# Prometheus host and port
(prometheus_host, prometheus_port) = get_prometheus_info()
-# VIM Configuration
-vim_account_type = "openstack"
-vim_name_prefix = "basic_01_vim_test"
-# Get credentias from Openstack Clouds file
-os_cloud = os.environ.get("OS_CLOUD")
-clouds_file_paths = ["./clouds.yaml", str(Path.home()) + "/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml", "/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml"]
-for path in clouds_file_paths:
- clouds_file_path = Path(path)
- if clouds_file_path.exists():
- break
-if not clouds_file_path.exists():
- raise Exception("Openstack clouds file not found")
-with clouds_file_path.open() as clouds_file:
- clouds = yaml.safe_load(clouds_file)
- if not os_cloud in clouds["clouds"]:
- raise Exception("Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "' not found")
- cloud = clouds["clouds"][os_cloud]
- if not "username" in cloud["auth"]:
- raise Exception("Username not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
- vim_user = cloud["auth"]["username"]
- if not "password" in cloud["auth"]:
- raise Exception("Password not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
- vim_password = cloud["auth"]["password"]
- if not "auth_url" in cloud["auth"]:
- raise Exception("Auth url not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
- vim_auth_url = cloud["auth"]["auth_url"]
- if not "project_name" in cloud["auth"]:
- raise Exception("Project name not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
- vim_tenant = cloud["auth"]["project_name"]
- vim_user_domain_name = cloud["auth"]["user_domain_name"] if "user_domain_name" in cloud["auth"] else None
- vim_project_domain_name = cloud["auth"]["project_domain_name"] if "project_domain_name" in cloud["auth"] else None
- vim_insecure = True if "verify" in cloud and not cloud["verify"] else None
+# VIM configuration
+cloud_type = os.environ.get("CLOUD_TYPE", "openstack")
+if cloud_type == "openstack":
+ # Openstack VIM
+ vim_account_type = "openstack"
+ vim_name_prefix = "basic01"
+ # Get credentias from Openstack Clouds file
+ os_cloud = os.environ.get("OS_CLOUD")
+ clouds_file_paths = ["./clouds.yaml", str(Path.home()) + "/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml", "/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml"]
+ for path in clouds_file_paths:
+ clouds_file_path = Path(path)
+ if clouds_file_path.exists():
+ break
+ if not clouds_file_path.exists():
+ raise Exception("Openstack clouds file not found")
+ with clouds_file_path.open() as clouds_file:
+ clouds = yaml.safe_load(clouds_file)
+ if not os_cloud in clouds["clouds"]:
+ raise Exception("Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "' not found")
+ cloud = clouds["clouds"][os_cloud]
+ if not "username" in cloud["auth"]:
+ raise Exception("Username not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
+ vim_user = cloud["auth"]["username"]
+ if not "password" in cloud["auth"]:
+ raise Exception("Password not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
+ vim_password = cloud["auth"]["password"]
+ if not "auth_url" in cloud["auth"]:
+ raise Exception("Auth url not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
+ vim_auth_url = cloud["auth"]["auth_url"]
+ if not "project_name" in cloud["auth"]:
+ raise Exception("Project name not found in Openstack cloud '" + os_cloud + "'")
+ vim_tenant = cloud["auth"]["project_name"]
+ vim_user_domain_name = cloud["auth"]["user_domain_name"] if "user_domain_name" in cloud["auth"] else None
+ vim_project_domain_name = cloud["auth"]["project_domain_name"] if "project_domain_name" in cloud["auth"] else None
+ vim_insecure = True if "verify" in cloud and not cloud["verify"] else None
+ # Extra config
+ vim_config_dict = {}
+ vim_config_dict["vim_network_name"] = os.environ.get("VIM_MGMT_NET")
+ if vim_project_domain_name:
+ vim_config_dict["project_domain_name"] = vim_project_domain_name
+ if vim_user_domain_name:
+ vim_config_dict["user_domain_name"] = vim_user_domain_name
+ if vim_insecure:
+ vim_config_dict["insecure"] = True
+ vim_config = "'{}'".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim_config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=10000).rstrip('\r\n'))
-# Extra config
-vim_config_dict = {}
-vim_config_dict["vim_network_name"] = os.environ.get("VIM_MGMT_NET")
-if vim_project_domain_name:
- vim_config_dict["project_domain_name"] = vim_project_domain_name
-if vim_user_domain_name:
- vim_config_dict["user_domain_name"] = vim_user_domain_name
-if vim_insecure:
- vim_config_dict["insecure"] = True
-vim_config = "'{}'".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim_config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=10000).rstrip('\r\n'))
+elif cloud_type == "azure":
+ # Azure VIM
+ vim_account_type = "azure"
+ vim_name_prefix = "basic01"
+ vim_auth_url = "http://www.azure.com"
+ vim_user = os.environ.get("AZURE_CLIENT_ID")
+ vim_password = os.environ.get("AZURE_SECRET")
+ vim_tenant = os.environ.get("AZURE_TENANT")
+ # Extra config
+ vim_config_dict = {}
+ if "RESOURCE_GROUP" in os.environ:
+ vim_config_dict["resource_group"] = os.environ.get("RESOURCE_GROUP")
+ if "AZURE_REGION" in os.environ:
+ vim_config_dict["region_name"] = os.environ.get("AZURE_REGION")
+ if "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" in os.environ:
+ vim_config_dict["subscription_id"] = os.environ.get("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
+ if "VNET_NAME" in os.environ:
+ vim_config_dict["vnet_name"] = os.environ.get("VNET_NAME")
+ if "AZURE_FLAVORS_PATTERN" in os.environ:
+ vim_config_dict["flavors_pattern"] = os.environ.get("AZURE_FLAVORS_PATTERN")
+ vim_config = "'{}'".format(yaml.safe_dump(vim_config_dict, default_flow_style=True, width=10000).rstrip('\r\n'))
+ raise Exception("VIM type not supported: '" + cloud_type + "'")
[Documentation] Create a VIM Target only with the mandatory parameters.
... Checks the status of the VIM in Prometheus after it creation.
- ${rand}= Generate Random String 8 [NUMBERS]
+ Pass Execution If '${vim_account_type}' != 'openstack' Not applicable for ${vim_account_type} VIM
+ ${rand}= Generate Random String 6 [NUMBERS]
${vim_name}= Catenate SEPARATOR=_ ${vim_name_prefix} ${rand}
Set Suite Variable ${vim_name}
${created_vim_account_id}= Create VIM Target ${vim_name} ${vim_user} ${vim_password} ${vim_auth_url} ${vim_tenant} ${vim_account_type}
Set Suite Variable ${created_vim_account_id}
+ Check VIM Target Operational State ${vim_name}
Check for VIM Target Metric ${vim_name} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port}
... Checks whether the VIM Target was created or not before perform the deletion.
[Tags] cleanup
+ Pass Execution If '${vim_account_type}' != 'openstack' Not applicable for ${vim_account_type} VIM
${vim_account_id}= Get VIM Target ID ${vim_name}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${vim_account_id} ${created_vim_account_id}
Delete VIM Target ${vim_name}
[Documentation] Create a VIM Target using the extra parameter 'config'.
... Checks the status of the VIM in Prometheus after it creation.
- ${rand}= Generate Random String 8 [NUMBERS]
+ ${rand}= Generate Random String 6 [NUMBERS]
${vim_name}= Catenate SEPARATOR=_ ${vim_name_prefix} ${rand}
Set Suite Variable ${vim_name}
${created_vim_account_id}= Create VIM Target ${vim_name} ${vim_user} ${vim_password} ${vim_auth_url} ${vim_tenant} ${vim_account_type} config=${vim_config}
Set Suite Variable ${created_vim_account_id}
+ Check VIM Target Operational State ${vim_name}
Check for VIM Target Status ${vim_name} ${prometheus_host} ${prometheus_port}