Creating a Dockerfile for the son-emu CI
[osm/vim-emu.git] /
1 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
3 setup(name='emuvim',
4 version='0.0.1',
5 license='TODO',
6 description='emuvim is a VIM for the SONATA platform',
7 url='',
8 author_email='',
9 package_dir={'': 'src'},
10 # packages=find_packages('emuvim', exclude=['*.test', '*.test.*', 'test.*', 'test']),
11 packages=find_packages('src'),
12 install_requires=[
13 'pyaml',
14 'six',
15 'zerorpc',
16 'tabulate',
17 'argparse',
18 'networkx',
19 'six>=1.9',
20 'ryu',
21 'oslo.config',
22 'pytest'
23 ],
24 zip_safe=False,
25 entry_points={
26 'console_scripts': [
27 'son-emu-cli=emuvim.cli.son_emu_cli:main',
28 ],
29 },
30 setup_requires=['pytest-runner'],
31 tests_require=['pytest'],
32 )