Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#950 (Jan 26, 2024 8:31:22 AM)

  1. Update K8s version in install_kubeadm_cluster.sh to 1.28 — garciadeblas / detail

#949 (Jan 25, 2024 8:31:22 AM)

  1. Remove unnecessary code related to K8s monitoring in — garciadeblas / detail
  2. Fix air-gapped installation issues with containerd and OSM helm chart — garciadeblas / detail

#948 (Jan 24, 2024 8:31:22 AM)

  1. New option -c in full_install_osm to allow different K8s cluster engines — garciadeblas / detail
  2. Disable docker installation in full_install_osm.sh — garciadeblas / detail

#947 (Jan 23, 2024 8:31:22 AM)

  1. Update pretty formatting of tools/check_changes.sh — garciadeblas / detail
  2. Update iptables during osm installation only if LXD is installed — garciadeblas / detail
  3. Rename INSTALL_NODOCKER to INSTALL_DOCKER in full_install_osm.sh — garciadeblas / detail
  4. Move kubeadm folder creation from full_install_osm.sh to — garciadeblas / detail