SuccessConsole Output

[RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0] Running shell script
+ runuser jenkins -c devops-stages/
Launching tox
black create: /tmp/.tox/black
black installdeps: black==23.12.1
black installed: black==23.12.1,click==8.1.7,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,packaging==23.2,pathspec==0.12.1,platformdirs==4.1.0,tomli==2.0.1,typing_extensions==4.9.0
black run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='539767331'
black run-test: commands[0] | black --check --diff NG-RO
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
14 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[1] | black --check --diff RO-plugin
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
9 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[2] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-arista_cloudvision
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
6 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[3] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-dpb
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[4] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-dynpac
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[5] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-floodlight_openflow
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
5 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[6] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-ietfl2vpn
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[7] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-juniper_contrail
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
7 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[8] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-odl_openflow
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
5 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[9] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-onos_openflow
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
5 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[10] | black --check --diff RO-SDN-onos_vpls
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[11] | black --check --diff RO-VIM-aws
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[12] | black --check --diff RO-VIM-azure
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[13] | black --check --diff RO-VIM-openstack
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
5 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[14] | black --check --diff RO-VIM-openvim
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
4 files would be left unchanged.
black run-test: commands[15] | black --check --diff RO-VIM-vmware
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
6 files would be left unchanged.
flake8 create: /tmp/.tox/flake8
flake8 installdeps: flake8==6.1.0, flake8-import-order
flake8 installed: flake8==6.1.0,flake8-import-order==0.18.2,mccabe==0.7.0,pycodestyle==2.11.1,pyflakes==3.1.0
flake8 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='539767331'
flake8 run-test: commands[0] | flake8 NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/ NG-RO/
flake8 run-test: commands[1] | flake8 RO-plugin/osm_ro_plugin/ RO-plugin/
flake8 run-test: commands[2] | flake8 RO-SDN-arista_cloudvision/osm_rosdn_arista_cloudvision/ RO-SDN-arista_cloudvision/
flake8 run-test: commands[3] | flake8 RO-SDN-dpb/osm_rosdn_dpb/ RO-SDN-dpb/
flake8 run-test: commands[4] | flake8 RO-SDN-dynpac/osm_rosdn_dynpac/ RO-SDN-dynpac/
flake8 run-test: commands[5] | flake8 RO-SDN-floodlight_openflow/osm_rosdn_floodlightof/ RO-SDN-floodlight_openflow/
flake8 run-test: commands[6] | flake8 RO-SDN-ietfl2vpn/osm_rosdn_ietfl2vpn/ RO-SDN-ietfl2vpn/
flake8 run-test: commands[7] | flake8 RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/ RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/
flake8 run-test: commands[8] | flake8 RO-SDN-odl_openflow/osm_rosdn_odlof/ RO-SDN-odl_openflow/
flake8 run-test: commands[9] | flake8 RO-SDN-onos_openflow/osm_rosdn_onosof/ RO-SDN-onos_openflow/
flake8 run-test: commands[10] | flake8 RO-SDN-onos_vpls/osm_rosdn_onos_vpls/ RO-SDN-onos_vpls/
flake8 run-test: commands[11] | flake8 RO-VIM-aws/osm_rovim_aws/ RO-VIM-aws/
flake8 run-test: commands[12] | flake8 RO-VIM-azure/osm_rovim_azure/ RO-VIM-azure/
flake8 run-test: commands[13] | flake8 RO-VIM-openstack/osm_rovim_openstack/ RO-VIM-openstack/
flake8 run-test: commands[14] | flake8 RO-VIM-openvim/osm_rovim_openvim/ RO-VIM-openvim/
flake8 run-test: commands[15] | flake8 RO-VIM-vmware/osm_rovim_vmware/ RO-VIM-vmware/osm_rovim_vmware/tests/ RO-VIM-vmware/
safety create: /tmp/.tox/safety
safety installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0/requirements.txt, safety
safety installed: adal==1.2.7,appdirs==1.4.4,attrs==21.4.0,autopage==0.4.0,azure-common==1.1.27,azure-core==1.21.1,azure-identity==1.7.1,azure-mgmt-compute==24.0.0,azure-mgmt-core==1.3.0,azure-mgmt-network==19.3.0,azure-mgmt-resource==20.0.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,boto==2.49.0,cachetools==4.2.4,certifi==2021.10.8,cffi==1.15.0,charset-normalizer==2.0.10,cheroot==8.6.0,CherryPy==18.1.2,click==8.1.7,cliff==3.10.0,cmd2==2.3.3,cryptography==36.0.1,cvprac==1.0.7,debtcollector==2.3.0,decorator==5.1.1,dogpile.cache==1.1.4,dparse==0.6.3,flufl.enum==4.1.1,google-api-core==2.3.2,google-api-python-client==2.34.0,google-auth==2.3.3,google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0,google-cloud==0.34.0,googleapis-common-protos==1.54.0,httplib2==0.20.2,humanfriendly==10.0,idna==3.3,importlib-metadata==4.10.0,iso8601==1.0.2,isodate==0.6.1,jaraco.functools==3.5.0,Jinja2==3.0.3,jmespath==0.10.0,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.2,jsonschema==3.2.0,keystoneauth1==4.4.0,logutils==0.3.5,lxml==4.7.1,MarkupSafe==2.0.1,more-itertools==8.12.0,msal==1.16.0,msal-extensions==0.3.1,msgpack==1.0.3,msrest==0.6.21,msrestazure==0.6.4,munch==4.0.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.11.0,oauthlib==3.1.1,openstacksdk==0.61.0,os-client-config==2.1.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.4.2,oslo.config==8.7.1,oslo.context==3.4.0,oslo.i18n==5.1.0,oslo.log==4.6.1,oslo.serialization==4.2.0,oslo.utils==4.12.0,packaging==21.3,paramiko==2.9.2,pbr==5.8.0,portalocker==2.3.2,portend==3.1.0,prettytable==3.0.0,progressbar==2.5,protobuf==3.19.3,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycparser==2.21,Pygments==2.11.2,pyinotify==0.9.6,PyJWT==2.3.0,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pyOpenSSL==21.0.0,pyparsing==3.0.6,pyperclip==1.8.2,pyrsistent==0.18.0,python-cinderclient==7.4.1,python-dateutil==2.8.2,python-glanceclient==3.5.0,python-keystoneclient==4.4.0,python-neutronclient==7.7.0,python-novaclient==17.6.0,python-openstackclient==5.7.0,pytz==2021.3,pyvcloud==19.1.1,pyvmomi==7.0.3,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.27.1,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==2.0.0,rsa==4.8,ruamel.yaml==0.18.5,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.8,safety==2.3.5,simplejson==3.17.6,six==1.16.0,stevedore==3.5.0,tempora==5.0.0,tomli==2.0.1,uritemplate==4.1.1,urllib3==1.26.8,uuid==1.30,warlock==1.3.3,wcwidth==0.2.5,wrapt==1.13.3,zc.lockfile==2.0,zipp==3.7.0
safety run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='539767331'
safety run-test: commands[0] | - safety check --full-report

                               /$$$$$$            /$$
                              /$$__  $$          | $$
           /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ | $$  \__//$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$   /$$
          /$$_____/ |____  $$| $$$$   /$$__  $$|_  $$_/  | $$  | $$
         |  $$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$_/  | $$$$$$$$  | $$    | $$  | $$
          \____  $$ /$$__  $$| $$    | $$_____/  | $$ /$$| $$  | $$
          /$$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$    |  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$$
         |_______/  \_______/|__/     \_______/   \___/   \____  $$
                                                          /$$  | $$
                                                         |  $$$$$$/
  by                                              \______/



  Safety is using PyUp's free open-source vulnerability database. This
data is 30 days old and limited. 
  For real-time enhanced vulnerability data, fix recommendations, severity
reporting, cybersecurity support, team and project policy management and more
sign up at or email

  Safety v2.3.5 is scanning for Vulnerabilities...
  Scanning dependencies in your environment:

  -> /tmp/.tox/safety/lib/python3.8/site-packages

  Using non-commercial database
  Found and scanned 125 packages
  Timestamp 2024-01-26 11:40:03
  16 vulnerabilities found
  0 vulnerabilities ignored


-> Vulnerability found in pyjwt version 2.3.0
   Vulnerability ID: 48542
   Affected spec: >=1.5.0,<2.4.0
   ADVISORY: PyJWT 2.4.0 includes a fix for CVE-2022-29217: An attacker
   submitting the JWT token can choose the used signing algorithm. The PyJWT
   library requires that the application chooses what algorithms are supported.
   The application can specify 'jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms()' to get
   support for all algorithms, or specify a single algorithm. The issue is not
   that big as 'algorithms=jwt.algorithms.get_default_algorithms()' has to be
   used. As a workaround, always be explicit with the algorithms that are
   accepted and expected when decoding.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in pygments version 2.11.2
   Vulnerability ID: 58910
   Affected spec: <2.15.0
   ADVISORY: Pygments 2.15.0 includes a fix for CVE-2022-40896: The
   regular expressions used when parsing Smithy, SQL/SQL+Jinja, and Java
   properties files were discovered to be vulnerable. As a result, pygmentizing
   a maliciously-crafted file of these kinds would have resulted in high
   resources consumption or crashing of the
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in certifi version 2021.10.8
   Vulnerability ID: 59956
   Affected spec: >=2015.04.28,<2023.07.22
   ADVISORY: Certifi 2023.07.22 includes a fix for CVE-2023-37920:
   Certifi prior to version 2023.07.22 recognizes "e-Tugra" root certificates.
   e-Tugra's root certificates were subject to an investigation prompted by
   reporting of security issues in their systems. Certifi 2023.07.22 removes
   root certificates from "e-Tugra" from the root
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in certifi version 2021.10.8
   Vulnerability ID: 52365
   Affected spec: <2022.12.07
   ADVISORY: Certifi 2022.12.07 includes a fix for CVE-2022-23491:
   Certifi 2022.12.07 removes root certificates from "TrustCor" from the root
   store. These are in the process of being removed from Mozilla's trust store.
   TrustCor's root certificates are being removed pursuant to an investigation
   prompted by media reporting that TrustCor's ownership also operated a
   business that produced spyware. Conclusions of Mozilla's investigation can be
   found in the linked google group
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in cryptography version 36.0.1
   Vulnerability ID: 53048
   Affected spec: >=1.8,<39.0.1
   ADVISORY: Cryptography 39.0.1 includes a fix for CVE-2023-23931: In
   affected versions 'Cipher.update_into' would accept Python objects which
   implement the buffer protocol, but provide only immutable buffers. This would
   allow immutable objects (such as 'bytes') to be mutated, thus violating
   fundamental rules of Python and resulting in corrupted output. This issue has
   been present since 'update_into' was originally introduced in cryptography
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in cryptography version 36.0.1
   Vulnerability ID: 62556
   Affected spec: >=3.1,<41.0.6
   ADVISORY: Cryptography 41.0.6 includes a fix for CVE-2023-49083:
   NULL-dereference when loading PKCS7
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in cryptography version 36.0.1
   Vulnerability ID: 59473
   Affected spec: <41.0.2
   ADVISORY: The cryptography package before 41.0.2 for Python
   mishandles SSH certificates that have critical options.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in lxml version 4.7.1
   Vulnerability ID: 50748
   Affected spec: <4.9.1
   ADVISORY: Lxml 4.9.1 includes a fix for CVE-2022-2309: NULL Pointer
   Dereference allows attackers to cause a denial of service (or application
   crash). This only applies when lxml is used together with libxml2 2.9.10
   through 2.9.14. libxml2 2.9.9 and earlier are not affected. It allows
   triggering crashes through forged input data, given a vulnerable code
   sequence in the application. The vulnerability is caused by the iterwalk
   function (also used by the canonicalize function). Such code shouldn't be in
   wide-spread use, given that parsing + iterwalk would usually be replaced with
   the more efficient iterparse function. However, an XML converter that
   serialises to C14N would also be vulnerable, for example, and there are
   legitimate use cases for this code sequence. If untrusted input is received
   (also remotely) and processed via iterwalk function, a crash can be
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in oauthlib version 3.1.1
   Vulnerability ID: 50959
   Affected spec: >=3.1.1,<3.2.1
   ADVISORY: OAuthLib 3.2.1 includes a fix for CVE-2022-36087: In
   OAuthLib versions 3.1.1 until 3.2.1, an attacker providing malicious redirect
   uri can cause denial of service. An attacker can also leverage usage of
   'uri_validate' functions depending where it is used. OAuthLib applications
   using OAuth2.0 provider support or use directly 'uri_validate' are affected
   by this issue. There are no known workarounds.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in oslo-utils version 4.12.0
   Vulnerability ID: 50849
   Affected spec: <4.12.1
   ADVISORY: Oslo-utils 4.12.1 includes a fix for CVE-2022-0718: Due to
   improper parsing, passwords with a double quote ( " ) in them cause incorrect
   masking in debug logs, causing any part of the password after the double
   quote to be plaintext.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in paramiko version 2.9.2
   Vulnerability ID: 54709
   Affected spec: >=0,<2.9.3
   ADVISORY: In Paramiko before 2.10.1, a race condition (between
   creation and chmod) in the write_private_key_file function could allow
   unauthorized information disclosure.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in protobuf version 3.19.3
   Vulnerability ID: 51167
   Affected spec: >=3.19.0rc0,<3.19.5
   ADVISORY: Protobuf 3.18.3, 3.19.5, 3.20.2 and 4.21.6 include a fix
   for CVE-2022-1941: A parsing vulnerability for the MessageSet type in the
   ProtocolBuffers versions prior to and including 3.16.1, 3.17.3, 3.18.2,
   3.19.4, 3.20.1 and 3.21.5 for protobuf-cpp, and versions prior to and
   including 3.16.1, 3.17.3, 3.18.2, 3.19.4, 3.20.1 and 4.21.5 for protobuf-
   python can lead to out of memory failures. A specially crafted message with
   multiple key-value per elements creates parsing issues, and can lead to a
   Denial of Service against services receiving unsanitized input.https://github
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in pyvcloud version 19.1.1
   Vulnerability ID: 36809
   Affected spec: <20.0.0
   ADVISORY: Pyvcloud 20.0.0 fixes CVE-2017-18342: Replace yaml.load()
   with yaml.safe_load()
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in requests version 2.27.1
   Vulnerability ID: 58755
   Affected spec: >=2.3.0,<2.31.0
   ADVISORY: Requests 2.31.0 includes a fix for CVE-2023-32681: Since
   Requests 2.3.0, Requests has been leaking Proxy-Authorization headers to
   destination servers when redirected to an HTTPS endpoint. This is a product
   of how we use 'rebuild_proxies' to reattach the 'Proxy-Authorization' header
   to requests. For HTTP connections sent through the tunnel, the proxy will
   identify the header in the request itself and remove it prior to forwarding
   to the destination server. However when sent over HTTPS, the 'Proxy-
   Authorization' header must be sent in the CONNECT request as the proxy has no
   visibility into the tunneled request. This results in Requests forwarding
   proxy credentials to the destination server unintentionally, allowing a
   malicious actor to potentially exfiltrate sensitive information.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in urllib3 version 1.26.8
   Vulnerability ID: 61601
   Affected spec: <1.26.17
   ADVISORY: Urllib3 1.26.17 and 2.0.5 include a fix for CVE-2023-43804:
   Urllib3 doesn't treat the 'Cookie' HTTP header special or provide any helpers
   for managing cookies over HTTP, that is the responsibility of the user.
   However, it is possible for a user to specify a 'Cookie' header and
   unknowingly leak information via HTTP redirects to a different origin if that
   user doesn't disable redirects explicitly.
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in urllib3 version 1.26.8
   Vulnerability ID: 61893
   Affected spec: <1.26.18
   ADVISORY: Urllib3 1.26.18 and 2.0.7 include a fix for CVE-2023-45803:
   Request body not stripped after redirect from 303 status changes request
   method to GET.
   For more information, please visit

 Scan was completed. 16 vulnerabilities were found. 


  16 vulnerabilities were found in 12 packages. For detailed remediation & fix 
  recommendations, upgrade to a commercial license. 


  Safety is using PyUp's free open-source vulnerability database. This
data is 30 days old and limited. 
  For real-time enhanced vulnerability data, fix recommendations, severity
reporting, cybersecurity support, team and project policy management and more
sign up at or email

cover create: /tmp/.tox/cover
cover installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0/requirements.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0/requirements-dev.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0/requirements-test.txt
cover installed: adal==1.2.7,aiokafka==0.7.2,appdirs==1.4.4,attrs==21.4.0,autopage==0.4.0,azure-common==1.1.27,azure-core==1.21.1,azure-identity==1.7.1,azure-mgmt-compute==24.0.0,azure-mgmt-core==1.3.0,azure-mgmt-network==19.3.0,azure-mgmt-resource==20.0.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,boto==2.49.0,cachetools==4.2.4,certifi==2021.10.8,cffi==1.15.0,charset-normalizer==2.0.10,cheroot==8.6.0,CherryPy==18.1.2,cliff==3.10.0,cmd2==2.3.3,coverage==6.2,cryptography==36.0.1,cvprac==1.0.7,dataclasses==0.6,debtcollector==2.3.0,decorator==5.1.1,dogpile.cache==1.1.4,flufl.enum==4.1.1,google-api-core==2.3.2,google-api-python-client==2.34.0,google-auth==2.3.3,google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0,google-cloud==0.34.0,googleapis-common-protos==1.54.0,httplib2==0.20.2,humanfriendly==10.0,idna==3.3,importlib-metadata==4.10.0,iso8601==1.0.2,isodate==0.6.1,jaraco.functools==3.5.0,Jinja2==3.0.3,jmespath==0.10.0,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.2,jsonschema==3.2.0,kafka-python==2.0.2,keystoneauth1==4.4.0,logutils==0.3.5,lxml==4.7.1,MarkupSafe==2.0.1,mock==4.0.3,more-itertools==8.12.0,msal==1.16.0,msal-extensions==0.3.1,msgpack==1.0.3,msrest==0.6.21,msrestazure==0.6.4,munch==4.0.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.11.0,nose2==0.10.0,oauthlib==3.1.1,openstacksdk==0.61.0,os-client-config==2.1.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.4.2,oslo.config==8.7.1,oslo.context==3.4.0,oslo.i18n==5.1.0,oslo.log==4.6.1,oslo.serialization==4.2.0,oslo.utils==4.12.0,osm-common @ git+,-e git+,packaging==21.3,paramiko==2.9.2,pbr==5.8.0,portalocker==2.3.2,portend==3.1.0,prettytable==3.0.0,progressbar==2.5,protobuf==3.19.3,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycparser==2.21,pycrypto==2.6.1,Pygments==2.11.2,pyinotify==0.9.6,PyJWT==2.3.0,pymongo==3.12.3,PyNaCl==1.5.0,pyOpenSSL==21.0.0,pyparsing==3.0.6,pyperclip==1.8.2,pyrsistent==0.18.0,python-cinderclient==7.4.1,python-dateutil==2.8.2,python-glanceclient==3.5.0,python-keystoneclient==4.4.0,python-neutronclient==7.7.0,python-novaclient==17.6.0,python-openstackclient==5.7.0,pytz==2021.3,pyvcloud==19.1.1,pyvmomi==7.0.3,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.27.1,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==2.0.0,rsa==4.8,simplejson==3.17.6,six==1.16.0,stevedore==3.5.0,tempora==5.0.0,uritemplate==4.1.1,urllib3==1.26.8,uuid==1.30,warlock==1.3.3,wcwidth==0.2.5,wrapt==1.13.3,zc.lockfile==2.0,zipp==3.7.0
cover run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='539767331'
cover run-test: commands[0] | sh -c 'rm -f nosetests.xml'
cover run-test: commands[1] | coverage erase
cover run-test: commands[2] | nose2 -C --coverage NG-RO/osm_ng_ro -s NG-RO/osm_ng_ro
ERROR:root:The 'osm_ng_ro' distribution was not found and is required by the application occured while getting the ro version
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jenkins/workspace/RO-stage_2-merge_v10.0/NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/", line 26, in <module>
    version = get_distribution("osm_ng_ro").version
  File "/tmp/.tox/cover/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 528, in get_distribution
    dist = get_provider(dist)
  File "/tmp/.tox/cover/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 400, in get_provider
    return working_set.find(moduleOrReq) or require(str(moduleOrReq))[0]
  File "/tmp/.tox/cover/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 968, in require
    needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
  File "/tmp/.tox/cover/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 829, in resolve
    dist = self._resolve_dist(
  File "/tmp/.tox/cover/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 870, in _resolve_dist
    raise DistributionNotFound(req, requirers)
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'osm_ng_ro' distribution was not found and is required by the application
....ERROR:ro.workerworker-3:Error updating tasks to enable VM status updates: 'my_target_vim'
..ERROR:ro.workerworker-3:Error updating tasks to enable VM status updates: 'my_target_vim'
.ERROR:ro.workerworker-3:Error updating tasks to enable VM status updates: 'my_target_vim'
.ERROR:ro.workerworker-3:Error updating tasks to enable VM status updates: 'my_target_vim'
Ran 153 tests in 0.865s

Name                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                   8      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                  55     55     0%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                  301      3    99%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                       624    557    11%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/               1176    941    20%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                  457    457     0%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/tests/             0      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/tests/         40      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/tests/      1421      4    99%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/tests/             54      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/tests/     202      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                33     13    61%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                224    187    17%
TOTAL                                      4595   2217    52%

cover run-test: commands[3] | sh -c 'mv .coverage .coverage_ng_ro'
cover run-test: commands[4] | nose2 -C --coverage RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail -s RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail
Ran 4 tests in 0.006s

Name                                                                                            Stmts   Miss  Cover
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                                      0      0   100%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                                    126     90    29%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                                     154     83    46%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                 382    311    19%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/tests/                                0      0   100%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/tests/      35      0   100%
TOTAL                                                                                             697    484    31%

cover run-test: commands[5] | sh -c 'mv .coverage .coverage_rosdn_juniper_contrail'
cover run-test: commands[6] | coverage combine .coverage_ng_ro .coverage_rosdn_juniper_contrail
Combined data file .coverage_ng_ro
Combined data file .coverage_rosdn_juniper_contrail
cover run-test: commands[7] | coverage report '--omit=*tests*'
Name                                                                                Stmts   Miss  Cover
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                             8      0   100%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                            55     55     0%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                            301      3    99%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                                 624    557    11%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                         1176    941    20%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                            457    457     0%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                          33     13    61%
NG-RO/osm_ng_ro/                                                          224    187    17%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                          0      0   100%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                        126     90    29%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/                         154     83    46%
RO-SDN-juniper_contrail/osm_rosdn_juniper_contrail/     382    311    19%
TOTAL                                                                                3540   2697    24%
cover run-test: commands[8] | coverage html -d ./cover '--omit=*tests*'
Wrote HTML report to ./cover/index.html
cover run-test: commands[9] | coverage xml -o coverage.xml '--omit=*tests*'
Wrote XML report to coverage.xml
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  black: commands succeeded
  flake8: commands succeeded
  safety: commands succeeded
  cover: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)