[osm/RO.git] / NG-RO / osm_ng_ro /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ##
4 # Copyright 2020 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 #
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 # implied.
15 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 # limitations under the License.
17 ##
19 from http import HTTPStatus
20 from itertools import product
21 import logging
22 from random import choice as random_choice
23 from threading import Lock
24 from time import time
25 from traceback import format_exc as traceback_format_exc
26 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type
27 from uuid import uuid4
29 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend as crypto_default_backend
30 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization as crypto_serialization
31 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
32 from jinja2 import (
33 Environment,
34 select_autoescape,
35 StrictUndefined,
36 TemplateError,
37 TemplateNotFound,
38 UndefinedError,
39 )
40 from osm_common import (
41 dbmemory,
42 dbmongo,
43 fslocal,
44 fsmongo,
45 msgkafka,
46 msglocal,
47 version as common_version,
48 )
49 from osm_common.dbbase import DbBase, DbException
50 from osm_common.fsbase import FsBase, FsException
51 from osm_common.msgbase import MsgException
52 from osm_ng_ro.ns_thread import deep_get, NsWorker, NsWorkerException
53 from osm_ng_ro.validation import deploy_schema, validate_input
54 import yaml
56 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
57 min_common_version = "0.1.16"
60 class NsException(Exception):
61 def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST):
62 self.http_code = http_code
63 super(Exception, self).__init__(message)
66 def get_process_id():
67 """
68 Obtain a unique ID for this process. If running from inside docker, it will get docker ID. If not it
69 will provide a random one
70 :return: Obtained ID
71 """
72 # Try getting docker id. If fails, get pid
73 try:
74 with open("/proc/self/cgroup", "r") as f:
75 text_id_ = f.readline()
76 _, _, text_id = text_id_.rpartition("/")
77 text_id = text_id.replace("\n", "")[:12]
79 if text_id:
80 return text_id
81 except Exception as error:
82 logging.exception(f"{error} occured while getting process id")
84 # Return a random id
85 return "".join(random_choice("0123456789abcdef") for _ in range(12))
88 def versiontuple(v):
89 """utility for compare dot separate versions. Fills with zeros to proper number comparison"""
90 filled = []
92 for point in v.split("."):
93 filled.append(point.zfill(8))
95 return tuple(filled)
98 class Ns(object):
99 def __init__(self):
100 self.db = None
101 self.fs = None
102 self.msg = None
103 self.config = None
104 # self.operations = None
105 self.logger = None
106 # ^ Getting logger inside method self.start because parent logger (ro) is not available yet.
107 # If done now it will not be linked to parent not getting its handler and level
108 self.map_topic = {}
109 self.write_lock = None
110 self.vims_assigned = {}
111 self.next_worker = 0
112 self.plugins = {}
113 self.workers = []
114 self.process_params_function_map = {
115 "net": Ns._process_net_params,
116 "image": Ns._process_image_params,
117 "flavor": Ns._process_flavor_params,
118 "vdu": Ns._process_vdu_params,
119 "affinity-or-anti-affinity-group": Ns._process_affinity_group_params,
120 "shared-volumes": Ns._process_shared_volumes_params,
121 }
122 self.db_path_map = {
123 "net": "vld",
124 "image": "image",
125 "flavor": "flavor",
126 "vdu": "vdur",
127 "affinity-or-anti-affinity-group": "affinity-or-anti-affinity-group",
128 "shared-volumes": "shared-volumes",
129 }
131 def init_db(self, target_version):
132 pass
134 def start(self, config):
135 """
136 Connect to database, filesystem storage, and messaging
137 :param config: two level dictionary with configuration. Top level should contain 'database', 'storage',
138 :param config: Configuration of db, storage, etc
139 :return: None
140 """
141 self.config = config
142 self.config["process_id"] = get_process_id() # used for HA identity
143 self.logger = logging.getLogger("ro.ns")
145 # check right version of common
146 if versiontuple(common_version) < versiontuple(min_common_version):
147 raise NsException(
148 "Not compatible osm/common version '{}'. Needed '{}' or higher".format(
149 common_version, min_common_version
150 )
151 )
153 try:
154 if not self.db:
155 if config["database"]["driver"] == "mongo":
156 self.db = dbmongo.DbMongo()
157 self.db.db_connect(config["database"])
158 elif config["database"]["driver"] == "memory":
159 self.db = dbmemory.DbMemory()
160 self.db.db_connect(config["database"])
161 else:
162 raise NsException(
163 "Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[database]':'driver'".format(
164 config["database"]["driver"]
165 )
166 )
168 if not self.fs:
169 if config["storage"]["driver"] == "local":
170 self.fs = fslocal.FsLocal()
171 self.fs.fs_connect(config["storage"])
172 elif config["storage"]["driver"] == "mongo":
173 self.fs = fsmongo.FsMongo()
174 self.fs.fs_connect(config["storage"])
175 elif config["storage"]["driver"] is None:
176 pass
177 else:
178 raise NsException(
179 "Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[storage]':'driver'".format(
180 config["storage"]["driver"]
181 )
182 )
184 if not self.msg:
185 if config["message"]["driver"] == "local":
186 self.msg = msglocal.MsgLocal()
187 self.msg.connect(config["message"])
188 elif config["message"]["driver"] == "kafka":
189 self.msg = msgkafka.MsgKafka()
190 self.msg.connect(config["message"])
191 else:
192 raise NsException(
193 "Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[message]':'driver'".format(
194 config["message"]["driver"]
195 )
196 )
198 # TODO load workers to deal with exising database tasks
200 self.write_lock = Lock()
201 except (DbException, FsException, MsgException) as e:
202 raise NsException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
204 def get_assigned_vims(self):
205 return list(self.vims_assigned.keys())
207 def stop(self):
208 try:
209 if self.db:
210 self.db.db_disconnect()
212 if self.fs:
213 self.fs.fs_disconnect()
215 if self.msg:
216 self.msg.disconnect()
218 self.write_lock = None
219 except (DbException, FsException, MsgException) as e:
220 raise NsException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
222 for worker in self.workers:
223 worker.insert_task(("terminate",))
225 def _create_worker(self):
226 """
227 Look for a worker thread in idle status. If not found it creates one unless the number of threads reach the
228 limit of 'server.ns_threads' configuration. If reached, it just assigns one existing thread
229 return the index of the assigned worker thread. Worker threads are storead at self.workers
230 """
231 # Look for a thread in idle status
232 worker_id = next(
233 (
234 i
235 for i in range(len(self.workers))
236 if self.workers[i] and self.workers[i].idle
237 ),
238 None,
239 )
241 if worker_id is not None:
242 # unset idle status to avoid race conditions
243 self.workers[worker_id].idle = False
244 else:
245 worker_id = len(self.workers)
247 if worker_id < self.config["global"]["server.ns_threads"]:
248 # create a new worker
249 self.workers.append(
250 NsWorker(worker_id, self.config, self.plugins, self.db)
251 )
252 self.workers[worker_id].start()
253 else:
254 # reached maximum number of threads, assign VIM to an existing one
255 worker_id = self.next_worker
256 self.next_worker = (self.next_worker + 1) % self.config["global"][
257 "server.ns_threads"
258 ]
260 return worker_id
262 def assign_vim(self, target_id):
263 with self.write_lock:
264 return self._assign_vim(target_id)
266 def _assign_vim(self, target_id):
267 if target_id not in self.vims_assigned:
268 worker_id = self.vims_assigned[target_id] = self._create_worker()
269 self.workers[worker_id].insert_task(("load_vim", target_id))
271 def reload_vim(self, target_id):
272 # send reload_vim to the thread working with this VIM and inform all that a VIM has been changed,
273 # this is because database VIM information is cached for threads working with SDN
274 with self.write_lock:
275 for worker in self.workers:
276 if worker and not worker.idle:
277 worker.insert_task(("reload_vim", target_id))
279 def unload_vim(self, target_id):
280 with self.write_lock:
281 return self._unload_vim(target_id)
283 def _unload_vim(self, target_id):
284 if target_id in self.vims_assigned:
285 worker_id = self.vims_assigned[target_id]
286 self.workers[worker_id].insert_task(("unload_vim", target_id))
287 del self.vims_assigned[target_id]
289 def check_vim(self, target_id):
290 with self.write_lock:
291 if target_id in self.vims_assigned:
292 worker_id = self.vims_assigned[target_id]
293 else:
294 worker_id = self._create_worker()
296 worker = self.workers[worker_id]
297 worker.insert_task(("check_vim", target_id))
299 def unload_unused_vims(self):
300 with self.write_lock:
301 vims_to_unload = []
303 for target_id in self.vims_assigned:
304 if not self.db.get_one(
305 "ro_tasks",
306 q_filter={
307 "target_id": target_id,
308 "tasks.status": ["SCHEDULED", "BUILD", "DONE", "FAILED"],
309 },
310 fail_on_empty=False,
311 ):
312 vims_to_unload.append(target_id)
314 for target_id in vims_to_unload:
315 self._unload_vim(target_id)
317 @staticmethod
318 def _get_cloud_init(
319 db: Type[DbBase],
320 fs: Type[FsBase],
321 location: str,
322 ) -> str:
323 """This method reads cloud init from a file.
325 Note: Not used as cloud init content is provided in the http body.
327 Args:
328 db (Type[DbBase]): [description]
329 fs (Type[FsBase]): [description]
330 location (str): can be 'vnfr_id:file:file_name' or 'vnfr_id:vdu:vdu_idex'
332 Raises:
333 NsException: [description]
334 NsException: [description]
336 Returns:
337 str: [description]
338 """
339 vnfd_id, _, other = location.partition(":")
340 _type, _, name = other.partition(":")
341 vnfd = db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
343 if _type == "file":
344 base_folder = vnfd["_admin"]["storage"]
345 cloud_init_file = "{}/{}/cloud_init/{}".format(
346 base_folder["folder"], base_folder["pkg-dir"], name
347 )
349 if not fs:
350 raise NsException(
351 "Cannot read file '{}'. Filesystem not loaded, change configuration at storage.driver".format(
352 cloud_init_file
353 )
354 )
356 with fs.file_open(cloud_init_file, "r") as ci_file:
357 cloud_init_content =
358 elif _type == "vdu":
359 cloud_init_content = vnfd["vdu"][int(name)]["cloud-init"]
360 else:
361 raise NsException("Mismatch descriptor for cloud init: {}".format(location))
363 return cloud_init_content
365 @staticmethod
366 def _parse_jinja2(
367 cloud_init_content: str,
368 params: Dict[str, Any],
369 context: str,
370 ) -> str:
371 """Function that processes the cloud init to replace Jinja2 encoded parameters.
373 Args:
374 cloud_init_content (str): [description]
375 params (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
376 context (str): [description]
378 Raises:
379 NsException: [description]
380 NsException: [description]
382 Returns:
383 str: [description]
384 """
385 try:
386 env = Environment(
387 undefined=StrictUndefined,
388 autoescape=select_autoescape(default_for_string=True, default=True),
389 )
390 template = env.from_string(cloud_init_content)
392 return template.render(params or {})
393 except UndefinedError as e:
394 raise NsException(
395 "Variable '{}' defined at vnfd='{}' must be provided in the instantiation parameters"
396 "inside the 'additionalParamsForVnf' block".format(e, context)
397 )
398 except (TemplateError, TemplateNotFound) as e:
399 raise NsException(
400 "Error parsing Jinja2 to cloud-init content at vnfd='{}': {}".format(
401 context, e
402 )
403 )
405 def _create_db_ro_nsrs(self, nsr_id, now):
406 try:
407 key = rsa.generate_private_key(
408 backend=crypto_default_backend(), public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048
409 )
410 private_key = key.private_bytes(
411 crypto_serialization.Encoding.PEM,
412 crypto_serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8,
413 crypto_serialization.NoEncryption(),
414 )
415 public_key = key.public_key().public_bytes(
416 crypto_serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH,
417 crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH,
418 )
419 private_key = private_key.decode("utf8")
420 # Change first line because Paramiko needs a explicit start with 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY'
421 i = private_key.find("\n")
422 private_key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" + private_key[i:]
423 public_key = public_key.decode("utf8")
424 except Exception as e:
425 raise NsException("Cannot create ssh-keys: {}".format(e))
427 schema_version = "1.1"
428 private_key_encrypted = self.db.encrypt(
429 private_key, schema_version=schema_version, salt=nsr_id
430 )
431 db_content = {
432 "_id": nsr_id,
433 "_admin": {
434 "created": now,
435 "modified": now,
436 "schema_version": schema_version,
437 },
438 "public_key": public_key,
439 "private_key": private_key_encrypted,
440 "actions": [],
441 }
442 self.db.create("ro_nsrs", db_content)
444 return db_content
446 @staticmethod
447 def _create_task(
448 deployment_info: Dict[str, Any],
449 target_id: str,
450 item: str,
451 action: str,
452 target_record: str,
453 target_record_id: str,
454 extra_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None,
455 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
456 """Function to create task dict from deployment information.
458 Args:
459 deployment_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
460 target_id (str): [description]
461 item (str): [description]
462 action (str): [description]
463 target_record (str): [description]
464 target_record_id (str): [description]
465 extra_dict (Dict[str, Any], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
467 Returns:
468 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
469 """
470 task = {
471 "target_id": target_id, # it will be removed before pushing at database
472 "action_id": deployment_info.get("action_id"),
473 "nsr_id": deployment_info.get("nsr_id"),
474 "task_id": f"{deployment_info.get('action_id')}:{deployment_info.get('task_index')}",
475 "status": "SCHEDULED",
476 "action": action,
477 "item": item,
478 "target_record": target_record,
479 "target_record_id": target_record_id,
480 }
482 if extra_dict:
483 task.update(extra_dict) # params, find_params, depends_on
485 deployment_info["task_index"] = deployment_info.get("task_index", 0) + 1
487 return task
489 @staticmethod
490 def _create_ro_task(
491 target_id: str,
492 task: Dict[str, Any],
493 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
494 """Function to create an RO task from task information.
496 Args:
497 target_id (str): [description]
498 task (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
500 Returns:
501 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
502 """
503 now = time()
505 _id = task.get("task_id")
506 db_ro_task = {
507 "_id": _id,
508 "locked_by": None,
509 "locked_at": 0.0,
510 "target_id": target_id,
511 "vim_info": {
512 "created": False,
513 "created_items": None,
514 "vim_id": None,
515 "vim_name": None,
516 "vim_status": None,
517 "vim_details": None,
518 "vim_message": None,
519 "refresh_at": None,
520 },
521 "modified_at": now,
522 "created_at": now,
523 "to_check_at": now,
524 "tasks": [task],
525 }
527 return db_ro_task
529 @staticmethod
530 def _process_image_params(
531 target_image: Dict[str, Any],
532 indata: Dict[str, Any],
533 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
534 target_record_id: str,
535 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
536 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
537 """Function to process VDU image parameters.
539 Args:
540 target_image (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
541 indata (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
542 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
543 target_record_id (str): [description]
545 Returns:
546 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
547 """
548 find_params = {}
550 if target_image.get("image"):
551 find_params["filter_dict"] = {"name": target_image.get("image")}
553 if target_image.get("vim_image_id"):
554 find_params["filter_dict"] = {"id": target_image.get("vim_image_id")}
556 if target_image.get("image_checksum"):
557 find_params["filter_dict"] = {
558 "checksum": target_image.get("image_checksum")
559 }
561 return {"find_params": find_params}
563 @staticmethod
564 def _get_resource_allocation_params(
565 quota_descriptor: Dict[str, Any],
566 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
567 """Read the quota_descriptor from vnfd and fetch the resource allocation properties from the
568 descriptor object.
570 Args:
571 quota_descriptor (Dict[str, Any]): cpu/mem/vif/disk-io quota descriptor
573 Returns:
574 Dict[str, Any]: quota params for limit, reserve, shares from the descriptor object
575 """
576 quota = {}
578 if quota_descriptor.get("limit"):
579 quota["limit"] = int(quota_descriptor["limit"])
581 if quota_descriptor.get("reserve"):
582 quota["reserve"] = int(quota_descriptor["reserve"])
584 if quota_descriptor.get("shares"):
585 quota["shares"] = int(quota_descriptor["shares"])
587 return quota
589 @staticmethod
590 def _process_guest_epa_quota_params(
591 guest_epa_quota: Dict[str, Any],
592 epa_vcpu_set: bool,
593 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
594 """Function to extract the guest epa quota parameters.
596 Args:
597 guest_epa_quota (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
598 epa_vcpu_set (bool): [description]
600 Returns:
601 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
602 """
603 result = {}
605 if guest_epa_quota.get("cpu-quota") and not epa_vcpu_set:
606 cpuquota = Ns._get_resource_allocation_params(
607 guest_epa_quota.get("cpu-quota")
608 )
610 if cpuquota:
611 result["cpu-quota"] = cpuquota
613 if guest_epa_quota.get("mem-quota"):
614 vduquota = Ns._get_resource_allocation_params(
615 guest_epa_quota.get("mem-quota")
616 )
618 if vduquota:
619 result["mem-quota"] = vduquota
621 if guest_epa_quota.get("disk-io-quota"):
622 diskioquota = Ns._get_resource_allocation_params(
623 guest_epa_quota.get("disk-io-quota")
624 )
626 if diskioquota:
627 result["disk-io-quota"] = diskioquota
629 if guest_epa_quota.get("vif-quota"):
630 vifquota = Ns._get_resource_allocation_params(
631 guest_epa_quota.get("vif-quota")
632 )
634 if vifquota:
635 result["vif-quota"] = vifquota
637 return result
639 @staticmethod
640 def _process_guest_epa_numa_params(
641 guest_epa_quota: Dict[str, Any],
642 ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool]:
643 """[summary]
645 Args:
646 guest_epa_quota (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
648 Returns:
649 Tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool]: [description]
650 """
651 numa = {}
652 numa_list = []
653 epa_vcpu_set = False
655 if guest_epa_quota.get("numa-node-policy"):
656 numa_node_policy = guest_epa_quota.get("numa-node-policy")
658 if numa_node_policy.get("node"):
659 for numa_node in numa_node_policy["node"]:
660 vcpu_list = []
661 if numa_node.get("id"):
662 numa["id"] = int(numa_node["id"])
664 if numa_node.get("vcpu"):
665 for vcpu in numa_node.get("vcpu"):
666 vcpu_id = int(vcpu.get("id"))
667 vcpu_list.append(vcpu_id)
668 numa["vcpu"] = vcpu_list
670 if numa_node.get("num-cores"):
671 numa["cores"] = numa_node["num-cores"]
672 epa_vcpu_set = True
674 paired_threads = numa_node.get("paired-threads", {})
675 if paired_threads.get("num-paired-threads"):
676 numa["paired_threads"] = int(
677 numa_node["paired-threads"]["num-paired-threads"]
678 )
679 epa_vcpu_set = True
681 if paired_threads.get("paired-thread-ids"):
682 numa["paired-threads-id"] = []
684 for pair in paired_threads["paired-thread-ids"]:
685 numa["paired-threads-id"].append(
686 (
687 str(pair["thread-a"]),
688 str(pair["thread-b"]),
689 )
690 )
692 if numa_node.get("num-threads"):
693 numa["threads"] = int(numa_node["num-threads"])
694 epa_vcpu_set = True
696 if numa_node.get("memory-mb"):
697 numa["memory"] = max(int(int(numa_node["memory-mb"]) / 1024), 1)
699 numa_list.append(numa)
700 numa = {}
702 return numa_list, epa_vcpu_set
704 @staticmethod
705 def _process_guest_epa_cpu_pinning_params(
706 guest_epa_quota: Dict[str, Any],
707 vcpu_count: int,
708 epa_vcpu_set: bool,
709 ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool]:
710 """[summary]
712 Args:
713 guest_epa_quota (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
714 vcpu_count (int): [description]
715 epa_vcpu_set (bool): [description]
717 Returns:
718 Tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool]: [description]
719 """
720 numa = {}
721 local_epa_vcpu_set = epa_vcpu_set
723 if (
724 guest_epa_quota.get("cpu-pinning-policy") == "DEDICATED"
725 and not epa_vcpu_set
726 ):
727 # Pinning policy "REQUIRE" uses threads as host should support SMT architecture
728 # Pinning policy "ISOLATE" uses cores as host should not support SMT architecture
729 # Pinning policy "PREFER" uses threads in case host supports SMT architecture
730 numa[
731 "cores"
732 if guest_epa_quota.get("cpu-thread-pinning-policy") == "ISOLATE"
733 else "threads"
734 ] = max(vcpu_count, 1)
735 local_epa_vcpu_set = True
737 return numa, local_epa_vcpu_set
739 @staticmethod
740 def _process_epa_params(
741 target_flavor: Dict[str, Any],
742 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
743 """[summary]
745 Args:
746 target_flavor (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
748 Returns:
749 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
750 """
751 extended = {}
752 numa = {}
753 numa_list = []
755 if target_flavor.get("guest-epa"):
756 guest_epa = target_flavor["guest-epa"]
758 numa_list, epa_vcpu_set = Ns._process_guest_epa_numa_params(
759 guest_epa_quota=guest_epa
760 )
762 if guest_epa.get("mempage-size"):
763 extended["mempage-size"] = guest_epa.get("mempage-size")
765 if guest_epa.get("cpu-pinning-policy"):
766 extended["cpu-pinning-policy"] = guest_epa.get("cpu-pinning-policy")
768 if guest_epa.get("cpu-thread-pinning-policy"):
769 extended["cpu-thread-pinning-policy"] = guest_epa.get(
770 "cpu-thread-pinning-policy"
771 )
773 if guest_epa.get("numa-node-policy"):
774 if guest_epa.get("numa-node-policy").get("mem-policy"):
775 extended["mem-policy"] = guest_epa.get("numa-node-policy").get(
776 "mem-policy"
777 )
779 tmp_numa, epa_vcpu_set = Ns._process_guest_epa_cpu_pinning_params(
780 guest_epa_quota=guest_epa,
781 vcpu_count=int(target_flavor.get("vcpu-count", 1)),
782 epa_vcpu_set=epa_vcpu_set,
783 )
784 for numa in numa_list:
785 numa.update(tmp_numa)
787 extended.update(
788 Ns._process_guest_epa_quota_params(
789 guest_epa_quota=guest_epa,
790 epa_vcpu_set=epa_vcpu_set,
791 )
792 )
794 if numa:
795 extended["numas"] = numa_list
797 return extended
799 @staticmethod
800 def _process_flavor_params(
801 target_flavor: Dict[str, Any],
802 indata: Dict[str, Any],
803 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
804 target_record_id: str,
805 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
806 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
807 """[summary]
809 Args:
810 target_flavor (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
811 indata (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
812 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
813 target_record_id (str): [description]
815 Returns:
816 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
817 """
818 db = kwargs.get("db")
819 target_vdur = {}
821 flavor_data = {
822 "disk": int(target_flavor["storage-gb"]),
823 "ram": int(target_flavor["memory-mb"]),
824 "vcpus": int(target_flavor["vcpu-count"]),
825 }
827 for vnf in indata.get("vnf", []):
828 for vdur in vnf.get("vdur", []):
829 if vdur.get("ns-flavor-id") == target_flavor.get("id"):
830 target_vdur = vdur
832 if db and isinstance(indata.get("vnf"), list):
833 vnfd_id = indata.get("vnf")[0].get("vnfd-id")
834 vnfd = db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
835 # check if there is persistent root disk
836 for vdu in vnfd.get("vdu", ()):
837 if vdu["name"] == target_vdur.get("vdu-name"):
838 for vsd in vnfd.get("virtual-storage-desc", ()):
839 if vsd.get("id") == vdu.get("virtual-storage-desc", [[]])[0]:
840 root_disk = vsd
841 if (
842 root_disk.get("type-of-storage")
843 == "persistent-storage:persistent-storage"
844 ):
845 flavor_data["disk"] = 0
847 for storage in target_vdur.get("virtual-storages", []):
848 if (
849 storage.get("type-of-storage")
850 == "etsi-nfv-descriptors:ephemeral-storage"
851 ):
852 flavor_data["ephemeral"] = int(storage.get("size-of-storage", 0))
853 elif storage.get("type-of-storage") == "etsi-nfv-descriptors:swap-storage":
854 flavor_data["swap"] = int(storage.get("size-of-storage", 0))
856 extended = Ns._process_epa_params(target_flavor)
857 if extended:
858 flavor_data["extended"] = extended
860 extra_dict = {"find_params": {"flavor_data": flavor_data}}
861 flavor_data_name = flavor_data.copy()
862 flavor_data_name["name"] = target_flavor["name"]
863 extra_dict["params"] = {"flavor_data": flavor_data_name}
864 return extra_dict
866 @staticmethod
867 def _process_net_params(
868 target_vld: Dict[str, Any],
869 indata: Dict[str, Any],
870 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
871 target_record_id: str,
872 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
873 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
874 """Function to process network parameters.
876 Args:
877 target_vld (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
878 indata (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
879 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
880 target_record_id (str): [description]
882 Returns:
883 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
884 """
885 extra_dict = {}
887 if vim_info.get("sdn"):
888 # vnf_preffix = "vnfrs:{}".format(vnfr_id)
889 # ns_preffix = "nsrs:{}".format(nsr_id)
890 # remove the ending ".sdn
891 vld_target_record_id, _, _ = target_record_id.rpartition(".")
892 extra_dict["params"] = {
893 k: vim_info[k]
894 for k in ("sdn-ports", "target_vim", "vlds", "type")
895 if vim_info.get(k)
896 }
898 # TODO needed to add target_id in the dependency.
899 if vim_info.get("target_vim"):
900 extra_dict["depends_on"] = [
901 f"{vim_info.get('target_vim')} {vld_target_record_id}"
902 ]
904 return extra_dict
906 if vim_info.get("vim_network_name"):
907 extra_dict["find_params"] = {
908 "filter_dict": {
909 "name": vim_info.get("vim_network_name"),
910 },
911 }
912 elif vim_info.get("vim_network_id"):
913 extra_dict["find_params"] = {
914 "filter_dict": {
915 "id": vim_info.get("vim_network_id"),
916 },
917 }
918 elif target_vld.get("mgmt-network") and not vim_info.get("provider_network"):
919 extra_dict["find_params"] = {
920 "mgmt": True,
921 "name": target_vld["id"],
922 }
923 else:
924 # create
925 extra_dict["params"] = {
926 "net_name": (
927 f"{indata.get('name')[:16]}-{target_vld.get('name', target_vld.get('id'))[:16]}"
928 ),
929 "ip_profile": vim_info.get("ip_profile"),
930 "provider_network_profile": vim_info.get("provider_network"),
931 }
933 if not target_vld.get("underlay"):
934 extra_dict["params"]["net_type"] = "bridge"
935 else:
936 extra_dict["params"]["net_type"] = (
937 "ptp" if target_vld.get("type") == "ELINE" else "data"
938 )
940 return extra_dict
942 @staticmethod
943 def find_persistent_root_volumes(
944 vnfd: dict,
945 target_vdu: dict,
946 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list: list,
947 disk_list: list,
948 ) -> Dict[str, any]:
949 """Find the persistent root volumes and add them to the disk_list
950 by parsing the instantiation parameters.
952 Args:
953 vnfd (dict): VNF descriptor
954 target_vdu (dict): processed VDU
955 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list (list): instantiation parameters for the each VDU as a list
956 disk_list (list): to be filled up
958 Returns:
959 persistent_root_disk (dict): Details of persistent root disk
961 """
962 persistent_root_disk = {}
963 # There can be only one root disk, when we find it, it will return the result
965 for vdu, vsd in product(
966 vnfd.get("vdu", ()), vnfd.get("virtual-storage-desc", ())
967 ):
968 if (
969 vdu["name"] == target_vdu["vdu-name"]
970 and vsd.get("id") == vdu.get("virtual-storage-desc", [[]])[0]
971 ):
972 root_disk = vsd
973 if (
974 root_disk.get("type-of-storage")
975 == "persistent-storage:persistent-storage"
976 ):
977 for vdu_volume in vdu_instantiation_volumes_list:
978 if (
979 vdu_volume["vim-volume-id"]
980 and root_disk["id"] == vdu_volume["name"]
981 ):
982 persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]] = {
983 "vim_volume_id": vdu_volume["vim-volume-id"],
984 "image_id": vdu.get("sw-image-desc"),
985 }
987 disk_list.append(persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]])
989 return persistent_root_disk
991 else:
992 if root_disk.get("size-of-storage"):
993 persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]] = {
994 "image_id": vdu.get("sw-image-desc"),
995 "size": root_disk.get("size-of-storage"),
996 "keep": Ns.is_volume_keeping_required(root_disk),
997 }
999 disk_list.append(persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]])
1001 return persistent_root_disk
1003 @staticmethod
1004 def find_persistent_volumes(
1005 persistent_root_disk: dict,
1006 target_vdu: dict,
1007 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list: list,
1008 disk_list: list,
1009 ) -> None:
1010 """Find the ordinary persistent volumes and add them to the disk_list
1011 by parsing the instantiation parameters.
1013 Args:
1014 persistent_root_disk: persistent root disk dictionary
1015 target_vdu: processed VDU
1016 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list: instantiation parameters for the each VDU as a list
1017 disk_list: to be filled up
1019 """
1020 # Find the ordinary volumes which are not added to the persistent_root_disk
1021 persistent_disk = {}
1022 for disk in target_vdu.get("virtual-storages", {}):
1023 if (
1024 disk.get("type-of-storage") == "persistent-storage:persistent-storage"
1025 and disk["id"] not in persistent_root_disk.keys()
1026 ):
1027 for vdu_volume in vdu_instantiation_volumes_list:
1028 if vdu_volume["vim-volume-id"] and disk["id"] == vdu_volume["name"]:
1029 persistent_disk[disk["id"]] = {
1030 "vim_volume_id": vdu_volume["vim-volume-id"],
1031 }
1032 disk_list.append(persistent_disk[disk["id"]])
1034 else:
1035 if disk["id"] not in persistent_disk.keys():
1036 persistent_disk[disk["id"]] = {
1037 "size": disk.get("size-of-storage"),
1038 "keep": Ns.is_volume_keeping_required(disk),
1039 }
1040 disk_list.append(persistent_disk[disk["id"]])
1042 @staticmethod
1043 def is_volume_keeping_required(virtual_storage_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
1044 """Function to decide keeping persistent volume
1045 upon VDU deletion.
1047 Args:
1048 virtual_storage_desc (Dict[str, Any]): virtual storage description dictionary
1050 Returns:
1051 bool (True/False)
1052 """
1054 if not virtual_storage_desc.get("vdu-storage-requirements"):
1055 return False
1056 for item in virtual_storage_desc.get("vdu-storage-requirements", {}):
1057 if item.get("key") == "keep-volume" and item.get("value").lower() == "true":
1058 return True
1059 return False
1061 @staticmethod
1062 def is_shared_volume(
1063 virtual_storage_desc: Dict[str, Any], vnfd_id: str
1064 ) -> (str, bool):
1065 """Function to decide if the volume type is multi attached or not .
1067 Args:
1068 virtual_storage_desc (Dict[str, Any]): virtual storage description dictionary
1069 vnfd_id (str): vnfd id
1071 Returns:
1072 bool (True/False)
1073 name (str) New name if it is a multiattach disk
1074 """
1076 if vdu_storage_requirements := virtual_storage_desc.get(
1077 "vdu-storage-requirements", {}
1078 ):
1079 for item in vdu_storage_requirements:
1080 if (
1081 item.get("key") == "multiattach"
1082 and item.get("value").lower() == "true"
1083 ):
1084 name = f"shared-{virtual_storage_desc['id']}-{vnfd_id}"
1085 return name, True
1086 return virtual_storage_desc["id"], False
1088 @staticmethod
1089 def _sort_vdu_interfaces(target_vdu: dict) -> None:
1090 """Sort the interfaces according to position number.
1092 Args:
1093 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1095 """
1096 # If the position info is provided for all the interfaces, it will be sorted
1097 # according to position number ascendingly.
1098 sorted_interfaces = sorted(
1099 target_vdu["interfaces"],
1100 key=lambda x: (x.get("position") is None, x.get("position")),
1101 )
1102 target_vdu["interfaces"] = sorted_interfaces
1104 @staticmethod
1105 def _partially_locate_vdu_interfaces(target_vdu: dict) -> None:
1106 """Only place the interfaces which has specific position.
1108 Args:
1109 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1111 """
1112 # If the position info is provided for some interfaces but not all of them, the interfaces
1113 # which has specific position numbers will be placed and others' positions will not be taken care.
1114 if any(
1115 i.get("position") + 1
1116 for i in target_vdu["interfaces"]
1117 if i.get("position") is not None
1118 ):
1119 n = len(target_vdu["interfaces"])
1120 sorted_interfaces = [-1] * n
1121 k, m = 0, 0
1123 while k < n:
1124 if target_vdu["interfaces"][k].get("position") is not None:
1125 if any(i.get("position") == 0 for i in target_vdu["interfaces"]):
1126 idx = target_vdu["interfaces"][k]["position"] + 1
1127 else:
1128 idx = target_vdu["interfaces"][k]["position"]
1129 sorted_interfaces[idx - 1] = target_vdu["interfaces"][k]
1130 k += 1
1132 while m < n:
1133 if target_vdu["interfaces"][m].get("position") is None:
1134 idy = sorted_interfaces.index(-1)
1135 sorted_interfaces[idy] = target_vdu["interfaces"][m]
1136 m += 1
1138 target_vdu["interfaces"] = sorted_interfaces
1140 @staticmethod
1141 def _prepare_vdu_cloud_init(
1142 target_vdu: dict, vdu2cloud_init: dict, db: object, fs: object
1143 ) -> Dict:
1144 """Fill cloud_config dict with cloud init details.
1146 Args:
1147 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1148 vdu2cloud_init (dict): Cloud init dict
1149 db (object): DB object
1150 fs (object): FS object
1152 Returns:
1153 cloud_config (dict): Cloud config details of VDU
1155 """
1156 # cloud config
1157 cloud_config = {}
1159 if target_vdu.get("cloud-init"):
1160 if target_vdu["cloud-init"] not in vdu2cloud_init:
1161 vdu2cloud_init[target_vdu["cloud-init"]] = Ns._get_cloud_init(
1162 db=db,
1163 fs=fs,
1164 location=target_vdu["cloud-init"],
1165 )
1167 cloud_content_ = vdu2cloud_init[target_vdu["cloud-init"]]
1168 cloud_config["user-data"] = Ns._parse_jinja2(
1169 cloud_init_content=cloud_content_,
1170 params=target_vdu.get("additionalParams"),
1171 context=target_vdu["cloud-init"],
1172 )
1174 if target_vdu.get("boot-data-drive"):
1175 cloud_config["boot-data-drive"] = target_vdu.get("boot-data-drive")
1177 return cloud_config
1179 @staticmethod
1180 def _check_vld_information_of_interfaces(
1181 interface: dict, ns_preffix: str, vnf_preffix: str
1182 ) -> Optional[str]:
1183 """Prepare the net_text by the virtual link information for vnf and ns level.
1184 Args:
1185 interface (dict): Interface details
1186 ns_preffix (str): Prefix of NS
1187 vnf_preffix (str): Prefix of VNF
1189 Returns:
1190 net_text (str): information of net
1192 """
1193 net_text = ""
1194 if interface.get("ns-vld-id"):
1195 net_text = ns_preffix + ":vld." + interface["ns-vld-id"]
1196 elif interface.get("vnf-vld-id"):
1197 net_text = vnf_preffix + ":vld." + interface["vnf-vld-id"]
1199 return net_text
1201 @staticmethod
1202 def _prepare_interface_port_security(interface: dict) -> None:
1203 """
1205 Args:
1206 interface (dict): Interface details
1208 """
1209 if "port-security-enabled" in interface:
1210 interface["port_security"] = interface.pop("port-security-enabled")
1212 if "port-security-disable-strategy" in interface:
1213 interface["port_security_disable_strategy"] = interface.pop(
1214 "port-security-disable-strategy"
1215 )
1217 @staticmethod
1218 def _create_net_item_of_interface(interface: dict, net_text: str) -> dict:
1219 """Prepare net item including name, port security, floating ip etc.
1221 Args:
1222 interface (dict): Interface details
1223 net_text (str): information of net
1225 Returns:
1226 net_item (dict): Dict including net details
1228 """
1230 net_item = {
1231 x: v
1232 for x, v in interface.items()
1233 if x
1234 in (
1235 "name",
1236 "vpci",
1237 "port_security",
1238 "port_security_disable_strategy",
1239 "floating_ip",
1240 )
1241 }
1242 net_item["net_id"] = "TASK-" + net_text
1243 net_item["type"] = "virtual"
1245 return net_item
1247 @staticmethod
1248 def _prepare_type_of_interface(
1249 interface: dict, tasks_by_target_record_id: dict, net_text: str, net_item: dict
1250 ) -> None:
1251 """Fill the net item type by interface type such as SR-IOV, OM-MGMT, bridge etc.
1253 Args:
1254 interface (dict): Interface details
1255 tasks_by_target_record_id (dict): Task details
1256 net_text (str): information of net
1257 net_item (dict): Dict including net details
1259 """
1260 # TODO mac_address: used for SR-IOV ifaces #TODO for other types
1261 # TODO floating_ip: True/False (or it can be None)
1263 if interface.get("type") in ("SR-IOV", "PCI-PASSTHROUGH"):
1264 # Mark the net create task as type data
1265 if deep_get(
1266 tasks_by_target_record_id,
1267 net_text,
1268 "extra_dict",
1269 "params",
1270 "net_type",
1271 ):
1272 tasks_by_target_record_id[net_text]["extra_dict"]["params"][
1273 "net_type"
1274 ] = "data"
1276 net_item["use"] = "data"
1277 net_item["model"] = interface["type"]
1278 net_item["type"] = interface["type"]
1280 elif (
1281 interface.get("type") == "OM-MGMT"
1282 or interface.get("mgmt-interface")
1283 or interface.get("mgmt-vnf")
1284 ):
1285 net_item["use"] = "mgmt"
1287 else:
1288 # If interface.get("type") in ("VIRTIO", "E1000", "PARAVIRT"):
1289 net_item["use"] = "bridge"
1290 net_item["model"] = interface.get("type")
1292 @staticmethod
1293 def _prepare_vdu_interfaces(
1294 target_vdu: dict,
1295 extra_dict: dict,
1296 ns_preffix: str,
1297 vnf_preffix: str,
1298 logger: object,
1299 tasks_by_target_record_id: dict,
1300 net_list: list,
1301 ) -> None:
1302 """Prepare the net_item and add net_list, add mgmt interface to extra_dict.
1304 Args:
1305 target_vdu (dict): VDU to be created
1306 extra_dict (dict): Dictionary to be filled
1307 ns_preffix (str): NS prefix as string
1308 vnf_preffix (str): VNF prefix as string
1309 logger (object): Logger Object
1310 tasks_by_target_record_id (dict): Task details
1311 net_list (list): Net list of VDU
1312 """
1313 for iface_index, interface in enumerate(target_vdu["interfaces"]):
1314 net_text = Ns._check_vld_information_of_interfaces(
1315 interface, ns_preffix, vnf_preffix
1316 )
1317 if not net_text:
1318 # Interface not connected to any vld
1319 logger.error(
1320 "Interface {} from vdu {} not connected to any vld".format(
1321 iface_index, target_vdu["vdu-name"]
1322 )
1323 )
1324 continue
1326 extra_dict["depends_on"].append(net_text)
1328 Ns._prepare_interface_port_security(interface)
1330 net_item = Ns._create_net_item_of_interface(interface, net_text)
1332 Ns._prepare_type_of_interface(
1333 interface, tasks_by_target_record_id, net_text, net_item
1334 )
1336 if interface.get("ip-address"):
1337 net_item["ip_address"] = interface["ip-address"]
1339 if interface.get("mac-address"):
1340 net_item["mac_address"] = interface["mac-address"]
1342 net_list.append(net_item)
1344 if interface.get("mgmt-vnf"):
1345 extra_dict["mgmt_vnf_interface"] = iface_index
1346 elif interface.get("mgmt-interface"):
1347 extra_dict["mgmt_vdu_interface"] = iface_index
1349 @staticmethod
1350 def _prepare_vdu_ssh_keys(
1351 target_vdu: dict, ro_nsr_public_key: dict, cloud_config: dict
1352 ) -> None:
1353 """Add ssh keys to cloud config.
1355 Args:
1356 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1357 ro_nsr_public_key (dict): RO NSR public Key
1358 cloud_config (dict): Cloud config details
1360 """
1361 ssh_keys = []
1363 if target_vdu.get("ssh-keys"):
1364 ssh_keys += target_vdu.get("ssh-keys")
1366 if target_vdu.get("ssh-access-required"):
1367 ssh_keys.append(ro_nsr_public_key)
1369 if ssh_keys:
1370 cloud_config["key-pairs"] = ssh_keys
1372 @staticmethod
1373 def _select_persistent_root_disk(vsd: dict, vdu: dict) -> dict:
1374 """Selects the persistent root disk if exists.
1375 Args:
1376 vsd (dict): Virtual storage descriptors in VNFD
1377 vdu (dict): VNF descriptor
1379 Returns:
1380 root_disk (dict): Selected persistent root disk
1381 """
1382 if vsd.get("id") == vdu.get("virtual-storage-desc", [[]])[0]:
1383 root_disk = vsd
1384 if root_disk.get(
1385 "type-of-storage"
1386 ) == "persistent-storage:persistent-storage" and root_disk.get(
1387 "size-of-storage"
1388 ):
1389 return root_disk
1391 @staticmethod
1392 def _add_persistent_root_disk_to_disk_list(
1393 vnfd: dict, target_vdu: dict, persistent_root_disk: dict, disk_list: list
1394 ) -> None:
1395 """Find the persistent root disk and add to disk list.
1397 Args:
1398 vnfd (dict): VNF descriptor
1399 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1400 persistent_root_disk (dict): Details of persistent root disk
1401 disk_list (list): Disks of VDU
1403 """
1404 for vdu in vnfd.get("vdu", ()):
1405 if vdu["name"] == target_vdu["vdu-name"]:
1406 for vsd in vnfd.get("virtual-storage-desc", ()):
1407 root_disk = Ns._select_persistent_root_disk(vsd, vdu)
1408 if not root_disk:
1409 continue
1411 persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]] = {
1412 "image_id": vdu.get("sw-image-desc"),
1413 "size": root_disk["size-of-storage"],
1414 "keep": Ns.is_volume_keeping_required(root_disk),
1415 }
1416 disk_list.append(persistent_root_disk[vsd["id"]])
1417 break
1419 @staticmethod
1420 def _add_persistent_ordinary_disks_to_disk_list(
1421 target_vdu: dict,
1422 persistent_root_disk: dict,
1423 persistent_ordinary_disk: dict,
1424 disk_list: list,
1425 vnf_id: str = None,
1426 ) -> None:
1427 """Fill the disk list by adding persistent ordinary disks.
1429 Args:
1430 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1431 persistent_root_disk (dict): Details of persistent root disk
1432 persistent_ordinary_disk (dict): Details of persistent ordinary disk
1433 disk_list (list): Disks of VDU
1435 """
1436 if target_vdu.get("virtual-storages"):
1437 for disk in target_vdu["virtual-storages"]:
1438 if (
1439 disk.get("type-of-storage")
1440 == "persistent-storage:persistent-storage"
1441 and disk["id"] not in persistent_root_disk.keys()
1442 ):
1443 name, multiattach = Ns.is_shared_volume(disk, vnf_id)
1444 persistent_ordinary_disk[disk["id"]] = {
1445 "name": name,
1446 "size": disk["size-of-storage"],
1447 "keep": Ns.is_volume_keeping_required(disk),
1448 "multiattach": multiattach,
1449 }
1450 disk_list.append(persistent_ordinary_disk[disk["id"]])
1452 @staticmethod
1453 def _prepare_vdu_affinity_group_list(
1454 target_vdu: dict, extra_dict: dict, ns_preffix: str
1455 ) -> List[Dict[str, any]]:
1456 """Process affinity group details to prepare affinity group list.
1458 Args:
1459 target_vdu (dict): Details of VDU to be created
1460 extra_dict (dict): Dictionary to be filled
1461 ns_preffix (str): Prefix as string
1463 Returns:
1465 affinity_group_list (list): Affinity group details
1467 """
1468 affinity_group_list = []
1470 if target_vdu.get("affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id"):
1471 for affinity_group_id in target_vdu["affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id"]:
1472 affinity_group = {}
1473 affinity_group_text = (
1474 ns_preffix + ":affinity-or-anti-affinity-group." + affinity_group_id
1475 )
1477 if not isinstance(extra_dict.get("depends_on"), list):
1478 raise NsException("Invalid extra_dict format.")
1480 extra_dict["depends_on"].append(affinity_group_text)
1481 affinity_group["affinity_group_id"] = "TASK-" + affinity_group_text
1482 affinity_group_list.append(affinity_group)
1484 return affinity_group_list
1486 @staticmethod
1487 def _process_vdu_params(
1488 target_vdu: Dict[str, Any],
1489 indata: Dict[str, Any],
1490 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
1491 target_record_id: str,
1492 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
1493 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
1494 """Function to process VDU parameters.
1496 Args:
1497 target_vdu (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1498 indata (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1499 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1500 target_record_id (str): [description]
1502 Returns:
1503 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
1504 """
1505 vnfr_id = kwargs.get("vnfr_id")
1506 nsr_id = kwargs.get("nsr_id")
1507 vnfr = kwargs.get("vnfr")
1508 vdu2cloud_init = kwargs.get("vdu2cloud_init")
1509 tasks_by_target_record_id = kwargs.get("tasks_by_target_record_id")
1510 logger = kwargs.get("logger")
1511 db = kwargs.get("db")
1512 fs = kwargs.get("fs")
1513 ro_nsr_public_key = kwargs.get("ro_nsr_public_key")
1515 vnf_preffix = "vnfrs:{}".format(vnfr_id)
1516 ns_preffix = "nsrs:{}".format(nsr_id)
1517 image_text = ns_preffix + ":image." + target_vdu["ns-image-id"]
1518 extra_dict = {"depends_on": [image_text]}
1519 net_list = []
1520 persistent_root_disk = {}
1521 persistent_ordinary_disk = {}
1522 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list = []
1523 vdu_instantiation_flavor_id = None
1524 disk_list = []
1525 vnfd_id = vnfr["vnfd-id"]
1526 vnfd = db.get_one("vnfds", {"_id": vnfd_id})
1527 # If the position info is provided for all the interfaces, it will be sorted
1528 # according to position number ascendingly.
1529 if all(
1530 True if i.get("position") is not None else False
1531 for i in target_vdu["interfaces"]
1532 ):
1533 Ns._sort_vdu_interfaces(target_vdu)
1535 # If the position info is provided for some interfaces but not all of them, the interfaces
1536 # which has specific position numbers will be placed and others' positions will not be taken care.
1537 else:
1538 Ns._partially_locate_vdu_interfaces(target_vdu)
1540 # If the position info is not provided for the interfaces, interfaces will be attached
1541 # according to the order in the VNFD.
1542 Ns._prepare_vdu_interfaces(
1543 target_vdu,
1544 extra_dict,
1545 ns_preffix,
1546 vnf_preffix,
1547 logger,
1548 tasks_by_target_record_id,
1549 net_list,
1550 )
1552 # cloud config
1553 cloud_config = Ns._prepare_vdu_cloud_init(target_vdu, vdu2cloud_init, db, fs)
1555 # Prepare VDU ssh keys
1556 Ns._prepare_vdu_ssh_keys(target_vdu, ro_nsr_public_key, cloud_config)
1558 if target_vdu.get("additionalParams"):
1559 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list = (
1560 target_vdu.get("additionalParams").get("OSM", {}).get("vdu_volumes")
1561 )
1562 vdu_instantiation_flavor_id = (
1563 target_vdu.get("additionalParams").get("OSM", {}).get("vim_flavor_id")
1564 )
1566 # flavor id
1567 if vdu_instantiation_flavor_id:
1568 flavor_id = vdu_instantiation_flavor_id
1569 else:
1570 flavor_text = ns_preffix + ":flavor." + target_vdu["ns-flavor-id"]
1571 flavor_id = "TASK-" + flavor_text
1572 extra_dict["depends_on"].append(flavor_text)
1574 if vdu_instantiation_volumes_list:
1575 # Find the root volumes and add to the disk_list
1576 persistent_root_disk = Ns.find_persistent_root_volumes(
1577 vnfd, target_vdu, vdu_instantiation_volumes_list, disk_list
1578 )
1580 # Find the ordinary volumes which are not added to the persistent_root_disk
1581 # and put them to the disk list
1582 Ns.find_persistent_volumes(
1583 persistent_root_disk,
1584 target_vdu,
1585 vdu_instantiation_volumes_list,
1586 disk_list,
1587 )
1589 else:
1590 # Vdu_instantiation_volumes_list is empty
1591 # First get add the persistent root disks to disk_list
1592 Ns._add_persistent_root_disk_to_disk_list(
1593 vnfd, target_vdu, persistent_root_disk, disk_list
1594 )
1595 # Add the persistent non-root disks to disk_list
1596 Ns._add_persistent_ordinary_disks_to_disk_list(
1597 target_vdu,
1598 persistent_root_disk,
1599 persistent_ordinary_disk,
1600 disk_list,
1601 vnfd["id"],
1602 )
1604 affinity_group_list = Ns._prepare_vdu_affinity_group_list(
1605 target_vdu, extra_dict, ns_preffix
1606 )
1608 extra_dict["params"] = {
1609 "name": "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(
1610 indata["name"][:16],
1611 vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"][:16],
1612 target_vdu["vdu-name"][:32],
1613 target_vdu.get("count-index") or 0,
1614 ),
1615 "description": target_vdu["vdu-name"],
1616 "start": True,
1617 "image_id": "TASK-" + image_text,
1618 "flavor_id": flavor_id,
1619 "affinity_group_list": affinity_group_list,
1620 "net_list": net_list,
1621 "cloud_config": cloud_config or None,
1622 "disk_list": disk_list,
1623 "availability_zone_index": None, # TODO
1624 "availability_zone_list": None, # TODO
1625 }
1626 return extra_dict
1628 @staticmethod
1629 def _process_shared_volumes_params(
1630 target_shared_volume: Dict[str, Any],
1631 indata: Dict[str, Any],
1632 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
1633 target_record_id: str,
1634 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
1635 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
1636 extra_dict = {}
1637 shared_volume_data = {
1638 "size": target_shared_volume["size-of-storage"],
1639 "name": target_shared_volume["id"],
1640 "type": target_shared_volume["type-of-storage"],
1641 }
1642 extra_dict["params"] = shared_volume_data
1643 return extra_dict
1645 @staticmethod
1646 def _process_affinity_group_params(
1647 target_affinity_group: Dict[str, Any],
1648 indata: Dict[str, Any],
1649 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
1650 target_record_id: str,
1651 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
1652 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
1653 """Get affinity or anti-affinity group parameters.
1655 Args:
1656 target_affinity_group (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1657 indata (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1658 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1659 target_record_id (str): [description]
1661 Returns:
1662 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
1663 """
1665 extra_dict = {}
1666 affinity_group_data = {
1667 "name": target_affinity_group["name"],
1668 "type": target_affinity_group["type"],
1669 "scope": target_affinity_group["scope"],
1670 }
1672 if target_affinity_group.get("vim-affinity-group-id"):
1673 affinity_group_data["vim-affinity-group-id"] = target_affinity_group[
1674 "vim-affinity-group-id"
1675 ]
1677 extra_dict["params"] = {
1678 "affinity_group_data": affinity_group_data,
1679 }
1680 return extra_dict
1682 @staticmethod
1683 def _process_recreate_vdu_params(
1684 existing_vdu: Dict[str, Any],
1685 db_nsr: Dict[str, Any],
1686 vim_info: Dict[str, Any],
1687 target_record_id: str,
1688 target_id: str,
1689 **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
1690 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
1691 """Function to process VDU parameters to recreate.
1693 Args:
1694 existing_vdu (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1695 db_nsr (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1696 vim_info (Dict[str, Any]): [description]
1697 target_record_id (str): [description]
1698 target_id (str): [description]
1700 Returns:
1701 Dict[str, Any]: [description]
1702 """
1703 vnfr = kwargs.get("vnfr")
1704 vdu2cloud_init = kwargs.get("vdu2cloud_init")
1705 # logger = kwargs.get("logger")
1706 db = kwargs.get("db")
1707 fs = kwargs.get("fs")
1708 ro_nsr_public_key = kwargs.get("ro_nsr_public_key")
1710 extra_dict = {}
1711 net_list = []
1713 vim_details = {}
1714 vim_details_text = existing_vdu["vim_info"][target_id].get("vim_details", None)
1716 if vim_details_text:
1717 vim_details = yaml.safe_load(f"{vim_details_text}")
1719 for iface_index, interface in enumerate(existing_vdu["interfaces"]):
1720 if "port-security-enabled" in interface:
1721 interface["port_security"] = interface.pop("port-security-enabled")
1723 if "port-security-disable-strategy" in interface:
1724 interface["port_security_disable_strategy"] = interface.pop(
1725 "port-security-disable-strategy"
1726 )
1728 net_item = {
1729 x: v
1730 for x, v in interface.items()
1731 if x
1732 in (
1733 "name",
1734 "vpci",
1735 "port_security",
1736 "port_security_disable_strategy",
1737 "floating_ip",
1738 )
1739 }
1740 existing_ifaces = existing_vdu["vim_info"][target_id].get(
1741 "interfaces_backup", []
1742 )
1743 net_id = next(
1744 (
1745 i["vim_net_id"]
1746 for i in existing_ifaces
1747 if i["ip_address"] == interface["ip-address"]
1748 ),
1749 None,
1750 )
1752 net_item["net_id"] = net_id
1753 net_item["type"] = "virtual"
1755 # TODO mac_address: used for SR-IOV ifaces #TODO for other types
1756 # TODO floating_ip: True/False (or it can be None)
1757 if interface.get("type") in ("SR-IOV", "PCI-PASSTHROUGH"):
1758 net_item["use"] = "data"
1759 net_item["model"] = interface["type"]
1760 net_item["type"] = interface["type"]
1761 elif (
1762 interface.get("type") == "OM-MGMT"
1763 or interface.get("mgmt-interface")
1764 or interface.get("mgmt-vnf")
1765 ):
1766 net_item["use"] = "mgmt"
1767 else:
1768 # if interface.get("type") in ("VIRTIO", "E1000", "PARAVIRT"):
1769 net_item["use"] = "bridge"
1770 net_item["model"] = interface.get("type")
1772 if interface.get("ip-address"):
1773 net_item["ip_address"] = interface["ip-address"]
1775 if interface.get("mac-address"):
1776 net_item["mac_address"] = interface["mac-address"]
1778 net_list.append(net_item)
1780 if interface.get("mgmt-vnf"):
1781 extra_dict["mgmt_vnf_interface"] = iface_index
1782 elif interface.get("mgmt-interface"):
1783 extra_dict["mgmt_vdu_interface"] = iface_index
1785 # cloud config
1786 cloud_config = {}
1788 if existing_vdu.get("cloud-init"):
1789 if existing_vdu["cloud-init"] not in vdu2cloud_init:
1790 vdu2cloud_init[existing_vdu["cloud-init"]] = Ns._get_cloud_init(
1791 db=db,
1792 fs=fs,
1793 location=existing_vdu["cloud-init"],
1794 )
1796 cloud_content_ = vdu2cloud_init[existing_vdu["cloud-init"]]
1797 cloud_config["user-data"] = Ns._parse_jinja2(
1798 cloud_init_content=cloud_content_,
1799 params=existing_vdu.get("additionalParams"),
1800 context=existing_vdu["cloud-init"],
1801 )
1803 if existing_vdu.get("boot-data-drive"):
1804 cloud_config["boot-data-drive"] = existing_vdu.get("boot-data-drive")
1806 ssh_keys = []
1808 if existing_vdu.get("ssh-keys"):
1809 ssh_keys += existing_vdu.get("ssh-keys")
1811 if existing_vdu.get("ssh-access-required"):
1812 ssh_keys.append(ro_nsr_public_key)
1814 if ssh_keys:
1815 cloud_config["key-pairs"] = ssh_keys
1817 disk_list = []
1818 for vol_id in vim_details.get("os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached", []):
1819 disk_list.append({"vim_id": vol_id["id"]})
1821 affinity_group_list = []
1823 if existing_vdu.get("affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id"):
1824 affinity_group = {}
1825 for affinity_group_id in existing_vdu["affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id"]:
1826 for group in db_nsr.get("affinity-or-anti-affinity-group"):
1827 if (
1828 group["id"] == affinity_group_id
1829 and group["vim_info"][target_id].get("vim_id", None) is not None
1830 ):
1831 affinity_group["affinity_group_id"] = group["vim_info"][
1832 target_id
1833 ].get("vim_id", None)
1834 affinity_group_list.append(affinity_group)
1836 extra_dict["params"] = {
1837 "name": "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(
1838 db_nsr["name"][:16],
1839 vnfr["member-vnf-index-ref"][:16],
1840 existing_vdu["vdu-name"][:32],
1841 existing_vdu.get("count-index") or 0,
1842 ),
1843 "description": existing_vdu["vdu-name"],
1844 "start": True,
1845 "image_id": vim_details["image"]["id"],
1846 "flavor_id": vim_details["flavor"]["id"],
1847 "affinity_group_list": affinity_group_list,
1848 "net_list": net_list,
1849 "cloud_config": cloud_config or None,
1850 "disk_list": disk_list,
1851 "availability_zone_index": None, # TODO
1852 "availability_zone_list": None, # TODO
1853 }
1855 return extra_dict
1857 def calculate_diff_items(
1858 self,
1859 indata,
1860 db_nsr,
1861 db_ro_nsr,
1862 db_nsr_update,
1863 item,
1864 tasks_by_target_record_id,
1865 action_id,
1866 nsr_id,
1867 task_index,
1868 vnfr_id=None,
1869 vnfr=None,
1870 ):
1871 """Function that returns the incremental changes (creation, deletion)
1872 related to a specific item `item` to be done. This function should be
1873 called for NS instantiation, NS termination, NS update to add a new VNF
1874 or a new VLD, remove a VNF or VLD, etc.
1875 Item can be `net`, `flavor`, `image` or `vdu`.
1876 It takes a list of target items from indata (which came from the REST API)
1877 and compares with the existing items from db_ro_nsr, identifying the
1878 incremental changes to be done. During the comparison, it calls the method
1879 `process_params` (which was passed as parameter, and is particular for each
1880 `item`)
1882 Args:
1883 indata (Dict[str, Any]): deployment info
1884 db_nsr: NSR record from DB
1885 db_ro_nsr (Dict[str, Any]): record from "ro_nsrs"
1886 db_nsr_update (Dict[str, Any]): NSR info to update in DB
1887 item (str): element to process (net, vdu...)
1888 tasks_by_target_record_id (Dict[str, Any]):
1889 [<target_record_id>, <task>]
1890 action_id (str): action id
1891 nsr_id (str): NSR id
1892 task_index (number): task index to add to task name
1893 vnfr_id (str): VNFR id
1894 vnfr (Dict[str, Any]): VNFR info
1896 Returns:
1897 List: list with the incremental changes (deletes, creates) for each item
1898 number: current task index
1899 """
1901 diff_items = []
1902 db_path = ""
1903 db_record = ""
1904 target_list = []
1905 existing_list = []
1906 process_params = None
1907 vdu2cloud_init = indata.get("cloud_init_content") or {}
1908 ro_nsr_public_key = db_ro_nsr["public_key"]
1909 # According to the type of item, the path, the target_list,
1910 # the existing_list and the method to process params are set
1911 db_path = self.db_path_map[item]
1912 process_params = self.process_params_function_map[item]
1913 if item in ("net", "vdu"):
1914 # This case is specific for the NS VLD (not applied to VDU)
1915 if vnfr is None:
1916 db_record = "nsrs:{}:{}".format(nsr_id, db_path)
1917 target_list = indata.get("ns", []).get(db_path, [])
1918 existing_list = db_nsr.get(db_path, [])
1919 # This case is common for VNF VLDs and VNF VDUs
1920 else:
1921 db_record = "vnfrs:{}:{}".format(vnfr_id, db_path)
1922 target_vnf = next(
1923 (vnf for vnf in indata.get("vnf", ()) if vnf["_id"] == vnfr_id),
1924 None,
1925 )
1926 target_list = target_vnf.get(db_path, []) if target_vnf else []
1927 existing_list = vnfr.get(db_path, [])
1928 elif item in (
1929 "image",
1930 "flavor",
1931 "affinity-or-anti-affinity-group",
1932 "shared-volumes",
1933 ):
1934 db_record = "nsrs:{}:{}".format(nsr_id, db_path)
1935 target_list = indata.get(item, [])
1936 existing_list = db_nsr.get(item, [])
1937 else:
1938 raise NsException("Item not supported: {}", item)
1939 # ensure all the target_list elements has an "id". If not assign the index as id
1940 if target_list is None:
1941 target_list = []
1942 for target_index, tl in enumerate(target_list):
1943 if tl and not tl.get("id"):
1944 tl["id"] = str(target_index)
1945 # step 1 items (networks,vdus,...) to be deleted/updated
1946 for item_index, existing_item in enumerate(existing_list):
1947 target_item = next(
1948 (t for t in target_list if t["id"] == existing_item["id"]),
1949 None,
1950 )
1951 for target_vim, existing_viminfo in existing_item.get(
1952 "vim_info", {}
1953 ).items():
1954 if existing_viminfo is None:
1955 continue
1957 if target_item:
1958 target_viminfo = target_item.get("vim_info", {}).get(target_vim)
1959 else:
1960 target_viminfo = None
1962 if target_viminfo is None:
1963 # must be deleted
1964 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
1965 target_record_id = "{}.{}".format(db_record, existing_item["id"])
1966 item_ = item
1968 if target_vim.startswith("sdn") or target_vim.startswith("wim"):
1969 # item must be sdn-net instead of net if target_vim is a sdn
1970 item_ = "sdn_net"
1971 target_record_id += ".sdn"
1973 deployment_info = {
1974 "action_id": action_id,
1975 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
1976 "task_index": task_index,
1977 }
1979 diff_items.append(
1980 {
1981 "deployment_info": deployment_info,
1982 "target_id": target_vim,
1983 "item": item_,
1984 "action": "DELETE",
1985 "target_record": f"{db_record}.{item_index}.vim_info.{target_vim}",
1986 "target_record_id": target_record_id,
1987 }
1988 )
1989 task_index += 1
1991 # step 2 items (networks,vdus,...) to be created
1992 for target_item in target_list:
1993 item_index = -1
1994 for item_index, existing_item in enumerate(existing_list):
1995 if existing_item["id"] == target_item["id"]:
1996 break
1997 else:
1998 item_index += 1
1999 db_nsr_update[db_path + ".{}".format(item_index)] = target_item
2000 existing_list.append(target_item)
2001 existing_item = None
2003 for target_vim, target_viminfo in target_item.get("vim_info", {}).items():
2004 existing_viminfo = None
2006 if existing_item:
2007 existing_viminfo = existing_item.get("vim_info", {}).get(target_vim)
2009 if existing_viminfo is not None:
2010 continue
2012 target_record_id = "{}.{}".format(db_record, target_item["id"])
2013 item_ = item
2015 if target_vim.startswith("sdn") or target_vim.startswith("wim"):
2016 # item must be sdn-net instead of net if target_vim is a sdn
2017 item_ = "sdn_net"
2018 target_record_id += ".sdn"
2020 kwargs = {}
2021 self.logger.debug(
2022 "ns.calculate_diff_items target_item={}".format(target_item)
2023 )
2024 if process_params == Ns._process_flavor_params:
2025 kwargs.update(
2026 {
2027 "db": self.db,
2028 }
2029 )
2030 self.logger.debug(
2031 "calculate_diff_items for flavor kwargs={}".format(kwargs)
2032 )
2034 if process_params == Ns._process_vdu_params:
2035 self.logger.debug("calculate_diff_items self.fs={}".format(self.fs))
2036 kwargs.update(
2037 {
2038 "vnfr_id": vnfr_id,
2039 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2040 "vnfr": vnfr,
2041 "vdu2cloud_init": vdu2cloud_init,
2042 "tasks_by_target_record_id": tasks_by_target_record_id,
2043 "logger": self.logger,
2044 "db": self.db,
2045 "fs": self.fs,
2046 "ro_nsr_public_key": ro_nsr_public_key,
2047 }
2048 )
2049 self.logger.debug("calculate_diff_items kwargs={}".format(kwargs))
2050 extra_dict = process_params(
2051 target_item,
2052 indata,
2053 target_viminfo,
2054 target_record_id,
2055 **kwargs,
2056 )
2057 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2059 deployment_info = {
2060 "action_id": action_id,
2061 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2062 "task_index": task_index,
2063 }
2065 new_item = {
2066 "deployment_info": deployment_info,
2067 "target_id": target_vim,
2068 "item": item_,
2069 "action": "CREATE",
2070 "target_record": f"{db_record}.{item_index}.vim_info.{target_vim}",
2071 "target_record_id": target_record_id,
2072 "extra_dict": extra_dict,
2073 "common_id": target_item.get("common_id", None),
2074 }
2075 diff_items.append(new_item)
2076 tasks_by_target_record_id[target_record_id] = new_item
2077 task_index += 1
2079 db_nsr_update[db_path + ".{}".format(item_index)] = target_item
2081 return diff_items, task_index
2083 def calculate_all_differences_to_deploy(
2084 self,
2085 indata,
2086 nsr_id,
2087 db_nsr,
2088 db_vnfrs,
2089 db_ro_nsr,
2090 db_nsr_update,
2091 db_vnfrs_update,
2092 action_id,
2093 tasks_by_target_record_id,
2094 ):
2095 """This method calculates the ordered list of items (`changes_list`)
2096 to be created and deleted.
2098 Args:
2099 indata (Dict[str, Any]): deployment info
2100 nsr_id (str): NSR id
2101 db_nsr: NSR record from DB
2102 db_vnfrs: VNFRS record from DB
2103 db_ro_nsr (Dict[str, Any]): record from "ro_nsrs"
2104 db_nsr_update (Dict[str, Any]): NSR info to update in DB
2105 db_vnfrs_update (Dict[str, Any]): VNFRS info to update in DB
2106 action_id (str): action id
2107 tasks_by_target_record_id (Dict[str, Any]):
2108 [<target_record_id>, <task>]
2110 Returns:
2111 List: ordered list of items to be created and deleted.
2112 """
2114 task_index = 0
2115 # set list with diffs:
2116 changes_list = []
2118 # NS vld, image and flavor
2119 for item in [
2120 "net",
2121 "image",
2122 "flavor",
2123 "affinity-or-anti-affinity-group",
2124 "shared-volumes",
2125 ]:
2126 self.logger.debug("process NS={} {}".format(nsr_id, item))
2127 diff_items, task_index = self.calculate_diff_items(
2128 indata=indata,
2129 db_nsr=db_nsr,
2130 db_ro_nsr=db_ro_nsr,
2131 db_nsr_update=db_nsr_update,
2132 item=item,
2133 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2134 action_id=action_id,
2135 nsr_id=nsr_id,
2136 task_index=task_index,
2137 vnfr_id=None,
2138 )
2139 changes_list += diff_items
2141 # VNF vlds and vdus
2142 for vnfr_id, vnfr in db_vnfrs.items():
2143 # vnfr_id need to be set as global variable for among others nested method _process_vdu_params
2144 for item in ["net", "vdu"]:
2145 self.logger.debug("process VNF={} {}".format(vnfr_id, item))
2146 diff_items, task_index = self.calculate_diff_items(
2147 indata=indata,
2148 db_nsr=db_nsr,
2149 db_ro_nsr=db_ro_nsr,
2150 db_nsr_update=db_vnfrs_update[vnfr["_id"]],
2151 item=item,
2152 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2153 action_id=action_id,
2154 nsr_id=nsr_id,
2155 task_index=task_index,
2156 vnfr_id=vnfr_id,
2157 vnfr=vnfr,
2158 )
2159 changes_list += diff_items
2161 return changes_list
2163 def define_all_tasks(
2164 self,
2165 changes_list,
2166 db_new_tasks,
2167 tasks_by_target_record_id,
2168 ):
2169 """Function to create all the task structures obtanied from
2170 the method calculate_all_differences_to_deploy
2172 Args:
2173 changes_list (List): ordered list of items to be created or deleted
2174 db_new_tasks (List): tasks list to be created
2175 action_id (str): action id
2176 tasks_by_target_record_id (Dict[str, Any]):
2177 [<target_record_id>, <task>]
2179 """
2181 for change in changes_list:
2182 task = Ns._create_task(
2183 deployment_info=change["deployment_info"],
2184 target_id=change["target_id"],
2185 item=change["item"],
2186 action=change["action"],
2187 target_record=change["target_record"],
2188 target_record_id=change["target_record_id"],
2189 extra_dict=change.get("extra_dict", None),
2190 )
2192 self.logger.debug("ns.define_all_tasks task={}".format(task))
2193 tasks_by_target_record_id[change["target_record_id"]] = task
2194 db_new_tasks.append(task)
2196 if change.get("common_id"):
2197 task["common_id"] = change["common_id"]
2199 def upload_all_tasks(
2200 self,
2201 db_new_tasks,
2202 now,
2203 ):
2204 """Function to save all tasks in the common DB
2206 Args:
2207 db_new_tasks (List): tasks list to be created
2208 now (time): current time
2210 """
2212 nb_ro_tasks = 0 # for logging
2214 for db_task in db_new_tasks:
2215 target_id = db_task.pop("target_id")
2216 common_id = db_task.get("common_id")
2218 # Do not chek tasks with vim_status DELETED
2219 # because in manual heealing there are two tasks for the same vdur:
2220 # one with vim_status deleted and the other one with the actual VM status.
2222 if common_id:
2223 if self.db.set_one(
2224 "ro_tasks",
2225 q_filter={
2226 "target_id": target_id,
2227 "tasks.common_id": common_id,
2228 "": "DELETED",
2229 },
2230 update_dict={"to_check_at": now, "modified_at": now},
2231 push={"tasks": db_task},
2232 fail_on_empty=False,
2233 ):
2234 continue
2236 if not self.db.set_one(
2237 "ro_tasks",
2238 q_filter={
2239 "target_id": target_id,
2240 "tasks.target_record": db_task["target_record"],
2241 "": "DELETED",
2242 },
2243 update_dict={"to_check_at": now, "modified_at": now},
2244 push={"tasks": db_task},
2245 fail_on_empty=False,
2246 ):
2247 # Create a ro_task
2248 self.logger.debug("Updating database, Creating ro_tasks")
2249 db_ro_task = Ns._create_ro_task(target_id, db_task)
2250 nb_ro_tasks += 1
2251 self.db.create("ro_tasks", db_ro_task)
2253 self.logger.debug(
2254 "Created {} ro_tasks; {} tasks - db_new_tasks={}".format(
2255 nb_ro_tasks, len(db_new_tasks), db_new_tasks
2256 )
2257 )
2259 def upload_recreate_tasks(
2260 self,
2261 db_new_tasks,
2262 now,
2263 ):
2264 """Function to save recreate tasks in the common DB
2266 Args:
2267 db_new_tasks (List): tasks list to be created
2268 now (time): current time
2270 """
2272 nb_ro_tasks = 0 # for logging
2274 for db_task in db_new_tasks:
2275 target_id = db_task.pop("target_id")
2276 self.logger.debug("target_id={} db_task={}".format(target_id, db_task))
2278 action = db_task.get("action", None)
2280 # Create a ro_task
2281 self.logger.debug("Updating database, Creating ro_tasks")
2282 db_ro_task = Ns._create_ro_task(target_id, db_task)
2284 # If DELETE task: the associated created items should be removed
2285 # (except persistent volumes):
2286 if action == "DELETE":
2287 db_ro_task["vim_info"]["created"] = True
2288 db_ro_task["vim_info"]["created_items"] = db_task.get(
2289 "created_items", {}
2290 )
2291 db_ro_task["vim_info"]["volumes_to_hold"] = db_task.get(
2292 "volumes_to_hold", []
2293 )
2294 db_ro_task["vim_info"]["vim_id"] = db_task.get("vim_id", None)
2296 nb_ro_tasks += 1
2297 self.logger.debug("upload_all_tasks db_ro_task={}".format(db_ro_task))
2298 self.db.create("ro_tasks", db_ro_task)
2300 self.logger.debug(
2301 "Created {} ro_tasks; {} tasks - db_new_tasks={}".format(
2302 nb_ro_tasks, len(db_new_tasks), db_new_tasks
2303 )
2304 )
2306 def _prepare_created_items_for_healing(
2307 self,
2308 nsr_id,
2309 target_record,
2310 ):
2311 created_items = {}
2312 # Get created_items from ro_task
2313 ro_tasks = self.db.get_list("ro_tasks", {"tasks.nsr_id": nsr_id})
2314 for ro_task in ro_tasks:
2315 for task in ro_task["tasks"]:
2316 if (
2317 task["target_record"] == target_record
2318 and task["action"] == "CREATE"
2319 and ro_task["vim_info"]["created_items"]
2320 ):
2321 created_items = ro_task["vim_info"]["created_items"]
2322 break
2324 return created_items
2326 def _prepare_persistent_volumes_for_healing(
2327 self,
2328 target_id,
2329 existing_vdu,
2330 ):
2331 # The associated volumes of the VM shouldn't be removed
2332 volumes_list = []
2333 vim_details = {}
2334 vim_details_text = existing_vdu["vim_info"][target_id].get("vim_details", None)
2335 if vim_details_text:
2336 vim_details = yaml.safe_load(f"{vim_details_text}")
2338 for vol_id in vim_details.get("os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached", []):
2339 volumes_list.append(vol_id["id"])
2341 return volumes_list
2343 def prepare_changes_to_recreate(
2344 self,
2345 indata,
2346 nsr_id,
2347 db_nsr,
2348 db_vnfrs,
2349 db_ro_nsr,
2350 action_id,
2351 tasks_by_target_record_id,
2352 ):
2353 """This method will obtain an ordered list of items (`changes_list`)
2354 to be created and deleted to meet the recreate request.
2355 """
2357 self.logger.debug(
2358 "ns.prepare_changes_to_recreate nsr_id={} indata={}".format(nsr_id, indata)
2359 )
2361 task_index = 0
2362 # set list with diffs:
2363 changes_list = []
2364 db_path = self.db_path_map["vdu"]
2365 target_list = indata.get("healVnfData", {})
2366 vdu2cloud_init = indata.get("cloud_init_content") or {}
2367 ro_nsr_public_key = db_ro_nsr["public_key"]
2369 # Check each VNF of the target
2370 for target_vnf in target_list:
2371 # Find this VNF in the list from DB, raise exception if vnfInstanceId is not found
2372 vnfr_id = target_vnf["vnfInstanceId"]
2373 existing_vnf = db_vnfrs.get(vnfr_id, {})
2374 db_record = "vnfrs:{}:{}".format(vnfr_id, db_path)
2375 # vim_account_id = existing_vnf.get("vim-account-id", "")
2377 target_vdus = target_vnf.get("additionalParams", {}).get("vdu", [])
2378 # Check each VDU of this VNF
2379 if not target_vdus:
2380 # Create target_vdu_list from DB, if VDUs are not specified
2381 target_vdus = []
2382 for existing_vdu in existing_vnf.get("vdur"):
2383 vdu_name = existing_vdu.get("vdu-name", None)
2384 vdu_index = existing_vdu.get("count-index", 0)
2385 vdu_to_be_healed = {"vdu-id": vdu_name, "count-index": vdu_index}
2386 target_vdus.append(vdu_to_be_healed)
2387 for target_vdu in target_vdus:
2388 vdu_name = target_vdu.get("vdu-id", None)
2389 # For multi instance VDU count-index is mandatory
2390 # For single session VDU count-indes is 0
2391 count_index = target_vdu.get("count-index", 0)
2392 item_index = 0
2393 existing_instance = {}
2394 if existing_vnf:
2395 for instance in existing_vnf.get("vdur", {}):
2396 if (
2397 instance["vdu-name"] == vdu_name
2398 and instance["count-index"] == count_index
2399 ):
2400 existing_instance = instance
2401 break
2402 else:
2403 item_index += 1
2405 target_record_id = "{}.{}".format(db_record, existing_instance["id"])
2407 # The target VIM is the one already existing in DB to recreate
2408 for target_vim, target_viminfo in existing_instance.get(
2409 "vim_info", {}
2410 ).items():
2411 # step 1 vdu to be deleted
2412 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2413 deployment_info = {
2414 "action_id": action_id,
2415 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2416 "task_index": task_index,
2417 }
2419 target_record = f"{db_record}.{item_index}.vim_info.{target_vim}"
2420 created_items = self._prepare_created_items_for_healing(
2421 nsr_id, target_record
2422 )
2424 volumes_to_hold = self._prepare_persistent_volumes_for_healing(
2425 target_vim, existing_instance
2426 )
2428 # Specific extra params for recreate tasks:
2429 extra_dict = {
2430 "created_items": created_items,
2431 "vim_id": existing_instance["vim-id"],
2432 "volumes_to_hold": volumes_to_hold,
2433 }
2435 changes_list.append(
2436 {
2437 "deployment_info": deployment_info,
2438 "target_id": target_vim,
2439 "item": "vdu",
2440 "action": "DELETE",
2441 "target_record": target_record,
2442 "target_record_id": target_record_id,
2443 "extra_dict": extra_dict,
2444 }
2445 )
2446 delete_task_id = f"{action_id}:{task_index}"
2447 task_index += 1
2449 # step 2 vdu to be created
2450 kwargs = {}
2451 kwargs.update(
2452 {
2453 "vnfr_id": vnfr_id,
2454 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2455 "vnfr": existing_vnf,
2456 "vdu2cloud_init": vdu2cloud_init,
2457 "tasks_by_target_record_id": tasks_by_target_record_id,
2458 "logger": self.logger,
2459 "db": self.db,
2460 "fs": self.fs,
2461 "ro_nsr_public_key": ro_nsr_public_key,
2462 }
2463 )
2465 extra_dict = self._process_recreate_vdu_params(
2466 existing_instance,
2467 db_nsr,
2468 target_viminfo,
2469 target_record_id,
2470 target_vim,
2471 **kwargs,
2472 )
2474 # The CREATE task depens on the DELETE task
2475 extra_dict["depends_on"] = [delete_task_id]
2477 # Add volumes created from created_items if any
2478 # Ports should be deleted with delete task and automatically created with create task
2479 volumes = {}
2480 for k, v in created_items.items():
2481 try:
2482 k_item, _, k_id = k.partition(":")
2483 if k_item == "volume":
2484 volumes[k] = v
2485 except Exception as e:
2486 self.logger.error(
2487 "Error evaluating created item {}: {}".format(k, e)
2488 )
2489 extra_dict["previous_created_volumes"] = volumes
2491 deployment_info = {
2492 "action_id": action_id,
2493 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2494 "task_index": task_index,
2495 }
2496 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2498 new_item = {
2499 "deployment_info": deployment_info,
2500 "target_id": target_vim,
2501 "item": "vdu",
2502 "action": "CREATE",
2503 "target_record": target_record,
2504 "target_record_id": target_record_id,
2505 "extra_dict": extra_dict,
2506 }
2507 changes_list.append(new_item)
2508 tasks_by_target_record_id[target_record_id] = new_item
2509 task_index += 1
2511 return changes_list
2513 def recreate(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs):
2514 self.logger.debug("ns.recreate nsr_id={} indata={}".format(nsr_id, indata))
2515 # TODO: validate_input(indata, recreate_schema)
2516 action_id = indata.get("action_id", str(uuid4()))
2517 # get current deployment
2518 db_vnfrs = {} # vnf's info indexed by _id
2519 step = ""
2520 logging_text = "Recreate nsr_id={} action_id={} indata={}".format(
2521 nsr_id, action_id, indata
2522 )
2523 self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
2525 try:
2526 step = "Getting ns and vnfr record from db"
2527 db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
2528 db_new_tasks = []
2529 tasks_by_target_record_id = {}
2530 # read from db: vnf's of this ns
2531 step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
2532 db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
2533 self.logger.debug("ns.recreate: db_vnfrs_list={}".format(db_vnfrs_list))
2535 if not db_vnfrs_list:
2536 raise NsException("Cannot obtain associated VNF for ns")
2538 for vnfr in db_vnfrs_list:
2539 db_vnfrs[vnfr["_id"]] = vnfr
2541 now = time()
2542 db_ro_nsr = self.db.get_one("ro_nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, fail_on_empty=False)
2543 self.logger.debug("ns.recreate: db_ro_nsr={}".format(db_ro_nsr))
2545 if not db_ro_nsr:
2546 db_ro_nsr = self._create_db_ro_nsrs(nsr_id, now)
2548 with self.write_lock:
2549 # NS
2550 step = "process NS elements"
2551 changes_list = self.prepare_changes_to_recreate(
2552 indata=indata,
2553 nsr_id=nsr_id,
2554 db_nsr=db_nsr,
2555 db_vnfrs=db_vnfrs,
2556 db_ro_nsr=db_ro_nsr,
2557 action_id=action_id,
2558 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2559 )
2561 self.define_all_tasks(
2562 changes_list=changes_list,
2563 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
2564 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2565 )
2567 # Delete all ro_tasks registered for the targets vdurs (target_record)
2568 # If task of type CREATE exist then vim will try to get info form deleted VMs.
2569 # So remove all task related to target record.
2570 ro_tasks = self.db.get_list("ro_tasks", {"tasks.nsr_id": nsr_id})
2571 for change in changes_list:
2572 for ro_task in ro_tasks:
2573 for task in ro_task["tasks"]:
2574 if task["target_record"] == change["target_record"]:
2575 self.db.del_one(
2576 "ro_tasks",
2577 q_filter={
2578 "_id": ro_task["_id"],
2579 "modified_at": ro_task["modified_at"],
2580 },
2581 fail_on_empty=False,
2582 )
2584 step = "Updating database, Appending tasks to ro_tasks"
2585 self.upload_recreate_tasks(
2586 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
2587 now=now,
2588 )
2590 self.logger.debug(
2591 logging_text + "Exit. Created {} tasks".format(len(db_new_tasks))
2592 )
2594 return (
2595 {"status": "ok", "nsr_id": nsr_id, "action_id": action_id},
2596 action_id,
2597 True,
2598 )
2599 except Exception as e:
2600 if isinstance(e, (DbException, NsException)):
2601 self.logger.error(
2602 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e)
2603 )
2604 else:
2605 e = traceback_format_exc()
2606 self.logger.critical(
2607 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e),
2608 exc_info=True,
2609 )
2611 raise NsException(e)
2613 def deploy(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs):
2614 self.logger.debug("ns.deploy nsr_id={} indata={}".format(nsr_id, indata))
2615 validate_input(indata, deploy_schema)
2616 action_id = indata.get("action_id", str(uuid4()))
2617 task_index = 0
2618 # get current deployment
2619 db_nsr_update = {} # update operation on nsrs
2620 db_vnfrs_update = {}
2621 db_vnfrs = {} # vnf's info indexed by _id
2622 step = ""
2623 logging_text = "Task deploy nsr_id={} action_id={} ".format(nsr_id, action_id)
2624 self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
2626 try:
2627 step = "Getting ns and vnfr record from db"
2628 db_nsr = self.db.get_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id})
2629 self.logger.debug("ns.deploy: db_nsr={}".format(db_nsr))
2630 db_new_tasks = []
2631 tasks_by_target_record_id = {}
2632 # read from db: vnf's of this ns
2633 step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
2634 db_vnfrs_list = self.db.get_list("vnfrs", {"nsr-id-ref": nsr_id})
2636 if not db_vnfrs_list:
2637 raise NsException("Cannot obtain associated VNF for ns")
2639 for vnfr in db_vnfrs_list:
2640 db_vnfrs[vnfr["_id"]] = vnfr
2641 db_vnfrs_update[vnfr["_id"]] = {}
2642 self.logger.debug("ns.deploy db_vnfrs={}".format(db_vnfrs))
2644 now = time()
2645 db_ro_nsr = self.db.get_one("ro_nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, fail_on_empty=False)
2647 if not db_ro_nsr:
2648 db_ro_nsr = self._create_db_ro_nsrs(nsr_id, now)
2650 # check that action_id is not in the list of actions. Suffixed with :index
2651 if action_id in db_ro_nsr["actions"]:
2652 index = 1
2654 while True:
2655 new_action_id = "{}:{}".format(action_id, index)
2657 if new_action_id not in db_ro_nsr["actions"]:
2658 action_id = new_action_id
2659 self.logger.debug(
2660 logging_text
2661 + "Changing action_id in use to {}".format(action_id)
2662 )
2663 break
2665 index += 1
2667 def _process_action(indata):
2668 nonlocal db_new_tasks
2669 nonlocal action_id
2670 nonlocal nsr_id
2671 nonlocal task_index
2672 nonlocal db_vnfrs
2673 nonlocal db_ro_nsr
2675 if indata["action"]["action"] == "inject_ssh_key":
2676 key = indata["action"].get("key")
2677 user = indata["action"].get("user")
2678 password = indata["action"].get("password")
2680 for vnf in indata.get("vnf", ()):
2681 if vnf["_id"] not in db_vnfrs:
2682 raise NsException("Invalid vnf={}".format(vnf["_id"]))
2684 db_vnfr = db_vnfrs[vnf["_id"]]
2686 for target_vdu in vnf.get("vdur", ()):
2687 vdu_index, vdur = next(
2688 (
2689 i_v
2690 for i_v in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"])
2691 if i_v[1]["id"] == target_vdu["id"]
2692 ),
2693 (None, None),
2694 )
2696 if not vdur:
2697 raise NsException(
2698 "Invalid vdu vnf={}.{}".format(
2699 vnf["_id"], target_vdu["id"]
2700 )
2701 )
2703 target_vim, vim_info = next(
2704 k_v for k_v in vdur["vim_info"].items()
2705 )
2706 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2707 target_record = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}.ssh_keys".format(
2708 vnf["_id"], vdu_index
2709 )
2710 extra_dict = {
2711 "depends_on": [
2712 "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf["_id"], vdur["id"])
2713 ],
2714 "params": {
2715 "ip_address": vdur.get("ip-address"),
2716 "user": user,
2717 "key": key,
2718 "password": password,
2719 "private_key": db_ro_nsr["private_key"],
2720 "salt": db_ro_nsr["_id"],
2721 "schema_version": db_ro_nsr["_admin"][
2722 "schema_version"
2723 ],
2724 },
2725 }
2727 deployment_info = {
2728 "action_id": action_id,
2729 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2730 "task_index": task_index,
2731 }
2733 task = Ns._create_task(
2734 deployment_info=deployment_info,
2735 target_id=target_vim,
2736 item="vdu",
2737 action="EXEC",
2738 target_record=target_record,
2739 target_record_id=None,
2740 extra_dict=extra_dict,
2741 )
2743 task_index = deployment_info.get("task_index")
2745 db_new_tasks.append(task)
2747 with self.write_lock:
2748 if indata.get("action"):
2749 _process_action(indata)
2750 else:
2751 # compute network differences
2752 # NS
2753 step = "process NS elements"
2754 changes_list = self.calculate_all_differences_to_deploy(
2755 indata=indata,
2756 nsr_id=nsr_id,
2757 db_nsr=db_nsr,
2758 db_vnfrs=db_vnfrs,
2759 db_ro_nsr=db_ro_nsr,
2760 db_nsr_update=db_nsr_update,
2761 db_vnfrs_update=db_vnfrs_update,
2762 action_id=action_id,
2763 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2764 )
2765 self.define_all_tasks(
2766 changes_list=changes_list,
2767 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
2768 tasks_by_target_record_id=tasks_by_target_record_id,
2769 )
2771 step = "Updating database, Appending tasks to ro_tasks"
2772 self.upload_all_tasks(
2773 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
2774 now=now,
2775 )
2777 step = "Updating database, nsrs"
2778 if db_nsr_update:
2779 self.db.set_one("nsrs", {"_id": nsr_id}, db_nsr_update)
2781 for vnfr_id, db_vnfr_update in db_vnfrs_update.items():
2782 if db_vnfr_update:
2783 step = "Updating database, vnfrs={}".format(vnfr_id)
2784 self.db.set_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnfr_id}, db_vnfr_update)
2786 self.logger.debug(
2787 logging_text + "Exit. Created {} tasks".format(len(db_new_tasks))
2788 )
2790 return (
2791 {"status": "ok", "nsr_id": nsr_id, "action_id": action_id},
2792 action_id,
2793 True,
2794 )
2795 except Exception as e:
2796 if isinstance(e, (DbException, NsException)):
2797 self.logger.error(
2798 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e)
2799 )
2800 else:
2801 e = traceback_format_exc()
2802 self.logger.critical(
2803 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e),
2804 exc_info=True,
2805 )
2807 raise NsException(e)
2809 def delete(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs):
2810 self.logger.debug("ns.delete version={} nsr_id={}".format(version, nsr_id))
2811 # self.db.del_list({"_id": ro_task["_id"], "": nsr_id})
2813 with self.write_lock:
2814 try:
2815 NsWorker.delete_db_tasks(self.db, nsr_id, None)
2816 except NsWorkerException as e:
2817 raise NsException(e)
2819 return None, None, True
2821 def status(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs):
2822 self.logger.debug(
2823 "ns.status version={} nsr_id={}, action_id={} indata={}".format(
2824 version, nsr_id, action_id, indata
2825 )
2826 )
2827 task_list = []
2828 done = 0
2829 total = 0
2830 ro_tasks = self.db.get_list("ro_tasks", {"tasks.action_id": action_id})
2831 global_status = "DONE"
2832 details = []
2834 for ro_task in ro_tasks:
2835 for task in ro_task["tasks"]:
2836 if task and task["action_id"] == action_id:
2837 task_list.append(task)
2838 total += 1
2840 if task["status"] == "FAILED":
2841 global_status = "FAILED"
2842 error_text = "Error at {} {}: {}".format(
2843 task["action"].lower(),
2844 task["item"],
2845 ro_task["vim_info"].get("vim_message") or "unknown",
2846 )
2847 details.append(error_text)
2848 elif task["status"] in ("SCHEDULED", "BUILD"):
2849 if global_status != "FAILED":
2850 global_status = "BUILD"
2851 else:
2852 done += 1
2854 return_data = {
2855 "status": global_status,
2856 "details": ". ".join(details)
2857 if details
2858 else "progress {}/{}".format(done, total),
2859 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2860 "action_id": action_id,
2861 "tasks": task_list,
2862 }
2864 return return_data, None, True
2866 def recreate_status(
2867 self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs
2868 ):
2869 return self.status(session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs)
2871 def cancel(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs):
2872 print(
2873 "ns.cancel session={} indata={} version={} nsr_id={}, action_id={}".format(
2874 session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id
2875 )
2876 )
2878 return None, None, True
2880 def rebuild_start_stop_task(
2881 self,
2882 vdu_id,
2883 vnf_id,
2884 vdu_index,
2885 action_id,
2886 nsr_id,
2887 task_index,
2888 target_vim,
2889 extra_dict,
2890 ):
2891 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2892 target_record = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf_id, vdu_index)
2893 target_record_id = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf_id, vdu_id)
2894 deployment_info = {
2895 "action_id": action_id,
2896 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
2897 "task_index": task_index,
2898 }
2900 task = Ns._create_task(
2901 deployment_info=deployment_info,
2902 target_id=target_vim,
2903 item="update",
2904 action="EXEC",
2905 target_record=target_record,
2906 target_record_id=target_record_id,
2907 extra_dict=extra_dict,
2908 )
2909 return task
2911 def rebuild_start_stop(
2912 self, session, action_dict, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs
2913 ):
2914 task_index = 0
2915 extra_dict = {}
2916 now = time()
2917 action_id = action_dict.get("action_id", str(uuid4()))
2918 step = ""
2919 logging_text = "Task deploy nsr_id={} action_id={} ".format(nsr_id, action_id)
2920 self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
2922 action = list(action_dict.keys())[0]
2923 task_dict = action_dict.get(action)
2924 vim_vm_id = action_dict.get(action).get("vim_vm_id")
2926 if action_dict.get("stop"):
2927 action = "shutoff"
2928 db_new_tasks = []
2929 try:
2930 step = "lock the operation & do task creation"
2931 with self.write_lock:
2932 extra_dict["params"] = {
2933 "vim_vm_id": vim_vm_id,
2934 "action": action,
2935 }
2936 task = self.rebuild_start_stop_task(
2937 task_dict["vdu_id"],
2938 task_dict["vnf_id"],
2939 task_dict["vdu_index"],
2940 action_id,
2941 nsr_id,
2942 task_index,
2943 task_dict["target_vim"],
2944 extra_dict,
2945 )
2946 db_new_tasks.append(task)
2947 step = "upload Task to db"
2948 self.upload_all_tasks(
2949 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
2950 now=now,
2951 )
2952 self.logger.debug(
2953 logging_text + "Exit. Created {} tasks".format(len(db_new_tasks))
2954 )
2955 return (
2956 {"status": "ok", "nsr_id": nsr_id, "action_id": action_id},
2957 action_id,
2958 True,
2959 )
2960 except Exception as e:
2961 if isinstance(e, (DbException, NsException)):
2962 self.logger.error(
2963 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e)
2964 )
2965 else:
2966 e = traceback_format_exc()
2967 self.logger.critical(
2968 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e),
2969 exc_info=True,
2970 )
2971 raise NsException(e)
2973 def get_deploy(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs):
2974 nsrs = self.db.get_list("nsrs", {})
2975 return_data = []
2977 for ns in nsrs:
2978 return_data.append({"_id": ns["_id"], "name": ns["name"]})
2980 return return_data, None, True
2982 def get_actions(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, action_id, *args, **kwargs):
2983 ro_tasks = self.db.get_list("ro_tasks", {"tasks.nsr_id": nsr_id})
2984 return_data = []
2986 for ro_task in ro_tasks:
2987 for task in ro_task["tasks"]:
2988 if task["action_id"] not in return_data:
2989 return_data.append(task["action_id"])
2991 return return_data, None, True
2993 def migrate_task(
2994 self, vdu, vnf, vdu_index, action_id, nsr_id, task_index, extra_dict
2995 ):
2996 target_vim, vim_info = next(k_v for k_v in vdu["vim_info"].items())
2997 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
2998 target_record = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf["_id"], vdu_index)
2999 target_record_id = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf["_id"], vdu["id"])
3000 deployment_info = {
3001 "action_id": action_id,
3002 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
3003 "task_index": task_index,
3004 }
3006 task = Ns._create_task(
3007 deployment_info=deployment_info,
3008 target_id=target_vim,
3009 item="migrate",
3010 action="EXEC",
3011 target_record=target_record,
3012 target_record_id=target_record_id,
3013 extra_dict=extra_dict,
3014 )
3016 return task
3018 def migrate(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs):
3019 task_index = 0
3020 extra_dict = {}
3021 now = time()
3022 action_id = indata.get("action_id", str(uuid4()))
3023 step = ""
3024 logging_text = "Task deploy nsr_id={} action_id={} ".format(nsr_id, action_id)
3025 self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
3026 try:
3027 vnf_instance_id = indata["vnfInstanceId"]
3028 step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
3029 db_vnfr = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnf_instance_id})
3030 vdu = indata.get("vdu")
3031 migrateToHost = indata.get("migrateToHost")
3032 db_new_tasks = []
3034 with self.write_lock:
3035 if vdu is not None:
3036 vdu_id = indata["vdu"]["vduId"]
3037 vdu_count_index = indata["vdu"].get("vduCountIndex", 0)
3038 for vdu_index, vdu in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
3039 if (
3040 vdu["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id
3041 and vdu["count-index"] == vdu_count_index
3042 ):
3043 extra_dict["params"] = {
3044 "vim_vm_id": vdu["vim-id"],
3045 "migrate_host": migrateToHost,
3046 "vdu_vim_info": vdu["vim_info"],
3047 }
3048 step = "Creating migration task for vdu:{}".format(vdu)
3049 task = self.migrate_task(
3050 vdu,
3051 db_vnfr,
3052 vdu_index,
3053 action_id,
3054 nsr_id,
3055 task_index,
3056 extra_dict,
3057 )
3058 db_new_tasks.append(task)
3059 task_index += 1
3060 break
3061 else:
3062 for vdu_index, vdu in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
3063 extra_dict["params"] = {
3064 "vim_vm_id": vdu["vim-id"],
3065 "migrate_host": migrateToHost,
3066 "vdu_vim_info": vdu["vim_info"],
3067 }
3068 step = "Creating migration task for vdu:{}".format(vdu)
3069 task = self.migrate_task(
3070 vdu,
3071 db_vnfr,
3072 vdu_index,
3073 action_id,
3074 nsr_id,
3075 task_index,
3076 extra_dict,
3077 )
3078 db_new_tasks.append(task)
3079 task_index += 1
3081 self.upload_all_tasks(
3082 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
3083 now=now,
3084 )
3086 self.logger.debug(
3087 logging_text + "Exit. Created {} tasks".format(len(db_new_tasks))
3088 )
3089 return (
3090 {"status": "ok", "nsr_id": nsr_id, "action_id": action_id},
3091 action_id,
3092 True,
3093 )
3094 except Exception as e:
3095 if isinstance(e, (DbException, NsException)):
3096 self.logger.error(
3097 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e)
3098 )
3099 else:
3100 e = traceback_format_exc()
3101 self.logger.critical(
3102 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e),
3103 exc_info=True,
3104 )
3105 raise NsException(e)
3107 def verticalscale_task(
3108 self, vdu, vnf, vdu_index, action_id, nsr_id, task_index, extra_dict
3109 ):
3110 target_vim, vim_info = next(k_v for k_v in vdu["vim_info"].items())
3111 self._assign_vim(target_vim)
3112 target_record = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf["_id"], vdu_index)
3113 target_record_id = "vnfrs:{}:vdur.{}".format(vnf["_id"], vdu["id"])
3114 deployment_info = {
3115 "action_id": action_id,
3116 "nsr_id": nsr_id,
3117 "task_index": task_index,
3118 }
3120 task = Ns._create_task(
3121 deployment_info=deployment_info,
3122 target_id=target_vim,
3123 item="verticalscale",
3124 action="EXEC",
3125 target_record=target_record,
3126 target_record_id=target_record_id,
3127 extra_dict=extra_dict,
3128 )
3129 return task
3131 def verticalscale(self, session, indata, version, nsr_id, *args, **kwargs):
3132 task_index = 0
3133 extra_dict = {}
3134 now = time()
3135 action_id = indata.get("action_id", str(uuid4()))
3136 step = ""
3137 logging_text = "Task deploy nsr_id={} action_id={} ".format(nsr_id, action_id)
3138 self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Enter")
3139 try:
3140 VnfFlavorData = indata.get("changeVnfFlavorData")
3141 vnf_instance_id = VnfFlavorData["vnfInstanceId"]
3142 step = "Getting vnfrs from db"
3143 db_vnfr = self.db.get_one("vnfrs", {"_id": vnf_instance_id})
3144 vduid = VnfFlavorData["additionalParams"]["vduid"]
3145 vduCountIndex = VnfFlavorData["additionalParams"]["vduCountIndex"]
3146 virtualMemory = VnfFlavorData["additionalParams"]["virtualMemory"]
3147 numVirtualCpu = VnfFlavorData["additionalParams"]["numVirtualCpu"]
3148 sizeOfStorage = VnfFlavorData["additionalParams"]["sizeOfStorage"]
3149 flavor_dict = {
3150 "name": vduid + "-flv",
3151 "ram": virtualMemory,
3152 "vcpus": numVirtualCpu,
3153 "disk": sizeOfStorage,
3154 }
3155 db_new_tasks = []
3156 step = "Creating Tasks for vertical scaling"
3157 with self.write_lock:
3158 for vdu_index, vdu in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
3159 if (
3160 vdu["vdu-id-ref"] == vduid
3161 and vdu["count-index"] == vduCountIndex
3162 ):
3163 extra_dict["params"] = {
3164 "vim_vm_id": vdu["vim-id"],
3165 "flavor_dict": flavor_dict,
3166 }
3167 task = self.verticalscale_task(
3168 vdu,
3169 db_vnfr,
3170 vdu_index,
3171 action_id,
3172 nsr_id,
3173 task_index,
3174 extra_dict,
3175 )
3176 db_new_tasks.append(task)
3177 task_index += 1
3178 break
3179 self.upload_all_tasks(
3180 db_new_tasks=db_new_tasks,
3181 now=now,
3182 )
3183 self.logger.debug(
3184 logging_text + "Exit. Created {} tasks".format(len(db_new_tasks))
3185 )
3186 return (
3187 {"status": "ok", "nsr_id": nsr_id, "action_id": action_id},
3188 action_id,
3189 True,
3190 )
3191 except Exception as e:
3192 if isinstance(e, (DbException, NsException)):
3193 self.logger.error(
3194 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e)
3195 )
3196 else:
3197 e = traceback_format_exc()
3198 self.logger.critical(
3199 logging_text + "Exit Exception while '{}': {}".format(step, e),
3200 exc_info=True,
3201 )
3202 raise NsException(e)