SuccessConsole Output

Skipping 276 KB.. Full Log
-A KUBE-SVC-TCOU7JCQXEZGVUNU -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns ->" -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.50000000000 -j KUBE-SEP-R7EMXN5TTQQVP4UW
-A KUBE-SVC-TCOU7JCQXEZGVUNU -m comment --comment "kube-system/kube-dns:dns ->" -j KUBE-SEP-LBMQNJ35ID4UIQ2A
-A KUBE-SVC-TTTQGL2HNUNQKPOG ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "osm/airflow-statsd:statsd-scrape cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 9102 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-TTTQGL2HNUNQKPOG -m comment --comment "osm/airflow-statsd:statsd-scrape ->" -j KUBE-SEP-W6JILCJ5ZCZONVYH
-A KUBE-SVC-USIDOZAE2VTXK5OJ ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "osm/airflow-redis:redis-db cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 6379 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-USIDOZAE2VTXK5OJ -m comment --comment "osm/airflow-redis:redis-db ->" -j KUBE-SEP-T254E547I7MFEMCX
-A KUBE-SVC-XUD4OEZNIHB47KQL ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "osm/webhook-translator cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 9998 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-XUD4OEZNIHB47KQL -m comment --comment "osm/webhook-translator ->" -j KUBE-SEP-PTWV2T2EKTG677AU
-A KUBE-SVC-YA74QX5VY2UAABIX ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "osm/ng-ui cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 80 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-YA74QX5VY2UAABIX -m comment --comment "osm/ng-ui ->" -j KUBE-SEP-JRLFW6R5XCXRUJEZ
-A KUBE-SVC-YFBWLFEGVQGI5ORM ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "osm/zookeeper:tcp-client cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 2181 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-YFBWLFEGVQGI5ORM -m comment --comment "osm/zookeeper:tcp-client ->" -j KUBE-SEP-MNWGAGGUHIHEBZJ5
-A KUBE-SVC-ZUD4L6KQKCHD52W4 ! -s -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "cert-manager/cert-manager-webhook:https cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 443 -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SVC-ZUD4L6KQKCHD52W4 -m comment --comment "cert-manager/cert-manager-webhook:https ->" -j KUBE-SEP-C2Z3JOEZYT4GUPVJ
# Completed on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
tee: /etc/iptables/rules.v6: No such file or directory
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
# Completed on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes load balancer firewall" -j KUBE-PROXY-FIREWALL
-A INPUT -m comment --comment "kubernetes health check service ports" -j KUBE-NODEPORTS
-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes externally-visible service portals" -j KUBE-EXTERNAL-SERVICES
-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes load balancer firewall" -j KUBE-PROXY-FIREWALL
-A FORWARD -m comment --comment "kubernetes forwarding rules" -j KUBE-FORWARD
-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes externally-visible service portals" -j KUBE-EXTERNAL-SERVICES
-A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes load balancer firewall" -j KUBE-PROXY-FIREWALL
-A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A KUBE-FIREWALL -m comment --comment "kubernetes firewall for dropping marked packets" -m mark --mark 0x8000/0x8000 -j DROP
-A KUBE-FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
-A KUBE-FORWARD -m comment --comment "kubernetes forwarding rules" -m mark --mark 0x4000/0x4000 -j ACCEPT
-A KUBE-FORWARD -m comment --comment "kubernetes forwarding conntrack rule" -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.8.7 on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
-A PREROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "kubernetes service portals" -j KUBE-SERVICES
-A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes postrouting rules" -j KUBE-POSTROUTING
-A KUBE-MARK-DROP -j MARK --set-xmark 0x8000/0x8000
-A KUBE-MARK-MASQ -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4000/0x4000
-A KUBE-POSTROUTING -m mark ! --mark 0x4000/0x4000 -j RETURN
-A KUBE-POSTROUTING -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4000/0x0
-A KUBE-POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "kubernetes service traffic requiring SNAT" -j MASQUERADE --random-fully
-A KUBE-SERVICES ! -d ::1/128 -m comment --comment "kubernetes service nodeports; NOTE: this must be the last rule in this chain" -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j KUBE-NODEPORTS
# Completed on Sun Jan 14 12:32:00 2024
Track end end:

+ set +eux
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Defaulted container "lcm" out of: lcm, kafka-ro-mongo-test (init)
Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
+ export JUJU_PASSWORD=secret
+ cat
+ echo Environment was updated at /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
Environment was updated at /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Add VIM and K8s cluster to OSM)
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ . /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=
+ export OSM_IMAGE_NAME=osmtest202401141216
+ export JUJU_PASSWORD=secret
+ . /robot-systest/results/k8s_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export K8S_IP=
+ export K8S_IMAGE_NAME=k8stest202401141208
+ export K8S_CREDENTIALS=/robot-systest/results/kubeconfig.yaml
+ osm version
Server version: 9.0.0.post115+gc72bc8e 2020-04-17
Client version: 11.0.0rc1.post59+gb46c7c6
+ set +x
Adding VIM to OSM
| key             | attribute                                                    |
| _id             | "da198d3d-5d05-493f-aa63-4e18d061b901"                       |
| name            | "azure-etsi"                                                 |
| vim_type        | "azure"                                                      |
| description     | "None"                                                       |
| vim_url         | ""                                       |
| vim_user        | "7c5ba2e6-2013-49a0-bf9a-f2592030f7ff"                       |
| vim_password    | "********"                                                   |
| vim_tenant_name | "e6746ab5-ebdc-4e9d-821b-a71bdaf63d9b"                       |
| config          | {                                                            |
|                 |   "region_name": "westeurope",                               |
|                 |   "resource_group": "OSM_CICD_GROUP",                        |
|                 |   "subscription_id": "8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1", |
|                 |   "vnet_name": "OSM-CICD-net",                               |
|                 |   "flavors_pattern": "^Standard"                             |
|                 | }                                                            |
| _admin          | {                                                            |
|                 |   "created": 1705235524.4076216,                             |
|                 |   "modified": 1705235524.4076216,                            |
|                 |   "projects_read": [                                         |
|                 |     "150eaa30-0b1f-4c4d-9ff7-3302f731cb4b"                   |
|                 |   ],                                                         |
|                 |   "projects_write": [                                        |
|                 |     "150eaa30-0b1f-4c4d-9ff7-3302f731cb4b"                   |
|                 |   ],                                                         |
|                 |   "operationalState": "ENABLED",                             |
|                 |   "operations": [                                            |
|                 |     {                                                        |
|                 |       "lcmOperationType": "create",                          |
|                 |       "operationState": "COMPLETED",                         |
|                 |       "startTime": 1705235524.4078307,                       |
|                 |       "statusEnteredTime": 1705235524.432894,                |
|                 |       "operationParams": null                                |
|                 |     }                                                        |
|                 |   ],                                                         |
|                 |   "current_operation": null,                                 |
|                 |   "detailed-status": ""                                      |
|                 | }                                                            |
| schema_version  | "1.11"                                                       |
| admin           | {                                                            |
|                 |   "current_operation": 0                                     |
|                 | }                                                            |
Adding K8s cluster to OSM
| key            | attribute                                                                                            |
| _id            | "8205c1f6-bab2-4eb4-90a4-1c676f20231f"                                                               |
| name           | "k8stest202401141208"                                                                                |
| credentials    | {                                                                                                    |
|                |   "apiVersion": "v1",                                                                                |
|                |   "clusters": [                                                                                      |
|                |     {                                                                                                |
|                |       "cluster": {                                                                                   |
|                |         "certificate-authority-data": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUREekNDQWZlZ0F3SUJBZ |
|                | 0lVR1RoTS9KRkp1dUhBMDFjaElFMWs1UmhvM3dRd0RRWUpLb1pJaHZjTkFRRUwKQlFBd0Z6RVZNQk1HQTFVRUF3d01NVEF1TVRVe |
|                | 2JpTTBsMWhKTmtUUW5iamYKWndoZzRTWk5jbm1qUEhIUkJ3TXZML21ZTGxrcjJpMzY0UUVPeEFZdW9MMGMrTk84N0tvY2VhVUxve |
|                | m52Y0RYSgo1T1Q1L0VtMHlocVhYdlZ4STBCNmRLckRYWDVnUlVwQnZ0ay8xa1B6UDdDWHpJSkVJT2FoWXBiZnJEelBxMnhjCjUwZ |
|                | 3p2UWFHbDhLbUhpYldHM1F3U2czNjZNMm9CR3VpUFUyNGdKREJNWXN0NGJOalVvYUtFbDFSYXJUQm5PVkwKOEFWN3BpQjhmdWo0a |
|                | XdhSDViT2NodGNWU21Ec01GbEpXMVp4dXk4bXJNdzI1YmVXckhxN2ppVnFCK0s1NzVobApSSk1CUmJRbTZ3TGVSR2dxdjBrVkVCR |
|                | ERkb3ZOLzR5NWFIKzhwR2pFUXA3bitBbHJGd0lEQVFBQm8xTXdVVEFkCkJnTlZIUTRFRmdRVU5mWVllcjdLQ3hXeFdFdXdvY0lVd |
|                | jdPSXFza3dId1lEVlIwakJCZ3dGb0FVTmZZWWVyN0sKQ3hXeFdFdXdvY0lVdjdPSXFza3dEd1lEVlIwVEFRSC9CQVV3QXdFQi96Q |
|                | U5CZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJBUXNGQUFPQwpBUUVBM0lhVWxQRTR4Qk41U0EvMjBiYnl0Si9qWEt1RDVPaW1OMUtIU3hOclFXVElONzdSc |
|                | WllYTRyVWl2bWU0ClNZRENvazd4TXJlem9kQzV4ZGJsYXI0SEZLaEpKWDFMYzljUGdUak9wVGVvM0VvZUtwK3V5eDBZUmp4ZTdXV |
|                | 1gKWG8zd29BQms3Q3k5bVg1VVhIckIxQUNkVzJkTG0zRGpYeUZudmE3aS9pYTBWd28wZGhyNjNqYndKTzRVZmNLdgptZ3oxcVVka |
|                | y9SWUpsTlZqQ3M5blBIUXFLWGRWeXJlalQ2QmJOTVNQajJIQ1pySVMyWHNIdXdNZ1M5M0V4VEYzCng2czZyVkJyRk1WMnE1T2FDQ |
|                | mIzdEFpT1c2QkQrT0FKYmJKbVZqbGVOeTBTL2VuRjhqSnQydmp0bmppWUdIbEgKNjk5ZGpIeDBRSEdOb0RnRzdlK2o0YlpyK0E9P |
|                | QotLS0tLUVORCBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCg==",                                                            |
|                |         "server": ""                                                       |
|                |       },                                                                                             |
|                |       "name": "microk8s-cluster"                                                                     |
|                |     }                                                                                                |
|                |   ],                                                                                                 |
|                |   "contexts": [                                                                                      |
|                |     {                                                                                                |
|                |       "context": {                                                                                   |
|                |         "cluster": "microk8s-cluster",                                                               |
|                |         "user": "admin"                                                                              |
|                |       },                                                                                             |
|                |       "name": "microk8s"                                                                             |
|                |     }                                                                                                |
|                |   ],                                                                                                 |
|                |   "current-context": "microk8s",                                                                     |
|                |   "kind": "Config",                                                                                  |
|                |   "preferences": {},                                                                                 |
|                |   "users": [                                                                                         |
|                |     {                                                                                                |
|                |       "name": "admin",                                                                               |
|                |       "user": {                                                                                      |
|                |         "client-certificate-data": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUN6RENDQWJTZ0F3SUJBZ0lV |
|                | RUF3elBOZVoyUi80NnIKRVBFUUptK25tcUtBRktmOHRZMmExN3Y1aGhVZjdOTENvcks0NDFVVWRSelg5SWh6azROYUVIUjFZc1RN |
|                | azU1dgo2bTRNQnU1cS96aUNwbmVPVjJoUkVBWHlkSTZmMW1xUXgrUVA1RlU0VWovYmU2d25JbWxqNmNLUnpISHFmdjhvCk1kUmtO |
|                | SUZ6c0dVdFMwQ29QNlNOaVlTWTlmbEpkZXJ0VFJSeWF4VndleFdpNy9uLzM5MTNYcDlaK3lpNHFHRHkKbHVRcVVMM1EvUWhrM3hx |
|                | eERUeW5YUDZTMVdJSU96QnFGYitGYnBqa21ib0x3dCs1Ritxa1JFTHdjcGl0elNDYwp2eVlFNWtsdVpvYVUwemFha2ZiSUphZHNw |
|                | QUE0SUJBUUNzME1yaEVEWkR3cGU0djlubE5DdkYKVHg5NHNFeHJwRU1vY1k5NTVHQjRFQ25zWndKWXhiRXYyYmhTdVVGeXQvU3da |
|                | bkNCQ2FWaUlRNnVHVkZ5TGorQwptTXk3eXAzeUdTSkZwYVFrS1VSMlJzcTFWdFBsQ0tNaWNqRXBTYi91VW5heFN0NGxvcTRUVlQ2 |
|                | bDhSMjdiTm94ClVsT3FaNzlya29scUtBNFFFVmNtZEh0b3RVTk53L3hYYWdHanlNK1JGeUpTU0x4aEN4TDAxcThvemNHYkxsaTEK |
|                | VVduVTFSMWxhTVU5dWh5VGFlN0Y0amM0R21qRzJEYUZKV0tkQlZoWFBTRUY5SlBKSXRXS3JORkxTT3NLZWVjawozMTZVckRsbkxj |
|                | LS0tLS0K",                                                                                           |
|                |         "client-key-data": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpNSUlFcEFJQkFBS0NBUUVBd3pQTmVa |
|                | MlIvNDZyRVBFUUptK25tcUtBRktmOHRZMmExN3Y1aGhVZjdOTENvcks0CjQxVVVkUnpYOUloems0TmFFSFIxWXNUTWs1NXY2bTRN |
|                | QnU1cS96aUNwbmVPVjJoUkVBWHlkSTZmMW1xUXgrUVAKNUZVNFVqL2JlNnduSW1sajZjS1J6SEhxZnY4b01kUmtOSUZ6c0dVdFMw |
|                | Q29QNlNOaVlTWTlmbEpkZXJ0VFJSeQpheFZ3ZXhXaTcvbi8zOTEzWHA5Wit5aTRxR0R5bHVRcVVMM1EvUWhrM3hxeERUeW5YUDZT |
|                | MVdJSU96QnFGYitGCmJwamttYm9Md3QrNUYrcWtSRUx3Y3BpdHpTQ2N2eVlFNWtsdVpvYVUwemFha2ZiSUphZHNwSFZoV2kwTXRO |
|                | OVQKczdPczFsVlVta0x5M3hNM01PSm4wWTNWUUFudVA0Q28rL293Z3dJREFRQUJBb0lCQUE0QWdFT3gvdEFERHRoSApRbTVQWWds |
|                | Z2tLbHFwMkRxaUduakxQSG1RQVQvMVVCUWE1eTY5SjIxOVBPd2VnSGgwU3NPLzRDWE4wbDdldkdvCjlTbm1Ianl5ZEFTMjNMbitY |
|                | Sm8yb3Y2allHbkQrU0N0aGtwTnBwMlh3UW1zL3Aya1M2dHY3bjlveUhaVm5TOTkKMmJZK2R1cjNSdmwzNk5tdjF3cy9QSzJnTlJu |
|                | RklPVVRiNVcxcHlUZ0xDbTNwN0p2WG1nVEttZCtrU2hLK1RnZQoyN3FEZXlTZW9wM1U1ZTJIWmNRaEZpS2NScG1xa2x2NWt1dHNZ |
|                | SVcwREhDcGt2MlJUK20vME1KQ2RvV0hZZkNyCnZ6TDZUSlJiWWVHMk5wOTEvMFJNZ0RtL3BkQnJHbEhXSWJmRjNSNEh6NnVuUkZp |
|                | bzFQSXFneTdhanFjejVjTFMKOGRoZ1hxa0NnWUVBLy9ncUpkOHpOVkx3ZWtGcnBRU2ZDS2c3UU1IbEt5amJpay9adlRWMklMSG5m |
|                | bGpxcXVCWQoxRExGM00xWHZZd2p0aTI5bkVpaFRGbWxPQUo2Wk5PNHhNcmx5cjduZTZPNTJxa2ZxYVZIWi9mc2dzSjhWTHJMCkdV |
|                | U3ZIUzVjUGZTcXNWazJHUXJ5SGZoRlFRN0JKRys2cnV0TW9ETVRmL0RRNWxDY0NEZllrTjhDZ1lFQXd6bkgKSTNweDEwRTdlK1c2 |
|                | L0paYVVxU3BWMUtXZEZqTG9OcEpjTW9TOEdJZkNUM3pRNFpLTCtBck1RSzhURzMyK1NVcQpicDhQOEpNS3ZyRlBndEdvQkhKYWoy |
|                | WGNuQlIreldqNnA4ZkN0MkZERnkzYlQwZDdDb05SUTRXU0hDWnovcDgzCmpGbGhuSmlpZU1FWWZNOEVKVzd5Y2hvM21LOXEzRlFr |
|                | eTdiKzROMENnWUJGcFppU1JYRUJpVmUxYkNlRjl3UHUKcnhld1B4SEQ5SklIeUVKT29VVkxFQjBVMjh5K1FkenBvQWNHVlRrU2No |
|                | Y2xjcnlzMFhaUjkvSmtrd2dLZHpGSApHbzM3NUlYSHRuelRha0ViUDhWMkhKZFYzT1ZIaUt2S2JFM1plc3ZPYjh3aUJVd2E5RWQ4 |
|                | c0JqbjRzUGF6aXZWCmZHQ1ZGbEN2OXk1Zi9INzRIWG5uc1FLQmdRQ2pxV005WmQvYjRhN1pYaXpVcGNNUXQwUFRsY1BWdzc3cG1U |
|                | V3EKSFcybEljejg5WGRqSzBnMFBJeFk2UDhzWDUrRkhGZ25KcWU1T2J2dlF6dng0b3NsTnl5ZVBIbW1TelJHUlhTawpoVDNDZUFK |
|                | RGcwandmRzgwMEFPblJHbkp1WjdTWFcyMjloTnpzUzI3WjcxOG5CdlF1ZUw4THVoZTB1Z1Z6MkNOCmUxck83UUtCZ1FET1FMSlRz |
|                | UEhuUzdSTGk0VWlXWGx6RVRSczdVbEp0SUR6dkRDUmMweXlFNzRHUWFEWkFFaTEKeDBITElEcXhkbXlCeS9MYWtpdG5ESmxSR1Nt |
|                | ODl4SURhWHhvT01WdVFUUnA4ci8wTXhvcEtYUTgvZC9BNElBeQphSzhjYUpnSDJBUUw4T0FnUGZteVFGV3dlWExlNXBvdkZDdThR |
|                | WWt5K2lUZDV0TDdTZEdMSXc9PQotLS0tLUVORCBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQo="                                |
|                |       }                                                                                              |
|                |     }                                                                                                |
|                |   ]                                                                                                  |
|                | }                                                                                                    |
| k8s_version    | "v1"                                                                                                 |
| vim_account    | "da198d3d-5d05-493f-aa63-4e18d061b901"                                                               |
| nets           | {                                                                                                    |
|                |   "net1": "OSM-CICD-subnet"                                                                          |
|                | }                                                                                                    |
| description    | "Robot cluster"                                                                                      |
| namespace      | "kube-system"                                                                                        |
| _admin         | {                                                                                                    |
|                |   "created": 1705235537.1715124,                                                                     |
|                |   "modified": 1705235537.1715124,                                                                    |
|                |   "projects_read": [                                                                                 |
|                |     "150eaa30-0b1f-4c4d-9ff7-3302f731cb4b"                                                           |
|                |   ],                                                                                                 |
|                |   "projects_write": [                                                                                |
|                |     "150eaa30-0b1f-4c4d-9ff7-3302f731cb4b"                                                           |
|                |   ],                                                                                                 |
|                |   "operationalState": "PROCESSING",                                                                  |
|                |   "operations": [                                                                                    |
|                |     {                                                                                                |
|                |       "lcmOperationType": "create",                                                                  |
|                |       "operationState": "PROCESSING",                                                                |
|                |       "startTime": 1705235537.171538,                                                                |
|                |       "statusEnteredTime": 1705235537.171538,                                                        |
|                |       "detailed-status": "",                                                                         |
|                |       "operationParams": null                                                                        |
|                |     }                                                                                                |
|                |   ],                                                                                                 |
|                |   "current_operation": null,                                                                         |
|                |   "helm_chart_repos": [],                                                                            |
|                |   "juju_bundle_repos": []                                                                            |
|                | }                                                                                                    |
| schema_version | "1.11"                                                                                               |
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Run Robot tests)
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ . /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=
+ export OSM_IMAGE_NAME=osmtest202401141216
+ export JUJU_PASSWORD=secret
+ . /robot-systest/results/k8s_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export K8S_IP=
+ export K8S_IMAGE_NAME=k8stest202401141208
+ export K8S_CREDENTIALS=/robot-systest/results/kubeconfig.yaml
+ /robot-systest/ -t azure
Testsuite.Basic 05-Instantiation Parameters In Cloud Init :: [BASIC-05] Ins...
Create Cloudinit VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the test... | PASS |
Create Cloudinit NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsu... | PASS |
Instantiate Cloudinit Network Service Using Instantiation Paramete... | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Retrieve VNF mgmt IP address from OSM. | PASS |
Test SSH Access With The New Password :: Test SSH access with the ... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 05-Instantiation Parameters In Cloud Init :: [BASI... | PASS |
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 06-Vnf With Charm :: [BASIC-06] VNF with Charm.               
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiates the NS for the t... | FAIL |
| ns instance name    | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_06_charm_test | 33053302-128b-4093-a6c5-787615ff2eeb | 2024-01-14T12:37:15 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.b7241c3a-eb83- |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4593-970f-6d388a664b0a, Stage 2/5:      |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA vnf1.: create     |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf2.: create execution   |
|                     |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                   |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Check VNF Charm Application Name :: Checks that the charm applicat... | FAIL |
Variable '${MODEL_NAME}' not found.
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP addresses of both V... | FAIL |
Variable '${NS_ID}' not found.
Test SSH Access :: Check that both VNF are accessible via SSH in t... | FAIL |
msg=IP address of the management VNF 'vnf1' is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_06_charm_test == basic_06_charm_test
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 06-Vnf With Charm :: [BASIC-06] VNF with Charm.       | FAIL |
12 tests, 2 passed, 10 failed
Testsuite.Basic 07-Secure Key Management :: [BASIC-07] Secure key management. 
Create Nopasswd Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the... | PASS |
Create Nopasswd Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the t... | PASS |
Instantiate Nopasswd Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for t... | FAIL |
| ns instance name               | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_07_secure_key_management | 00d2ec9d-4585-49ef-b3a3-147a0e44f840 | 2024-01-14T13:13:37 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.51a68652-fb0a- |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4406-94eb-4fba051ed7a0, Stage 2/5:      |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA vnf1.: create     |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf2.: create execution   |
|                                |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                   |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Ns Id :: Get NS instance id.                                      | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF ... | PASS |
Test SSH Access :: Check that the VNF is accessible via SSH in its... | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Nopasswd VN... | FAIL |
2 != 0
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation that crea... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id d5edd0ab-a075-410d-b1b1-e1f6a0d9aeb0 was not completed
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | FAIL |
2 != 0
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_07_secure_key_management == basic_07_secure_key_management
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 07-Secure Key Management :: [BASIC-07] Secure key ... | FAIL |
12 tests, 5 passed, 7 failed
Testsuite.Basic 09-Manual Vdu Scaling :: [BASIC-09] Manual VNF/VDU Scaling.   
Create Scaling VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsu... | PASS |
Create Scaling NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Instantiate Scaling Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the test... | PASS |
Get Ns Id :: Retrieve NS instance id to be used later on.             | PASS |
Get Vnf Id :: Retrieve VNF instance id to be used later on.           | PASS |
Get Vdus Before Scale Out :: Check the number of VDUs instances be... | PASS |
Perform Manual Vdu Scale Out :: Perform a manual scale-out operati... | PASS |
Check Vdus After Scale Out :: Check whether there is one more VDU ... | PASS |
Perform Manual Vdu Scale In :: Perform a manual scale-in operation... | PASS |
Check Vdus After Scaling In :: Check whether there is one less VDU... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 09-Manual Vdu Scaling :: [BASIC-09] Manual VNF/VDU... | PASS |
13 tests, 13 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 11-Native Charms :: [BASIC-11] Native Charms                  
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name       | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_11_native_charms | 9a59174b-0c59-4e52-965f-fea8b7179d1b | 2024-01-14T13:57:00 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.4c323dcd-6af1- |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4c08-a14a-844101bbbd9d, Stage 2/5:      |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                     ...
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | {'hostname': '', 'username': |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'. Deploying VCA      |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | vnf2.mgmtVM: register execution         |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment {'hostname': '', |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'username': 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'         |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP address of the two ... | FAIL |
Variable '${NS_ID}' not found.
Test SSH Access :: Check that both VNF are accessible via SSH in t... | FAIL |
msg=IP address of the management VNF 'vnf1' is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_11_native_charms == basic_11_native_charms
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 11-Native Charms :: [BASIC-11] Native Charms          | FAIL |
9 tests, 2 passed, 7 failed
Testsuite.Basic 12-Ns Primitives :: [BASIC-12] NS Primitives                  
Change Juju Password :: NS package needs to be updated with the Ju... | PASS |
Upload Vnfds :: Upload VNF packages for the testsuite.                | PASS |
Upload Nsd :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.                    | PASS |
Instantiate NS :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.                   | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| test_nscharm     | 38d6ea24-2cef-42b0-b851-f0ed9e508f4f | 2024-01-14T14:33:43 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.be3183c2-8819- |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 41c8-80cb-454819454f5a, Stage 2/5:      |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA 1.userVM: create  |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA 2.policyVM: create        |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA .: create execution       |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                   |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Check NS Charm Application Name :: Check that the NS charm has the... | FAIL |
Variable '${MODEL_NAME}' not found.
Check VDU Charm Application Name :: Check that the VDU charm has t... | FAIL |
Variable '${MODEL_NAME}' not found.
Delete NS :: Delete NS instance.                                      | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: test_nscharm == test_nscharm
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptors :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 12-Ns Primitives :: [BASIC-12] NS Primitives          | FAIL |
9 tests, 3 passed, 6 failed
Testsuite.Basic 13-Ns Relations :: [BASIC-13] NS Relations                    
Create Charm VNF Descriptor Provides :: Upload VNF package for the... | PASS |
Create Charm VNF Descriptor Requires :: Upload VNF package for the... | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name           | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_13_ns_relations_test | 57bc1ab7-11ae-44bd-9725-34eda6a2b1d9 | 2024-01-14T15:11:05 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.ad2246f8-4c47- |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | 41f6-b920-cd684f5a11fa, Stage 2/5:      |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                 ...
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | '', 'username': 'ubuntu'}.   |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'cacert'. Deploying VCA vnf2.: register |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment {'hostname':      |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | '', 'username': 'ubuntu'}.   |
|                            |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'cacert'                                |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_13_ns_relations_test == basic_13_ns_relations_test
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Provides :: Delete first VNF package from OSM.  | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Requires :: Delete second VNF package from OSM. | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 13-Ns Relations :: [BASIC-13] NS Relations            | FAIL |
8 tests, 3 passed, 5 failed
Testsuite.Basic 14-Vnf Relations :: [BASIC-14] VNF Relations                  
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name            | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_14_vnf_relations_test | c53e1567-ef46-4dad-ae67-55053a4bfa74 | 2024-01-14T15:48:17 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.59e8beb1-0f47- |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4ef0-80fa-643daf32dd46, Stage 2/5:      |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                ...
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'username': 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'.        |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf.simple_provides:      |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | register execution environment          |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | {'hostname': '', 'username': |
|                             |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'                     |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_14_vnf_relations_test == basic_14_vnf_relations_test
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 14-Vnf Relations :: [BASIC-14] VNF Relations          | FAIL |
6 tests, 2 passed, 4 failed
Testsuite.Basic 15-Rbac Configurations :: [BASIC-15] RBAC Configurations.     
Create And Validate User :: Create a user in OSM.                     | PASS |
Assign Role To User :: Assign a user to a project with a role         | PASS |
Run Action As User :: Update the password of the user.                | PASS |
Create And Update Project :: Create a project and update its name.    | PASS |
Create And Validate Role :: Create a role and check that exists in... | PASS |
Update Role Information :: Update a role with a capability.           | PASS |
Delete Allocated Resources :: Delete user, project and role.          | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 15-Rbac Configurations :: [BASIC-15] RBAC Configur... | PASS |
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 16-Advanced Onboarding And Scaling :: [BASIC-16] Advanced o...
Create Scaling VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsu... | PASS |
Create Scaling NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Instantiate Scaling Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the test... | PASS |
Get Vnf Id :: Retrieve VNF instance id to be used later on.           | PASS |
Check Vdus Before Scale Out :: Check the number of VDUs instances ... | PASS |
Perform Manual Vdu Scale Out :: Perform a manual scale-out operati... | PASS |
Check Vdus After Scale Out :: Check whether there is one extra VDU... | PASS |
Perform Manual Vdu Scale In :: Perform a manual scale-in operation... | PASS |
Check Vdus After Scaling In :: Check whether there is one less VDU... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS intance.                              | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 16-Advanced Onboarding And Scaling :: [BASIC-16] A... | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 17-Delete Vnf Package :: [BASIC-17] Delete VNF Package Befo...
Create VNF Package :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.           | PASS |
Create NS Package :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.             | PASS |
Cannot Delete VNF Package :: Assert that the VNF package cannot be... | PASS |
Delete NS Package :: Delete NS package from OSM.                      | PASS |
Delete VNF Package :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                    | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 17-Delete Vnf Package :: [BASIC-17] Delete VNF Pac... | PASS |
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Basic 20-Manual Native Charm Vdu Scaling :: [BASIC-20] Manual VDU...
Create VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.        | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.          | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.      | FAIL |
| ns instance name                 | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| basic_20_manual_vdu_scaling_test | 2346bb18-c2a0-419e-820b-17998db61632 | 2024-01-14T16:34:16 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.67a14d1e-fcd4- |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 44d7-a1aa-b92750abdb39, Stage 2/5:      |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.           ...
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | {'hostname': '', 'username': |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'. Deploying VCA      |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | vnf.mgmtVM: register execution          |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment {'hostname': '', |
|                                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 'username': 'ubuntu'}. 'cacert'         |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Vnf Id :: Retrieve VNF instance id to be used later on            | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Get Vdus Before Scale Out :: Get the number of VDU records before ... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_ID}' not found. Did you mean:
Get Application Name Before Scale Out :: Get the application names.   | PASS |
Check Number of Duplicated Application Name Before Scale Out :: Ch... | PASS |
Perform Manual Vdu Scale Out :: Perform a manual scale-out operati... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Check Vdus After Scale Out :: Check whether there is one more VDU ... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Get Application Name After Scale Out :: Get the application names.    | PASS |
Check Number of Duplicated Application Name After Scale Out :: Che... | FAIL |
There are not 2 application name in the application list after Scale Out
Perform Manual Vdu Scale In :: Perform a manual scale-in operation... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Check Vdus After Scaling In :: Check whether there is one less VDU... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Get Application Name After Scale In :: Get the application names.     | PASS |
Check Number of Duplicated Application Name After Scale In :: Chec... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: basic_20_manual_vdu_scaling_test == basic_20_manual_vdu_scaling_test
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Basic 20-Manual Native Charm Vdu Scaling :: [BASIC-20] M... | FAIL |
18 tests, 7 passed, 11 failed
Testsuite.Basic 23-Sol004 Sol007 Packages :: [BASIC-23] Creation and deleti...
Create VNF Package :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.           | PASS |
Create NS Package :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.             | PASS |
Cannot Delete VNF Package :: Assert that the VNF package cannot be... | PASS |
Delete NS Package :: Delete NS package.                               | PASS |
Delete VNF Package :: Delete VNF package.                             | PASS |
Testsuite.Basic 23-Sol004 Sol007 Packages :: [BASIC-23] Creation a... | PASS |
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Basic :: [HACKFEST-BASIC] Basic NS with a single-VDU VNF   
Create Hackfest Basic VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the... | PASS |
Create Hackfest Basic NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the t... | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address :: Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF of the NS.   | PASS |
Test Ping :: Test that the mgmt IP address of the VNF is reachable... | PASS |
Test SSH Access :: Check that the VNF is accessible via SSH in its... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                        | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete VNF package from OSM.            | PASS |
Testsuite.Hackfest Basic :: [HACKFEST-BASIC] Basic NS with a singl... | PASS |
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Cloudinit :: [HACKFEST-CLOUDINIT] Basic NS with two mult...
Create Hackfest Cloudinit VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for... | PASS |
Create Hackfest Cloudinit NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for t... | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address :: Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF of the NS.   | PASS |
Test SSH Access :: Check that the VNF is accessible via SSH in its... | PASS |
Check Remote File Injected Via Cloud-init :: Check that the day-0 ... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                        | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: hfcloudinit == hfcloudinit
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete VNF package from OSM.            | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Hackfest Cloudinit :: [HACKFEST-CLOUDINIT] Basic NS with... | FAIL |
9 tests, 6 passed, 3 failed
Testsuite.Hackfest Multivdu :: [HACKFEST-MULTIVDU] Basic NS with two multi-...
Create Hackfest multivdu VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for ... | PASS |
Create Hackfest Multivdu NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for th... | PASS |
Network Service Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Get Vnf Ip Address :: Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF of the NS.   | PASS |
Test Ping :: Test that the mgmt IP address of the VNF is reachable... | PASS |
Test SSH Access :: Check that the VNF is accessible via SSH in its... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                        | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: hfmultivdu == hfmultivdu
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package.                       | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete VNF package.                     | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.Hackfest Multivdu :: [HACKFEST-MULTIVDU] Basic NS with t... | FAIL |
9 tests, 6 passed, 3 failed
Testsuite.K8S 02-K8Scluster Creation :: [K8s-02] K8s cluster addition.        
Create VIM Target Basic :: Creates a VIM for the K8s cluster to be... | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM :: Creates a VIM for the K8s cluster to be ... | PASS |
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM :: Delete K8s cluster.                    | PASS |
Delete VIM Target By ID :: Delete the VIM Target created in previo... | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 02-K8Scluster Creation :: [K8s-02] K8s cluster addit... | PASS |
4 tests, 4 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 03-Simple K8S :: [K8s-03] Simple K8s.                           
Create Simple K8s VNF Descriptor :: Upload NF package for the test... | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| native-k8s       | a35ac149-a733-4994-86dc-cc63f7156c3e | 2024-01-14T17:56:48 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.69bc50de-437f- |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4a57-9060-2b5de5d9162b, Stage 2/5:      |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: K8s cluster                     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | '8205c1f6-bab2-4eb4-90a4-1c676f20231f'  |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | has not been initialized for 'juju-     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | bundle'                                 |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id 74df850f-a2af-4915-beaf-cc4e24afd049 was not completed
Delete NS K8s Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete NF package from OSM.             | PASS |
Delete VNF NS Packages :: Delete tar.gz NF and NS package files.      | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 03-Simple K8S :: [K8s-03] Simple K8s.                   | FAIL |
8 tests, 6 passed, 2 failed
Testsuite.K8S 04-Openldap Helm :: [K8s-04] Openldap Helm chart.               
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF :: Upload NF package for the tests... | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS :: Upload NS package for the testsu... | PASS |
Create Network Service Instance :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Get Ns Id :: Retrieve NS instance id to be used later on.             | PASS |
Get Vnf Id :: Retrieve NF instance id to be used later on.            | PASS |
Execute Upgrade Operation :: Perform OSM action to upgrade the num... | PASS |
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation :: Check that the number of... | PASS |
Execute Rollback Operation :: Perform OSM action to rollback the p... | PASS |
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation :: Check that the number o... | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance :: Delete NS instance.                | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete NF package from OSM.             | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 04-Openldap Helm :: [K8s-04] Openldap Helm chart.       | PASS |
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 05-K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-05] K8s Proxy Charm.                
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name       | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| k8s_05-k8s_proxy_charm | be1a1bad-8315-448d-ae3a-918d8ff03982 | 2024-01-14T18:00:41 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.9b41d858-3f17- |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | 47c6-b6d6-d4212e9b4427, Stage 2/5:      |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA vnf1.: create     |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf2.: create execution   |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                   |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP address of the two ... | FAIL |
Variable '${NS_ID}' not found.
Test SSH Access :: Check that both VNF are accessible via SSH in t... | FAIL |
msg=IP address of the management VNF 'vnf1' is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: k8s_05-k8s_proxy_charm == k8s_05-k8s_proxy_charm
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete NF package from OSM.                  | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.K8S 05-K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-05] K8s Proxy Charm.        | FAIL |
11 tests, 2 passed, 9 failed
Testsuite.K8S 06-K8S Secure Key Management :: [K8s-06] K8s Secure Key Manag...
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name                | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                            |
| k8s_06-nopasswd_k8s_proxy_charm | 07fa0d93-a863-41bd-981a-93c98162e411 | 2024-01-14T18:36:27 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation:                               |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | INSTANTIATING.39393adf-28b1-4bbb-        |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | abb2-e4e0a7592658, Stage 2/5: deployment |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | of KDUs, VMs and execution environments. |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA vnf1.: create      |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.         |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf2.: create execution    |
|                                 |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                    |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Ns Id :: Get the NS id and save it NS_ID suite variable to use... | PASS |
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP address of the two ... | PASS |
Test SSH Access :: Check that both VNF are accessible via SSH in t... | PASS |
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | FAIL |
2 != 0
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id fdcfec24-5aed-46f6-9592-431554be71a9 was not completed
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | FAIL |
2 != 0
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: k8s_06-nopasswd_k8s_proxy_charm == k8s_06-nopasswd_k8s_proxy_charm
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete NF package from OSM.                  | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.K8S 06-K8S Secure Key Management :: [K8s-06] K8s Secure ... | FAIL |
12 tests, 5 passed, 7 failed
Testsuite.K8S 07-Dummy Helm :: [K8s-07] Openldap Helm in isolated cluster w...
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF :: Upload NF package for the tests... | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS :: Upload NS package for the testsu... | PASS |
Create Dummy VIM :: Register a VIM of type dummy in OSM.              | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM :: Register a K8s cluster associated to the... | PASS |
Create Network Service Instance :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance :: Delete NS instance.                | PASS |
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM :: Remove K8s cluster from OSM.           | PASS |
Delete VIM :: Remove VIM from OSM.                                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete NF package from OSM.             | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 07-Dummy Helm :: [K8s-07] Openldap Helm in isolated ... | PASS |
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 failed
Testsuite.K8S 08-Simple K8S Scaling :: [K8s-08] Simple K8s Scale.             
Create Simple K8s Scale VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for t... | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Scale NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the... | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| native-k8s-scale | f2baa743-c0a5-48a8-a9c0-cc1ee556125e | 2024-01-14T19:15:21 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.a7e93f0a-c9df- |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 48c4-a698-7c94be0e0156, Stage 2/5:      |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: K8s cluster                     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | '8205c1f6-bab2-4eb4-90a4-1c676f20231f'  |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | has not been initialized for 'juju-     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | bundle'                                 |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get KDU Model Name :: Get the model name of the network service k8... | FAIL |
Get Scale Count Before Scale Out :: Get the scale count of the app... | FAIL |
Invalid IF condition: Evaluating expression ' != 2' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)

Variables in the original expression '${INITIAL_KDU_COUNT} != ${INSTANTIATION_COUNT}' were resolved before the expression was evaluated. Try using '$INITIAL_KDU_COUNT != $INSTANTIATION_COUNT' syntax to avoid that. See Evaluating Expressions appendix in Robot Framework User Guide for more details.
Perform Manual KDU Scale Out :: Scale out the application of netwo... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id e5c50263-6c4d-4a72-98a5-2e50cb1ad637 was not completed
Check Scale Count After Scale Out :: Check whether the scale count... | FAIL |
Invalid IF condition: Evaluating expression ' !=  + 1' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)

Variables in the original expression '${kdu_count} != ${INITIAL_KDU_COUNT} + 1' were resolved before the expression was evaluated. Try using '$kdu_count != $INITIAL_KDU_COUNT + 1' syntax to avoid that. See Evaluating Expressions appendix in Robot Framework User Guide for more details.
Perform Manual KDU Scale In :: Scale in the application of network... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id 88f44c15-8df6-4e6a-8b46-3628b6946c43 was not completed
Check Scale Count After Scale In :: Check whether the scale count ... | FAIL |
Invalid IF condition: Evaluating expression ' != ' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)

Variables in the original expression '${kdu_count} != ${INITIAL_KDU_COUNT}' were resolved before the expression was evaluated. Try using '$kdu_count != $INITIAL_KDU_COUNT' syntax to avoid that. See Evaluating Expressions appendix in Robot Framework User Guide for more details.
Delete NS K8s Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete NF package from OSM.             | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 08-Simple K8S Scaling :: [K8s-08] Simple K8s Scale.     | FAIL |
12 tests, 5 passed, 7 failed
Testsuite.K8S 09-Pebble Charm K8S :: [K8s-09] Pebble Charm.                   
Create Simple K8s VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the tes... | PASS |
Create Simple K8s Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Network Service K8s Instance Test :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| pebble-charm-k8s | 1793d952-cc6f-4164-b615-fff2d5e53b4c | 2024-01-14T19:16:09 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.fe35d912-b341- |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4284-bfee-9aa04b4c5fe8, Stage 2/5:      |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: K8s cluster                     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | '8205c1f6-bab2-4eb4-90a4-1c676f20231f'  |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | has not been initialized for 'juju-     |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | bundle'                                 |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
The ns-action with id 219f5bc8-5eca-427f-8c13-c86307f70fa8 was not completed
Delete NS K8s Instance Test :: Delete NS instance.                    | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete the NS package.                   | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete the VNF package.                 | PASS |
Delete VNF NS Packages :: Delete the tar.gz files associated to th... | PASS |
Testsuite.K8S 09-Pebble Charm K8S :: [K8s-09] Pebble Charm.           | FAIL |
8 tests, 6 passed, 2 failed
Testsuite.K8S 10-Sol004 Sol007 With K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-10] K8s Proxy ...
Create Charm VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Create Charm NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.    | PASS |
Instantiate Charm Network Service :: Instantiate NS for the testsu... | FAIL |
| ns instance name       | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| k8s_10-k8s_proxy_charm | 4fd04d3e-048b-4f40-b544-748d523feb04 | 2024-01-14T19:16:43 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.749f960d-3b09- |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | 4d43-a1c1-227c06dd9d8c, Stage 2/5:      |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA vnf1.: create     |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'.        |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | Deploying VCA vnf2.: create execution   |
|                        |                                      |                     |          |                   | environment. 'cacert'                   |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Management Ip Addresses :: Get the mgmt IP addresses of both V... | FAIL |
Variable '${NS_ID}' not found.
Test SSH Access :: Check that both VNF are accessible via SSH in t... | FAIL |
msg=IP address of the management VNF 'vnf1' is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 1 Operations :: The Charm VNF h... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation per VNF t... | FAIL |
msg=Network service instance is not available
Check Remote Files Created Via Day 2 Operations :: Check whether t... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_1_IP_ADDR}' not found.
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: k8s_10-k8s_proxy_charm == k8s_10-k8s_proxy_charm
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.K8S 10-Sol004 Sol007 With K8S Proxy Charms :: [K8s-10] K... | FAIL |
11 tests, 2 passed, 9 failed
Testsuite.K8S 12-Openldap Helm Day-2 :: [K8s-12] Openldap Helm chart.         
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNF :: Upload VNF package for the test... | PASS |
Create Package For OpenLDAP NS :: Upload NS package for the testsu... | PASS |
Add K8s Cluster To OSM :: Register K8s cluster in OSM.                | FAIL |
1 != 0
Create Network Service Instance :: Instantiate NS for the testsuite.  | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation | error details                           |
| ldap             | 3453d3ee-9ae1-4f34-9535-7231669e68fe | 2024-01-14T19:53:01 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)       | Operation: INSTANTIATING.cb0d1a0e-154a- |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | 49c5-bb41-5f53309c34d5, Stage 2/5:      |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | deployment of KDUs, VMs and execution   |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | environments.                           |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | Detail: Deploying VCA openldap.: create |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                   | execution environment. 'cacert'         |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Ns Id :: Get NS instance id from OSM.                             | PASS |
Get Vnf Id :: Get VNF instance id from OSM.                           /bin/sh: 2: Syntax error: "|" unexpected
| FAIL |
| vnf id                               | name | ns id                                | vnf member index | vnfd name    | vim account id                       | ip address |
| 4b5fffcc-79eb-421d-9538-f8324c5a040e | -    | 3453d3ee-9ae1-4f34-9535-7231669e68fe | openldap         | openldap_knf | da198d3d-5d05-493f-aa63-4e18d061b901 | None       |
Execute Day 2 Operations :: Performs one Day 2 operation.             | FAIL |
The ns-action with id 198215b8-6070-4273-826d-4978667a3896 was not completed
Execute Upgrade Operation :: Perform OSM action to upgrade the num... | PASS |
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation :: Check that the number of... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_ID}' not found. Did you mean:
Execute Rollback Operation :: Perform OSM action to rollback the p... | PASS |
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation :: Check that the number o... | FAIL |
Variable '${VNF_ID}' not found. Did you mean:
Delete Network Service Instance :: Delete NS instance.                | FAIL |
Keyword 'Check For NS Instance To Be Deleted' failed after retrying for 16 minutes. The last error was: ldap == ldap
Remove K8s Cluster from OSM :: Delete K8s cluster from OSM.           | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS package from OSM.              | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete NF package from OSM.             | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.K8S 12-Openldap Helm Day-2 :: [K8s-12] Openldap Helm chart. | FAIL |
15 tests, 6 passed, 9 failed
[ ERROR ] Error in file '/robot-systest/testsuite/k8s_13-two_helm_kdu.robot' on line 61: Setting variable '${REPO_PASSWORD}' failed: Environment variable '%{OCI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}' not found.
[ ERROR ] Error in file '/robot-systest/testsuite/k8s_13-two_helm_kdu.robot' on line 59: Setting variable '${REPO_URI}' failed: Environment variable '%{OCI_REGISTRY_URL}' not found.
[ ERROR ] Error in file '/robot-systest/testsuite/k8s_13-two_helm_kdu.robot' on line 60: Setting variable '${REPO_USER}' failed: Environment variable '%{OCI_REGISTRY_USER}' not found.
Testsuite.K8S 13-Two Helm Kdu :: [K8s-13] Two Helm-based KDU stored in publ...
Create Package For CNF :: Create Package For CNF                      | PASS |
Create Package For NS :: Create Package For NS                        | PASS |
Create Helm OCI Repo :: Create Helm OCI Repo for openldap kdu         | FAIL |
Variable '${REPO_URI}' not found.
Create Network Service Instance :: Create Network Service Instance    | FAIL |
| ns instance name | id                                   | date                | ns state | current operation                                    | error details                            |
| ldap             | 3453d3ee-9ae1-4f34-9535-7231669e68fe | 2024-01-14T19:53:01 | BROKEN   | IDLE (None)                                          | Operation: TERMINATING.6cb4b1d3-a1fa-    |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                                                      | 4d77-b0f0-d5053d400105, Stage 3/3 delete |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                                                      | all..                                    |
|                  |                                      |                     |          |                                                      | Detail: Terminating all VCA: 'cacert'    |
| ldap             | d3127381-9cca-46d0-b19b-41645df07a7c | 2024-01-14T20:30:09 | BUILDING | INSTANTIATING (c18fd16f-828a-4805-80d7-cae7bc22d8dd) | N/A                                      |
To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"
For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"' contains 'BROKEN'
Get Ns Id :: Get ID of NS instance                                    | PASS |
Get Vnf Id :: Get ID of VNF                                           /bin/sh: 2: d3127381-9cca-46d0-b19b-41645df07a7c: not found
/bin/sh: 3: d3127381-9cca-46d0-b19b-41645df07a7c: not found
| PASS |
Execute Upgrade Operation over first KDU :: Execute Upgrade Operat... | FAIL |
ERROR: failed to exec operation ldap:
Error 400: {
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Invalid parameter member_vnf_index='two_helm_oci' is not one of the nsd:constituent-vnfd"
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation over first KDU :: Check Rep... | FAIL |
'' cannot be converted to an integer: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Execute Rollback Operation over first KDU :: Execute Rollback Oper... | FAIL |
ERROR: failed to exec operation ldap:
Error 400: {
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Invalid parameter member_vnf_index='two_helm_oci' is not one of the nsd:constituent-vnfd"
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation over first KDU :: Check Re... | PASS |
Execute Upgrade Operation over second KDU :: Execute Upgrade Opera... | FAIL |
ERROR: failed to exec operation ldap:
Error 400: {
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Invalid parameter member_vnf_index='two_helm_oci' is not one of the nsd:constituent-vnfd"
Check Replicas After Upgrade Operation over second KDU :: Check Re... | FAIL |
'' cannot be converted to an integer: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Execute Rollback Operation over second KDU :: Execute Rollback Ope... | FAIL |
ERROR: failed to exec operation ldap:
Error 400: {
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Invalid parameter member_vnf_index='two_helm_oci' is not one of the nsd:constituent-vnfd"
Check Replicas After Rollback Operation over second KDU :: Check R... | PASS |
Delete Network Service Instance :: Delete Network Service Instance    | PASS |
Delete Helm OCI Repo :: Delete Helm OCI Repo                          | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete NS Descriptor Test :: Delete NS Descriptor Test                | FAIL |
1 != 0
Delete VNF Descriptor Test :: Delete VNF Descriptor Test              | FAIL |
1 != 0
Testsuite.K8S 13-Two Helm Kdu :: [K8s-13] Two Helm-based KDU store... | FAIL |
18 tests, 7 passed, 11 failed
Testsuite.Sa 02-Vnf With Vim Metrics And Autoscaling :: [SA-02] VNF with VI...
Create VNF Descriptor :: Upload VNF package for the testsuite.        | PASS |
Get Thresholds From VNF :: Read metric threshold and threshold tim... | PASS |
Create NS Descriptor :: Upload NS package for the testsuite.          | PASS |
Instantiate Network Service :: Instantiate the NS for the testsuite.  | PASS |
Get VNF Id :: Retrieve VNF instance id to be used later on.           | PASS |
Get VNF IP Address :: Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF to be use... | PASS |
Get VNF VIM-based Metric Before Auto-scaling :: Get from Prometheu... [ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3433a90>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7baa563010>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35a5960>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3430880>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3f6b370>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba90da440>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35e32e0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35ec6d0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3575150>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba34528f0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333c490>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35e2530>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3450b50>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba90d9360>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35eec80>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
| FAIL |
Keyword 'Get Metric' failed after retrying 15 times. The last error was: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='unknown', port=9090): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35efe20>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)"))
Increase VIM-based Metric To Force Auto-scaling :: Connect to the ... | PASS |
Wait VIM-based Metric To Exceed Threshold :: Wait until the VIM me... [ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35ef070>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3407550>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333ddb0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333fd30>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba335de10>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba335f6d0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333f280>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba337d510>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba337f1f0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba337e290>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba335fb50>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333ea10>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba333cc70>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba335d030>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
[ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3406110>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
| FAIL |
Keyword 'Check VIM-based Metric Exceeds Threshold' failed after retrying 15 times. The last error was: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='unknown', port=9090): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba3406230>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)"))
Wait Threshold Time :: Wait until the VIM metric has exceeded thre... | PASS |
Check VIM-based Metric Exceeds Threshold After Threshold-time :: C... [ WARN ] Retrying (RetryAdapter(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35ef9d0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)")': /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D
| FAIL |
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='unknown', port=9090): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/query?query=osm_cpu_utilization%7Bns_id=%2231182618-3947-40fd-b861-7123b512ab6a%22,%7D (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f7ba35ec3d0>: Failed to resolve 'unknown' ([Errno -2] Name or service not known)"))
Get VDUs After Auto-scaling :: Check that the VNF has scaled up an... | PASS |
Delete NS Instance :: Delete NS instance.                             | PASS |
Delete NS Descriptor :: Delete NS package from OSM.                   | PASS |
Delete VNF Descriptor :: Delete VNF package from OSM.                 | PASS |
Testsuite.Sa 02-Vnf With Vim Metrics And Autoscaling :: [SA-02] VN... | FAIL |
15 tests, 12 passed, 3 failed
Testsuite                                                             | FAIL |
287 tests, 172 passed, 115 failed
Output:  /robot-systest/reports/output.xml
Log:     /robot-systest/reports/log.html
Report:  /robot-systest/reports/report.html
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] echo
Retrieve container logs
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ . /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=
+ export OSM_IMAGE_NAME=osmtest202401141216
+ export JUJU_PASSWORD=secret
+ /robot-systest/cloud-scripts/
Saving grafana logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving keystone logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving lcm logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving mon logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving nbi logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving pol logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving ro logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving ngui logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving airflow-scheduler logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving webhook-translator logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving kafka logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving mongo logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving mysql logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving prometheus logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving zookeeper logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Saving alertmanager logs...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

All logs saved to /robot-systest/results/
[Pipeline] echo
Save results
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
Cannot contact osm-cicd-4: corrupted content in /home/jenkins/workspace/azure_robot_tests@tmp/durable-88320211/pid: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
+ rm -rf results
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ cp -var /robot-systest/results /robot-systest/reports/log.html /robot-systest/reports/output.xml /robot-systest/reports/report.html .
'/robot-systest/results' -> './results'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-grafana.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-grafana.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-keystone.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-keystone.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-lcm.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-lcm.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-mon.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-mon.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-nbi.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-nbi.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-pol.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-pol.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-ro.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-ro.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-ngui.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-ngui.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-airflow-scheduler.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-airflow-scheduler.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-pushgateway-prometheus-pushgateway.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-deploy-webhook-translator.log' -> './results/osm-deploy-webhook-translator.log'
'/robot-systest/results/k8s_environment.rc' -> './results/k8s_environment.rc'
'/robot-systest/results/kubeconfig.yaml' -> './results/kubeconfig.yaml'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-kafka.log' -> './results/osm-sts-kafka.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-mongo.log' -> './results/osm-sts-mongo.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc' -> './results/osm_environment.rc'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-mysql.log' -> './results/osm-sts-mysql.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-prometheus.log' -> './results/osm-sts-prometheus.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-zookeeper.log' -> './results/osm-sts-zookeeper.log'
'/robot-systest/results/osm-sts-alertmanager.log' -> './results/osm-sts-alertmanager.log'
'/robot-systest/reports/log.html' -> './log.html'
'/robot-systest/reports/output.xml' -> './output.xml'
'/robot-systest/reports/report.html' -> './report.html'
[Pipeline] step
Archiving artifacts
Recording fingerprints
[Pipeline] echo
Updates the Robot dashboard in Jenkins
[Pipeline] robot
Robot results publisher started...
-Parsing output xml:
-Copying log files to build dir:
-Assigning results to build:
-Checking thresholds:
Done publishing Robot results.
[Pipeline] echo
Destroy the K8s cluster
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ . /robot-systest/results/k8s_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export K8S_IP=
+ export K8S_IMAGE_NAME=k8stest202401141208
+ export K8S_CREDENTIALS=/robot-systest/results/kubeconfig.yaml
+ /robot-systest/cloud-scripts/
Deleting IaaS k8s cluster in azure
++ az vm show --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name k8stest202401141208 --query 'networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id'
+ INTERFACE_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/k8stest202401141208VMNic"'
+ INTERFACE_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/k8stest202401141208VMNic
++ az vm show --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name k8stest202401141208 --query
+ OS_DISK_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/k8stest202401141208_OsDisk_1_f94508b14c96404fa685f047a93d4864"'
+ OS_DISK_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/k8stest202401141208_OsDisk_1_f94508b14c96404fa685f047a93d4864
++ az network nic show --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/k8stest202401141208VMNic --query
+ SECURITY_GROUP_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/k8stest202401141208NSG"'
+ SECURITY_GROUP_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/k8stest202401141208NSG
++ az network nic show --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/k8stest202401141208VMNic --query 'ipConfigurations[0]'
+ az vm delete --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name k8stest202401141208 --yes
+ az network nic delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/k8stest202401141208VMNic
+ az disk delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/k8stest202401141208_OsDisk_1_f94508b14c96404fa685f047a93d4864 --yes
+ az network nsg delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/k8stest202401141208NSG
+ '[' -n '' ']'
[Pipeline] echo
Destroy the OSM host
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ . /robot-systest/results/osm_environment.rc
+ export CLOUD_TYPE=azure
+ export OSM_HOSTNAME=
+ export OSM_IMAGE_NAME=osmtest202401141216
+ export JUJU_PASSWORD=secret
+ /robot-systest/cloud-scripts/
++ az vm show --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name osmtest202401141216 --query 'networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id'
+ INTERFACE_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/osmtest202401141216VMNic"'
+ INTERFACE_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/osmtest202401141216VMNic
++ az vm show --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name osmtest202401141216 --query
+ OS_DISK_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/osmtest202401141216_OsDisk_1_fa48fddc6f6c459eb963576d169775ad"'
+ OS_DISK_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/osmtest202401141216_OsDisk_1_fa48fddc6f6c459eb963576d169775ad
++ az network nic show --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/osmtest202401141216VMNic --query
+ SECURITY_GROUP_ID='"/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/osmtest202401141216NSG"'
+ SECURITY_GROUP_ID=/subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/osmtest202401141216NSG
++ az network nic show --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/osmtest202401141216VMNic --query 'ipConfigurations[0]'
+ az vm delete --resource-group OSM_CICD_GROUP --name osmtest202401141216 --yes
+ az network nic delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/osmtest202401141216VMNic
+ az disk delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/osmtest202401141216_OsDisk_1_fa48fddc6f6c459eb963576d169775ad --yes
+ az network nsg delete --id /subscriptions/8fb7e78d-097b-413d-bc65-41d29be6bab1/resourceGroups/OSM_CICD_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/osmtest202401141216NSG
+ '[' -n '' ']'
[Pipeline] sh
[azure_robot_tests] Running shell script
+ az vm list -o table
Name              ResourceGroup       Location    Zones
----------------  ------------------  ----------  -------
vm-CICD-Host      OSM_CICD_GROUP      westeurope  1
vm-VPN-Host       OSM_GROUP           westeurope
VPN-Gateway       OSM_GROUP           westeurope
vm-Hackfest-Host  OSM_HACKFEST_GROUP  westeurope
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 ca0e2e504a47e6c9d2571c149bca78923207902bdd4e84962109cc43e7673555
$ docker rm -f ca0e2e504a47e6c9d2571c149bca78923207902bdd4e84962109cc43e7673555
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS