[osm/SO.git] / common / python / rift / mano / tosca_translator / rwmano / translate_node_templates.py
1 #
2 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
3 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
4 # a copy of the License at
5 #
6 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 #
8 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
10 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
11 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
12 # under the License.
14 # Copyright 2016 RIFT.io Inc
17 import importlib
18 import os
20 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.common.utils import _
21 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.common.exception import ToscaClassAttributeError
22 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.common.exception import ToscaClassImportError
23 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.common.exception import ToscaModImportError
24 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.conf.config import ConfigProvider as translatorConfig
25 from rift.mano.tosca_translator.rwmano.syntax.mano_resource import ManoResource
28 class TranslateNodeTemplates(object):
29 '''Translate TOSCA NodeTemplates to RIFT.io MANO Resources.'''
31 ##################
32 # Module constants
33 ##################
35 TOSCA_TO_MANO_REQUIRES = {'container': 'server',
36 'host': 'server',
37 'dependency': 'depends_on',
38 'connects': 'depends_on'}
40 TOSCA_TO_MANO_PROPERTIES = {'properties': 'input'}
44 ###########################
45 # Module utility Functions
46 # for dynamic class loading
47 ###########################
49 def _load_classes(log, locations, classes):
50 '''Dynamically load all the classes from the given locations.'''
52 for cls_path in locations:
53 # Use the absolute path of the class path
54 abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
55 abs_path = abs_path.replace('rift/mano/tosca_translator/rwmano', cls_path)
56 log.debug(_("Loading classes from %s") % abs_path)
58 # Grab all the tosca type module files in the given path
59 mod_files = [f for f in os.listdir(abs_path) if (
60 f.endswith('.py') and
61 not f.startswith('__init__') and
62 f.startswith('tosca_'))]
64 # For each module, pick out the target translation class
65 for f in mod_files:
66 # NOTE: For some reason the existing code does not use
67 # the map to instantiate
68 # ToscaBlockStorageAttachment. Don't add it to the map
69 # here until the dependent code is fixed to use the
70 # map.
71 if f == 'tosca_block_storage_attachment.py':
72 continue
74 # mod_name = cls_path + '/' + f.rstrip('.py')
75 # Above have an issue if the mod name ends with p or y
76 f_name, ext = f.rsplit('.', 1)
77 mod_name = cls_path + '/' + f_name
78 mod_name = mod_name.replace('/', '.')
79 try:
80 mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
81 target_name = getattr(mod, 'TARGET_CLASS_NAME')
82 clazz = getattr(mod, target_name)
83 classes.append(clazz)
84 except ImportError:
85 raise ToscaModImportError(mod_name=mod_name)
86 except AttributeError:
87 if target_name:
88 raise ToscaClassImportError(name=target_name,
89 mod_name=mod_name)
90 else:
91 # TARGET_CLASS_NAME is not defined in module.
92 # Re-raise the exception
93 raise
95 def _generate_type_map(log):
96 '''Generate TOSCA translation types map.
98 Load user defined classes from location path specified in conf file.
99 Base classes are located within the tosca directory.
100 '''
102 # Base types directory
103 BASE_PATH = 'rift/mano/tosca_translator/rwmano/tosca'
105 # Custom types directory defined in conf file
106 custom_path = translatorConfig.get_value('DEFAULT',
107 'custom_types_location')
109 # First need to load the parent module, for example 'contrib.mano',
110 # for all of the dynamically loaded classes.
111 classes = []
112 TranslateNodeTemplates._load_classes(log,
113 (BASE_PATH, custom_path),
114 classes)
115 try:
116 types_map = {clazz.toscatype: clazz for clazz in classes}
117 log.debug(_("Type maps loaded: {}").format(types_map.keys()))
118 except AttributeError as e:
119 raise ToscaClassAttributeError(message=e.message)
121 return types_map
123 def __init__(self, log, tosca, mano_template):
124 self.log = log
125 self.tosca = tosca
126 self.nodetemplates = self.tosca.nodetemplates
127 self.mano_template = mano_template
128 # list of all MANO resources generated
129 self.mano_resources = []
130 self.mano_policies = []
131 self.mano_groups = []
132 # mapping between TOSCA nodetemplate and MANO resource
133 log.debug(_('Mapping between TOSCA nodetemplate and MANO resource.'))
134 self.mano_lookup = {}
135 self.policies = self.tosca.topology_template.policies
136 self.groups = self.tosca.topology_template.groups
137 self.metadata = {}
139 def translate(self):
140 if TranslateNodeTemplates.TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE is None:
141 TranslateNodeTemplates.TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE = \
142 TranslateNodeTemplates._generate_type_map(self.log)
143 # Translate metadata
144 self.translate_metadata()
145 return self._translate_nodetemplates()
147 def translate_metadata(self):
148 """Translate and store the metadata in instance"""
149 FIELDS_MAP = {
150 'ID': 'name',
151 'vendor': 'vendor',
152 'version': 'version',
153 }
154 metadata = {}
155 # Initialize to default values
156 metadata['name'] = 'tosca_to_mano'
157 metadata['vendor'] = 'RIFT.io'
158 metadata['version'] = '1.0'
159 if 'metadata' in self.tosca.tpl:
160 tosca_meta = self.tosca.tpl['metadata']
161 for key in FIELDS_MAP:
162 if key in tosca_meta.keys():
163 metadata[FIELDS_MAP[key]] = str(tosca_meta[key])
164 if 'logo' in tosca_meta:
165 metadata['logo'] = os.path.basename(tosca_meta['logo'])
166 self.log.debug(_("Metadata {0}").format(metadata))
167 self.metadata = metadata
169 def _recursive_handle_properties(self, resource):
170 '''Recursively handle the properties of the depends_on_nodes nodes.'''
171 # Use of hashtable (dict) here should be faster?
172 if resource in self.processed_resources:
173 return
174 self.processed_resources.append(resource)
175 for depend_on in resource.depends_on_nodes:
176 self._recursive_handle_properties(depend_on)
178 if resource.type == "OS::Nova::ServerGroup":
179 resource.handle_properties(self.mano_resources)
180 else:
181 resource.handle_properties()
183 def _get_policy_type(self, policy):
184 if isinstance(policy, dict):
185 for key, details in policy.items():
186 if 'type' in details:
187 return details['type']
189 def _translate_nodetemplates(self):
191 self.log.debug(_('Translating the node templates.'))
192 # Copy the TOSCA graph: nodetemplate
193 all_node_templates = []
194 node_to_artifact_map = {}
195 vnf_type_to_vnf_node = {}
196 vnf_type_to_vdus_map = {}
197 vnf_type_substitution_mapping = {}
198 vnf_type_to_capability_substitution_mapping = {}
199 tpl = self.tosca.tpl['topology_template']['node_templates']
201 for node in self.nodetemplates:
202 all_node_templates.append(node)
203 if node.parent_type.type == 'tosca.nodes.nfv.riftio.VNF1':
204 vnf_type_to_vnf_node[node.type] = node.name
205 for node_key in tpl:
206 if 'artifacts' in tpl[node_key]:
207 node_to_artifact_map[node_key] = tpl[node_key]['artifacts']
208 for template in self.tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
209 tpl_node = template.tpl['node_templates']
210 vnf_type = template.substitution_mappings.node_type
212 vnf_type_to_vdus_map[vnf_type] = []
213 vnf_type_substitution_mapping[vnf_type] = []
214 vnf_type_to_capability_substitution_mapping[vnf_type] = []
215 vnf_type_to_capability_substitution_mapping[vnf_type] = []
216 policies = []
217 for node in template.nodetemplates:
218 all_node_templates.append(node)
219 for node_key in tpl_node:
220 if 'artifacts' in tpl_node[node_key]:
221 node_to_artifact_map[node_key] = tpl_node[node_key]['artifacts']
222 for node in template.nodetemplates:
223 if 'VDU' in node.type:
224 vnf_type_to_vdus_map[vnf_type].append(node.name)
225 for policy in template.policies:
226 policies.append(policy.name)
227 for req in template.substitution_mappings.requirements:
228 vnf_type_substitution_mapping[template.substitution_mappings.node_type].append(req)
229 for capability in template.substitution_mappings.capabilities:
230 sub_list = template.substitution_mappings.capabilities[capability]
231 if len(sub_list) > 0:
232 vnf_type_to_capability_substitution_mapping[vnf_type].append({capability: sub_list[0]})
234 for node in all_node_templates:
235 base_type = ManoResource.get_base_type(node.type_definition)
236 self.log.debug(_("Translate node %(name)s of type %(type)s with "
237 "base %(base)s") %
238 {'name': node.name,
239 'type': node.type,
240 'base': base_type.type})
241 mano_node = TranslateNodeTemplates. \
242 TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE[base_type.type](
243 self.log,
244 node,
245 metadata=self.metadata)
246 # Currently tosca-parser does not add the artifacts
247 # to the node
248 if mano_node.name in node_to_artifact_map:
249 mano_node.artifacts = node_to_artifact_map[mano_node.name]
250 self.mano_resources.append(mano_node)
251 self.mano_lookup[node] = mano_node
253 # The parser currently do not generate the objects for groups
254 for group in self.tosca.topology_template.groups:
255 group_type = group.type
256 if group_type:
257 group_node = TranslateNodeTemplates. \
258 TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE[group_type](
259 self.log,
260 group,
261 metadata=self.metadata)
262 self.mano_groups.append(group_node)
264 # The parser currently do not generate the objects for policies
266 for policy in self.tosca.topology_template.policies:
267 policy_type = policy.type
268 if policy_type:
269 policy_node = TranslateNodeTemplates. \
270 TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE[policy_type](
271 self.log,
272 policy,
273 metadata=self.metadata)
274 self.mano_policies.append(policy_node)
275 for template in self.tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
276 vnf_type = template.substitution_mappings.node_type
277 if vnf_type in vnf_type_to_vnf_node:
278 vnf_node = vnf_type_to_vnf_node[vnf_type]
280 for policy in template.policies:
281 policy_type = policy.type
282 if policy_type:
283 policy_node = TranslateNodeTemplates. \
284 TOSCA_TO_MANO_TYPE[policy_type](
285 self.log,
286 policy,
287 metadata=self.metadata,
288 vnf_name=vnf_node)
289 self.mano_policies.append(policy_node)
291 for node in self.mano_resources:
292 self.log.debug(_("Handle properties for {0} of type {1}").
293 format(node.name, node.type_))
294 node.handle_properties()
296 self.log.debug(_("Handle capabilites for {0} of type {1}").
297 format(node.name, node.type_))
298 node.handle_capabilities()
300 self.log.debug(_("Handle aritfacts for {0} of type {1}").
301 format(node.name, node.type_))
302 node.handle_artifacts()
304 self.log.debug(_("Handle interfaces for {0} of type {1}").
305 format(node.name, node.type_))
306 node.handle_interfaces()
308 self.log.debug(_("Update image checksum for {0} of type {1}").
309 format(node.name, node.type_))
310 node.update_image_checksum(self.tosca.path)
312 for node in self.mano_resources:
313 # Handle vnf and vdu dependencies first
314 if node.type == "vnfd":
315 try:
316 self.log.debug(_("Handle requirements for {0} of "
317 "type {1}").
318 format(node.name, node.type_))
319 node.handle_requirements(self.mano_resources, self.mano_policies, vnf_type_to_vdus_map)
321 except Exception as e:
322 self.log.error(_("Exception for {0} in requirements {1}").
323 format(node.name, node.type_))
324 self.log.exception(e)
326 for node in self.mano_resources:
327 # Now handle other dependencies
328 if node.type != "vnfd":
329 try:
330 self.log.debug(_("Handle requirements for {0} of type {1}").
331 format(node.name, node.type_))
332 node.handle_requirements(self.mano_resources)
333 except Exception as e:
334 self.log.error(_("Exception for {0} in requirements {1}").
335 format(node.name, node.type_))
336 self.log.exception(e)
338 for node in self.mano_resources:
339 if node.type == "vld":
340 node.handle_vld_properties(self.mano_resources, vnf_type_substitution_mapping)
341 elif node.type == 'forwarding_path':
342 node.handle_forwarding_path_dependencies(self.mano_resources, vnf_type_to_capability_substitution_mapping)
344 return self.mano_resources
346 def translate_groups(self):
347 for group in self.mano_groups:
348 group.handle_properties(self.mano_resources, self.mano_groups)
349 return self.mano_groups
351 def translate_policies(self):
352 for policy in self.mano_policies:
353 policy.handle_properties(self.mano_resources, self.mano_groups)
354 return self.mano_policies
356 def find_mano_resource(self, name):
357 for resource in self.mano_resources:
358 if resource.name == name:
359 return resource
361 def _find_tosca_node(self, tosca_name):
362 for node in self.nodetemplates:
363 if node.name == tosca_name:
364 return node
366 def _find_mano_resource_for_tosca(self, tosca_name,
367 current_mano_resource=None):
368 if tosca_name == 'SELF':
369 return current_mano_resource
370 if tosca_name == 'HOST' and current_mano_resource is not None:
371 for req in current_mano_resource.nodetemplate.requirements:
372 if 'host' in req:
373 return self._find_mano_resource_for_tosca(req['host'])
375 for node in self.nodetemplates:
376 if node.name == tosca_name:
377 return self.mano_lookup[node]
379 return None