[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 4001 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=5 #0.4.1 => 5
[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 4002 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=6 #0.4.2 => 6
[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 4005 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=7 #0.4.5 => 7
-[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 4010 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=8 #0.4.10 => 8
+[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 4010 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=8 #0.4.10 => 8
+[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5002 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=9 #0.5.2 => 9
#TODO ... put next versions here
echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int = '8';" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+function upgrade_to_9(){
+ echo " upgrade database from version 0.8 to version 0.9"
+ echo " change types at 'ports'"
+ echo "ALTER TABLE ports CHANGE COLUMN type type ENUM('instance:bridge','instance:data','external','instance:ovs','controller:ovs') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'instance:bridge' AFTER status;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openvim_ver, comments, date) VALUES (9, '0.9', '0.5.2', 'add column checksum to images', '2016-09-30');"| $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+function downgrade_from_9(){
+ echo " downgrade database from version 0.9 to version 0.8"
+ echo " change back types at 'ports'"
+ echo "ALTER TABLE ports CHANGE COLUMN type type ENUM('instance:bridge','instance:data','external') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'instance:bridge' AFTER status;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int = '9';" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
#TODO ... put funtions here
Create a bridge in compute OVS to allocate VMs
:return: True if success
+ if self.test:
+ return
command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-int -- set Bridge br-int stp_enable=true'
print self.name, ': command:', command
(_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
def is_port_free(self, vlan, net_uuid):
- Check if por is free before delete from the compute.
+ Check if there not ovs ports of a network in a compute host.
:param vlan: vlan port id
:param net_uuid: network id
:return: True if is not free
result, content = self.db.get_table(
FROM='ports as p join instances as i on p.instance_id=i.uuid',
- WHERE={"i.host_id": self.host_id, 'p.type': 'instance:bridge', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
+ WHERE={"i.host_id": self.host_id, 'p.type': 'instance:ovs', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
:param net_uuid:
:return: True if success
+ if self.test:
+ return
if not self.is_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
return True
self.delete_port_to_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_uuid)
:param vlan: vlan port id
+ if self.test:
+ return
:param remote_ip: tunnel endpoint remote compute ip.
+ if self.test:
+ return
command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface + \
' -- set Interface ' + vxlan_interface + ' type=vxlan options:remote_ip=' + remote_ip + \
' -- set Port ' + vxlan_interface + ' other_config:stp-path-cost=10'
:param vxlan_interface: vlxan name to be delete it.
:return: True if success.
+ if self.test:
+ return
command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface
print self.name, ': command:', command
(_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
Delete a OVS bridge from a compute.
:return: True if success
+ if self.test:
+ return
command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br-int'
print self.name, ': command:', command
(_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
#Get the brifge name
- result, content = db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=('name','type', 'vlan'),WHERE={'uuid':control_iface['net_id']} )
+ result, content = db.get_table(FROM = 'nets',
+ SELECT = ('name','type', 'vlan', 'provider'),
+ WHERE = {'uuid':control_iface['net_id']})
if result < 0:
if network['type']!='bridge_data' and network['type']!='bridge_man':
return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for control interface is not of type bridge_man or bridge_data" % control_iface['net_id']
+ if network.get("provider") and network["provider"][0:3] == "OVS":
+ control_iface["type"] = "instance:ovs"
+ else:
+ control_iface["type"] = "instance:bridge"
+ if network.get("vlan"):
+ control_iface["vlan"] = network["vlan"]
if network['type']!='data' and network['type']!='ptp':
return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for dataplane interface is not of type data or ptp" % control_iface['net_id']
#print "dhcp insert del task"
if r < 0:
print ':http_post_servers ERROR UPDATING dhcp_server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- # delete ovs-port and linux bridge
- for net in net_ovs_list:
- server_net = get_network_id(net)
- vlan = str(server_net['network']['provider:vlan'])
- config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task('del-ovs-port', vlan, server_net['network']['id'])
+ # delete ovs-port and linux bridge, contains a list of tuple (net_id,vlan)
+ for net in net_ovs_list:
+ vlan = str(net[1])
+ net_id = net[0]
+ config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task('del-ovs-port', vlan, net_id)
return format_out(data)
if new_net is not None: nets.append(new_net) #put first the new net, so that new openflow rules are created before removing the old ones
if old_net is not None: nets.append(old_net)
- if port['type'] == 'instance:bridge':
+ if port['type'] == 'instance:bridge' or port['type'] == 'instance:ovs':
bottle.abort(HTTP_Forbidden, "bridge interfaces cannot be attached to a different net")
elif port['type'] == 'external':
__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
version_date="Jan 2017"
-database_version="0.8" #expected database schema version
+database_version="0.9" #expected database schema version
import httpserver
import auxiliary_functions as af
with self.con:
self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd = "SELECT uuid, name, description, progress, host_id, flavor_id, image_id, status, last_error, tenant_id, ram, vcpus, created_at \
- FROM instances WHERE uuid = '" + str(instance_id) +"'"
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid, name, description, progress, host_id, flavor_id, image_id, status, last_error, "\
+ "tenant_id, ram, vcpus, created_at FROM instances WHERE uuid='{}'".format(instance_id)
if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return 0, "instance '" + str(instance_id) +"'not found."
instance = self.cur.fetchone()
#get networks
- cmd = "SELECT uuid as iface_id, net_id, mac as mac_address, ip_address, name, Mbps as bandwidth, vpci, model \
- FROM ports WHERE type = 'instance:bridge' AND instance_id = '" + instance_id + "'"
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid as iface_id, net_id, mac as mac_address, ip_address, name, Mbps as bandwidth, "\
+ "vpci, model FROM ports WHERE (type='instance:bridge' or type='instance:ovs') AND "\
+ "instance_id= '{}'".format(instance_id)
if self.cur.rowcount > 0 :
numa_dict['threads-source'] = thread_source
#get dedicated ports and SRIOV
- cmd = "SELECT port_id as iface_id, p.vlan as vlan, p.mac as mac_address, net_id, if(model='PF','yes',if(model='VF','no','yes:sriov')) as dedicated,\
- rp.Mbps as bandwidth, name, vpci, pci as source \
+ cmd = "SELECT port_id as iface_id, p.vlan as vlan, p.mac as mac_address, net_id, if(model='PF',\
+ 'yes',if(model='VF','no','yes:sriov')) as dedicated, rp.Mbps as bandwidth, name, vpci, \
+ pci as source \
FROM resources_port as rp join ports as p on port_id=uuid WHERE p.instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s' and p.type='instance:data'" % (instance_id, numa_id)
#insert iface
iface['instance_id'] = uuid
- iface['type'] = 'instance:bridge'
+ # iface['type'] = 'instance:bridge'
if 'name' not in iface: iface['name']="br"+str(nb_bridge_ifaces)
iface['Mbps']=iface.pop('bandwidth', None)
if 'mac_address' not in iface:
# get ovs manangement nets
- cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id from ports WHERE instance_id = " \
- "'%s' AND net_id is not Null AND type='instance:bridge'" % instance_id
+ cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id, vlan FROM ports WHERE instance_id='{}' AND net_id is not Null AND "\
+ "type='instance:ovs'".format(instance_id)
- net_list__ = self.cur.fetchall()
- for net in net_list__:
- net_ovs_list.append(net[0])
+ net_ovs_list += self.cur.fetchall()
#get dataplane interfaces releases by this VM; both PF and VF with no other VF
cmd="SELECT source_name, mac FROM (SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port WHERE instance_id='%s' GROUP BY root_id ) AS A" % instance_id \
if net['tenant_id']==tenant_id and net['shared']=='false':
return -1, "needed admin privileges to attach to the net %s" % net_id
#check types
- if (net['type'] in ('p2p','data') and 'port_type' == 'instance:bridge') or \
- (net['type'] in ('bridge_data','bridge_man') and 'port_type' != 'instance:bridge') :
+ if (net['type'] in ('p2p','data') and port_type != 'instance:data') or \
+ (net['type'] in ('bridge_data','bridge_man') and port_type not in ('instance:bridge', 'instance:ovs')):
return -1, "can not attach a port of type %s into a net of type %s" % (port_type, net['type'])
if net['type'] == 'ptp':
#look how many