# Prometheus host and port
(prometheus_host, prometheus_port) = get_prometheus_info()
-# Prometheus polling interval and retries
-prometheus_poll_retries = '15 times'
-prometheus_poll_timeout = '1 minute'
-# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
-metric_1_name = 'osm_cpu_utilization'
-metric_2_name = 'osm_average_memory_utilization'
-# Get ${HOME} from local machine
-home = str(Path.home())
-# NS and VNF descriptor package folder
-vnfd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_metrics_vnf'
-nsd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_metrics_ns'
-# NS and VNF descriptor id
-vnfd_name = 'hackfest_basic_metrics-vnf'
-nsd_name = 'hackfest_basic-ns-metrics'
-# NS instance name
-ns_name = 'sa_01-vnf_with_vim_metrics_test'
-# SSH keys to be used
-publickey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
-privatekey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa'
# Prometheus host and port
(prometheus_host, prometheus_port) = get_prometheus_info()
-# Prometheus polling interval and retries
-prometheus_poll_retries = '15 times'
-prometheus_poll_timeout = '1 minute'
-# Prometheus metric
-metric_name = 'osm_cpu_utilization'
-# Get ${HOME} from local machine
-home = str(Path.home())
-# NS and VNF descriptor package folder
-vnfd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_metrics_vnf'
-nsd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_metrics_ns'
-# NS and VNF descriptor id
-vnfd_name = 'hackfest_basic_metrics-vnf'
-nsd_name = 'hackfest_basic-ns-metrics'
-# NS instance name
-ns_name = 'sa_02'
-# SSH keys to be used
-publickey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
-privatekey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa'
# Prometheus host and port
(prometheus_host, prometheus_port) = get_prometheus_info()
-# Prometheus polling interval and retries
-prometheus_poll_retries = '15 times'
-prometheus_poll_timeout = '1 minute'
-# Webhook Service NS and VNF descriptor package folder
-ws_vnfd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_vnf'
-ws_nsd_pkg = 'hackfest_basic_ns'
-# Webhook Service NS and VNF descriptor package id
-ws_vnfd_name = 'hackfest_basic-vnf'
-ws_nsd_name = 'hackfest_basic-ns'
-# Webhook Service NS instance name
-ws_ns_name = 'sa_07-webhook_service_test'
-# Webhook Service port to receive alarms
-ws_port = 5212
-# Get ${HOME} from local machine
-home = str(Path.home())
-# Prometheus metric for VNF alarm
-metric_name = 'osm_cpu_utilization'
-# NS and VNF descriptor package folder
-vnfd_pkg = 'cirros_alarm_vnf'
-nsd_pkg = 'cirros_alarm_ns'
-# VNF descriptor file name
-vnfd_file = 'cirros_alarm_vnfd.yaml'
-# VNF descriptor package location after env substitution
-new_vnfd_pkg = 'new_cirros_alarm_vnf'
-# NS and VNF descriptor id
-vnfd_name = 'cirros_alarm-vnf'
-nsd_name = 'cirros_alarm-ns'
-# NS instance name
-ns_name = 'sa_07-alarm_test'
-# SSH keys to be used
-publickey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
-privatekey = home + '/.ssh/id_rsa'
# Prometheus host and port
(prometheus_host, prometheus_port) = get_prometheus_info()
-# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
-metric_1_name = 'ifInOctets'
-metric_1_filter = 'ifIndex=1'
-metric_2_name = 'ifMtu'
-metric_2_filter = 'ifIndex=2'
-# NS and VNF descriptor package folder
-vnfd_pkg = 'snmp_ee_vnf'
-nsd_pkg = 'snmp_ee_ns'
-# NS and VNF descriptor id
-vnfd_name = 'snmp_ee-vnf'
-nsd_name = 'snmp_ee-ns'
-# NS instance name
-ns_name = 'sa_08-vnf_with_vnf_indicators_snmp_test'
*** Variables ***
+# NS instantiation parameters
${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
+# NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids
+${vnfd_pkg} hackfest_basic_metrics_vnf
+${vnfd_name} hackfest_basic_metrics-vnf
+${nsd_pkg} hackfest_basic_metrics_ns
+${nsd_name} hackfest_basic-ns-metrics
+# NS instance name
+${ns_name} sa_01-vnf_with_vim_metrics_test
+# SSH keys and username to be used
+${publickey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+${privatekey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
+# Prometheus polling interval and retries
+${prometheus_poll_retries} 15 times
+${prometheus_poll_timeout} 1 minute
+# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
+${metric_1_name} osm_cpu_utilization
+${metric_2_name} osm_average_memory_utilization
*** Test Cases ***
Create VNF Descriptor
*** Variables ***
+# NS instantiation parameters
+${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
+# NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids
+${vnfd_pkg} hackfest_basic_metrics_vnf
+${vnfd_name} hackfest_basic_metrics-vnf
+${nsd_pkg} hackfest_basic_metrics_ns
+${nsd_name} hackfest_basic-ns-metrics
+# NS instance name and id
${ns_id} ${EMPTY}
+${ns_name} sa_02
+# SSH keys and username to be used
+${publickey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+${privatekey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
${username} ubuntu
${password} osm4u
+# Prometheus polling interval and retries
+${prometheus_poll_retries} 15 times
+${prometheus_poll_timeout} 1 minute
+# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
+${metric_name} osm_cpu_utilization
+# VNF Variables
${vnf_member_index} vnf
${vnf_ip_addr} ${EMPTY}
${vnf_id} ${EMPTY}
-${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
${success_return_code} 0
*** Variables ***
+# NS instantiation parameters
+${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
+# NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids
+${vnfd_pkg} cirros_alarm_vnf
+${vnfd_name} cirros_alarm-vnf
+${vnfd_file} cirros_alarm_vnfd.yaml
+${new_vnfd_pkg} new_cirros_alarm_vnf
+${nsd_pkg} cirros_alarm_ns
+${nsd_name} cirros_alarm-ns
+# NS instance name and id
${ns_id} ${EMPTY}
+${ns_name} sa_07-alarm_test
+# Webhook NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids
+${ws_vnfd_pkg} hackfest_basic_vnf
+${ws_nsd_pkg} hackfest_basic_ns
+${ws_vnfd_name} hackfest_basic-vnf
+${ws_nsd_name} hackfest_basic-ns
+# Webhook NS instance name and id
${ws_ns_id} ${EMPTY}
+${ws_ns_name} sa_07-webhook_service_test
+# Webhook NS Variables
+${ws_vnf_member_index} vnf
+${ws_vnf_ip_addr} ${EMPTY}
+${ws_log_file} webhook.log
+${ws_port} 5212
+${ws_alarm_msg} notify_alarm
+# SSH keys and username to be used
+${publickey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+${privatekey} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
${username} ubuntu
${password} ${EMPTY}
-${vnf_member_index} vnf
-${ws_vnf_ip_addr} ${EMPTY}
+# Prometheus polling interval and retries
+${prometheus_poll_retries} 15 times
+${prometheus_poll_timeout} 1 minute
+# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
+${metric_name} osm_cpu_utilization
${success_return_code} 0
-${alarm_msg} notify_alarm
-${ws_log_file} webhook.log
-${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
*** Test Cases ***
Get Webhook Service VNF IP Address
- ${ip_addr}= Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${ws_ns_id} ${vnf_member_index}
+ ${ip_addr}= Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${ws_ns_id} ${ws_vnf_member_index}
log ${ip_addr}
Set Suite Variable ${ws_vnf_ip_addr} ${ip_addr}
Check Alarms Were Received
- Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 times 40 seconds Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${ws_vnf_ip_addr} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} cat '${ws_log_file}' | grep '${alarm_msg}' | grep '${ns_name}'
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 times 40 seconds Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${ws_vnf_ip_addr} ${username} ${password} ${privatekey} cat '${ws_log_file}' | grep '${ws_alarm_msg}' | grep '${ns_name}'
Delete NS Instance
*** Variables ***
+# NS instantiation parameters
${ns_config} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] }
+# NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids
+${vnfd_pkg} snmp_ee_vnf
+${vnfd_name} snmp_ee-vnf
+${nsd_pkg} snmp_ee_ns
+${nsd_name} snmp_ee-ns
+# NS instance name
+${ns_name} sa_08-vnf_with_vnf_indicators_snmp_test
+# Prometheus polling interval and retries
+${prometheus_poll_retries} 10 times
+${prometheus_poll_timeout} 1 minute
+# Prometheus metrics to retrieve
+${metric_1_name} ifInOctets
+${metric_1_filter} ifIndex=1
+${metric_2_name} ifMtu
+${metric_2_filter} ifIndex=2
*** Test Cases ***
Create VNF Descriptor
Variable Should Exist ${prometheus_port} msg=Prometheus port is not available
Variable Should Exist ${metric_1_name} msg=Prometheus first metric name is not available
Variable Should Exist ${metric_2_name} msg=Prometheus second metric name is not available
- ${metric_1_value}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 times 1 minutes Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${metric_1_name} ${metric_1_filter}
+ ${metric_1_value}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${prometheus_poll_retries} ${prometheus_poll_timeout} Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${metric_1_name} ${metric_1_filter}
Run Keyword If ${metric_1_value} <= 0 Fail msg=The metric '${metric_1_name}' value is '${metric_1_value}'
- ${metric_2_value}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 times 1 minutes Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${metric_2_name} ${metric_2_filter}
+ ${metric_2_value}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${prometheus_poll_retries} ${prometheus_poll_timeout} Get Metric ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port} ${metric_2_name} ${metric_2_filter}
Run Keyword If ${metric_2_value} <= 0 Fail msg=The metric '${metric_2_name}' value is '${metric_2_value}'