[osm/common.git] / osm_common / dbbase.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Copyright 2018 Telefonica S.A.
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 # implied.
15 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 # limitations under the License.
18 import yaml
19 import logging
20 from http import HTTPStatus
21 from copy import deepcopy
22 from Crypto.Cipher import AES
23 from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
25 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com>"
28 class DbException(Exception):
30 def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND):
31 self.http_code = http_code
32 Exception.__init__(self, "database exception " + str(message))
35 class DbBase(object):
37 def __init__(self, logger_name='db', master_password=None):
38 """
39 Constructor od dbBase
40 :param logger_name: logging name
41 :param master_password: master password used for encrypt decrypt methods
42 """
43 self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
44 self.master_password = master_password
45 self.secret_key = None
47 def db_connect(self, config, target_version=None):
48 """
49 Connect to database
50 :param config: Configuration of database
51 :param target_version: if provided it checks if database contains required version, raising exception otherwise.
52 :return: None or raises DbException on error
53 """
54 raise DbException("Method 'db_connect' not implemented")
56 def db_disconnect(self):
57 """
58 Disconnect from database
59 :return: None
60 """
61 pass
63 def get_list(self, table, q_filter=None):
64 """
65 Obtain a list of entries matching q_filter
66 :param table: collection or table
67 :param q_filter: Filter
68 :return: a list (can be empty) with the found entries. Raises DbException on error
69 """
70 raise DbException("Method 'get_list' not implemented")
72 def get_one(self, table, q_filter=None, fail_on_empty=True, fail_on_more=True):
73 """
74 Obtain one entry matching q_filter
75 :param table: collection or table
76 :param q_filter: Filter
77 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
78 it raises a DbException
79 :param fail_on_more: If more than one matches filter it returns one of then unless this flag is set tu True, so
80 that it raises a DbException
81 :return: The requested element, or None
82 """
83 raise DbException("Method 'get_one' not implemented")
85 def del_list(self, table, q_filter=None):
86 """
87 Deletes all entries that match q_filter
88 :param table: collection or table
89 :param q_filter: Filter
90 :return: Dict with the number of entries deleted
91 """
92 raise DbException("Method 'del_list' not implemented")
94 def del_one(self, table, q_filter=None, fail_on_empty=True):
95 """
96 Deletes one entry that matches q_filter
97 :param table: collection or table
98 :param q_filter: Filter
99 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns '0' deleted unless this flag is set tu True, in
100 which case it raises a DbException
101 :return: Dict with the number of entries deleted
102 """
103 raise DbException("Method 'del_one' not implemented")
105 def create(self, table, indata):
106 """
107 Add a new entry at database
108 :param table: collection or table
109 :param indata: content to be added
110 :return: database id of the inserted element. Raises a DbException on error
111 """
112 raise DbException("Method 'create' not implemented")
114 def set_one(self, table, q_filter, update_dict, fail_on_empty=True):
115 """
116 Modifies an entry at database
117 :param table: collection or table
118 :param q_filter: Filter
119 :param update_dict: Plain dictionary with the content to be updated. It is a dot separated keys and a value
120 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
121 it raises a DbException
122 :return: Dict with the number of entries modified. None if no matching is found.
123 """
124 raise DbException("Method 'set_one' not implemented")
126 def set_list(self, table, q_filter, update_dict):
127 """
128 Modifies al matching entries at database
129 :param table: collection or table
130 :param q_filter: Filter
131 :param update_dict: Plain dictionary with the content to be updated. It is a dot separated keys and a value
132 :return: Dict with the number of entries modified
133 """
134 raise DbException("Method 'set_list' not implemented")
136 def replace(self, table, _id, indata, fail_on_empty=True):
137 """
138 Replace the content of an entry
139 :param table: collection or table
140 :param _id: internal database id
141 :param indata: content to replace
142 :param fail_on_empty: If nothing matches filter it returns None unless this flag is set tu True, in which case
143 it raises a DbException
144 :return: Dict with the number of entries replaced
145 """
146 raise DbException("Method 'replace' not implemented")
148 @staticmethod
149 def _join_passwords(passwd_byte, passwd_str):
150 """
151 Modifies passwd_byte with the xor of passwd_str. Used for adding salt, join passwords, etc
152 :param passwd_byte: original password in bytes, 32 byte length
153 :param passwd_str: string salt to be added
154 :return: modified password in bytes
155 """
156 if not passwd_str:
157 return passwd_byte
158 secret_key = bytearray(passwd_byte)
159 for i, b in enumerate(passwd_str.encode()):
160 secret_key[i % 32] ^= b
161 return bytes(secret_key)
163 def set_secret_key(self, secret_key):
164 """
165 Set internal secret key used for encryption
166 :param secret_key: byte array length 32 with the secret_key
167 :return: None
168 """
169 assert (len(secret_key) == 32)
170 self.secret_key = self._join_passwords(secret_key, self.master_password)
172 def encrypt(self, value, schema_version=None, salt=None):
173 """
174 Encrypt a value
175 :param value: value to be encrypted. It is string/unicode
176 :param schema_version: used for version control. If None or '1.0' no encryption is done.
177 If '1.1' symmetric AES encryption is done
178 :param salt: optional salt to be used. Must be str
179 :return: Encrypted content of value
180 """
181 if not schema_version or schema_version == '1.0':
182 return value
183 else:
184 if not self.secret_key:
185 raise DbException("Cannot encrypt. Missing secret_key", http_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
186 secret_key = self._join_passwords(self.secret_key, salt)
187 cipher = AES.new(secret_key)
188 padded_private_msg = value + ('\0' * ((16-len(value)) % 16))
189 encrypted_msg = cipher.encrypt(padded_private_msg)
190 encoded_encrypted_msg = b64encode(encrypted_msg)
191 return encoded_encrypted_msg.decode("ascii")
193 def decrypt(self, value, schema_version=None, salt=None):
194 """
195 Decrypt an encrypted value
196 :param value: value to be decrypted. It is a base64 string
197 :param schema_version: used for known encryption method used. If None or '1.0' no encryption has been done.
198 If '1.1' symmetric AES encryption has been done
199 :param salt: optional salt to be used
200 :return: Plain content of value
201 """
202 if not schema_version or schema_version == '1.0':
203 return value
204 else:
205 if not self.secret_key:
206 raise DbException("Cannot decrypt. Missing secret_key", http_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
207 secret_key = self._join_passwords(self.secret_key, salt)
208 encrypted_msg = b64decode(value)
209 cipher = AES.new(secret_key)
210 decrypted_msg = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_msg)
211 unpadded_private_msg = decrypted_msg.decode().rstrip('\0')
212 return unpadded_private_msg
215 def deep_update_rfc7396(dict_to_change, dict_reference, key_list=None):
216 """
217 Modifies one dictionary with the information of the other following https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396
218 Basically is a recursive python 'dict_to_change.update(dict_reference)', but a value of None is used to delete.
219 It implements an extra feature that allows modifying an array. RFC7396 only allows replacing the entire array.
220 For that, dict_reference should contains a dict with keys starting by "$" with the following meaning:
221 $[index] <index> is an integer for targeting a concrete index from dict_to_change array. If the value is None
222 the element of the array is deleted, otherwise it is edited.
223 $+[index] The value is inserted at this <index>. A value of None has not sense and an exception is raised.
224 $+ The value is appended at the end. A value of None has not sense and an exception is raised.
225 $val It looks for all the items in the array dict_to_change equal to <val>. <val> is evaluated as yaml,
226 that is, numbers are taken as type int, true/false as boolean, etc. Use quotes to force string.
227 Nothing happens if no match is found. If the value is None the matched elements are deleted.
228 $key: val In case a dictionary is passed in yaml format, if looks for all items in the array dict_to_change
229 that are dictionaries and contains this <key> equal to <val>. Several keys can be used by yaml
230 format '{key: val, key: val, ...}'; and all of them mast match. Nothing happens if no match is
231 found. If value is None the matched items are deleted, otherwise they are edited.
232 $+val If no match if found (see '$val'), the value is appended to the array. If any match is found nothing
233 is changed. A value of None has not sense.
234 $+key: val If no match if found (see '$key: val'), the value is appended to the array. If any match is found
235 nothing is changed. A value of None has not sense.
236 If there are several editions, insertions and deletions; editions and deletions are done first in reverse index
237 order; then insertions also in reverse index order; and finally appends in any order. So indexes used at
238 insertions must take into account the deleted items.
239 :param dict_to_change: Target dictionary to be changed.
240 :param dict_reference: Dictionary that contains changes to be applied.
241 :param key_list: This is used internally for recursive calls. Do not fill this parameter.
242 :return: none or raises and exception only at array modification when there is a bad format or conflict.
243 """
244 def _deep_update_array(array_to_change, _dict_reference, _key_list):
245 to_append = {}
246 to_insert_at_index = {}
247 values_to_edit_delete = {}
248 indexes_to_edit_delete = []
249 array_edition = None
250 _key_list.append("")
251 for k in _dict_reference:
252 _key_list[-1] = str(k)
253 if not isinstance(k, str) or not k.startswith("$"):
254 if array_edition is True:
255 raise DbException("Found array edition (keys starting with '$') and pure dictionary edition in the"
256 " same dict at '{}'".format(":".join(_key_list[:-1])))
257 array_edition = False
258 continue
259 else:
260 if array_edition is False:
261 raise DbException("Found array edition (keys starting with '$') and pure dictionary edition in the"
262 " same dict at '{}'".format(":".join(_key_list[:-1])))
263 array_edition = True
264 insert = False
265 indexes = [] # indexes to edit or insert
266 kitem = k[1:]
267 if kitem.startswith('+'):
268 insert = True
269 kitem = kitem[1:]
270 if _dict_reference[k] is None:
271 raise DbException("A value of None has not sense for insertions at '{}'".format(
272 ":".join(_key_list)))
274 if kitem.startswith('[') and kitem.endswith(']'):
275 try:
276 index = int(kitem[1:-1])
277 if index < 0:
278 index += len(array_to_change)
279 if index < 0:
280 index = 0 # skip outside index edition
281 indexes.append(index)
282 except Exception:
283 raise DbException("Wrong format at '{}'. Expecting integer index inside quotes".format(
284 ":".join(_key_list)))
285 elif kitem:
286 # match_found_skip = False
287 try:
288 filter_in = yaml.safe_load(kitem)
289 except Exception:
290 raise DbException("Wrong format at '{}'. Expecting '$<yaml-format>'".format(":".join(_key_list)))
291 if isinstance(filter_in, dict):
292 for index, item in enumerate(array_to_change):
293 for filter_k, filter_v in filter_in.items():
294 if not isinstance(item, dict) or filter_k not in item or item[filter_k] != filter_v:
295 break
296 else: # match found
297 if insert:
298 # match_found_skip = True
299 insert = False
300 break
301 else:
302 indexes.append(index)
303 else:
304 index = 0
305 try:
306 while True: # if not match a ValueError exception will be raise
307 index = array_to_change.index(filter_in, index)
308 if insert:
309 # match_found_skip = True
310 insert = False
311 break
312 indexes.append(index)
313 index += 1
314 except ValueError:
315 pass
317 # if match_found_skip:
318 # continue
319 elif not insert:
320 raise DbException("Wrong format at '{}'. Expecting '$+', '$[<index]' or '$[<filter>]'".format(
321 ":".join(_key_list)))
322 for index in indexes:
323 if insert:
324 if index in to_insert_at_index and to_insert_at_index[index] != _dict_reference[k]:
325 # Several different insertions on the same item of the array
326 raise DbException("Conflict at '{}'. Several insertions on same array index {}".format(
327 ":".join(_key_list), index))
328 to_insert_at_index[index] = _dict_reference[k]
329 else:
330 if index in indexes_to_edit_delete and values_to_edit_delete[index] != _dict_reference[k]:
331 # Several different editions on the same item of the array
332 raise DbException("Conflict at '{}'. Several editions on array index {}".format(
333 ":".join(_key_list), index))
334 indexes_to_edit_delete.append(index)
335 values_to_edit_delete[index] = _dict_reference[k]
336 if not indexes:
337 if insert:
338 to_append[k] = _dict_reference[k]
339 # elif _dict_reference[k] is not None:
340 # raise DbException("Not found any match to edit in the array, or wrong format at '{}'".format(
341 # ":".join(_key_list)))
343 # edition/deletion is done before insertion
344 indexes_to_edit_delete.sort(reverse=True)
345 for index in indexes_to_edit_delete:
346 _key_list[-1] = str(index)
347 try:
348 if values_to_edit_delete[index] is None: # None->Anything
349 try:
350 del (array_to_change[index])
351 except IndexError:
352 pass # it is not consider an error if this index does not exist
353 elif not isinstance(values_to_edit_delete[index], dict): # NotDict->Anything
354 array_to_change[index] = deepcopy(values_to_edit_delete[index])
355 elif isinstance(array_to_change[index], dict): # Dict->Dict
356 deep_update_rfc7396(array_to_change[index], values_to_edit_delete[index], _key_list)
357 else: # Dict->NotDict
358 if isinstance(array_to_change[index], list): # Dict->List. Check extra array edition
359 if _deep_update_array(array_to_change[index], values_to_edit_delete[index], _key_list):
360 continue
361 array_to_change[index] = deepcopy(values_to_edit_delete[index])
362 # calling deep_update_rfc7396 to delete the None values
363 deep_update_rfc7396(array_to_change[index], values_to_edit_delete[index], _key_list)
364 except IndexError:
365 raise DbException("Array edition index out of range at '{}'".format(":".join(_key_list)))
367 # insertion with indexes
368 to_insert_indexes = list(to_insert_at_index.keys())
369 to_insert_indexes.sort(reverse=True)
370 for index in to_insert_indexes:
371 array_to_change.insert(index, to_insert_at_index[index])
373 # append
374 for k, insert_value in to_append.items():
375 _key_list[-1] = str(k)
376 insert_value_copy = deepcopy(insert_value)
377 if isinstance(insert_value_copy, dict):
378 # calling deep_update_rfc7396 to delete the None values
379 deep_update_rfc7396(insert_value_copy, insert_value, _key_list)
380 array_to_change.append(insert_value_copy)
382 _key_list.pop()
383 if array_edition:
384 return True
385 return False
387 if key_list is None:
388 key_list = []
389 key_list.append("")
390 for k in dict_reference:
391 key_list[-1] = str(k)
392 if dict_reference[k] is None: # None->Anything
393 if k in dict_to_change:
394 del dict_to_change[k]
395 elif not isinstance(dict_reference[k], dict): # NotDict->Anything
396 dict_to_change[k] = deepcopy(dict_reference[k])
397 elif k not in dict_to_change: # Dict->Empty
398 dict_to_change[k] = deepcopy(dict_reference[k])
399 # calling deep_update_rfc7396 to delete the None values
400 deep_update_rfc7396(dict_to_change[k], dict_reference[k], key_list)
401 elif isinstance(dict_to_change[k], dict): # Dict->Dict
402 deep_update_rfc7396(dict_to_change[k], dict_reference[k], key_list)
403 else: # Dict->NotDict
404 if isinstance(dict_to_change[k], list): # Dict->List. Check extra array edition
405 if _deep_update_array(dict_to_change[k], dict_reference[k], key_list):
406 continue
407 dict_to_change[k] = deepcopy(dict_reference[k])
408 # calling deep_update_rfc7396 to delete the None values
409 deep_update_rfc7396(dict_to_change[k], dict_reference[k], key_list)
410 key_list.pop()
413 def deep_update(dict_to_change, dict_reference):
414 """ Maintained for backward compatibility. Use deep_update_rfc7396 instead"""
415 return deep_update_rfc7396(dict_to_change, dict_reference)