[osm/vim-emu.git] / src / emuvim / dcemulator / node.py
1 """
2 Copyright (c) 2015 SONATA-NFV and Paderborn University
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 limitations under the License.
17 Neither the name of the SONATA-NFV [, ANY ADDITIONAL AFFILIATION]
18 nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
19 products derived from this software without specific prior written
20 permission.
22 This work has been performed in the framework of the SONATA project,
23 funded by the European Commission under Grant number 671517 through
24 the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
25 acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the SONATA
26 partner consortium (www.sonata-nfv.eu).
27 """
28 from mininet.node import Docker
29 from mininet.link import Link
30 from emuvim.dcemulator.resourcemodel import NotEnoughResourcesAvailable
31 import logging
32 import time
33 import json
35 LOG = logging.getLogger("dcemulator.node")
36 LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
39 DCDPID_BASE = 1000 # start of switch dpid's used for data center switches
41 class EmulatorCompute(Docker):
42 """
43 Emulator specific compute node class.
44 Inherits from Containernet's Docker host class.
45 Represents a single container connected to a (logical)
46 data center.
47 We can add emulator specific helper functions to it.
48 """
50 def __init__(
51 self, name, dimage, **kwargs):
52 self.datacenter = kwargs.get("datacenter") # pointer to current DC
53 self.flavor_name = kwargs.get("flavor_name")
54 LOG.debug("Starting compute instance %r in data center %r" % (name, str(self.datacenter)))
55 # call original Docker.__init__
56 Docker.__init__(self, name, dimage, **kwargs)
58 def getNetworkStatus(self):
59 """
60 Helper method to receive information about the virtual networks
61 this compute instance is connected to.
62 """
63 # get all links and find dc switch interface
64 networkStatusList = []
65 for i in self.intfList():
66 vnf_name = self.name
67 vnf_interface = str(i)
68 dc_port_name = self.datacenter.net.find_connected_dc_interface(vnf_name, vnf_interface)
69 # format list of tuples (name, Ip, MAC, isUp, status, dc_portname)
70 intf_dict = {'intf_name': str(i), 'ip': i.IP(), 'mac': i.MAC(), 'up': i.isUp(), 'status': i.status(), 'dc_portname': dc_port_name}
71 networkStatusList.append(intf_dict)
73 return networkStatusList
75 def getStatus(self):
76 """
77 Helper method to receive information about this compute instance.
78 """
79 status = {}
80 status["name"] = self.name
81 status["network"] = self.getNetworkStatus()
82 status["docker_network"] = self.dcinfo['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress']
83 status["image"] = self.dimage
84 status["flavor_name"] = self.flavor_name
85 status["cpu_quota"] = self.cpu_quota
86 status["cpu_period"] = self.cpu_period
87 status["cpu_shares"] = self.cpu_shares
88 status["cpuset"] = self.cpuset
89 status["mem_limit"] = self.mem_limit
90 status["memswap_limit"] = self.memswap_limit
91 status["state"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["State"]
92 status["id"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["Id"]
93 status["short_id"] = self.dcli.inspect_container(self.dc)["Id"][:12]
94 status["datacenter"] = (None if self.datacenter is None
95 else self.datacenter.label)
96 return status
99 class Datacenter(object):
100 """
101 Represents a logical data center to which compute resources
102 (Docker containers) can be added at runtime.
104 Will also implement resource bookkeeping in later versions.
105 """
107 DC_COUNTER = 1
109 def __init__(self, label, metadata={}, resource_log_path=None):
110 self.net = None # DCNetwork to which we belong
111 # each node (DC) has a short internal name used by Mininet
112 # this is caused by Mininets naming limitations for swtiches etc.
113 self.name = "dc%d" % Datacenter.DC_COUNTER
114 Datacenter.DC_COUNTER += 1
115 # use this for user defined names that can be longer than self.name
116 self.label = label
117 # dict to store arbitrary metadata (e.g. latitude and longitude)
118 self.metadata = metadata
119 # path to which resource information should be logged (e.g. for experiments). None = no logging
120 self.resource_log_path = resource_log_path
121 # first prototype assumes one "bigswitch" per DC
122 self.switch = None
123 # keep track of running containers
124 self.containers = {}
125 # pointer to assigned resource model
126 self._resource_model = None
128 def __repr__(self):
129 return self.label
131 def _get_next_dc_dpid(self):
132 global DCDPID_BASE
133 DCDPID_BASE += 1
134 return DCDPID_BASE
136 def create(self):
137 """
138 Each data center is represented by a single switch to which
139 compute resources can be connected at run time.
141 TODO: This will be changed in the future to support multiple networks
142 per data center
143 """
144 self.switch = self.net.addSwitch(
145 "%s.s1" % self.name, dpid=hex(self._get_next_dc_dpid())[2:])
146 LOG.debug("created data center switch: %s" % str(self.switch))
148 def start(self):
149 pass
151 def startCompute(self, name, image=None, command=None, network=None, flavor_name="tiny", **kwargs):
152 """
153 Create a new container as compute resource and connect it to this
154 data center.
155 :param name: name (string)
156 :param image: image name (string)
157 :param command: command (string)
158 :param network: networks list({"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""})
159 :param flavor_name: name of the flavor for this compute container
160 :return:
161 """
162 assert name is not None
163 # no duplications
164 if name in [c.name for c in self.net.getAllContainers()]:
165 raise Exception("Container with name %s already exists." % name)
166 # set default parameter
167 if image is None:
168 image = "ubuntu:trusty"
169 if network is None:
170 network = {} # {"ip": ""}
171 if isinstance(network, dict):
172 network = [network] # if we have only one network, put it in a list
173 if isinstance(network, list):
174 if len(network) < 1:
175 network.append({})
177 # apply hard-set resource limits=0
178 cpu_percentage = kwargs.get('cpu_percent')
179 if cpu_percentage:
180 cpu_period = self.net.cpu_period
181 cpu_quota = self.net.cpu_period * float(cpu_percentage)
182 else:
183 cpu_quota = None
184 cpu_period = None
186 # create the container
187 d = self.net.addDocker(
188 "%s" % (name),
189 dimage=image,
190 dcmd=command,
191 datacenter=self,
192 flavor_name=flavor_name,
193 cpu_period = cpu_period,
194 cpu_quota = cpu_quota,
195 environment = {'VNF_NAME':name}
196 )
200 # apply resource limits to container if a resource model is defined
201 if self._resource_model is not None:
202 try:
203 self._resource_model.allocate(d)
204 self._resource_model.write_allocation_log(d, self.resource_log_path)
205 except NotEnoughResourcesAvailable as ex:
206 LOG.warning("Allocation of container %r was blocked by resource model." % name)
207 LOG.info(ex.message)
208 # ensure that we remove the container
209 self.net.removeDocker(name)
210 return None
212 # connect all given networks
213 # if no --net option is given, network = [{}], so 1 empty dict in the list
214 # this results in 1 default interface with a default ip address
215 for nw in network:
216 # clean up network configuration (e.g. RTNETLINK does not allow ':' in intf names
217 if nw.get("id") is not None:
218 nw["id"] = self._clean_ifname(nw["id"])
219 # TODO we cannot use TCLink here (see: https://github.com/mpeuster/containernet/issues/3)
220 self.net.addLink(d, self.switch, params1=nw, cls=Link, intfName1=nw.get('id'))
221 # do bookkeeping
222 self.containers[name] = d
223 return d # we might use UUIDs for naming later on
225 def stopCompute(self, name):
226 """
227 Stop and remove a container from this data center.
228 """
229 assert name is not None
230 if name not in self.containers:
231 raise Exception("Container with name %s not found." % name)
232 LOG.debug("Stopping compute instance %r in data center %r" % (name, str(self)))
234 # stop the monitored metrics
235 if self.net.monitor_agent is not None:
236 self.net.monitor_agent.stop_metric(name)
238 # call resource model and free resources
239 if self._resource_model is not None:
240 self._resource_model.free(self.containers[name])
241 self._resource_model.write_free_log(self.containers[name], self.resource_log_path)
243 # remove links
244 self.net.removeLink(
245 link=None, node1=self.containers[name], node2=self.switch)
247 # remove container
248 self.net.removeDocker("%s" % (name))
249 del self.containers[name]
251 return True
253 def listCompute(self):
254 """
255 Return a list of all running containers assigned to this
256 data center.
257 """
258 return list(self.containers.itervalues())
260 def getStatus(self):
261 """
262 Return a dict with status information about this DC.
263 """
264 return {
265 "label": self.label,
266 "internalname": self.name,
267 "switch": self.switch.name,
268 "n_running_containers": len(self.containers),
269 "metadata": self.metadata
270 }
272 def assignResourceModel(self, rm):
273 """
274 Assign a resource model to this DC.
275 :param rm: a BaseResourceModel object
276 :return:
277 """
278 if self._resource_model is not None:
279 raise Exception("There is already an resource model assigned to this DC.")
280 self._resource_model = rm
281 self.net.rm_registrar.register(self, rm)
282 LOG.info("Assigned RM: %r to DC: %r" % (rm, self))
284 @staticmethod
285 def _clean_ifname(name):
286 """
287 Cleans up given string to be a
288 RTNETLINK compatible interface name.
289 :param name: string
290 :return: string
291 """
292 if name is None:
293 return "if0"
294 name = name.replace(":", "-")
295 name = name.replace(" ", "-")
296 name = name.replace(".", "-")
297 name = name.replace("_", "-")
298 return name