[osm/vim-emu.git] / src / emuvim / api / openstack / openstack_dummies / nova_dummy_api.py
1 """
2 Copyright (c) 2017 SONATA-NFV and Paderborn University
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 limitations under the License.
17 Neither the name of the SONATA-NFV, Paderborn University
18 nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
19 products derived from this software without specific prior written
20 permission.
22 This work has been performed in the framework of the SONATA project,
23 funded by the European Commission under Grant number 671517 through
24 the Horizon 2020 and 5G-PPP programmes. The authors would like to
25 acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues of the SONATA
26 partner consortium (www.sonata-nfv.eu).
27 """
28 from flask_restful import Resource
29 from flask import Response, request
30 from emuvim.api.openstack.openstack_dummies.base_openstack_dummy import BaseOpenstackDummy
31 from emuvim.api.openstack.helper import get_host
32 import logging
33 import json
34 import uuid
35 from mininet.link import Link
38 LOG = logging.getLogger("api.openstack.nova")
41 class NovaDummyApi(BaseOpenstackDummy):
42 def __init__(self, in_ip, in_port, compute):
43 super(NovaDummyApi, self).__init__(in_ip, in_port)
44 self.compute = compute
45 self.compute.add_flavor('m1.tiny', 1, 512, "MB", 1, "GB")
46 self.compute.add_flavor('m1.nano', 1, 64, "MB", 0, "GB")
47 self.compute.add_flavor('m1.micro', 1, 128, "MB", 0, "GB")
48 self.compute.add_flavor('m1.small', 1, 1024, "MB", 2, "GB")
50 self.api.add_resource(NovaVersionsList, "/",
51 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
52 self.api.add_resource(NovaVersionShow, "/v2.1/<id>",
53 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
54 self.api.add_resource(NovaListServersApi, "/v2.1/<id>/servers",
55 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
56 self.api.add_resource(NovaListServersAndPortsApi, "/v2.1/<id>/servers/andPorts",
57 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
58 self.api.add_resource(NovaListServersDetailed, "/v2.1/<id>/servers/detail",
59 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
60 self.api.add_resource(NovaShowServerDetails, "/v2.1/<id>/servers/<serverid>",
61 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
62 self.api.add_resource(NovaInterfaceToServer, "/v2.1/<id>/servers/<serverid>/os-interface",
63 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
64 self.api.add_resource(NovaShowAndDeleteInterfaceAtServer, "/v2.1/<id>/servers/<serverid>/os-interface/<port_id>",
65 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
66 self.api.add_resource(NovaListFlavors, "/v2.1/<id>/flavors", "/v2/<id>/flavors",
67 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
68 self.api.add_resource(NovaListFlavorsDetails, "/v2.1/<id>/flavors/detail", "/v2/<id>/flavors/detail",
69 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
70 self.api.add_resource(NovaListFlavorById, "/v2.1/<id>/flavors/<flavorid>", "/v2/<id>/flavors/<flavorid>",
71 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
72 self.api.add_resource(NovaListImages, "/v2.1/<id>/images",
73 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
74 self.api.add_resource(NovaListImagesDetails, "/v2.1/<id>/images/detail",
75 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
76 self.api.add_resource(NovaListImageById, "/v2.1/<id>/images/<imageid>",
77 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
78 self.api.add_resource(NovaLimits, "/v2.1/<id>/limits",
79 resource_class_kwargs={'api': self})
82 class NovaVersionsList(Resource):
83 def __init__(self, api):
84 self.api = api
86 def get(self):
87 """
88 Lists API versions.
90 :return: Returns a json with API versions.
91 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
92 """
93 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
94 try:
95 resp = """
96 {
97 "versions": [
98 {
99 "id": "v2.1",
100 "links": [
101 {
102 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/",
103 "rel": "self"
104 }
105 ],
106 "status": "CURRENT",
107 "version": "2.38",
108 "min_version": "2.1",
109 "updated": "2013-07-23T11:33:21Z"
110 }
111 ]
112 }
113 """ % (get_host(request), self.api.port)
115 response = Response(resp, status=200, mimetype="application/json")
116 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
117 return response
119 except Exception as ex:
120 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not show list of versions." % __name__)
121 return ex.message, 500
124 class NovaVersionShow(Resource):
125 def __init__(self, api):
126 self.api = api
128 def get(self, id):
129 """
130 Returns API details.
132 :param id:
133 :type id: ``str``
134 :return: Returns a json with API details.
135 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
136 """
137 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
139 try:
140 resp = """
141 {
142 "version": {
143 "id": "v2.1",
144 "links": [
145 {
146 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/",
147 "rel": "self"
148 },
149 {
150 "href": "http://docs.openstack.org/",
151 "rel": "describedby",
152 "type": "text/html"
153 }
154 ],
155 "media-types": [
156 {
157 "base": "application/json",
158 "type": "application/vnd.openstack.compute+json;version=2.1"
159 }
160 ],
161 "status": "CURRENT",
162 "version": "2.38",
163 "min_version": "2.1",
164 "updated": "2013-07-23T11:33:21Z"
165 }
166 }
167 """ % (get_host(request), self.api.port)
169 response = Response(resp, status=200, mimetype="application/json")
170 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
171 return response
173 except Exception as ex:
174 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not show list of versions." % __name__)
175 return ex.message, 500
178 class NovaListServersApi(Resource):
179 def __init__(self, api):
180 self.api = api
182 def get(self, id):
183 """
184 Creates a list with all running servers and their detailed information.
186 :param id: Used to create a individual link to quarry further information.
187 :type id: ``str``
188 :return: Returns a json response with a dictionary that contains the server information.
189 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
190 """
191 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
193 try:
194 resp = dict()
195 resp['servers'] = list()
196 for server in self.api.compute.computeUnits.values():
197 s = server.create_server_dict(self.api.compute)
198 s['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/servers/%s" % (get_host(request),
199 self.api.port,
200 id,
201 server.id)}]
203 resp['servers'].append(s)
205 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
206 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
207 return response
209 except Exception as ex:
210 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of servers." % __name__)
211 return ex.message, 500
213 def post(self, id):
214 """
215 Creates a server instance.
217 :param id: tenant id, we ignore this most of the time
218 :type id: ``str``
219 :return: Returns a flask response, with detailed information about the just created server.
220 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
221 """
222 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s POST" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
223 try:
224 server_dict = json.loads(request.data)['server']
225 networks = server_dict.get('networks', None)
226 name = str(self.api.compute.dc.label) + "_" + server_dict["name"]
228 if self.api.compute.find_server_by_name_or_id(name) is not None:
229 LOG.error("Server with name %s already exists. 409" % name)
230 return Response("Server with name %s already exists." % name, status=409)
231 # TODO: not finished!
232 resp = dict()
234 server = self.api.compute.create_server(name)
235 server.full_name = str(self.api.compute.dc.label) + "_" + server_dict["name"]
236 server.template_name = server_dict["name"]
237 if "metadata" in server_dict:
238 server.properties = server_dict["metadata"]
240 for flavor in self.api.compute.flavors.values():
241 if flavor.id == server_dict.get('flavorRef', ''):
242 server.flavor = flavor.name
243 for image in self.api.compute.images.values():
244 if image.id in server_dict['imageRef']:
245 server.image = image.name
247 if networks is not None:
248 for net in networks:
249 port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(net.get('port', ""))
250 if port is not None:
251 server.port_names.append(port.name)
252 else:
253 return Response("Currently only networking by port is supported.", status=400)
255 self.api.compute._start_compute(server)
257 response = NovaShowServerDetails(self.api).get(id, server.id)
258 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
259 return response
261 except Exception as ex:
262 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not create the server." % __name__)
263 return ex.message, 500
266 class NovaListServersAndPortsApi(Resource):
267 def __init__(self, api):
268 self.api = api
270 def get(self, id):
271 """
272 Creates a list with all running servers and their detailed information. This function also presents all
273 port information of each server.
275 :param id: Used to create a individual link to quarry further information.
276 :type id: ``str``
277 :return: Returns a json response with a dictionary that contains the server information.
278 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
279 """
280 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
282 try:
283 resp = dict()
284 resp['servers'] = list()
285 for server in self.api.compute.computeUnits.values():
286 s = server.create_server_dict(self.api.compute)
287 s['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/servers/%s" % (get_host(request),
288 self.api.port,
289 id,
290 server.id)}]
292 s['ports'] = list()
293 for port_name in server.port_names:
294 port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(port_name)
295 if port is None:
296 continue
298 tmp = port.create_port_dict(self.api.compute)
299 tmp['intf_name'] = port.intf_name
300 s['ports'].append(tmp)
302 resp['servers'].append(s)
304 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
305 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
306 return response
308 except Exception as ex:
309 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of servers." % __name__)
310 return ex.message, 500
313 class NovaListServersDetailed(Resource):
314 def __init__(self, api):
315 self.api = api
317 def get(self, id):
318 """
319 As List Servers, it lists all running servers and their details but furthermore it also states the
320 used flavor and the server image.
322 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link.
323 :type id: ``str``
324 :return: Returns a flask response, with detailed information aboit the servers and their flavor and image.
325 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
326 """
327 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
329 try:
330 resp = {"servers": list()}
331 for server in self.api.compute.computeUnits.values():
332 s = server.create_server_dict(self.api.compute)
333 s['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/servers/%s" % (get_host(request),
334 self.api.port,
335 id,
336 server.id)}]
337 flavor = self.api.compute.flavors[server.flavor]
338 s['flavor'] = {
339 "id": flavor.id,
340 "links": [
341 {
342 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
343 self.api.port,
344 id,
345 flavor.id),
346 "rel": "bookmark"
347 }
348 ]
349 }
350 image = self.api.compute.images[server.image]
351 s['image'] = {
352 "id": image.id,
353 "links": [
354 {
355 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/images/%s" % (get_host(request),
356 self.api.port,
357 id,
358 image.id),
359 "rel": "bookmark"
360 }
361 ]
362 }
364 resp['servers'].append(s)
366 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
367 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
368 return response
370 except Exception as ex:
371 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of servers." % __name__)
372 return ex.message, 500
375 class NovaListFlavors(Resource):
376 def __init__(self, api):
377 self.api = api
379 def get(self, id):
380 """
381 Lists all available flavors.
383 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
384 :type id: ``str``
385 :return: Returns a flask response with a list of all flavors.
386 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
387 """
388 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
389 try:
390 resp = dict()
391 resp['flavors'] = list()
392 for flavor in self.api.compute.flavors.values():
393 f = flavor.__dict__.copy()
394 f['id'] = flavor.id
395 f['name'] = flavor.name
396 f['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
397 self.api.port,
398 id,
399 flavor.id)}]
400 resp['flavors'].append(f)
402 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
403 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
404 return response
406 except Exception as ex:
407 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of servers." % __name__)
408 return ex.message, 500
410 def post(self, id):
411 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s POST" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
412 data = json.loads(request.data).get("flavor")
413 LOG.warning("Create Flavor: %s" % str(data))
414 # add to internal dict
415 f = self.api.compute.add_flavor(
416 data.get("name"),
417 data.get("vcpus"),
418 data.get("ram"), "MB",
419 data.get("disk"), "GB")
420 # create response based on incoming data
421 data["id"] = f.id
422 data["links"] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
423 self.api.port,
424 id,
425 f.id)}]
426 resp = {"flavor": data}
427 return Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
430 class NovaListFlavorsDetails(Resource):
431 def __init__(self, api):
432 self.api = api
434 def get(self, id):
435 """
436 Lists all flavors with additional information like ram and disk space.
438 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
439 :type id: ``str``
440 :return: Returns a flask response with a list of all flavors with additional information.
441 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
442 """
443 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
444 try:
445 resp = dict()
446 resp['flavors'] = list()
447 for flavor in self.api.compute.flavors.values():
448 # use the class dict. it should work fine
449 # but use a copy so we don't modifiy the original
450 f = flavor.__dict__.copy()
451 # add additional expected stuff stay openstack compatible
452 f['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
453 self.api.port,
454 id,
455 flavor.id)}]
456 f['OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled'] = False
457 f['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'] = 0
458 f['os-flavor-access:is_public'] = True
459 f['ram'] = flavor.memory
460 f['vcpus'] = flavor.cpu
461 f['swap'] = 0
462 f['disk'] = flavor.storage
463 f['rxtx_factor'] = 1.0
464 resp['flavors'].append(f)
466 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
467 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
468 return response
470 except Exception as ex:
471 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of servers." % __name__)
472 return ex.message, 500
474 def post(self, id):
475 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s POST" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
476 data = json.loads(request.data).get("flavor")
477 LOG.warning("Create Flavor: %s" % str(data))
478 # add to internal dict
479 f = self.api.compute.add_flavor(
480 data.get("name"),
481 data.get("vcpus"),
482 data.get("ram"), "MB",
483 data.get("disk"), "GB")
484 # create response based on incoming data
485 data["id"] = f.id
486 data["links"] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
487 self.api.port,
488 id,
489 f.id)}]
490 resp = {"flavor": data}
491 return Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
494 class NovaListFlavorById(Resource):
495 def __init__(self, api):
496 self.api = api
498 def get(self, id, flavorid):
499 """
500 Returns details about one flavor.
502 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
503 :type id: ``str``
504 :param flavorid: Represents the flavor.
505 :type flavorid: ``str``
506 :return: Returns a flask response with detailed information about the flavor.
507 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
508 """
509 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
510 try:
511 resp = dict()
512 resp['flavor'] = dict()
513 flavor = self.api.compute.flavors.get(flavorid, None)
514 if flavor is None:
515 for f in self.api.compute.flavors.values():
516 if f.id == flavorid:
517 flavor = f
518 break
519 resp['flavor']['id'] = flavor.id
520 resp['flavor']['name'] = flavor.name
521 resp['flavor']['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
522 self.api.port,
523 id,
524 flavor.id)}]
525 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
526 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
527 return response
529 except Exception as ex:
530 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve flavor with id %s" % (__name__, flavorid))
531 return ex.message, 500
533 def delete(self, id, flavorid):
534 """
535 Removes the given flavor.
536 Does not really remove anything from the machine, just fakes an OK.
537 """
538 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
539 return Response("", status=204, mimetype="application/json")
542 class NovaListImages(Resource):
543 def __init__(self, api):
544 self.api = api
546 def get(self, id):
547 """
548 Creates a list of all usable images.
550 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
551 :type id: ``str``
552 :return: Returns a flask response with a list of available images.
553 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
554 """
555 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
556 try:
557 resp = dict()
558 resp['images'] = list()
559 for image in self.api.compute.images.values():
560 f = dict()
561 f['id'] = image.id
562 f['name'] = str(image.name).replace(":latest", "")
563 f['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/images/%s" % (get_host(request),
564 self.api.port,
565 id,
566 image.id)}]
567 resp['images'].append(f)
568 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
569 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
570 return response
572 except Exception as ex:
573 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of images." % __name__)
574 return ex.message, 500
577 class NovaListImagesDetails(Resource):
578 def __init__(self, api):
579 self.api = api
581 def get(self, id):
582 """
583 As List Images but with additional metadata.
585 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
586 :type id: ``str``
587 :return: Returns a flask response with a list of images and their metadata.
588 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
589 """
590 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
591 try:
592 resp = dict()
593 resp['images'] = list()
594 for image in self.api.compute.images.values():
595 # use the class dict. it should work fine
596 # but use a copy so we don't modifiy the original
597 f = image.__dict__.copy()
598 # add additional expected stuff stay openstack compatible
599 f['name'] = str(image.name).replace(":latest", "")
600 f['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/images/%s" % (get_host(request),
601 self.api.port,
602 id,
603 image.id)}]
604 f['metadata'] = {
605 "architecture": "x86_64",
606 "auto_disk_config": "True",
607 "kernel_id": "nokernel",
608 "ramdisk_id": "nokernel"
609 }
610 resp['images'].append(f)
612 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
613 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
614 return response
616 except Exception as ex:
617 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of images." % __name__)
618 return ex.message, 500
621 class NovaListImageById(Resource):
622 def __init__(self, api):
623 self.api = api
625 def get(self, id, imageid):
626 """
627 Gets an image by id from the emulator with openstack nova compliant return values.
629 :param id: tenantid, we ignore this most of the time
630 :type id: ``str``
631 :param imageid: id of the image. If it is 1 the dummy CREATE-IMAGE is returned
632 :type imageid: ``str``
633 :return: Returns a flask response with the information about one image.
634 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
635 """
636 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
637 try:
638 resp = dict()
639 i = resp['image'] = dict()
640 for image in self.api.compute.images.values():
641 if image.id == imageid or image.name == imageid:
642 i['id'] = image.id
643 i['name'] = image.name
645 return Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
647 response = Response("Image with id or name %s does not exists." % imageid, status=404)
648 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
649 return response
651 except Exception as ex:
652 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve image with id %s." % (__name__, imageid))
653 return ex.message, 500
655 def delete(self, id, imageid):
656 """
657 Removes the given image.
658 Does not really remove anything from the machine, just fakes an OK.
659 """
660 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
661 return Response("", status=204, mimetype="application/json")
664 class NovaShowServerDetails(Resource):
665 def __init__(self, api):
666 self.api = api
668 def get(self, id, serverid):
669 """
670 Returns detailed information about the specified server.
672 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
673 :type id: ``str``
674 :param serverid: Specifies the requested server.
675 :type serverid: ``str``
676 :return: Returns a flask response with details about the server.
677 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
678 """
679 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
680 try:
681 server = self.api.compute.find_server_by_name_or_id(serverid)
682 if server is None:
683 return Response("Server with id or name %s does not exists." % serverid, status=404)
684 s = server.create_server_dict()
685 s['links'] = [{'href': "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/servers/%s" % (get_host(request),
686 self.api.port,
687 id,
688 server.id)}]
690 flavor = self.api.compute.flavors[server.flavor]
691 s['flavor'] = {
692 "id": flavor.id,
693 "links": [
694 {
695 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/flavors/%s" % (get_host(request),
696 self.api.port,
697 id,
698 flavor.id),
699 "rel": "bookmark"
700 }
701 ]
702 }
703 image = self.api.compute.images[server.image]
704 s['image'] = {
705 "id": image.id,
706 "links": [
707 {
708 "href": "http://%s:%d/v2.1/%s/images/%s" % (get_host(request),
709 self.api.port,
710 id,
711 image.id),
712 "rel": "bookmark"
713 }
714 ]
715 }
717 response = Response(json.dumps({'server': s}), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
718 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
719 return response
721 except Exception as ex:
722 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the server details." % __name__)
723 return ex.message, 500
725 def delete(self, id, serverid):
726 """
727 Delete a server instance.
729 :param id: tenant id, we ignore this most of the time
730 :type id: ``str``
731 :param serverid: The UUID of the server
732 :type serverid: ``str``
733 :return: Returns 204 if everything is fine.
734 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
735 """
736 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s DELETE" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
737 try:
738 server = self.api.compute.find_server_by_name_or_id(serverid)
739 if server is None:
740 return Response('Could not find server.', status=404, mimetype="application/json")
742 self.api.compute.stop_compute(server)
744 response = Response('', status=204, mimetype="application/json")
745 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
746 return response
748 except Exception as ex:
749 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not create the server." % __name__)
750 return ex.message, 500
753 class NovaInterfaceToServer(Resource):
754 def __init__(self, api):
755 self.api = api
757 def post(self, id, serverid):
758 """
759 Add an interface to the specified server.
761 :param id: tenant id, we ignore this most of the time
762 :type id: ``str``
763 :param serverid: Specifies the server.
764 :type serverid: ``str``
765 :return: Returns a flask response with information about the attached interface.
766 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
767 """
768 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
769 try:
770 server = self.api.compute.find_server_by_name_or_id(serverid)
771 if server is None:
772 return Response("Server with id or name %s does not exists." % serverid, status=404)
774 if server.emulator_compute is None:
775 LOG.error("The targeted container does not exist.")
776 return Response("The targeted container of %s does not exist." % serverid, status=404)
777 data = json.loads(request.data).get("interfaceAttachment")
778 resp = dict()
779 port = data.get("port_id", None)
780 net = data.get("net_id", None)
781 dc = self.api.compute.dc
782 network_dict = dict()
783 network = None
785 if net is not None and port is not None:
786 port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(port)
787 network = self.api.compute.find_network_by_name_or_id(net)
788 network_dict['id'] = port.intf_name
789 network_dict['ip'] = port.ip_address
790 network_dict[network_dict['id']] = network.name
791 elif net is not None:
792 network = self.api.compute.find_network_by_name_or_id(net)
793 if network is None:
794 return Response("Network with id or name %s does not exists." % net, status=404)
795 port = self.api.compute.create_port("port:cp%s:fl:%s" %
796 (len(self.api.compute.ports), str(uuid.uuid4())))
798 port.net_name = network.name
799 port.ip_address = network.get_new_ip_address(port.name)
800 network_dict['id'] = port.intf_name
801 network_dict['ip'] = port.ip_address
802 network_dict[network_dict['id']] = network.name
803 elif port is not None:
804 port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(port)
805 network_dict['id'] = port.intf_name
806 network_dict['ip'] = port.ip_address
807 network = self.api.compute.find_network_by_name_or_id(port.net_name)
808 network_dict[network_dict['id']] = network.name
809 else:
810 raise Exception("You can only attach interfaces by port or network at the moment")
812 if network == self.api.manage.floating_network:
813 dc.net.addLink(server.emulator_compute, self.api.manage.floating_switch,
814 params1=network_dict, cls=Link, intfName1=port.intf_name)
815 else:
816 dc.net.addLink(server.emulator_compute, dc.switch,
817 params1=network_dict, cls=Link, intfName1=port.intf_name)
818 resp["port_state"] = "ACTIVE"
819 resp["port_id"] = port.id
820 resp["net_id"] = self.api.compute.find_network_by_name_or_id(port.net_name).id
821 resp["mac_addr"] = port.mac_address
822 resp["fixed_ips"] = list()
823 fixed_ips = dict()
824 fixed_ips["ip_address"] = port.ip_address
825 fixed_ips["subnet_id"] = network.subnet_name
826 resp["fixed_ips"].append(fixed_ips)
827 response = Response(json.dumps({"interfaceAttachment": resp}), status=202, mimetype="application/json")
828 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
829 return response
831 except Exception as ex:
832 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not add interface to the server." % __name__)
833 return ex.message, 500
836 class NovaShowAndDeleteInterfaceAtServer(Resource):
837 def __init__(self, api):
838 self.api = api
840 def delete(self, id, serverid, port_id):
841 """
842 Deletes an existing interface.
844 :param id: tenant id, we ignore this most of the time
845 :type id: ``str``
846 :param serverid: Specifies the server, where the interface will be deleted.
847 :type serverid: ``str``
848 :param port_id: Specifies the port of the interface.
849 :type port_id: ``str``
850 :return: Returns a flask response with 202 if everything worked out. Otherwise it will return 404 and an
851 error message.
852 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
853 """
854 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
855 try:
856 server = self.api.compute.find_server_by_name_or_id(serverid)
857 if server is None:
858 return Response("Server with id or name %s does not exists." % serverid, status=404)
859 port = self.api.compute.find_port_by_name_or_id(port_id)
860 if port is None:
861 return Response("Port with id or name %s does not exists." % port_id, status=404)
863 for link in self.api.compute.dc.net.links:
864 if str(link.intf1) == port.intf_name and \
865 str(link.intf1.ip) == port.ip_address.split('/')[0]:
866 self.api.compute.dc.net.removeLink(link)
867 break
869 response = Response("", status=202, mimetype="application/json")
870 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
871 return response
873 except Exception as ex:
874 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not detach interface from the server." % __name__)
875 return ex.message, 500
878 class NovaLimits(Resource):
879 def __init__(self, api):
880 self.api = api
882 def get(self, id):
883 """
884 Returns the resource limits of the emulated cloud.
885 https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/?expanded=show-rate-and-absolute-limits-detail#limits-limits
887 TODO: For now we only return fixed limits, not based on the real deployment.
889 :param id: tenant id, used for the 'href' link
890 :type id: ``str``
891 :return: Returns the resource limits.
892 :rtype: :class:`flask.response`
893 """
894 LOG.debug("API CALL: %s GET" % str(self.__class__.__name__))
895 try:
896 resp = {
897 "limits": {
898 "absolute": {
899 "maxImageMeta": 12800,
900 "maxPersonality": 500,
901 "maxPersonalitySize": 1024000,
902 "maxSecurityGroupRules": 2000,
903 "maxSecurityGroups": 1000,
904 "maxServerMeta": 12800,
905 "maxTotalCores": 2000,
906 "maxTotalFloatingIps": 1000,
907 "maxTotalInstances": 1000,
908 "maxTotalKeypairs": 1000,
909 "maxTotalRAMSize": 5120000,
910 "maxServerGroups": 1000,
911 "maxServerGroupMembers": 1000,
912 "totalCoresUsed": 0,
913 "totalInstancesUsed": 0,
914 "totalRAMUsed": 0,
915 "totalSecurityGroupsUsed": 0,
916 "totalFloatingIpsUsed": 0,
917 "totalServerGroupsUsed": 0
918 },
919 "rate": []
920 }
921 }
922 response = Response(json.dumps(resp), status=200, mimetype="application/json")
923 response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
924 return response
926 except Exception as ex:
927 LOG.exception(u"%s: Could not retrieve the list of images." % __name__)
928 return ex.message, 500