RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:rmescandon/yq && apt update && apt install yq -y
RUN python3 -m pip install haikunator requests robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary robotframework-requests robotframework-jsonlibrary \
- robotframework-sshlibrary charm-tools git+ git+
+ robotframework-sshlibrary charm-tools git+ git+
# Preparing working environment
WORKDIR /robot-systest
-RUN git clone --recurse-submodules /robot-systest/osm-packages
+RUN git clone --branch sol006 --recurse-submodules /robot-systest/osm-packages
# Copy robot folder and
COPY robot-systest /robot-systest
[Arguments] ${vnf_id}
Should Not Be Empty ${vnf_id}
- ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-show ${vnf_id} --literal | grep vim-id | awk '{print $2}'
+ ${rc} ${stdout}= Run and Return RC and Output osm vnf-show ${vnf_id} --literal | grep vim_id | awk '{print $2}'
log ${stdout}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${success_return_code}
[Return] ${stdout}
if vim_insecure:
vim_config_dict["insecure"] = True
vim_config_dict["disable_network_port_security"] = True
+vim_config_dict["management_network_name"] = os.environ.get("VIM_MGMT_NET")
vim_config = "'{}'".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim_config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=10000).rstrip('\r\n'))
# Get ${HOME} from local machine
Check Port Security Is Disabled
[Tags] disable_port_security sanity regression
- ${rc} ${disabled_ports}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-show ${ns_name} | grep -c '${port_disabled_msg}'
- Run Keyword Unless ${disabled_ports} > 6 Fail msg=Found only '${disabled_ports}' matches for '${port_disabled_msg}'
+ ${rc} ${disabled_ports}= Run and Return RC and Output osm ns-show ${ns_name} --literal | grep -c '${port_disabled_msg}'
+ Run Keyword Unless ${disabled_ports} > 0 Fail msg=Found '${disabled_ports}' matches for '${port_disabled_msg}'
Delete NS Instance
*** Variables ***
${ns_id} ${EMPTY}
${username} ubuntu
-${password} ${EMPTY}
+${password} osm4u
${vnf_member_index} 1
${vnf_ip_addr} ${EMPTY}
${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
Network Service Instance Test
[Tags] hackfest_cloudinit sanity regression
- ${id}= Create Network Service ${nsd_name} %{VIM_TARGET} ${ns_name} ${ns_config} ${publickey}
+ ${id}= Create Network Service ${nsd_name} %{VIM_TARGET} ${ns_name} ${ns_config} ${EMPTY}
Set Suite Variable ${ns_id} ${id}
Create VNFDs On Third Project Until Exceed Quota
[Tags] quota_enforcement sanity regression
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v1;name=v1'
- Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v2;name=v2'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v1;product-name=v1'
+ Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v2;product-name=v2'
Increase Third Project Quotas
Create More VNFDs On Third Project Until Exceed Quota
[Tags] quota_enforcement sanity regression
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v2;name=v2'
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v3;name=v3'
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v4;name=v4'
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v5;name=v5'
- Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v6;name=v6'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v2;product-name=v2'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v3;product-name=v3'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v4;product-name=v4'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v5;product-name=v5'
+ Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_3_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=v6;product-name=v6'
Create VNFDs On Second Project Until Exceed Quota
[Tags] quota_enforcement sanity regression
- Create VNFD In Project ${project_2_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=vp2_1;name=vp2_1'
- Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_2_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=vp2_2;name=vp2_2'
+ Create VNFD In Project ${project_2_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=vp2_1;product-name=vp2_1'
+ Run Keyword And Expect Error * Create VNFD In Project ${project_2_name} ${vnfd_pkg} ${user_name} ${user_password} override='id=vp2_2;product-name=vp2_2'
Check Project Scopes