--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2016, I2T Research Group (UPV/EHU)
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: alaitz.mendiola@ehu.eus or alaitz.mendiola@gmail.com
+ImplementS the pluging for the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) openflow
+controller. It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
+with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
+__author__="Alaitz Mendiola"
+__date__ ="$22-nov-2016$"
+import json
+import requests
+import base64
+import logging
+class OF_conn():
+ '''ONOS connector. No MAC learning is used'''
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ ''' Constructor.
+ Params: dictionary with the following keys:
+ of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller ?? Does a controller have a dpid?
+ of_ip: controller IP address
+ of_port: controller TCP port
+ of_user: user credentials, can be missing or None
+ of_password: password credentials
+ of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
+ other keys are ignored
+ Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
+ '''
+ #check params
+ if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
+ raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
+ #internal variables
+ self.name = "onos"
+ self.headers = {'content-type':'application/json',
+ 'accept':'application/json',
+ }
+ self.auth="None"
+ self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
+ self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
+ self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
+ self.id = 'of:'+str(self.dpid.replace(':', ''))
+ self.url = "http://%s:%s/onos/v1/" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"] ) )
+ # TODO This may not be straightforward
+ if "of_user" in params and params["of_user"]!=None:
+ if not params.get("of_password"):
+ of_password=""
+ else:
+ of_password=str(params["of_password"])
+ self.auth = base64.b64encode(str(params["of_user"])+":"+of_password)
+ self.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + self.auth
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.onos')
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")) )
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ ''' Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
+ Return
+ >=0, list: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
+ <0, text_error: if fails
+ '''
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?"
+ node_list = info.get('devices')
+ if type(node_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_switches. Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found or not a list: %s",
+ str(type(node_list)))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found or not a list. Wrong version?"
+ switch_list = []
+ for node in node_list:
+ node_id = node.get('id')
+ if node_id is None:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'id', not found: %s",
+ str(node))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response at 'device':'id', not found . Wrong version?"
+ node_ip_address = node.get('annotations').get('managementAddress')
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found: %s",
+ str(node))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found. Wrong version?"
+ node_id_hex = hex(int(node_id.split(':')[1])).split('x')[1].zfill(16)
+ switch_list.append(
+ (':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(node_id_hex[::2], node_id_hex[1::2])), node_ip_address))
+ return len(switch_list), switch_list
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ '''Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
+ return:
+ 0, dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value
+ -1, error_text: if fails
+ '''
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices/" + self.id + "/ports", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ node_connector_list = info.get('ports')
+ if type(node_connector_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not a list: %s",
+ str(node_connector_list))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not a list. Wrong version?"
+ for node_connector in node_connector_list:
+ if (node_connector['port'] != "local"):
+ self.pp2ofi[str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])] = str(node_connector['port'])
+ self.ofi2pp[str(node_connector['port'])] = str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])
+ node_ip_address = info['annotations']['managementAddress']
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', not found: %s",
+ str(self.id))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', not found. Wrong version?"
+ self.ip_address = node_ip_address
+ # print self.name, ": obtain_port_correspondence ports:", self.pp2ofi
+ return 0, self.pp2ofi
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ ''' Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
+ Params:
+ translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
+ Return:
+ 0, dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
+ (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ (out, port): send to this port
+ switch: DPID, all
+ -1, text_error if fails
+ '''
+ if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
+ r, c = self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ if r < 0:
+ return r, c
+ # get rules
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "flows/" + self.id, headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ # The configured page does not exist if there are no rules installed. In that case we return an empty dict
+ if of_response.status_code == 404:
+ return 0, {}
+ elif of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ return -1, "Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. Wrong version?"
+ flow_list = info.get('flows')
+ if flow_list is None:
+ return 0, {}
+ if type(flow_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list: %s",
+ str(type(flow_list)))
+ return -1, "Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list. Wrong version?"
+ rules = dict() # Response dictionary
+ for flow in flow_list:
+ if not ('id' in flow and 'selector' in flow and 'treatment' in flow and \
+ 'instructions' in flow['treatment'] and 'criteria' in \
+ flow['selector']):
+ return -1, "unexpected openflow response, one or more elements are missing. Wrong version?"
+ rule = dict()
+ rule['switch'] = self.dpid
+ rule['priority'] = flow.get('priority')
+ rule['name'] = flow['id']
+ for criteria in flow['selector']['criteria']:
+ if criteria['type'] == 'IN_PORT':
+ in_port = str(criteria['port'])
+ if in_port != "CONTROLLER":
+ if not in_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ return -1, "Error: Ingress port " + in_port + " is not in switch port list"
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ in_port = self.ofi2pp[in_port]
+ rule['ingress_port'] = in_port
+ elif criteria['type'] == 'VLAN_VID':
+ rule['vlan_id'] = criteria['vlanId']
+ elif criteria['type'] == 'ETH_DST':
+ rule['dst_mac'] = str(criteria['mac']).lower()
+ actions = []
+ for instruction in flow['treatment']['instructions']:
+ if instruction['type'] == "OUTPUT":
+ out_port = str(instruction['port'])
+ if out_port != "CONTROLLER":
+ if not out_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ return -1, "Error: Output port " + out_port + " is not in switch port list"
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ out_port = self.ofi2pp[out_port]
+ actions.append( ('out', out_port) )
+ if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_POP":
+ actions.append( ('vlan', 'None') )
+ if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_ID":
+ actions.append( ('vlan', instruction['vlanId']) )
+ rule['actions'] = actions
+ rules[flow['id']] = dict(rule)
+ return 0, rules
+ except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ ''' Delete an existing rule
+ Params: flow_name, this is the rule name
+ Return
+ 0, None if ok
+ -1, text_error if fails
+ '''
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = None
+ of_response = requests.delete(self.url + "flows/" + self.id + "/" + flow_name, headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 204:
+ self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
+ return -1 , error_text
+ self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return 0, None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ ''' Insert a new static rule
+ Params: data: dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
+ ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ ('out', port): send to this port
+ Return
+ 0, None if ok
+ -1, text_error if fails
+ '''
+ if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
+ r,c = self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ if r<0:
+ return r,c
+ try:
+ # Build the dictionary with the flow rule information for ONOS
+ flow = dict()
+ #flow['id'] = data['name']
+ flow['tableId'] = 0
+ flow['priority'] = data.get('priority')
+ flow['timeout'] = 0
+ flow['isPermanent'] = "true"
+ flow['appId'] = 10 # FIXME We should create an appId for OSM
+ flow['selector'] = dict()
+ flow['selector']['criteria'] = list()
+ # Flow rule matching criteria
+ if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_text = 'Error. Port ' + data['ingress_port'] + ' is not present in the switch'
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ ingress_port_criteria = dict()
+ ingress_port_criteria['type'] = "IN_PORT"
+ ingress_port_criteria['port'] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(ingress_port_criteria)
+ if 'dst_mac' in data:
+ dst_mac_criteria = dict()
+ dst_mac_criteria["type"] = "ETH_DST"
+ dst_mac_criteria["mac"] = data['dst_mac']
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(dst_mac_criteria)
+ if data.get('vlan_id'):
+ vlan_criteria = dict()
+ vlan_criteria["type"] = "VLAN_VID"
+ vlan_criteria["vlanId"] = int(data['vlan_id'])
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(vlan_criteria)
+ # Flow rule treatment
+ flow['treatment'] = dict()
+ flow['treatment']['instructions'] = list()
+ flow['treatment']['deferred'] = list()
+ for action in data['actions']:
+ new_action = dict()
+ if action[0] == "vlan":
+ new_action['type'] = "L2MODIFICATION"
+ if action[1] == None:
+ new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_POP"
+ else:
+ new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_ID"
+ new_action['vlanId'] = int(action[1])
+ elif action[0] == 'out':
+ new_action['type'] = "OUTPUT"
+ if not action[1] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_msj = 'Port '+ action[1] + ' is not present in the switch'
+ return -1, error_msj
+ new_action['port'] = self.pp2ofi[action[1]]
+ else:
+ error_msj = "Unknown item '%s' in action list" % action[0]
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_msj)
+ return -1, error_msj
+ flow['treatment']['instructions'].append(new_action)
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
+ path = self.url + "flows/" + self.id
+ of_response = requests.post(path, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(flow) )
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 201:
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ return -1 , error_text
+ flowId = of_response.headers['location'][path.__len__() + 1:]
+ data['name'] = flowId
+ self.logger.debug("new_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return 0, None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ ''' Delete all existing rules
+ Return:
+ 0, None if ok
+ -1, text_error if fails
+ '''
+ try:
+ c, rules = self.get_of_rules(True)
+ if c < 0:
+ return -1, "Error retrieving the flows"
+ for rule in rules:
+ self.del_flow(rule)
+ self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK ")
+ return 0, None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ return -1, error_text