SuccessConsole Output

[PLA-stage_2_v14.0] Running shell script
+ runuser jenkins -c devops-stages/
Launching tox
✔ OK black in 7.033 seconds
black create: /tmp/.tox/black
black installdeps: black
black installed: black==23.3.0,click==8.1.3,mypy-extensions==1.0.0,packaging==23.1,pathspec==0.11.1,platformdirs==3.8.0,tomli==2.0.1
black run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2435076708'
black run-test: commands[0] | black --check --diff osm_pla/
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
13 files would be left unchanged.

✔ OK flake8 in 9.208 seconds
flake8 create: /tmp/.tox/flake8
flake8 installdeps: flake8
flake8 develop-inst: /home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0
flake8 installed: flake8==6.0.0,mccabe==0.7.0,-e git+,pycodestyle==2.10.0,pyflakes==3.0.1
flake8 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2097506515'
flake8 run-test: commands[0] | flake8 osm_pla/

✔ OK safety in 20.097 seconds
safety create: /tmp/.tox/safety
safety installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements.txt, safety
safety develop-inst: /home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0
safety installed: certifi==2023.5.7,charset-normalizer==3.1.0,click==8.1.3,dparse==0.6.3,idna==3.4,Jinja2==3.1.2,MarkupSafe==2.1.2,-e git+,packaging==21.3,pymzn==0.18.3,pyparsing==3.1.0,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.31.0,ruamel.yaml==0.17.32,ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.7,safety==2.3.5,tomli==2.0.1,urllib3==2.0.3
safety run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1224526626'
safety run-test: commands[0] | - safety check --full-report

                               /$$$$$$            /$$
                              /$$__  $$          | $$
           /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ | $$  \__//$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$   /$$
          /$$_____/ |____  $$| $$$$   /$$__  $$|_  $$_/  | $$  | $$
         |  $$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$_/  | $$$$$$$$  | $$    | $$  | $$
          \____  $$ /$$__  $$| $$    | $$_____/  | $$ /$$| $$  | $$
          /$$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$    |  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$$
         |_______/  \_______/|__/     \_______/   \___/   \____  $$
                                                          /$$  | $$
                                                         |  $$$$$$/
  by                                              \______/



  Safety is using PyUp's free open-source vulnerability database. This
data is 30 days old and limited. 
  For real-time enhanced vulnerability data, fix recommendations, severity
reporting, cybersecurity support, team and project policy management and more
sign up at or email

  Safety v2.3.5 is scanning for Vulnerabilities...
  Scanning dependencies in your environment:

  -> /home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0
  -> /tmp/.tox/safety/lib/python3.10/site-packages

  Using non-commercial database
  Found and scanned 21 packages
  Timestamp 2023-07-03 16:10:35
  2 vulnerabilities found
  0 vulnerabilities ignored


-> Vulnerability found in setuptools version 59.6.0
   Vulnerability ID: 52495
   Affected spec: <65.5.1
   ADVISORY: Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) setuptools before 65.5.1
   allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via HTML in a crafted
   package or custom PackageIndex page. There is a Regular Expression Denial of
   Service (ReDoS) in
   For more information, please visit

-> Vulnerability found in wheel version 0.37.1
   Vulnerability ID: 51499
   Affected spec: <0.38.1
   ADVISORY: Wheel 0.38.1 includes a fix for CVE-2022-40898: An issue
   discovered in Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) Wheel 0.37.1 and earlier
   allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via attacker controlled
   input to wheel cli.
   For more information, please visit

 Scan was completed. 2 vulnerabilities were found. 


  2 vulnerabilities were found in 2 packages. For detailed remediation & fix 
  recommendations, upgrade to a commercial license. 


  Safety is using PyUp's free open-source vulnerability database. This
data is 30 days old and limited. 
  For real-time enhanced vulnerability data, fix recommendations, severity
reporting, cybersecurity support, team and project policy management and more
sign up at or email


✔ OK cover in 36.785 seconds
cover create: /tmp/.tox/cover
cover installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements-dev.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements-test.txt
cover develop-inst: /home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0
cover installed: aiokafka==0.8.0,async-timeout==4.0.2,coverage==7.2.5,dataclasses==0.6,dnspython==2.3.0,Jinja2==3.1.2,kafka-python==2.0.2,MarkupSafe==2.1.2,mock==5.0.2,motor==3.1.2,nose2==0.13.0,osm-common @ git+,-e git+,packaging==23.1,pycryptodome==3.17,pymongo==4.3.3,pymzn==0.18.3,PyYAML==5.4.1
cover run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2034475362'
cover run-test: commands[0] | sh -c 'rm -f nosetests.xml'
cover run-test: commands[1] | coverage erase
cover run-test: commands[2] | nose2 -C --coverage osm_pla
.......ERROR:pla.server:PLA fault. Exception: kaboom!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/osm_pla/server/", line 200, in get_placement
    nsd = self._get_nsd(nslcmop["operationParams"]["nsdId"])
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/unittest/", line 1104, in __call__
    return self._mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/unittest/", line 1108, in _mock_call
    return self._execute_mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/unittest/", line 1163, in _execute_mock_call
    raise effect
RuntimeError: kaboom!
Ran 81 tests in 9.555s

Name                                          Stmts   Miss  Cover
osm_pla/                               0      0   100%
osm_pla/cmd/                           0      0   100%
osm_pla/cmd/                        23     23     0%
osm_pla/config/                         39     21    46%
osm_pla/placement/                     0      0   100%
osm_pla/placement/               135      1    99%
osm_pla/server/                        129     26    80%
osm_pla/test/                          0      0   100%
osm_pla/test/          134      3    98%
osm_pla/test/       31      0   100%
osm_pla/test/                  269     24    91%
osm_pla/test/     262      3    99%
osm_pla/test/                     200      9    96%
TOTAL                                          1222    110    91%

cover run-test: commands[3] | coverage report '--omit=*tests*'
Name                                          Stmts   Miss  Cover
osm_pla/                               0      0   100%
osm_pla/cmd/                           0      0   100%
osm_pla/cmd/                        23     23     0%
osm_pla/config/                         39     21    46%
osm_pla/placement/                     0      0   100%
osm_pla/placement/               135      1    99%
osm_pla/server/                        129     26    80%
osm_pla/test/                          0      0   100%
osm_pla/test/          134      3    98%
osm_pla/test/       31      0   100%
osm_pla/test/                  269     24    91%
osm_pla/test/     262      3    99%
osm_pla/test/                     200      9    96%
TOTAL                                          1222    110    91%
cover run-test: commands[4] | coverage html -d ./cover '--omit=*tests*'
Wrote HTML report to ./cover/index.html
cover run-test: commands[5] | coverage xml -o coverage.xml '--omit=*tests*'
Wrote XML report to coverage.xml

✔ OK pylint in 39.325 seconds
pylint create: /tmp/.tox/pylint
pylint installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements-dev.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0/requirements-test.txt, pylint
pylint develop-inst: /home/jenkins/workspace/PLA-stage_2_v14.0
pylint installed: aiokafka==0.8.0,astroid==2.15.5,async-timeout==4.0.2,coverage==7.2.5,dataclasses==0.6,dill==0.3.6,dnspython==2.3.0,isort==5.12.0,Jinja2==3.1.2,kafka-python==2.0.2,lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0,MarkupSafe==2.1.2,mccabe==0.7.0,mock==5.0.2,motor==3.1.2,nose2==0.13.0,osm-common @ git+,-e git+,packaging==23.1,platformdirs==3.8.0,pycryptodome==3.17,pylint==2.17.4,pymongo==4.3.3,pymzn==0.18.3,PyYAML==5.4.1,tomli==2.0.1,tomlkit==0.11.8,typing_extensions==4.7.1,wrapt==1.15.0
pylint run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='4064739979'
pylint run-test: commands[0] | pylint -E osm_pla

___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  black: commands succeeded
  cover: commands succeeded
  flake8: commands succeeded
  pylint: commands succeeded
  safety: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)