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-devops] Running shell script
+ cp /tmp/tmp.Cn7QmlcPCw/log.html /tmp/tmp.Cn7QmlcPCw/report.html .
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-devops] Running shell script
+ pwd
[Pipeline] echo
Present Directory is : /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops
[Pipeline] step
Robot results publisher started...
-Parsing output xml:
-Copying log files to build dir:
-Assigning results to build:
-Checking thresholds:
Done publishing Robot results.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (After System Integration test)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Archive)
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/repo/release
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] getArtifactoryServer
[Pipeline] newBuildInfo
[Pipeline] artifactoryUpload
[consumer_2] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_1] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_0] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_1] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_0] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_2] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_1] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_0] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_2] Deploying artifact:
[consumer_1] Deploying artifact:
[Pipeline] publishBuildInfo
Deploying build info to:
Deploying build descriptor to:
Build successfully deployed. Browse it in Artifactory under
[Pipeline] sh
[release] Running shell script
+ env
[Pipeline] step
Archiving artifacts
Recording fingerprints
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Publish to Dockerhub)
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] [LCM] { (Branch: LCM)
[Pipeline] [Keystone] { (Branch: Keystone)
[Pipeline] [MON] { (Branch: MON)
[Pipeline] [POL] { (Branch: POL)
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] { (Branch: Prometheus)
[Pipeline] [tests] { (Branch: tests)
[Pipeline] [PLA] { (Branch: PLA)
[Pipeline] [osmclient] { (Branch: osmclient)
[Pipeline] [Airflow] { (Branch: Airflow)
[Pipeline] [Webhook] { (Branch: Webhook)
[Pipeline] [RO] { (Branch: RO)
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] { (Branch: NG-UI)
[Pipeline] [NBI] { (Branch: NBI)
[Pipeline] [LCM] dir
[LCM] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/LCM
[Pipeline] [LCM] {
[Pipeline] [Keystone] dir
[Keystone] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/Keystone
[Pipeline] [Keystone] {
[Pipeline] [MON] dir
[MON] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/MON
[Pipeline] [MON] {
[Pipeline] [POL] dir
[POL] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/POL
[Pipeline] [POL] {
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] dir
[Prometheus] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/Prometheus
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] {
[Pipeline] [tests] dir
[tests] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/tests
[Pipeline] [tests] {
[PLA] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/PLA
[Pipeline] [PLA] dir
[Pipeline] [PLA] {
[Pipeline] [osmclient] dir
[osmclient] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/osmclient
[Pipeline] [osmclient] {
[Pipeline] [Airflow] dir
[Airflow] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/Airflow
[Pipeline] [Airflow] {
[Pipeline] [Webhook] dir
[Webhook] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/Webhook
[Pipeline] [Webhook] {
[Pipeline] [RO] dir
[RO] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/RO
[Pipeline] [RO] {
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] dir
[NG-UI] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/NG-UI
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] {
[Pipeline] [NBI] dir
[NBI] Running in /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk/usr/share/osm-devops/NBI
[Pipeline] [NBI] {
[Pipeline] [LCM] sh
[LCM] [LCM] Running shell script
[LCM] + docker pull
[LCM] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/lcm
[LCM] Digest: sha256:f5c19031f7a30859ddf3ed1160e3cbc5b1fb83446182bc5353becf747b049a00
[LCM] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [Keystone] sh
[Keystone] [Keystone] Running shell script
[Keystone] + docker pull
[Keystone] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/keystone
[Keystone] Digest: sha256:f8145679726980a82a96d9d98af399c76177fed6ee1e83de76910df2e96d00ef
[Keystone] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [MON] sh
[MON] [MON] Running shell script
[MON] + docker pull
[MON] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/mon
[MON] Digest: sha256:60cec1bb2467a78fbdcfa2eec189cb97d7008b81610a6284867efd08a53a7186
[MON] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [POL] sh
[POL] [POL] Running shell script
[POL] + docker pull
[POL] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/pol
[POL] Digest: sha256:1188f80c4689ac77de6b860046d9e0e2d9e31da57042bfee548e8f54aec3570b
[POL] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] sh
[Prometheus] [Prometheus] Running shell script
[Prometheus] + docker pull
[Prometheus] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/prometheus
[Prometheus] Digest: sha256:7b88cc4a950238cdcdf9ff4722e35332a718d591daa3b7bb6ded8c9769d5482c
[Prometheus] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [tests] sh
[tests] [tests] Running shell script
[tests] + docker pull
[tests] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/tests
[tests] Digest: sha256:23995dc5e72d2d71681f21d9d5bda10eba3cb84e37802df3e244fa1a93848e9a
[tests] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [PLA] sh
[PLA] [PLA] Running shell script
[PLA] + docker pull
[PLA] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/pla
[PLA] Digest: sha256:6a2b4e71442d9619e1dab2b07e322091783c163428e610aca0d0543a0d79d14b
[PLA] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [osmclient] sh
[osmclient] [osmclient] Running shell script
[osmclient] + docker pull
[osmclient] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/osmclient
[osmclient] Digest: sha256:463b157f039cb7a6c970fb6437ff265f236388dac896cc0a19f79ee69853f8a2
[osmclient] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [Airflow] sh
[Airflow] [Airflow] Running shell script
[Airflow] + docker pull
[Pipeline] [Webhook] sh
[Webhook] [Webhook] Running shell script
[Webhook] + docker pull
[Pipeline] [RO] sh
[RO] [RO] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] sh
[NG-UI] [NG-UI] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NBI] sh
[Airflow] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/airflow
[Airflow] Digest: sha256:1ce24de2b26498297a770e8c85a0f26b5c491d7daa33ce7016ccaa91cc1db889
[Airflow] Status: Image is up to date for
[Webhook] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/webhook
[Webhook] Digest: sha256:7e888ebbadd55f06a7aa682134028ee83f4229797250986d55dd9211f35be330
[Webhook] Status: Image is up to date for
[RO] + docker pull
[NG-UI] + docker pull
[NBI] [NBI] Running shell script
[NBI] + docker pull
[RO] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/ro
[RO] Digest: sha256:5172c50c7c492f1e1aedc8856b69549e9eaa67b1abac2e6c0b06af65c99a89c7
[RO] Status: Image is up to date for
[NG-UI] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/ng-ui
[NG-UI] Digest: sha256:4acece476da52c4baa1ea45ff0e70c473e999db2800ce2c2fccc3103c2e91683
[NG-UI] Status: Image is up to date for
[NBI] osm-v140-merge-321: Pulling from devops/cicd/opensourcemano/nbi
[NBI] Digest: sha256:d6db842a0b60a9da2071023b5cf51c97bbdb0c335ea685415b88b498e8142fe6
[NBI] Status: Image is up to date for
[Pipeline] [LCM] sh
[LCM] [LCM] Running shell script
[LCM] + docker tag opensourcemano/lcm:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [Keystone] sh
[Keystone] [Keystone] Running shell script
[Keystone] + docker tag opensourcemano/keystone:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [MON] sh
[MON] [MON] Running shell script
[MON] + docker tag opensourcemano/mon:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [POL] sh
[POL] [POL] Running shell script
[POL] + docker tag opensourcemano/pol:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] sh
[Prometheus] [Prometheus] Running shell script
[Prometheus] + docker tag opensourcemano/prometheus:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [tests] sh
[tests] [tests] Running shell script
[tests] + docker tag opensourcemano/tests:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [PLA] sh
[PLA] [PLA] Running shell script
[PLA] + docker tag opensourcemano/pla:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [osmclient] sh
[osmclient] [osmclient] Running shell script
[osmclient] + docker tag opensourcemano/osmclient:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [Airflow] sh
[Airflow] [Airflow] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [Webhook] sh
[Webhook] [Webhook] Running shell script
[Airflow] + docker tag opensourcemano/airflow:releasefourteen-daily
[Webhook] + docker tag opensourcemano/webhook:releasefourteen-daily
[Pipeline] [LCM] sh
[LCM] [LCM] Running shell script
[LCM] + docker push opensourcemano/lcm:releasefourteen-daily
[LCM] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [Keystone] sh
[Keystone] [Keystone] Running shell script
[Keystone] + docker push opensourcemano/keystone:releasefourteen-daily
[Keystone] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [MON] sh
[MON] [MON] Running shell script
[MON] + docker push opensourcemano/mon:releasefourteen-daily
[MON] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [POL] sh
[LCM] ce16ad193bf8: Preparing
[LCM] d63b52f1f908: Preparing
[LCM] 28427ce9d930: Preparing
[LCM] 3e409458d856: Preparing
[LCM] 382bfbdeea58: Preparing
[LCM] 6dedf0c33fa7: Preparing
[LCM] a30ac30b474a: Preparing
[LCM] 0f78e2caf9da: Preparing
[LCM] f28458f83e5f: Preparing
[LCM] ce16ad193bf8: Waiting
[LCM] 28427ce9d930: Waiting
[LCM] 3e409458d856: Waiting
[LCM] 8e9cf0663742: Preparing
[LCM] 382bfbdeea58: Waiting
[LCM] 0f78e2caf9da: Waiting
[LCM] cfdf68cae44d: Preparing
[LCM] 6dedf0c33fa7: Waiting
[LCM] d63b52f1f908: Waiting
[LCM] a30ac30b474a: Waiting
[LCM] 55ff1af0cfdc: Preparing
[LCM] f28458f83e5f: Waiting
[LCM] 8e9cf0663742: Waiting
[LCM] 01c0c61ccaa2: Preparing
[LCM] cfdf68cae44d: Waiting
[LCM] 55ff1af0cfdc: Waiting
[LCM] fcf795a1b011: Preparing
[LCM] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[LCM] 01c0c61ccaa2: Waiting
[LCM] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[LCM] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[LCM] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[LCM] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[LCM] fcf795a1b011: Waiting
[LCM] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[POL] [POL] Running shell script
[POL] + docker push opensourcemano/pol:releasefourteen-daily
[POL] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] sh
[Prometheus] [Prometheus] Running shell script
[Prometheus] + docker push opensourcemano/prometheus:releasefourteen-daily
[Prometheus] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [tests] sh
[tests] [tests] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [RO] sh
[RO] [RO] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] sh
[NG-UI] [NG-UI] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NBI] sh
[Keystone] 0986c62efd39: Preparing
[Keystone] afdd922b4242: Preparing
[Keystone] f783f36ec41c: Preparing
[Keystone] c773e298a675: Preparing
[Keystone] f2d1246ec384: Preparing
[Keystone] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[Keystone] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[Keystone] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[Keystone] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[MON] fc46a0b19b0d: Preparing
[MON] e8ed6a1d3bf3: Preparing
[MON] 7d1bbd43d884: Preparing
[MON] 55daca42ee04: Preparing
[MON] fc46a0b19b0d: Waiting
[MON] e8ed6a1d3bf3: Waiting
[MON] dbb6a37373eb: Preparing
[MON] 7d1bbd43d884: Waiting
[MON] 138d6aa98f9d: Preparing
[MON] 55daca42ee04: Waiting
[MON] 9102774a3040: Preparing
[MON] 138d6aa98f9d: Waiting
[MON] dbb6a37373eb: Waiting
[MON] 3e717d2d5fc4: Preparing
[MON] 9102774a3040: Waiting
[MON] ccd48864ace0: Preparing
[MON] 3e717d2d5fc4: Waiting
[MON] 090ec1d9755f: Preparing
[MON] 3590f8c2b86e: Preparing
[MON] 43829e7f8ead: Preparing
[MON] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[MON] ccd48864ace0: Waiting
[MON] 090ec1d9755f: Waiting
[MON] 43829e7f8ead: Waiting
[MON] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[MON] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[MON] 3590f8c2b86e: Waiting
[MON] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[MON] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[MON] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[POL] dfc83faf5fc0: Preparing
[POL] 28cebae17416: Preparing
[POL] acfe30abf847: Preparing
[POL] a2f2e642ccdb: Preparing
[POL] b0bc181fe195: Preparing
[POL] 9ad13d53ed9b: Preparing
[POL] 493135ba70a1: Preparing
[POL] 2632aa1ceb21: Preparing
[POL] b0b7e29f2f13: Preparing
[POL] b9fba8cc32b4: Preparing
[POL] acfe30abf847: Waiting
[POL] 894377b65cf7: Preparing
[POL] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[POL] 28cebae17416: Waiting
[POL] a2f2e642ccdb: Waiting
[POL] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[POL] b0bc181fe195: Waiting
[POL] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[POL] dfc83faf5fc0: Waiting
[POL] 9ad13d53ed9b: Waiting
[POL] 493135ba70a1: Waiting
[POL] b0b7e29f2f13: Waiting
[POL] b9fba8cc32b4: Waiting
[POL] 2632aa1ceb21: Waiting
[POL] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[POL] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[POL] 894377b65cf7: Waiting
[POL] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[tests] + docker push opensourcemano/tests:releasefourteen-daily
[tests] The push refers to repository []
[RO] + docker tag opensourcemano/ro:releasefourteen-daily
[NG-UI] + docker tag opensourcemano/ng-ui:releasefourteen-daily
[NBI] [NBI] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [PLA] sh
[Prometheus] d1ad33927baa: Preparing
[Prometheus] 32b5c77cdd50: Preparing
[Prometheus] c312579e3706: Preparing
[Prometheus] b0f6e5e8999d: Preparing
[Prometheus] 41edac4edf75: Preparing
[Prometheus] 1dde678d2269: Preparing
[Prometheus] 3a1b6e184b4a: Preparing
[Prometheus] 89ca33c95b2e: Preparing
[Prometheus] 83db175c22e2: Preparing
[Prometheus] c5d13b2949a2: Preparing
[Prometheus] d1ad33927baa: Waiting
[Prometheus] 32b5c77cdd50: Waiting
[Prometheus] 7e43f593c900: Preparing
[Prometheus] b0f6e5e8999d: Waiting
[Prometheus] 072686bcd3db: Preparing
[Prometheus] 41edac4edf75: Waiting
[Prometheus] 1dde678d2269: Waiting
[Prometheus] 3a1b6e184b4a: Waiting
[Prometheus] c5d13b2949a2: Waiting
[Prometheus] 83db175c22e2: Waiting
[Prometheus] 89ca33c95b2e: Waiting
[Prometheus] 7e43f593c900: Waiting
[Prometheus] c312579e3706: Waiting
[Prometheus] 072686bcd3db: Waiting
[NBI] + docker tag opensourcemano/nbi:releasefourteen-daily
[PLA] [PLA] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [osmclient] sh
[tests] e58236ec7417: Preparing
[tests] 9c014ebcd37c: Preparing
[tests] 38bc96984e09: Preparing
[tests] f3f3fca43217: Preparing
[tests] 1590a693e7a3: Preparing
[tests] 49c328020831: Preparing
[tests] 5c9211198d7f: Preparing
[tests] 807a358ee90f: Preparing
[tests] f019eff25851: Preparing
[tests] 9c014ebcd37c: Waiting
[tests] 38bc96984e09: Waiting
[tests] f3f3fca43217: Waiting
[tests] 5c9211198d7f: Waiting
[tests] f67da669e791: Preparing
[tests] 807a358ee90f: Waiting
[tests] e58236ec7417: Waiting
[tests] 3e2ab084adb4: Preparing
[tests] f019eff25851: Waiting
[tests] 1590a693e7a3: Waiting
[tests] 7bef787be8b9: Preparing
[tests] 49c328020831: Waiting
[tests] f67da669e791: Waiting
[tests] bf96711bf6d6: Preparing
[tests] 3e2ab084adb4: Waiting
[tests] 7bef787be8b9: Waiting
[tests] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[tests] bf96711bf6d6: Waiting
[tests] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[tests] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[tests] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[PLA] + docker push opensourcemano/pla:releasefourteen-daily
[PLA] The push refers to repository []
[osmclient] [osmclient] Running shell script
[osmclient] + docker push opensourcemano/osmclient:releasefourteen-daily
[osmclient] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [Airflow] sh
[Airflow] [Airflow] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [Webhook] sh
[PLA] c166531a776b: Preparing
[PLA] 6e2100f8904e: Preparing
[PLA] 5fc19f4b36cd: Preparing
[PLA] 1820ccea977a: Preparing
[PLA] c166531a776b: Waiting
[PLA] e8401fe2f6b6: Preparing
[PLA] 3a064696f2e4: Preparing
[PLA] 6e2100f8904e: Waiting
[PLA] 5fc19f4b36cd: Waiting
[PLA] b35087c3f846: Preparing
[PLA] 3a064696f2e4: Waiting
[PLA] 1c848a8516ea: Preparing
[PLA] 1820ccea977a: Waiting
[PLA] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[PLA] e8401fe2f6b6: Waiting
[PLA] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[PLA] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[PLA] b35087c3f846: Waiting
[PLA] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[PLA] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[PLA] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[osmclient] 5807bb26aaeb: Preparing
[osmclient] 85e01bf7422a: Preparing
[osmclient] 24b3f0b21ebf: Preparing
[osmclient] 6e5f747ba216: Preparing
[osmclient] 99c0d1d902c4: Preparing
[osmclient] 882b1e5c1c6a: Preparing
[osmclient] 1d6586f1146e: Preparing
[osmclient] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[osmclient] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[osmclient] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[osmclient] 5807bb26aaeb: Waiting
[osmclient] 6e5f747ba216: Waiting
[osmclient] 99c0d1d902c4: Waiting
[osmclient] 882b1e5c1c6a: Waiting
[osmclient] 85e01bf7422a: Waiting
[osmclient] 24b3f0b21ebf: Waiting
[osmclient] 1d6586f1146e: Waiting
[osmclient] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[osmclient] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[Airflow] + docker push opensourcemano/airflow:releasefourteen-daily
[Airflow] The push refers to repository []
[Webhook] [Webhook] Running shell script
[Webhook] + docker push opensourcemano/webhook:releasefourteen-daily
[Webhook] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [RO] sh
[Airflow] f1b1be4b299a: Preparing
[Airflow] 9f713d7d3f14: Preparing
[Airflow] d777fe8936cc: Preparing
[Airflow] e583088c27ae: Preparing
[Airflow] 5ff6dff88586: Preparing
[Airflow] 056b348c212f: Preparing
[Airflow] d49f6afb52e8: Preparing
[Airflow] dd5a9aa1f8f2: Preparing
[Airflow] 76aee35c2d8c: Preparing
[Airflow] f6ab56dc720b: Preparing
[Airflow] 58577a3ac668: Preparing
[Airflow] 4828a6c451df: Preparing
[Airflow] fa9ab046628c: Preparing
[Airflow] 5f70bf18a086: Preparing
[Airflow] 8b4250c5d64d: Preparing
[Airflow] 9f713d7d3f14: Waiting
[Airflow] af7b571f7ca8: Preparing
[Airflow] f6ab56dc720b: Waiting
[Airflow] c57e7b07a3b2: Preparing
[Airflow] 58577a3ac668: Waiting
[Airflow] f280206a86b2: Preparing
[Airflow] d49f6afb52e8: Waiting
[Airflow] 5ff6dff88586: Waiting
[Airflow] feb06c5db7c4: Preparing
[Airflow] d777fe8936cc: Waiting
[Airflow] 056b348c212f: Waiting
[Airflow] dd5a9aa1f8f2: Waiting
[Airflow] e583088c27ae: Waiting
[Airflow] b082288f25e1: Preparing
[Airflow] 79d83185dd32: Preparing
[Airflow] 4828a6c451df: Waiting
[Airflow] ab84691a2eba: Preparing
[Airflow] 5f70bf18a086: Waiting
[Airflow] af7b571f7ca8: Waiting
[Airflow] 30baed22bc16: Preparing
[Airflow] c57e7b07a3b2: Waiting
[Airflow] f280206a86b2: Waiting
[Airflow] 26f2bb17348b: Preparing
[Airflow] 15b3067dc4be: Preparing
[Airflow] db70c9ea5e22: Preparing
[Airflow] feb06c5db7c4: Waiting
[Airflow] 31152b74f256: Preparing
[Airflow] 76aee35c2d8c: Waiting
[Airflow] b082288f25e1: Waiting
[Airflow] 8a2adc4b2731: Preparing
[Airflow] 79d83185dd32: Waiting
[Airflow] 7766968e5876: Preparing
[Airflow] 16af49539099: Preparing
[Airflow] ab84691a2eba: Waiting
[Airflow] 219c6c2423f1: Preparing
[Airflow] 15b3067dc4be: Waiting
[Airflow] 3af14c9a24c9: Preparing
[Airflow] 31152b74f256: Waiting
[Airflow] 30baed22bc16: Waiting
[Airflow] 26f2bb17348b: Waiting
[Airflow] f1b1be4b299a: Waiting
[Airflow] db70c9ea5e22: Waiting
[Airflow] 8b4250c5d64d: Waiting
[Airflow] 7766968e5876: Waiting
[Airflow] 3af14c9a24c9: Waiting
[Airflow] 219c6c2423f1: Waiting
[RO] [RO] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] sh
[NG-UI] [NG-UI] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [NBI] sh
[Keystone] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Webhook] 7947745bfb9c: Preparing
[Webhook] 084126d8e971: Preparing
[Webhook] 3ae0858de686: Preparing
[Webhook] 4f205ad4c9da: Preparing
[Webhook] 7caef69e6fbd: Preparing
[Webhook] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[Webhook] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[Webhook] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[Webhook] 7947745bfb9c: Waiting
[Webhook] 084126d8e971: Waiting
[Webhook] 3ae0858de686: Waiting
[Webhook] 4f205ad4c9da: Waiting
[Webhook] 7caef69e6fbd: Waiting
[Webhook] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[Webhook] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[Webhook] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[RO] + docker push opensourcemano/ro:releasefourteen-daily
[RO] The push refers to repository []
[NG-UI] + docker push opensourcemano/ng-ui:releasefourteen-daily
[NG-UI] The push refers to repository []
[NBI] [NBI] Running shell script
[NBI] + docker push opensourcemano/nbi:releasefourteen-daily
[NBI] The push refers to repository []
[Pipeline] [Keystone] }
[RO] 8ad7742b91ee: Preparing
[RO] 956a3b2b9e65: Preparing
[RO] d9c94cfbacc3: Preparing
[RO] 813a3cb7824e: Preparing
[RO] c1be5f9f1aae: Preparing
[RO] 8ad7742b91ee: Waiting
[RO] ab59f70a2fd9: Preparing
[RO] 956a3b2b9e65: Waiting
[RO] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[RO] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[RO] 813a3cb7824e: Waiting
[RO] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[RO] d9c94cfbacc3: Waiting
[RO] ab59f70a2fd9: Waiting
[RO] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[RO] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[NG-UI] bb8f81909ae9: Preparing
[NG-UI] 77d439cafbc0: Preparing
[NG-UI] 918ebcf3bcb9: Preparing
[NG-UI] cf380b9cc23f: Preparing
[NG-UI] b856174808d0: Preparing
[NG-UI] bb8f81909ae9: Waiting
[NG-UI] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[NG-UI] 77d439cafbc0: Waiting
[NG-UI] cf380b9cc23f: Waiting
[NG-UI] 918ebcf3bcb9: Waiting
[NG-UI] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[NBI] dbae596dae1d: Preparing
[NBI] 17ba9c35a1f9: Preparing
[NBI] 2d80729eb8bc: Preparing
[NBI] a39c00b77fa9: Preparing
[NBI] e34b34c7d9f9: Preparing
[NBI] f512423945be: Preparing
[NBI] 1cd16e7aac58: Preparing
[NBI] bddd493a7bbd: Preparing
[NBI] f2cd04a90f42: Preparing
[NBI] 629ca62fb7c7: Preparing
[NBI] dbae596dae1d: Waiting
[NBI] 17ba9c35a1f9: Waiting
[NBI] 2d80729eb8bc: Waiting
[NBI] a39c00b77fa9: Waiting
[NBI] e34b34c7d9f9: Waiting
[NBI] f512423945be: Waiting
[NBI] 1cd16e7aac58: Waiting
[NBI] bddd493a7bbd: Waiting
[NBI] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[NBI] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[Pipeline] [Keystone] // dir
[Pipeline] [Keystone] }
[LCM] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Keystone] Failed in branch Keystone
[Pipeline] [LCM] }
[Pipeline] [LCM] // dir
[Pipeline] [LCM] }
[LCM] Failed in branch LCM
[MON] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [MON] }
[Pipeline] [MON] // dir
[Pipeline] [MON] }
[MON] Failed in branch MON
[POL] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [POL] }
[Pipeline] [POL] // dir
[Pipeline] [POL] }
[POL] Failed in branch POL
[Prometheus] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] }
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] // dir
[Pipeline] [Prometheus] }
[Prometheus] Failed in branch Prometheus
[tests] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [tests] }
[Pipeline] [tests] // dir
[Pipeline] [tests] }
[tests] Failed in branch tests
[PLA] 1c848a8516ea: Waiting
[PLA] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [PLA] }
[osmclient] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[osmclient] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [PLA] // dir
[PLA] Failed in branch PLA
[Pipeline] [PLA] }
[Pipeline] [osmclient] }
[Pipeline] [osmclient] // dir
[Pipeline] [osmclient] }
[osmclient] Failed in branch osmclient
[Airflow] 16af49539099: Waiting
[Airflow] 8a2adc4b2731: Waiting
[Airflow] fa9ab046628c: Waiting
[Airflow] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [Airflow] }
[Pipeline] [Airflow] // dir
[Pipeline] [Airflow] }
[Airflow] Failed in branch Airflow
[Webhook] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[RO] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[RO] c1be5f9f1aae: Waiting
[RO] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [Webhook] }
[Pipeline] [Webhook] // dir
[Pipeline] [Webhook] }
[Webhook] Failed in branch Webhook
[Pipeline] [RO] }
[Pipeline] [RO] // dir
[Pipeline] [RO] }
[RO] Failed in branch RO
[NG-UI] 629ca62fb7c7: Waiting
[NG-UI] f2cd04a90f42: Waiting
[NG-UI] b856174808d0: Waiting
[NG-UI] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[NBI] denied: requested access to the resource is denied
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] }
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] // dir
[Pipeline] [NG-UI] }
[NG-UI] Failed in branch NG-UI
[Pipeline] [NBI] }
[Pipeline] [NBI] // dir
[Pipeline] [NBI] }
[NBI] Failed in branch NBI
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Archive Container Logs)
[Pipeline] echo
Archiving container logs
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[Pipeline] sshCommand
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-v140-merge-321#92: mkdir -p logs/dags
Success command osm-v140-merge-321#92: mkdir -p logs/dags
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
[Pipeline] sshCommand
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-v140-merge-321#93: 
            for deployment in `kubectl -n osm get deployments | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do
                echo "Extracting log for $deployment"
                kubectl -n osm logs deployments/$deployment --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1                 > logs/$deployment.log
Extracting log for airflow-scheduler
Extracting log for airflow-statsd
Extracting log for airflow-triggerer
Extracting log for airflow-webserver
Extracting log for grafana
Extracting log for keystone
Extracting log for lcm
Extracting log for mon
Extracting log for nbi
Extracting log for ngui
Extracting log for pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway
Extracting log for ro
Extracting log for webhook-translator
Success command osm-v140-merge-321#93: 
            for deployment in `kubectl -n osm get deployments | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do
                echo "Extracting log for $deployment"
                kubectl -n osm logs deployments/$deployment --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1                 > logs/$deployment.log
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
[Pipeline] sshCommand
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-v140-merge-321#94: 
            for statefulset in `kubectl -n osm get statefulsets | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do
                echo "Extracting log for $statefulset"
                kubectl -n osm logs statefulsets/$statefulset --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1                 > logs/$statefulset.log
Extracting log for airflow-postgresql
Extracting log for airflow-redis
Extracting log for airflow-worker
Extracting log for alertmanager
Extracting log for kafka
Extracting log for mongodb-k8s
Extracting log for mysql
Extracting log for prometheus
Extracting log for zookeeper
Success command osm-v140-merge-321#94: 
            for statefulset in `kubectl -n osm get statefulsets | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do
                echo "Extracting log for $statefulset"
                kubectl -n osm logs statefulsets/$statefulset --timestamps=true --all-containers 2>&1                 > logs/$statefulset.log
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
[Pipeline] sshCommand
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-v140-merge-321#95: 
            schedulerPod="$(kubectl get pods -n osm | grep airflow-scheduler| awk '{print $1; exit}')";             echo "Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod ${schedulerPod}";             kubectl cp -n osm ${schedulerPod}:/opt/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest/dags logs/dags -c scheduler
Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod airflow-scheduler-66ddf6bd47-ts57j
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Success command osm-v140-merge-321#95: 
            schedulerPod="$(kubectl get pods -n osm | grep airflow-scheduler| awk '{print $1; exit}')";             echo "Extracting logs from Airflow DAGs from pod ${schedulerPod}";             kubectl cp -n osm ${schedulerPod}:/opt/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest/dags logs/dags -c scheduler
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0] Running shell script
+ rm -rf logs
[Pipeline] sshCommand
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Started command osm-v140-merge-321#96: ls -al logs
total 29556
drwxrwxr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu    4096 May  9 02:45 .
drwxr-x--- 9 ubuntu ubuntu    4096 May  9 02:45 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    8026 May  9 02:45 airflow-postgresql.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   26252 May  9 02:45 airflow-redis.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4550273 May  9 02:45 airflow-scheduler.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     692 May  9 02:45 airflow-statsd.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    5776 May  9 02:45 airflow-triggerer.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  913974 May  9 02:45 airflow-webserver.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2998838 May  9 02:45 airflow-worker.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   22755 May  9 02:45 alertmanager.log
drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu    4096 May  9 02:45 dags
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   61504 May  9 02:45 grafana.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  200403 May  9 02:45 kafka.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    1953 May  9 02:45 keystone.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 9256389 May  9 02:45 lcm.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   23751 May  9 02:45 mon.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4277519 May  9 02:45 mongodb-k8s.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   19649 May  9 02:45 mysql.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 4398910 May  9 02:45 nbi.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu       0 May  9 02:45 ngui.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  172251 May  9 02:45 prometheus.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     607 May  9 02:45 pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3185119 May  9 02:45 ro.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   30677 May  9 02:45 webhook-translator.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   56383 May  9 02:45 zookeeper.log
Success command osm-v140-merge-321#96: ls -al logs
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
[Pipeline] sshGet
Host key checking is off. It may be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
[jsch] Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to osm-v140-merge-321[] (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3)
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-redis.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-redis.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: mon.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/mon.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: kafka.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/kafka.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: ngui.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/ngui.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: alertmanager.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/alertmanager.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: webhook-translator.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/webhook-translator.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-triggerer.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-triggerer.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-postgresql.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-postgresql.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: keystone.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/keystone.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-scheduler.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-scheduler.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-statsd.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-statsd.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-webserver.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-webserver.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: lcm.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/lcm.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: airflow-worker.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/airflow-worker.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: mongodb-k8s.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/mongodb-k8s.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: grafana.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/grafana.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: mysql.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/mysql.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: nbi.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/nbi.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: zookeeper.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/zookeeper.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: ro.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/ro.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: prometheus.log -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/prometheus.log
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received file from osm-v140-merge-321: -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0/logs/dags/
Received directory from osm-v140-merge-321: logs -> /home/jenkins/workspace/osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0
Disconnected from osm-v140-merge-321[]
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] step
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Cleanup)
[Pipeline] echo
Deleting VM: d43e79c3-9883-4ad7-951b-8602e1669515
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0] Running shell script
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0] Running shell script
+ docker stop osm-v140-merge-321-apache
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0] Running shell script
+ docker rm osm-v140-merge-321-apache
[Pipeline] sh
[osm-stage_3-merge_v14.0] Running shell script
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp.A7L53khpxk
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 1
Finished: FAILURE