Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 530 tests.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History

Pipeline v12.0

Full project name: osm-stage_3-merge/v12.0
Last Successful Artifacts
build.env2.57 KB view
grafana.log59.39 KB view
kafka.log314.40 KB view
keystone.log9.47 KB view
lcm.log8.50 MB view
mon.log1.40 MB view
mongodb-k8s.log6.72 MB view
mysql.log20.33 KB view
nbi.log3.24 MB view
ng-ui.log0 B view
pol.log149.76 KB view
prometheus.log8.96 KB view
ro.log1.20 MB view
zookeeper.log142.04 KB view
Recent Changes